[1] | J. S. N'cho, I. Fofana, T. Aka-Ngnui and A. Beroual, "Parameters Affecting the Static electrification of aged transformer Oils", 2011 IEEE Annual Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Cancun, Mexico, 16 Oct-19 Oct 2011. |
[2] | J. S. N'cho, I. Fofana, A. Beroual and T. Aka-Ngnui, "Parameters Affecting the Formation of Corrosive Suphide Deposition on Copper Conductors", 17th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2011), August 22nd-26th 2011, Hanover, Germany. |
[3] | H. Hemmatjou and I. Fofana, "Frequency Domain Spectroscopic Measurements of Oil impregnated Paper insulation System under Thermal Runaway", 17th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2011), August 22nd-26th 2011, Hanover, Germany. |
[4] | J. C. Olivares-Galvan, R. Escarela-Perez, E. Campero-Littlewood, Issouf Fofana, Pavlos S. Georgilakis and Salvador Magdaleno-Adame, "Analysis of Journal Publications on Transformers from 1990 to 2000", NAPS 2011: 43rd North American Power Symposium, Boston, USA, Aug 4, 2011-Aug 6, 2011. |
[5] | P. S. Georgilakis, J. C. Olivares-Galvan, R. Escarela-Perez, I. Fofana and G. K. Stefopoulos, "Environmental Cost of Transformer Losses for Industrial and Commercial Users of Transformers", NAPS 2011 : 43rd North American Power Symposium, 2011Boston, USA, Aug 4, 2011-Aug 6. |
[6] | L. Loiselle et I. Fofana, "Influence de la qualité de l'huile isolante sur le refroidissement des transformateurs de puissance", Xème Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois sur la Thermique des Systèmes, 20-22 juin 2011, Saguenay, Canada. |
[7] | Y. Hadjadj, I. Fofana, F. Meghnefi and A. Bouaïcha, "Assessing Oil Paper Insulation Conditions by Poles computed from Frequency Domain Spectroscopy", International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, to be held in Trondheim, Norway, 26-30 June 2011. |
[8] | J. S. N'Cho, I. Fofana, A. Béroual and T. Aka-Ngnui, " The Gassing Tendency of Reclaimed Oils", International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, to be held in Trondheim, Norway, 26-30 June 2011. |
[9] | S. Farokhi, M. Farzaneh and I. Fofana, "Multiple-arc propagation over an ice surface", Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC 2011), to be held in Annapolis, Maryland, United States, June 5-8, 2011. |
[10] | S. Taheri, M. Farzaneh, C. Poitvin and I. Fofana, "DC Flashover performance of insulators under icing conditions", The 14th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2011), to be held in Chongqing (China) May 8-13, 2011. |
[11] | S. Taheri, M. Farzaneh, B. M. Mirzaei and I. Fofana, "Leakage current simulation of a precontaminated insulator covered with snow", The 14th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2011), to be held in Chongqing (China) May 8-13, 2011. |
[12] | J. Sabau, I. Fofana, S. Gal and M. Oltean, "Inoxidable Liquid Insulation for Power Transformers", 8th Regional Conference for National Committees of CIGRE in Arab Countries, Power 2010 Conference & Exhibition, Doha (Qatar), October 2010. |
[13] | J-S. Ncho, T. Aka, A. Beroual, L. Loiselle and I. Fofana, "Parameters Affecting the Electrical and Thermal Properties of Transformer Oils", 2010 IEEE Annual Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), West Lafayette (Indiana, USA), October 17-20th, 2010. |
[14] | J-S. Ncho, I. Fofana, T. Aka and A. Béroual, " Effect of Electrical Discharge on Oil Decaying Process", International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE 2010), New Orleans, October 11-14th 2010. |
[15] | I. Fofana, Y. Bouslimi and H. Hemmatjou, "Studying transformer oil static electrification in the spinning disc system", International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE 2010), New Orleans, October 11-14th 2010. |
[16] | J-S. Ncho, A. Beroual, T. Aka, I. Fofana and J. Sabau, "Assessing Oil Reclamation Effectiveness by means of Turbidity and Spectro-photometry Analysis", International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis 2010 (CMD2010) to be held in Tokyo, Japan September 6-11, 2010. |
[17] | I. Fofana, H. Hemmatjou, M. Farzaneh, E. Gockenbach and H. Borsi, "Polarization and Depolarization Current Measurements of Oil impregnated Paper insulation System under Thermal Runaway", 10th IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Potsdam, Germany, 4th-9th July 2010. |
[18] | F. Meghnefi, H. Hemmatjou, I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, Deriving an Equivalent Circuit of Composite Oil Paper Insulation for Understanding the Frequency Domain Spectroscopic Measurements", IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), to be held in Virginia Beach, USA, October 2009. |
[19] | A. Bouaïcha, I. Fofana, M. Farzaneh and J. Sabau, "Early Stage Detection of Insulating Fluids Decay Products", IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), to be held in Virginia Beach, USA, October 2009. |
[20] | A. Beroual, I. Fofana and J-H. Rakotonandrasana, "Modelling Laboratory Negative Long Spark Discharges", IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), to be held in Virginia Beach, USA, October 2009. |
[21] | S. Farhoki, M. Farzaneh and I. Fofana, "Characteristics of Channel and the Contact Surface of a DC Arc Formed over an Ice Surface", IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), to be held in Virginia Beach, USA, October 2009. |
[22] | A. Beroual, I. Fofana and J-H. Rakotonandrasana, "Comparison of the main macroscopic parameters of positive and negative lightning discharges-A study using a dynamic discharge model", X International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Curitiba (Brasil), November 9-13th 2009. |
[23] | A. Bouaïcha, I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh "A three dimensional electrical network for oilpaper insulation modeling", 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa August 24 to 28th 2009. |
[24] | I. Fofana and J. Sabau, "An Improved Preventive Maintenance Technique for Freely Breathing Power Transformer", 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa, August 24 to 28th 2009. |
[25] | I. Fofana, A. Bouaïcha, M. Farzaneh and J. Sabau, "Suspended Particles in aged Insulating Liquid", 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa, August 24 to 28th 2009. |
[26] | I. Fofana, F. Meghnefi and C. Volat, "On the Stability of Mineral Insulating Oils under Electrical Stress", 2009 Electrical Insulation Conference, Montréal, 31 May to 3 June 2009. |
[27] | I. Fofana, H. Hemmatjou, M. Farzaneh, A. Setayeshmehr, H. Borsi and E. Gockenbach, "Low Temperature and Moisture Effects on Oil-Paper Insulation Dielectric Response in Frequency Domain", 2009 Electrical Insulation Conference, Montréal, 31 May to 3 June 2009. |
[28] | A. Bouaïcha, I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, "Effect of Oxygen on Oil Decay Products Formation", 2009 Electrical Insulation Conference, Montréal, Montréal, 31 May to 3 June 2009. |
[29] | I. Fofana, A. Bouaïcha, M. Farzaneh and J. Sabau, "Ageing Behaviour of Mineral Oil and Ester Liquids: a Comparative Study", 2008 IEEE Annual Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Quebec City, October 26-29th, 2008. |
[30] | A. Bouaïcha, I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, "Influence of the Relative Amount of Paper on Aged Mineral Oil Decay Products", 2008 IEEE Annual Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Quebec City, October 26-29th, 2008. |
[31] | I. Ndiaye, M. Farzaneh and I. Fofana, "A Comparative Study of Positive and Negative Streamer Development along an Ice Surface", 2008 IEEE Annual Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Quebec City, October 26-29th, 2008. |
[32] | S. Farhoki, M. Farzaneh and I. Fofana, "Study of Ultraviolet Emission and Visible Discharge along an Ice Surface", 2008 IEEE Annual Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Quebec City, October 26-29th, 2008. |
[33] | A. Seytashmehr, I. Fofana, A. Akbari, H. Borsi and E. Gockenbach, "Evaluating the Influence of Temperature and Water Content on Transformer Insulation by Interfacial Polarization Spectra Measurement", ETG-Fachtagung Grenzflächen in elektrischen Isoliersystemen, Würzburg (Germany), September 16-17th, 2008. |
[34] | I. Fofana and V. Arakelian, "On the States of Water and its Quantification in Oil Impregnated Power Equipments", 16th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, Poitiers, France, 30 June-4 July, 2008. |
[35] | A. Bouaïcha, I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh," Application of Modern Diagnostic Techniques to Assess the Condition of Oil and Pressboard", 16th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, Poitiers, France, 30 June-4 July, 2008. |
[36] | I. Fofana, J. Sabau, D. Bussières and B. Robertson, "The Mechanism of Gassing in Power Transformers", 16th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, Poitiers, France, 30 June-4 July, 2008. |
[37] | A. Seytashmehr, I. Fofana, A. Akbari, H. Borsi and E. Gockenbach, "Effects of temperature, water content and ageing on the dielectric response of transformer", 16th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, Poitiers, France, 30 June-4 July, 2008. |
[38] | S. Farhoki, M. Farzaneh and I. Fofana, "High-speed Observation of Discharge Propagation along Ice-Covered Insulators", Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Teheran (Iran), Mai 13 to 15th 2008. |
[39] | A. Béroual, J. H. Rakotomandrasana and I. Fofana, "Modelling of the Negative Lightning Discharge with an Equivalent Electrical Network", IX International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Foz do Iguaça (Brasil), November 26-30th 2007. |
[40] | A. Bouaïcha, I. Fofana, M. Farzaneh A. Béroual et N. T. Aka, "Utilisation de la spectroscopie diélectrique comme outil de contrôle de qualité dans le processus de fabrication d'une borne de traversée", 3e Conférence Européenne sur les Matériels de Postes HT & MT, les 15 et 16 novembre 2007, Lyon, France. |
[41] | H. Hemmatjou, M. Farzaneh and I. Fofana, "Ice Surface Resistance Measurements", 12th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing, IWAIS 2007, Yokohama, Japan, October 9-13th, 2007. |
[42] | I. Ndiaye, I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, "Processes of Ice Surface Discharges under Lightning Impulse Voltage", 12th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing, IWAIS 2007, Yokohama, Japan, October 9-13th, 2007. |
[43] | I. Fofana, H. Borsi and E. Gockenbach, "Oil Filled Transformer Retrofilled with ester Liquid-Facts and Arguments", 15th International Symposium on High-Voltage Engineering, ISH 2007, paper T8-453, Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 27-31, 2007. |
[44] | A. Seytashmehr, I. Fofana, A. Akbari, H. Borsi and E. Gockenbach, "Effects on temperature on the dielectric response of transformer", 15th International Symposium on High-Voltage Engineering, ISH 2007, paper T8-537, Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 27-31, 2007. |
[45] | A. Setayeshmehr, A. Akbari, H. Borsi, E. Gockenbach and I. Fofana, "Winding Diagnostic by On-line Transfer Function Determination via Power Transformer Bushing Tap", 15th International Symposium on High-Voltage Engineering, ISH 2007, paper T8-536, Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 27-31, 2007. |
[46] | I. Fofana, V. Wasserberg, H. Borsi and E. Gockenbach, "The effect of temperature gradient on the dielectric properties of insulating fluids", Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation (ISEI), Toronto, Canada, pp. 523-526, June 11-14th, 2006. |
[47] | I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, "Process of Discharge Initiation and Arc Development on an Ice-Covered Insulator", IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference, Session: Insulator Selection for Icing Performance, Paper Number: TD2005-601, Dallas, Texas, USA, May 21-26th 2006. |
[48] | I. Ndiaye, M. Farzaneh, I. Fofana and K.D. Srivastava, "Computer modeling of corona streamer inception on an ice surface", 2005 IEEE CEIDP, pp. 144-147, Nashville, Tennessee (USA), October 16-19th 2005. |
[49] | H. Hemmatjou, M. Farzaneh and I. Fofana, "AC arc characteristics inside wet snow", 2005 IEEE CEIDP, pp. 329-332, Nashville, Tennessee (USA), October 16-19th 2005. |
[50] | H. Hemmatjou, I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, "Propagation of AC arc discharge inside wet snow", 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, paper D-27, Bejing, China, August 25-29 2005. |
[51] | I. Fofana, V. Wasserberg, H. Borsi, E. Gockenbach and M. Farzaneh, "Preliminary Investigations on the Insulating Liquid used in some Loading Resistances to Quantify Premature Damage Causes", International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL 2005), pp. 413-416, Coimbra (Portugal), from June 26th to July 1st 2005. |
[52] | I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, "Dynamics of Streamer on Ice Surfaces", The 11th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, Montreal, Qc, Canada, Paper IW-24, pp. 237-242, June 12-16th 2005. |
[53] | M. Farzaneh, I. Fofana and C. Tavakoli, "Process and Modeling of AC Arc Development on an Ice Surface", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, Montreal, Qc, Canada, Paper IW-34, pp. 225-230, June 12-16th 2005. |
[54] | I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, "A simplified model for simulation of corona discharge development on an ice surface", 2004 IEEE CEIDP, Boulder, Colorado (USA), pp. 667-670, October 17-20th 2004. |
[55] | M. Farzaneh, I. Fofana and H. Hossein, "The electrical properties of snow", 2004 IEEE CEIDP, Boulder, Colorado (USA), pp. 611-614, October 17-20th 2004. |
[56] | I. Fofana and A. Béroual, "A quantitative study of lightning striking distance factors", CD-ROM of the 27th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Avignon (France), paper 4p.3, September 13-16th 2004. |
[57] | A. Béroual, A. Bedja, I. Fofana and Ph. Auriol, "Modeling Attempt of Negative Discharge in Long Air Gaps Using Equivalent Electrical Network", CD-ROM of the 27th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Avignon (France), paper 1b.8, September 13-16th 2004. |
[58] | I. Ndiaye, I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, "Contribution à l'Étude de l'Initiation des Décharges Électriques à la Surface de Glace", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montreal (Quebec, Canada) May 4-7th 2003. |
[59] | C. Tavakoli, I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, "Dynamic Modelling of AC Iced Insulator Characteristics", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montreal (Quebec, Canada) May 4-7th 2003. |
[60] | I. Fofana, C. Tavakoli and M. Farzaneh, "Dynamic Modelling of AC Iced Insulator Characteristics", IEEE Power Tech, Paper 308, Bologna (Italy) June 23-26th 2003. |
[61] | I. Fofana, C. Tavakoli, M. Farzaneh and A. Beroual, "Physical Modelling of DC Electric Arc Propagation on an Ice Surface", 13th International Symposium on High Voltage Eng., paper 232, Deft (The Netherlands), August 25-29th 2003. |
[62] | I. Fofana, H. Borsi, E. Gockenbach and M. Farzaneh, "Results on ageing of Aramid paper under selective conditions", 13th International Symposium on High Voltage Eng., paper 127, Deft (The Netherlands), August 25-29th 2003. |
[63] | I. Fofana and A. Béroual, "An Analysis of a Positive Lightning Downward Leader Field Coupling to a Nearby Overhead Line located on a Non-uniform Ground surface", 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, pp. 214-219, Cracow (Poland) September 2-6th 2002. |
[64] | A. Béroual and I. Fofana, "Influence of Soil Conductivity and Electrode Geometry at the Ground on the Positive Lightning Impulse Current", 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, pp. 65-70, Cracow (Poland), September 2-6th 2002. |
[65] | V. Wasserberg, H. Borsi, E. Gockenbach and I. Fofana, "Novel systems for the upgrading of power transformers insulation", 14th International Conference on conduction and breakdown in Dielectric Liquids, Graz (Austria) July 7-12th 2002. |
[66] | M. Farzaneh, I. Fofana, I. Ndiaye, C. Volat and K. D. Srivastava, "Corona Streamer Inception at an Ice Surface" IASTED Int. Conf. on Power and Energy Systems, Crete, Greece, June 23-26th 2002. |
[67] | I. Fofana, M. Farzaneh and C. Tavakoli, "Modelling Arc Propagation Velocity on Icecovered Surfaces", The 10th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, Brno, Czech Republic, June 17-20th 2002. |
[68] | I. Fofana, M. Farzaneh, C. Tavakoli and A. Beroual, "Dynamic modelling of flashover process on Insulator under Atmospheric Icing conditions", 2001 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, pp. 605-608, Kitchener, Ontario (Canada), October 14-17th 2001. |
[69] | I. Fofana, H. Borsi and E. Gockenbach, "Results on Aging of Cellulose paper under Selective conditions", 2001 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, pp. 205-208, Kitchener, Ontario (Canada), October 14-17th 2001. |
[70] | C. Tavakoli, I. Fofana and M. Farzaneh, "Dynamic modelling of Flashover Process on Ice-covered insulator surfaces" 58th Eastern Snow Conference, Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) 14-17th May, 2001. Awarded best Student Competition Paper 2001. |
[71] | V. Wasserberg, H. Borsi, E. Gockenbach and I. Fofana, "Drying of Immersed Solid Insulations using a Hygroscopic Insulating Liquid", 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, paper 4-72, Vol. 2, pp. 493-496, Bangalore (India), August 23-27th 2001. |
[72] | V. Wasserberg, H. Borsi, E. Gockenbach and I. Fofana, "An Alternative Method for Drying Insulating Liquids using a Synthetic Mineral", 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, paper 4-73, Vol. 2, pp 497-500, Bangalore (India), August 23-27th 2001. |
[73] | I. Fofana, M. Farzaneh and C. Tavakoli, "Dynamic Modelling of DC Arc on Polluted Insulators", 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, paper 5-41, Vol. 3, pp. 747-750, Bangalore (India), August 23-27th 2001. |
[74] | M. Farzaneh, I. Fofana, C. Tavakoli and A. Béroual, "A Mathematical Model of Arc Development on Ice Surfaces under DC Voltage", IASTED Int. Conf. on Power and Energy Systems, paper 337-070, Rhodes, Greece, July 3-6th 2001. |
[75] | I. Fofana, H. Borsi and E. Gockenbach, "Moisture Uptake of Mineral Oil at Different Air Relative humidities and Temperatures", 2000 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, pp. 276-9, Victoria, British Columbia (Canada), October 15-18th 2000. |
[76] | I. Fofana and A. Béroual, "Modelling Lightning Connection to a Ground Structure", 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, 4.24 page 401, Rhodes (Greece), September 18-22nd 2000. |
[77] | I. Fofana, V. Wasserberg, H. Borsi and E. Gockenbach, "Determination of the Electrical Properties of mixed Transformers fluids under Thermal Ageing", 11th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol. 3 p. 360, London (United Kingdom), August 23-27th 1999. |
[78] | I. Fofana, A. Béroual and A. Boubaker, "Influence of Insulating Barriers on the Positive Long Air Gaps in Divergent Field", 11th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol. 3 p. 321, London (United Kingdom), August 23-27th 1999. |
[79] | I. Fofana, V. Wasserberg, H. Borsi and E. Gockenbach "The Dielectrical and Electrical Behaviour of Mixed Insulating Fluids of Transformers", 13th International Conference on conduction and breakdown in Dielectric Liquids, pp 491-4, Nara (Japan) July 20-25th 1999. |
[80] | I. Fofana and A. Béroual, "Studying Positive Lightning Induced Effects on a very close Power Distribution Line" 13th International Zurich Symposium & Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, paper 59J3 pp 309-14, Zurich (Switzerland), February 16-18th 1999. |
[81] | I. Fofana and A. Béroual, "Positive Lightning Downward Leader Induced Overvoltages on Nearby Overhead Line in Presence of Distribution Transformer and Surge Arrester", 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection, paper 197, pp 268-73, Birmingham (United Kingdom), September 14-18th 1998. |
[82] | I. Fofana and A. Béroual, "Determination of the U50 Voltage for Long Air Gaps by using an Experimental Simulator" 10th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, pp 21-4, Montreal, Quebec (Canada), August 25-29th 1997. |
[83] | I. Fofana, A. Béroual, Ph. Auriol and A. Ben Rhouma, "A Model of Positive Lightning Stepped Leader and Radiated Electromagnetic Fields" 12th International Zurich Symposium & Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp 153-8, paper 29F2, Zurich (Switzerland), February 18-20th 1997. |
[84] | I. Fofana and A. Béroual, "A Positive Lightning Stepped Leader Model Based on the Similarity with Long Laboratory Sparks" 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, pp 393-8, Firenze (Italy) September 23-27th 1996. |
[85] | A. Béroual and I. Fofana, "Modelling of the Streamer in Dielectric Liquids with an Equivalent Electrical Network" 12th International Conference on conduction and breakdown in Dielectric Liquids, pp 214-7, Roma (Italy) July 15-19th 1996. |
[86] | I. Fofana, "Modélisation de la Décharge dans les Grands Intervalles d'Air", 3e Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Électrique, pp 300-3, Lyon (France), 1-3 Avril 1996. |
[87] | I. Fofana and A. Béroual, "Modelling of the Leader and the Return Stroke Currents with an Equivalent Electrical Network", 9th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, paper 2141, Graz (Austria), August 28-September 1, 1995. |