[1] | Champion O. L, Karlyshev A., Cooper I. A., Ford D. C., Wren B. W., Duffield M. L., Oyston P. C. and Titball R. W. (2011) Yersinia pseudotuberculosis mntH functions in intracellular manganese accumulation, which is essential for virulence and survival in cells expressing functional Nramp1. Microbiology 157: 1115-1122. |
[2] | Champion O. L., Karlyshev A.V., Senior N.J., Woodward M., La Ragione R., Howard S.L., Wren B.W., Titball R.W. (2010) Insect infection model for Campylobacter jejuni reveals that O-methyl phosphoramidate has insecticidal activity. J Infect Dis. 201:776-82. |
[3] | Stubben C. J., Duffield M. L., Cooper I. A., Ford D. C., Gans J, Karlyshev A. V., Lingard B, Oyston P. C., De Rochefort A., Song J., Wren B. W., Titball R. W. and Wolinsky M. A. (2009) Steps toward broad-spectrum therapeutics: discovering virulence-associated genes present in human pathogens. BMC Genomics 10, Article number 501. |
[4] | Champion O. L., Cooper I. A. M., James S. L., Ford D., Karlyshev A., Wren B. W., Duffield M., P. C. F. and Titball R. W. (2009) Galleria mellonella as an alternative infection model for Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Microbiology 155:1516-1522. |
[5] | Howard S., Karlyshev A. V., Jagannathan A., Stevens M., Soo E., Logan S. and Wren B. (2009) Campylobacter jejuni glycosylation island important in cell charge, legionaminic acid biosynthesis, and colonization of chickens. Infection and Immunity 77:2544-56. |
[6] | Corcionivoschi N., Clyne M., Lyons A., Elmi A., Gundogdu O., Wren B., Dorell N., Karlyshev A. V. and Bourke B. (2009) Campylobacter jejuni cocultured with epithelial cells reduces surface capsular polysaccharide expression. Infection and Immunity 77:1959-67. |
[7] | Karlyshev A. V., Wren, B. W. and Moran A. P. (2008) Campylobacter jejuni Capsular Polysaccharide. In: Campylobacter 3rd Edition, Edited by: I. Nachamkin C. M. Szymanski and M. J. Blaser, pp. 505-521. |
[8] | McNally D. J., Lamoureux M. P., Karlyshev A. V., Fiori L. M., Li J., Thacker G., Coleman R. A., Khieu N. H., Wren B. W., Brisson J-R., Jarrell H. C. and Szymanski C. M. (2007) Commonality and Biosynthesis of the O-Methyl Phosphoramidate Capsule Modification in Campylobacter jejuni. J Biol Chem 28:28566-76. |
[9] | Joshua G. W. P., Guthrie-Irons C., Karlyshev A. V. and Wren B. W. (2006) Biofilm formation in Campylobacter jejuni. Microbiology, 152:387-396. |
[10] | McNally D. J., Jarrell H. C., Lamoureux M., Coleman R. A., Karlyshev A. V., Wren B. W., Brisson J.-R., and Szymanski C. M. (2006) Where molecular pathogenesis and NMR spectroscopy collide: An integrated approach towards the development of a CPS-based therapy for Campylobacter jejuni. Poultry Science, 85 (Suppl.1):71. |
[11] | Karlyshev A. V. and Wren B. W. (2005) Development and application of an insertional system for gene delivery and expression in Campylobacter. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71:4004-13. |
[12] | Karlyshev A. V., Ketley J. M. and Wren B. W. (2005) The Campylobacter glycome. FEMS Reviews, 29:377-390. |
[13] | Linton D., Dorrell N., Hitchen P. G., Amber S., Karlyshev A.V., Morris H. R., Dell A., Valvano M. A., Aebi M., Wren, B. W. (2005) Functional analysis of a novel bacterial N-linked protein glycosylation pathway cloned in Escherichia coli. Molecular Microbiology, 55:1695-1703. |
[14] | Karlyshev A. V., Champion O. L., Szymanski C. M., Churcher C., Brisson J.-R., Jarrell H. C., Gilbert M., Brochu D., St. Michael F., Goodhead I., Sanders M., Stevens K., White B., Parkhill J. and Wren B. W. (2005) Analysis of Campylobacter jejuni capsular loci reveals multiple mechanisms for the generation of structural diversity and the ability to form complex heptoses. Molecular Microbiology, 55:90-103. |
[15] | Karlyshev, A. V., Champion, O. L., Joshua, G. W. P. and Wren, B. W. (2005) The polysaccharide capsule of Campylobacter jejuni. In: Campylobacter: Molecular and Cellular Biology: 249-258 (Horizon Bioscience). |
[16] | Abramov V. M., Vasiliev A. M, Vasilenko R. N., Nataly L. Kulikova N. L., Khlebnikov V. S., Kosarev I. V., Karlyshev A. V., Tereshin S. N., Khodyakova A. V., Anisimov A. P. and Uversky V. N. (2005) Structural base of the polyfunctional role of Caf1 protein and Caf1M chaperone in providing Yersinia pestis circulation in ecological systems of natural plague foci. In: Protein Structures Kaleidoscope of Structural Properties and Functions. Edt: Uversky V. N. ISBN: 81-7736-177-5, Kerala, India. Research Sighnpost: Transworld Research Network 37/661 (2): 373-404. |
[17] | Jones M. A., Marston K. L., Woodall C. A., Maskell D. J., Linton D. J, Karlyshev A. V., Wren B. W. and Barrow, P. A. (2004) Adaptation of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC11168 to high level colonization of the avian gastro-intestinal tract. Infection and Immunity 72:3769-76. |
[18] | Karlyshev A. V., Everest P., Linton D., Cawthraw P., Newell D. and Wren B. W. (2004) The Campylobacter jejuni general glycosylation system is important for attachment to human epithelial cells and in the colonization of chicks. Microbiology 150:1957-64. |
[19] | Hitchen P. G, Linton D., Dorrel N., Amber S., Karlyshev A. V., Morris H. R., Dell A., Valvano M. A., Aebi M., Wren B. W. (2004) Functional analysis of a novel bacterial N-linked protein glycosylation pathway from Campylobacter jejuni. Glycobiology 14:1124-1125. |
[20] | Karlyshev, A., Champion, O., Szymanski, C., Churcher, C., Brisson, J., Jarrell, H., Michael, F. S., Goodhead, I., Sanders, M., Stevens, K., White, B., Parkhill, J., Wren, B. (2003) |
[21] | Comparative analysis of C. jejuni gene clusters involved in CPS biosynthesis. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 293: 80-81. |
[22] | Jones M., Marston K., Woodall C., Maskell D., Karlyshev A. V., Linton D., Wren B. and Kelly, D. (2003) In vivo and in vitro selection of C. jejuni NCTC11168: Development of a rational model for physiological studies of Campylobacter colonisation. IJMM International Journal of Medical Microbiology Volume, 293: 70. |
[23] | Karlyshev A. V., Smith M. P., Isherwood K. E., Titball R.W. and Wren B.W. A Caenorhabditis elegans model of Yersinia infection:biofilm formation on a biotic surface. (2003) Microbiology, 149:3221-3229. |
[24] | Oyston P. C. F., Karlyshev A. V., Wren B. W., Titball R. W. (2003) Signature-tagged mutagenesis of Yersinia pestis. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 529:39-41. |
[25] | Karlyshev A. V., Dorrell N., Winzeler E. A. and Wren B. W. (2003) Further strategies for signature-tagged mutagenesis and the application of oligonucleotide microarrays for the quantitation of DNA-tagged strains. In: Methods in Microbiology: Functional Microbial Genomics, 33: 167-184 (Elsevier Science). |
[26] | Tereshin S., Kulikova N., Sakulin V., Puchkova G., Vasilenko R., Vasiliev A., Kosarev I., Khlebnikov V., Karlyshev A., Uversky V. and Abramov V. (2003) Pathogenetic role of minimal building blocks of Yersinia pestis capsule-Caf1 dimers on early and late stages of pneumonic plague. Proceedings of the International Cytokine Society Annual Meeting, 20-24 September, 2003, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 151-156. |
[27] | Vasiliev A, Kulikova N, Tereshin S, Sakulin V, Vasilenko R, Kosarev I, Khlebnikov V, Karlyshev A., Uversky V, Abramov V Yersinia pestis Caf1M chaperone forms energetically independently stealthy adhesins out of Caf1 dimers in periplasm, as a short distant weapon of plague Proceedings of the International Cytokine Society Annual Meeting, 20-24 September, 2003, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland., pp. 145-149. |
[28] | Karlyshev A. V., Linton D., Gregson N. A. and Wren B. W. (2002) Multiple paralogous genes of C. jejuni essential for flagella biosynthesis and phase variation. Microbiology, 148:473-480. |
[29] | Linton D., Allan E., Karlyshev A. V. and Wren B. W. (2002) Identification and characterisation of Campylobacter jejuni N-acetyl-galactosamine containing glycoproteins PEB3 and CgpA. Molecular Microbiology, 43:497-508. |
[30] | Abramov V.M., Kulikova N.L., Khlebnikov V.S., Vasiliev A.M., Karlyshev A.V., Kosarev I.V., Vasilenko R.N., Sakulin V.K., Kozlovskaya G.D., Pchelintsev S.Yu., Shcherbakov G.Ya., Uversky V.N.. (2002) Yersinia pestis Caf1 Adhesin Specifically Interacts with Type 1 Interleukin 1 Receptors on Human and Murine Immunocompetent Cells. Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research, 22: S193. |
[31] | Karlyshev A. V., Oyston P. C., Williams K., Titball R. W., Davis R., Winzeler E. A. and Wren B. W. (2001) Application of High-Density Array-Based Signature-Tagged Mutagenesis To Discover Novel Yersinia Virulence-Associated Genes. Infection and Immunity, 69:7810–7819. |
[32] | Parkhill J., Wren B.W., Thomson N.R., Titball R.W., Holden M.T.G., Prentice M.B., Sebaihia M., James K.D., Churcher C., Mungall K.L., Baker S., Basham D., Bentley S.D., Brooks K., Cerdeno-Tárraga A.M., Chillingworth T., Cronin A., Davies R.M., Davis P., Dougan G., Feltwell T., Hamlin N., Holroyd S., Jagels K., Karlyshev A.V., Leather S., Moule S., Oyston P.C.F., Quail M., Rutherford K., Simmonds M., Skelton J., Stevens K., Whitehead S. and Barrell B.G. (2001) Genome sequence of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. Nature, 413:523-527. |
[33] | Dorrell N., Mangan J. A., Laing K. G., Hinds J., Linton D., Al-Ghusein H., Barrell B. G., Parkhill J., Stoker N. G., Karlyshev A.V., Butcher P. D. and Wren B. W. (2001) Whole Genome Comparison of Campylobacter jejuni Human Isolates Using Low-Cost Microarray Reveals Extensive Genetic Diversity. Genome Research, 10:1706-1715. |
[34] | Karlyshev A. V., McCrossan M. V. and Wren, B. W. (2001) Demonstration of polysaccharide capsule in Campylobacter using electron microscopy. Infection and Immunity, 69:5921-5924. |
[35] | Wren B. W., Linton D., Dorrell N. and Karlyshev A. V. (2001) Post genome analysis of Campylobacter jejuni. J. Applied Microbiol, 90:36S-44S. |
[36] | Linton D., Karlyshev A. V., Wren B. W. (2001) Deciphering Campylobacter jejuni cell surface interactions from the genome sequence. Curr Opin Microbiol, 4:35-40. |
[37] | Karlyshev A. V. and Wren B. W. (2001) Detection and initial characterisation of novel capsular polysaccharide among diverse Campylobacter jejuni strains using alcian blue. J. Clinical Microbiology, 39:279-284. |
[38] | Karlyshev A. V., Pallen M. J. and Wren B. W. (2000) Single-Primer PCR Procedure for Rapid Identification of Transposon Insertion Sites. BioTechniques, 28:1078-1082. |
[39] | Linton D., Karlyshev A. V., Hitchin P. G., Morris H. R., Dell A., Gregson N. A. and Wren B. W. (2000) Multiple N-acetyl neuraminic acid synthetase (neuB) genes in Campylobacter jejuni:identification and characterisation of the gene involved in sialylation of lipo-oligosaccharide. Molecular Microbiology, 35:1120-1134. |
[40] | Karlyshev A. V., Linton D., Gregson N. A., Lastovica A. J. and Wren B. W. (2000) Genetic and biochemical evidence of a Campylobacter jejuni capsular polysaccharide that accounts for Penner serotype specificity. Molecular Microbiology 35:529-541. |
[41] | Parkhill J., Wren B. W., Mungall K., Ketley J. M., Churcher C., Basham D., Chillingworth T., Davies R. M., Feltwell T., Holroyd S., Jagels K., Karlyshev A. V., Moule S., Pallen M. J., Penn C. W., Quail M. A., Pajandream M-A., Rutherford R. M., van Vliet A. H. M., Whitehead S. and Barrell B. G. (2000) The complete genome sequence of the food borne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni reveals hypervariable sequences associated with surface structures. Nature, 403:665-668. |
[42] | Mikhailov A. M., Chernovskaya T. V., Vasilev A. M., Rudenko E. G., Kornev A. N., Kornilov V. V., Karlyshev A. V., MacIntyre S., Abramov V. M., Zavyalov V. P., Vainshtein B. K. (1999) Preparation of chromatographically pure specimens, crystallization, and X-ray diffraction study of the periplasmatic chaperone protein Caf1M from Y. pestis. Crystallography Reports 44:1010-1013. |
[43] | Chapman D. A., Zavialov A. V., Chernovskaya T. V., Karlyshev A. V., Zav'yalova G. A., Vasiliev A. M., Dudich I. V., Abramov V. M., Zav'yalov V. P. and MacIntyre S. (1999) Structural and Functional Significance of the FGL Sequence of the Periplasmic Chaperone Caf1M of Yersinia pestis. J Bacteriology 181:2422-2429. |
[44] | Karlyshev A. V., Henderson J., Ketley J. M., Wren B. W. (1999) Procedure for the investigation of bacterial genomes:random shot-gun cloning, sample sequencing and mutagenesis of Campylobacter jejuni. BioTechniques 26:50-56. |
[45] | Karlyshev A. V., Henderson J., Ketley J. M. and Wren B. W. (1998) An improved physical and genetic map of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11168 (UA580). Microbiology 144:503-508. |
[46] | Karlyshev A. V., Henderson J., Ketley J. M. and Wren B. W. (1998) Revision of the genetic and physical map of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11168 as revealed by ordering of a cosmid library, pp. 512-516. In: Proceedings of the 9th International CHRO Workshop. Cape Town, South Africa, 15-19 September, 1997. Edt. Lastovica, A. J., Newell, D. G. and Lastovica, E. E. Institute of Child Health, University of Cape Town. |
[47] | Karlyshev A. V., Henderson, J., Ketley J. M. and Wren B. W. (1998) Random shot-gun cloning and sample sequencing of the Campylobacter jehuni NCTC 11168 genome, pp. 507-511. In: Proceedings of the 9th International CHRO Workshop. Cape Town, South Africa, 15-19 September, 1997. Edt. Lastovica, A. J., Newell, D. G. and Lastovica, E. E. Institute of Child Health, University of Cape Town. |
[48] | Karlyshev A. V., Tregaskis R. J., Cole R., Foynes S. and Wren B. W.(1998) Construction and characterization of a fliN motility mutant of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11168, pp. 296-299. In: Proceedings of the 9th International CHRO Workshop. Cape Town, South Africa, 15-19 September, 1997. Edt. Lastovica, A. J., Newell, D. G. and Lastovica, E. E. Institute of Child Health, University of Cape Town. |
[49] | Zav'yalov V. P., Chernovskaya T. V., Chapman D. A., Karlyshev A. V., MacIntyre S., Zavialov A. V., Vasiliev A. M., Denesyuk A. I., Zav'yalova G. A., Dudich I. V., Korpela T. and Abramov V. M. (1997) Influence of the conserved disulphide bond, exposed to the putative binding pocket, on the structure and function of the immunoglobulin-like molecular chaperone Caf1M of Yersinia pestis. Biochem J 324:571-578. |
[50] | Swift S., Karlyshev A. V., Fish L., Durant E. L., Winson M. K., Williams P., MacIntyre S. and Stewart G. S. A. B. (1997) Quorum sensing in Aeromonas Hydrophila and Aeromonas Salmonicida:Identification of the LuxRI homologues AhyRI and AsaRI and their cognate signal molecules. J Bacteriology 179:5271-5281. |
[51] | Chemovskaya T. V., Karlishev A. V., Navolotskaya E. V., Vasiliev A. M., Rudenko E. G., Abramov V. M., McIntyre S. and Zav'yalov V. P. (1997) Reception of human interleukin-1β by bacterial cells. Immunology Letters, 56: 211. |
[52] | Karlyshev A. V. and MacIntyre S. (1996) Study of the intergenic exeF-exeG region and its application as a simple preliminary test for Aeromonas spp. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 137:37-44. |
[53] | Karlyshev A. V. and MacIntyre S. (1995) Cloning and study of the genetic organisation of the exe gene cluster of Aeromonas salmonicida. Gene 158:77-82. |
[54] | Zav'yalov V. P., Chernovskaya T. V., Navolotskaya E. V., Karlyshev A. V., MacIntyre S., Vasiliev, A. M. and Abramov V. M. (1995) Specific high affinity binding of human interleukin 1 beta by Caf1A usher protein of Y. pestis. FEBS Lett. 371:65-68. |
[55] | Drozdov I. G., Anisimov A. P., Samoylova S. V., Yezhov I. N., Yeremin S. A., Karlyshev A. V., Krasilnikova V. M. and Kravchenko V. I. (1995) Virulent non-capsulated Yersinia pestis variants constructed by insertion mutagenesis. J. Med. Microbiol. 42:264-268. |
[56] | Abramov, V., Chernovskaya T., Vasiliev A., Navolotskaya E., Karlishev A. and Zav'yalov V. (1994) Interaction of human interleukin 1-β with Escherichia coli cells transformed by capsular f1 operon Yersinia pestis Cytokine, 6: 552. |
[57] | Karlyshev, A., Galyov, E., Smirnov, O., Abramov, V. and Zav'yalov, V. (1994) Structure and regulation of a gene cluster involved in capsule formation of Y. pestis. In: Biological membranes: Structure, Biogenesis and Dinamics. NATO ASI Series. Series H: Cell Biology, 82:321-330. |
[58] | Drozdov I. G., Ezhov I. N., Samoilova S. V., Anisimov A. P., Karlyshev A. V., Kravchenko V. I., Krasilnikova V. M., Eremin S. A. and Nikiforov A. K. (1993) Generation of an acapsular mutant of Y. pestis. Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections, Saratov, 3: 187-194. |
[59] | Karlyshev A. V., Galyov E. E., Abramov V. M. and Zav'yalov V. P. (1992) Caf1R gene and its role in the regulation of capsule formation of Y. pestis. FEBS Lett. 305:37-40. |
[60] | Karlyshev A. V., Galyov E. E., Smirnov O.Yu., Abramov V. M. and Zav'yalov V. P. (1992) A new gene of F1 operon of Y. pestis involved in the capsule biogenesis. FEBS Lett. 297:77-80. |
[61] | Galyov E. E., Karlyshev A. V., Chernovskaya T. V., Dolgikh T. A., Smirnov O. Yu., Volkovoy K. I., Abramov V. M. and Zav'yalov V. P. (1991) Expression of the envelope antigen F1 of Y. pestis is mediated by the product of caf1M gene having homology with chaperon protein PapD of E. coli. FEBS Lett. 286:79-82. |
[62] | Anisimov A. P., Karlyshev A. V., Pavlov V. M., Kravchenko V. I. (1991) Construction of recombinant plasmids stably maintained in Y. pestis. Genetics, Microbiology and Enhancement of Laboratory Diagnostics Methods of Particularly Dangerous Infections, Saratov, 1991, pp. 18-25. |
[63] | Anisimov A. P., Karlyshev A. V., Kravchenko V. I., Krasilnikova V. M and Kokushkin A. M. (1991) Generation of avirulent Fra+, V+, Cad+, Fib-Coa+, PstI+, Psb+ mutants of Y. pestis. Genetics, Microbiology and Enhancement of Laboratory Diagnostics Methods of Particularly Dangerous Infections, Saratov, 1991, pp. 29-33. |
[64] | Galyov E. E., Smirnov O. Yu., Karlyshev A. V., Volkovoy K. I., Denesyuk A. I., Nazimov I. V., Rubtsov K. V., Abramov V. M., Dalvadyanz S. M. and Zav'yalov V. P. (1990) Nucleotide sequence of the Y. pestis gene encoding F1 antigen and the primary structure of the protein. FEBS Lett. 277:230-232. |
[65] | Deyev S. M., Chuvpilo S. A. Karlyshev A. V., Mukhamedov R. S. and Polyanovsky O. L. (1982) Analysis and properties of a bacterial clone containing a gene fragment of an IgG L chain. Genetika (Moscow) 18:888-895. |
[66] | Deyev S. M., Karlyshev A. V. and Polyanovsky O. L. (1982) Construction and selection of bacterial clones hybridised with the mRNA of a light chain of IgG. Genetika (Moscow) 18:880-887. |
[67] | Deyev S. M., Karlyshev A. V. and Polianovskii O. L. (1981) Identification of a bacterial clone containing a fragment of the structural portion of an immunoglobulin light-chain gene. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR 257:1481-1483. |
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[69] | Deyev S. M., Mukhamedov R. S., Karlyshev A. V., Aslanov H. A. and Sadikov A. S. (1981) Stability of DNA fragments of bacteriophage lambda cloned in E. coli using pBR322 vector. Dokl Uzbek Akad Nauk 1: 45-48. |
[70] | Deyev S. M., Barbakar N. I., Karlyshev A. V., Sakharova N. K., Grechko V. V. and Polyanovsky O. L. (1980) Double stranded DNA synthesis on mouse IgG mRNA. Molecularnaya Biologia (Moscow) 23 413-420. |
[71] | Polyanovsky O. L., Deyev S. M., Grechko V. V., Karlyshev A. V., Denisova G. G., Barbakar N. I., Sakharova N. K. and Gorunova L. E. (1979) Enzymatic synthesis of IgG gene copies. Clone construction and characterisation. Hoppe-Seiler's Z. Physiol Chem. (3rd FRG-USSR Symp. on Molecular Biology) 360:1039. |
[72] | Deyev S. M., Barbakar N. I., Karlyshev A. V., Grechko V. V. and Polyanovsky O. L. (1979) Enzymatic synthesis of the structural gene encoding for L chains of mouse myeloma IgG. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Moscow) 248:469-471. |
[73] | Polyanovsky O. L., Nosikov V. V., Zhuse A. L., Braga E. A. and Karlyshev A. V. (1978) Regulation of restriction endonuclease activity with antibiotics. Advances in Enzyme Regulation 17:307-321. |
[74] | Polyanovsky O. L., Karlyshev A. V., Braga E. A. and Nosikov V. V. (1976) Physical mapping of DNA by means of antibiotic DstA. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Moscow) 229:500-503. |
[75] | Nosikov V. V., Braga E. A., Karlyshev A. V., Zhuse A. L. and Polyanovsky O. L. (1976) Protection of particular cleavage sites of restriction endonucleases by DstA and AcD. Nucleic Acids Research 3:2293-2301. |