[1] | J. Myslivecek, S. Tucek: Binding of phenylcyclohexylglycoloyl ester of hydroxyethyldimethylhydrazonium (compound VUFB-3113) to muscarinic receptors in rat heart, salivary gland and cerebral cortex. Physiol. Res. 42: 433-435, 1993 |
[2] | J. Myslivecek, S. Trojan, S. Tucek: Biphasic changes of muscarinic and B-adrenergic receptors in rat heart atria during DFP treatment. Life Sci. 58: 26, 2423-2430, 1996 |
[3] | J. Myslivecek, V. Lisá., S, Trojan, S. Tucek: Heterologous regulation of the density of muscarinic and beta-adrenergic receptors in rat cardiomyocytes in culture. Life Sci 63: 13, 1169-82, 1998 |
[4] | J. Myslivecek, S. Trojan: Mechanisms of G-protein coupled receptor regulation. Sb. lek 101: 3, 205-213, 2000 |
[5] | J. Myslivecek, S. Trojan: Muscarinic receptor subtypes in the heart-how many and why? Sborn. lek., Vol. 102: 3, 47-56, 2001 |
[6] | J. Myslivecek, S. Trojan: Regulation of-adrenoceptors and muscarinic receptors in the heart. General Physiology and Biohysics 22: 1, 3-14, 2003 |
[7] | J. Myslivecek, J. Rícny, S. Tucek: Hydrocortisone affects the densities of cardiac muscarinic and adrenergic receptors. Chapter XIX. In: Cholinergic Mechanisms. Israel Silman, Hermona Soreq, Lili Anglister, Daniel M Michaelson, Abraham Fisher eds., Matin Dunitz Publ., London, 315-316, 2003, ISBN 1841840750 |
[8] | J. Myslivecek, S. Trojan: The importance of the prolonged postnatal period in determination of heart atrial muscarinic receptor and-adrenoceptor densities. Life Scinces 73, 25, 3289-3296, 2003 |
[9] | Myslivecek J., Rícny J, KoláR F., Tucek S: The effects of hydrocortisone on the rat heart muscarinic and adrenergic 1, 1 and 2 receptors, propranolol-resistant binding sites and on some consequent steps in the intracellular signalling. NS Arch. Pharmacol. 368: 366-376, 2003 |
[10] | Myslivecek J., Rícny J., Palkovits M., Kvetňansky R.: The Effects Of Short-Term Immobilization Stress On Muscarinic Receptors, beta-Adrenoceptors And Adenylyl Cyclase In Different Heart Regions. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 1018: 315-322, 2004 |
[11] | Nováková M., Kvetňansky R., Myslivecek J.: The adaptive mechanisms of muscarinic, alpha1-adrenergic and beta-adrenergic receptors in CRH knockout mice J. Physiol. (Paris) . 2-3, p. 257-258, 2006 |
[12] | M. Nováková, J. Myslivecek: Identification of all 1-adrenoceptor subtypes in rat lung. Gen. Physiol. Biophys. 24: 349-353, 2005 |
[13] | J. Myslivecek, R. Kvetnansky: The effects of stress on muscarinic receptors. Heterologous receptor regulation: yes or not? Auton. Autacoid Pharmacol. 26: 235-251, 2006 (invited review) |
[14] | J.Myslivecek, M. Nováková, M. Palkovits, O. Krizanová, R. Kvetnansky: Distribution of mRNA and binding sites of adrenoceptors and muscarinic receptors in the rat heart. Life Sci. 79: 112-120, 2006 |
[15] | Ballay R., Myslivecek J: Development of Autonomic Receptors and their Function in the Chick Heart and Influence of Continuous Infusion of Carbachol. Prague Medical Report 107: 1, 49–60, 2006 |
[16] | Benes J., Nováková M., Kvetňansky R., Myslivecek J.: Developmental Changes of Some G-protein Coupled Receptors Affected by c-fos Knock-out. Prague Medical Report 107: 1, 61–70, 2006. |
[17] | M. Nováková, J. Benes, L. Kubovcáková, R. Kvetňansky, J. Myslivecek: Muscarinic receptors are affected by corticotropin releasing hormone and c-fos gene disruptions. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 30(1-2):69-70, 2006 |
[18] | Vozeh, F., Myslivecek, J., Cendelín, J., Korelusová, I., Markvartová, V.: PRíspěvek k distribuci a funkci dopaminovych receptoru v mozku mutantních mysí Lurcher. Homeostasis, 44, 3, 2006 |
[19] | Krizanová O., Myslivecek J., Tillinger A., Jurkovicová D. and Kubovcáková L.: Adrenergic and calcium modulation of the heart in stress: from molecular biology to function. Stress 10(2):173-84. 2007 |
[20] | Myslivecek J., Cendelín J., Korelusová I., Kunová M., Markvartová V., Vozeh F: Changes of dopamine receptors in mice with olivocerebellar degeneration. Prague Medical Report 108: 1, 67-74, 2007. |
[21] | Myslivecek J, Duysen E.G., Lockrdige O: Adaptation to excess acetylcholine by downregulation of adrenoceptors and muscarinic receptors in lungs of acetylcholinesterase knockout mice. NS Arch. Pharmacol. 376: 83-92, 2007 |
[22] | Myslivecek J., Nováková M., Klein M: Receptor Subtype Abundance as a Tool for Effective Intracellular Signalling. Cardiovascular & Hematological Disorders-Drug Targets 8, 1, 66-79, 2008 |
[23] | Zimova M, Myslivecek J, Potmesil P.: Retinoic acid attenuates the mild hyperoxic lung injury in newborn mice. Physiol Res. 57(1): 33-40, 2008 |
[24] | Myslivecek J., Hrabovska A.: Dopamine Receptors Regulation by Non-Dopaminergic Mechanisms; (Chapter IX) In: Dopamine Research Advances, Akiyama Watanabe Ed. pp. 193-208, Nova Publishers, Hauppauge, NY 11788, USA, 2008, ISBN: 1-60021-820-2 |
[25] | Myslivecek J, Klein M, Novakova M, Ricny J: The detection of non-M2 muscarinic receptor subtype in the rat heart atria and ventricles. N-S Arch Pharmacol, 378(1):103-116, 2008 |
[26] | Fischer V., Gabauer I., Tillinger A., Nováková M., Pecháň I., Krizanová O., Kvetňansky R., Myslivecek J.: Heart adrenoceptors gene expression and binding sites in human failing heart. Annals NY Acad Sci 1148: 400-408, 2008 |
[27] | O. Krizanova, T. Holotnakova, D. Jurkovicova, E. Polakova, A. Zahradnikova, L. Lacinova, R. Kvetnansky, J. Myslivecek, S. Pastorkova: Type 1 and 2 IP3 receptors respond differently to catecholamines and stress. Annals NY Acad Sci 1148: 331-337, 2008 |
[28] | Myslivecek J., Tillinger A., Novakova M., Kvetnansky R.: Regulation of adrenoceptors and muscarinic receptors gene expression after single and repeated stress. Annals NY Acad Sci 1148: 367-376, 2008 |
[29] | Tillinger A., Myslivecek J., Nováková M., Krizanová O., Kvetnansky R.:Gene expression of adrenoceptors in the heart of cold acclimated rats exposed to a novel stressor. Annals NY Acad Sci 1148: 393-399, 2008 |
[30] | Hrabovska A., Farar V., Li B., Bernard V., Duysen E.G., Brabec J., Lockridge O., Myslivecek J.: Drastic decrease in dopamine receptor levels in the striatum of acetylcholinesterase knock-out mouse. Chemico-Biological Interactions 183, 194–201, 2010 |
[31] | Novakova M., Kvetnansky R., Myslivecek J.: Sexual dimorphism in stress-induced changes in adrenergic and muscarinic receptor densities in the lung of wild type and CRH-knockout mice. Stress 13(1): 22–35, 2010 |