[1] | D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, "Modern Power System Analysis, " Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1980(7 reprints), Second Edition, 1989(25 reprints), Third Edition, 2003(20th reprint 2010); International Edition, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 2004, McGraw-Hill, NewYork, 2006, also translated in Spanish .4th ed(2011), 1st reprint 2011. |
[2] | D.P. Kothari et al "Electrical Engineering" (jointly authored the study lessons of this course), published by IETE, New Delhi, 1981. |
[3] | S.S. Murthy, B.P. Singh, D.P. Kothari and C.S. Jha (Eds)"Electromechanics Laboratory Manual, " Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1982. |
[4] | D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, "Electric Machines, " Approved by the UGC and published by Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi with NBT subsidy, First Edition, 1985, (16 Reprints): Second Edition, 1997, (16 Reprints); Third Edition, 2004 (15th reprint 2009), Fourth Edition, 2010( 3rdreprint 2011). |
[5] | A.K. Mahalanabis, D.P. Kothari and S.I. Ashon, "Computer Aided Power System Analysis and Control, " Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1988, (First Reprint, 1991). |
[6] | J. Nanda and D.P. Kothari (Eds.), "Recent Trends in Electric Energy Systems, " Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1988. |
[7] | C.M. Bhatia and D.P. Kothari (Eds.), "Power Electronics Laboratory Manual, " Galgotia Book source, New Delhi, 1988. |
[8] | D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, "Theory and Problems of Electric Machines TMH Outline Series". Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1991. (Six Reprints) 2nd Edition, 2001(Fifth Reprint, 2003), International Edition, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 2001, Sigma Series, 2006 (7th reprint 2011). |
[9] | D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath and, "Power Systems Engineering, " Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1994. (20 Reprints);2nd edition, 2007 (9th Reprint 2010). |
[10] | A.Chakrabarti, D.P. Kothari and A.K. Mukhopadhyay, "Performance, Operation and Control of EHV Transmission Systems, " Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi, 1995 |
[11] | C.S. Indulkar, D.P. Kothari and K. Ramalingam, "Power System Transients: A Statistical Approach, " Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1996. 2nd edition 2010 |
[12] | D.P.Kothari and I.J.Nagrath, "Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering, " Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1998.(12th Reprint 2009) |
[13] | D.P. Kothari and D.K. Sharma (Eds.), "Energy Engineering : Theory and Practice", S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000 |
[14] | D.P Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, "Basic Electrical Engineering", TMH, New Delhi, 2nd Edn, 2002 (Twentieth Reprint 2009), 3rd Edn, 2010 (1st Reprint 2010). |
[15] | D.P. Kothari and J. S. Dhillon, "Power System Optimization", Prentice-Hall of India, 2004, 2nd Edition, 2011. |
[16] | D.P. Kothari and Anshu Saxena, "Understanding Hypermedia: From Multimedia to Virtual Reality", Prentice-Hall of India, 2004. |
[17] | T.S. Bhatti, R.C. Bansal and D.P. Kothari, "Small Hydro Power Systems", Dhanpat Rai, New Delhi, 2004. |
[18] | D.P.Kothari, Rakesh Ranjan and K.C.Singhal, "Renewable Energy Sources and Technology", Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2007; 2nd edition 2011. |
[19] | D.P. Kothari and P.M.V. Subba Rao, "Power Generation" in "Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering" ed. by Grote, Antonsson, 2009. |
[20] | Akhtar Kalam & D.P.Kothari , "Power System Protection and Communications ", New Age Science Limited, UK (also Indian Edition-New Age International Publishers, New Delhi), 2010. |
[21] | Abhijit Chakrabarti, D.P. Kothari, A.K. Mukhopadhyay and Abhinandan de, "An Introduction to Reactive Power Control and Voltage Stability in Power Transmission Systems", Prentice-Hall of India, 2010. |
[22] | G.P. Ganapathy , D.P.Kothari , "Thirty Years of Natural Disasters and Their Impacts 1976-2006: Analyzing Small and Medium Level Disasters" LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (April 29, 2011). |
[23] | D.P.Kothari, Sriram, Sundaram and Murli, "Embedded Systems"New Age Int. (p) Limited, 2011. |
[24] | D.P.Kothari, K.V.Shriram, Sundaram, Subashri, "Linux/Unix Hand Book for Beginners", New Age Age Int.(p) Limited, New Delhi, 2011 |
[25] | I.J. Nagrath, G. Dayal and D.P. Kothari, "Optimum Scheduling of HydroThermal System Taking Transmission Losses into Account, " Journal of I.E. India, Vol. 522, No. 2, EL1, Oct. '71, pp. 28-34. |
[26] | I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, "Optimal Scheduling of Hydro Thermal System Using Discrete Maximums Principle, " Presented at the Seminar on 'Problems of Interconnected Power Systems', IEE (London), Delhi, March 10-11, 1973. |
[27] | I.J. Nagrath, G. Dayal and D.P. Kothari, "An Application of the Discrete Maximum Principle to the Optimum Scheduling of Multireservoir System, Journal of I.E. (India), Vol.53 R/1, Feb. 1973, pp. 101-105. |
[28] | I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, A comparison of some techniques for optimal hydrothermal operation, proceeding of the symposium on 'Power system performance and optimization', held at Delhi, Dec. 79, 1974, p. 55. |
[29] | D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Optimal thermal generating unit commitment employing dynamic programming, ibid, pp. 118-124. |
[30] | I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, Optimal hydrothermal scheduling and unit commitment, presented at the IEEE India Section, Annual Convention, Bangalore, February 1975. |
[31] | D.P. Kothari and R.K. Mittal, Comparison of economic dispatch and minimum emission dispatch, Electrical India, Vol. xvi, No. 1, January 1976, pp. 9-12. |
[32] | I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, Optimal scheduling of cascaded hydrothermal systems, Journal of I.E. (India), Vol. 56, 1976, pp. 264-267. |
[33] | D.P. Kothari, S.K. Maheshwari and K.G. Sharma, Minimization of air pollution due to thermal plants, Journal of I.e. (India), Vol. 57, En. No. 2, Feb., 1977, pp. 65-68. |
[34] | R.K. Mittal, D.P. Kothari, S.S. Gupta and Kamal Kumar, Automation of ageing drum, presented at the seminar Challenges before the chemical Industry, BITS Pilani, Feb. 5-6, 1977. |
[35] | I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, Optimum and secure thermal generating unit commitment, National Systems Conference, Coimbatore, June 2-4, 1977. |
[36] | D.P. Kothari and R.K. Gupta, Optimal Stochastic Load flow studies, Journal of I.E. (India), Aug. 1978, pp. 34-37. |
[37] | D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, Optimal scheduling of hydrothermal systems with probabilistic data using discrete maximum principle, Proc., NSC, Ludhiana, Sept., 1978, pp. 57-59. |
[38] | J.S. Gupta, D.P. Kothari and R.S. Dahiya, A hierarchical approach to control power systems, Proc. NSC, Ludhiana, Sept., 1978, pp. 4-6. |
[39] | D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, Security Constrained optimal generator maintenance scheduling, Journal of I.E. (India), Oct. 1978, pp. 106-108. |
[40] | D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, Security Constrained economic thermal generating unit commitment, Journal of I.E. (India), Oct. 1978, pp. 156-160. |
[41] | J.S. Gupta, D.P. Kothari and R.S. Dahiya, Hierarchical control systems : A study, Journal of I.E. (India), Electronics Division, Journal, Vol. 59, December 1978/April 1979, pp. 59-62. |
[42] | S.C. Gupta, D.P. Kothari and J.S. Gupta, Optimal design of power distribution system, Electrical India, Jan. 1979, pp. 29-31. |
[43] | P.G. Murthy, D.L. Shenoy, J. Nanda and D.P. Kothari, Performance of typical power flow algorithms with reference to Indian Power systems, Proceedings second symposium on power plant dynamic control, Hyderabad, Feb. 1979, pp. 219-225. |
[44] | D.P. Kothari, I.J. Nagrath and J. Nanda, Optimal hydrothermal scheduling with probabilistic data, Proc.IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications in large Scale Power Systems, Aug. 1618, 1979, vol. 3, p. 98. |
[45] | D.P. Kothari, Air pollution due to thermal plants, A science and technology Journal session 19791980, BSP, IIT Delhi, p. 33. |
[46] | D.P., Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, Optimal Stochastic scheduling of hydrothermal systems using discrete maximum principle, Journal of I.E. (India), Vol. 61, EL1, Aug. 1980, pp. 22-26. |
[47] | D.P. Kothari and C.M. Bhatia, Evaluation scheme in credit system, Indian Journal of Technical Education, Vol. 6, No. 3, April August 1980, pp. 149-154. |
[48] | D.P. Kothari, Tap Bijli Gharon ke Sandharbha men Wayu Pradushan Aug. Uska Niwaran, (Hindi), Journal of I.E. (India), Vol. 61, Dec. 1980, pp. 121-122. |
[49] | D.P. Kothari and Arun Kumar, Modified coordination equations for economic dispatch using fast decoupled load flow, presented at the National Seminar on "Power System Planning and Practice, " held at Waltair, April 11-12, 1981. |
[50] | C.S. Indulkar, Parmod Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Sensitivity analysis of modal quantities for underground cables, IEE Proc. 128, pt. C, No. 4, July 1981, pp. 229-234. |
[51] | C.S. Indulkar, Parmod Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Sensitivity analysis of a transposed overhead line, Journal of Elect. Engg. Edn., Vol. 18, No. 3, July 1981, pp. 251-256. |
[52] | J. Nanda, P.R. Bijwe and D.P. Kothari, Optimal stochastic hydrothermal scheduling using progressive optimality algorithm, presented at SMS 1981 held at Lyon, France, Sept. 7-11, 1981. |
[53] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and D.L. Shenoy, A Dynamic equivalence for transient stability study, ibid. |
[54] | D.P. Kothari, Electric power load management, Management and Systems Review, Vol. 3, No. 1, Sept. 1981, pp. 1113. |
[55] | D.P. Kothari, Arun Kumar and J. Nanda, A solution of modified coordination equation for economic load dispatch, presented at the IEEE Annual Convention, New Delhi, Nov. 11 12, 1981. |
[56] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and D.L. Shenoy, An approach to transient stability equivalence of a large scale power system, presented at the National Power System Conference held at Hyderabad, Dec. 12-13, 1981. |
[57] | C.M. Bhatia, D.P. Kothari and S.K. Agarwal, A technique of current superposition for HVDC circuit breaker, Proc. Int. Conf. on System Theory and Applications, Vol.1, Ludhiana, Dec. 17-19, 1981. |
[58] | S.C. Sher, D.P. Kothari and C.S. Indulkar, Optimal maintenance scheduling of generating units, ibid pp. B. 59-B 160. |
[59] | D.P. Kothari et, al., Transient stability of large scale system using efficient network reduction technique, Journal of I.E. (India), vol. 62, pt. E13, Dec. 1981, pp. 132-135. |
[60] | D.P. Kothari, I.J. Nagrath and J. Nanda, Optimal and secure shortterm thermal unit commitment, Proc. IFAC Symposium on theory and application of digital control, Jan. 57, 1982 New Delhi. Vol 1, Session 8. pp. 1-6. |
[61] | D.P. Kothari, Energy system planning and energy conservation, presented at XXIV National Convention of IITE, New Delhi, Feb. 1982. |
[62] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari, P.K. Sharma and P.R. Bijwe, A novel approach to transmission loss minimization, presented at the Annual Conference on Energy Management held at New Delhi, Feb. 1982. |
[63] | C.S. Indulkar, Parmod Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Sensitivity analysis of a multiconductor transmission line, Proc. IEEE, Vol.70, March 1982, pp.299-300. |
[64] | C.S. Indulkar, Parmod Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Sensitivity analysis of overall carrier channel including coupling equipment, Proc. Int. AMSE Conference, ParisSUD, Vol.5, July 13, 1982, pp. 29-34. |
[65] | C.S. Indulkar, Parmod Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Some studies on carrier propagation in overhead transmission lines, presented at the IEEE PES 1982 Summer Meeting, San Franciso, July 1982, paper No. 82, SM 3341; Subsequently published in IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS 102, No. 4, April 1983, pp. 942-948. |
[66] | D.P. Kothari, S.C. Parti and P.V. Gupta, Economic dispatch of thermal generation, Proc. Int. ASME Conf. ParisSUD, Vol.8, July 13, 1982. |
[67] | S.I. Ahson and D.P. Kothari, Testing of an over current relay using a microcomputer, Journal of I.E. (India), Vol. 63, ET1, Aug. 1982, pp. 55-57. |
[68] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari, P.K. Sharma and P.R. Bijwe, A novel approach to transmission loss minimization, Journal of Electrical India, May 1982. |
[69] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and D.L. Shenoy, Discussion on paper no. 82 WM 0214, IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS101, No. 10, Oct. 1982, p. 3657. |
[70] | C.S. Indulkar, Parmod Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Sensitivity study of an untransposed overhead transmission line, Int. Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. Vol. 4, Oct. 1982, pp. 265-269. |
[71] | J. Nanda, P.R. Bijwe and D.P. Kothari, Load flow solution of large systems on small computers using novel piecewise decoupled load flow algorithm, Journal of I.E. (India), Vol. 4, Oct. 1982, pp. 98-101. |
[72] | T.S. Dillon and D.P. Kothari, Discussion on paper No. 82 SM 4208, IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS102 No. 2, Feb. 1983, p. 451. |
[73] | Ronald B. Zamood and D.P. Kothari, On the convergence of some method of centres optimization algorithm and their application, presented at AMSE Conf. at Bermuda, March, 1983. |
[74] | M. Palaniswami and D.P. Kothari, On dynamic modelling of large scale systems, presented at ASME Conf. at Bermuda, March 1983. Also published in AMSE Journal, Advances in Modelling and simulation, Vol. 1, No.2, 1984, pp. 47-51. |
[75] | J. Nanda, D.L. Shenoy, P.R. Bijwe, A new approach to dynamic equivalence for transient stability study, presented at the Int. Symposium on 'Informatics' Lille, France, 15-17, 1983. |
[76] | L. Doukas, D.P. Kothari and Allan Wain, On some aspects of energy conservation policy regarding the transportation sector in Victoria, presented at the IASTED Symposium, France, March 1983. |
[77] | J. Nanda, D.L. Shenoy, P.R. Bijwe and D.P. Kothari, A hybrid power and current mismatch NewtonRaphson load flow, presented at first Int. IASTED Symposium on Applied Informatic, Lille, France, March 15-17, 1983. |
[78] | P.R. Bijwe, J. Nanda and D.P. Kothari, A classical approach to transmission loss minimization, ibid. |
[79] | D.P. Kothari, Electrical energy conservation, presented at the I.E. (India) seminar held at Jabalpur, April 8-10, 1983. |
[80] | D.P. Kothari, Reliability considerations in the problems of maintenance scheduling and unit commitment, presented at the 10th RAM Conf. Montreal, Canada, 25-27 May, 1983. |
[81] | C.S. Indulkar, Parmod Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Computer aided study of PLC System, Journal of I.E. (India), Vol. 64, pt. EL1, Aug. 1983. pp. 41-45. |
[82] | C.S. Indulkar, Parmod Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Parametric sensitivity of a complex quantity, published as a letter in the Bulletin of I.E. (India), Vol. 33, Aug. 1983, p.37. |
[83] | S.C. Srivastava, D.P. Kothari and J. Nanda, A novel algorithm for large scale power system planning on mini/microprocessor based systems, presented at NSC83, Trivandrum, Sept. 1983. |
[84] | D.P. Kothari, J. Nanda and I.J. Nagrath, Optimal hydrothermal scheduling and unit commitment considering system security, presented at the 2nd National PS Conf. Hyderabad, Sept. 24-26 1983. |
[85] | S.C. Parti, D.P. Kothari and P.V. Gupta, Economic despatch of thermal generation, Journal of I.E. (India), vol. 64, pt. E11, Oct. 1983, pp. 126-132. |
[86] | C.S. Indulkar, Parmod Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Modal propagation and sensitivity of model quantities in cross bonded cables, IEE Proc. Vol. 130, pt. C, No.6, Nov. 1983, pp. 278-284. |
[87] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari, Discussion on paper No. 83, SM 401 7, IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS102, No. 12, Dec. 1983, p. 3760. |
[88] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and P.R. Bijwe, Discussion on paper no. 83 SM 4041, ibid, pp. 3767-3768. |
[89] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and S.C. Srivastava, A second order fast decoupled load flow method, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on system, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. II, Delhi, Jan. 7, 1984 pp. 1246-1249. |
[90] | J. Nanda, J. Henry and D.P. Kothari, Discussion on paper no. 83 SM 3332, IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS103, No. 2, Feb. 1984, p. 366. |
[91] | Arun Kumar, D.P. Kothari and J. Nanda, A modified coordination method for optimizing generation schedule, Journal of I.E. (India), vol. 64, pt. E14, Feb. 1984 pp. 207-211. |
[92] | D.P. Kothari, S.N. Girotra and Y.S. Yadava, On some aspects of optimal maintenance scheduling of generating units, presented at the National seminar on 'Energy of Coming Decades' Burla, March 24, 1985. |
[93] | C.S. Indulkar, P. Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Sensitivity studies of the power line carrier channel with reference to the parameters of the coupling equipment, Int. Journal of Elect. Power and Energy Systems, Vol.6, No. 2, April, 1984, pp. 67-71. |
[94] | C.S. Indulkar, P. Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Sensitivity studies of single conductor and twinbundle conductor transposed 220 kV overhead lines, J.I.E. (India), vol. 65, OctDec. 1984, pp. 81-84. |
[95] | S.C. Parti, D.P. Kothari and P.V. Gupta, Optimal hydrothermal generation scheduling, Proc. 3rd National Power System Conference, Warrangal, Sept. 810, 1984, pp. B1.5.1 B1.4.10. |
[96] | J. Nanda, P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and D.L. Shenoy, A Coupled second order load flow method, ibid. |
[97] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari, P.R. Bijwe and D.L. Shenoy, A new approach for dynamic equivalents using distribution factors based on a moment concept, presented at IEEE Int. Conf. on Computers, Systems and Signal Processing, Bangalore, Dec. 1012, 1984. |
[98] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, A new approach to the minimum loss problem, presented at NSC, Bombay, Dec. 1984. |
[99] | D.P. Kothari and S.N. Girotra, A method of scheduling preventive maintenance of generating units, ibid. |
[100] | S.C. Srivastava, J. Nanda and D.P. Kothari, A new algorithm for optimum real and reactive power despatch, ibid. |
[101] | C. Subhash, P.S. Satsangi, V. Gautam and D.P. Kothari, Energy model comparison: A case study in planning rural energy system, ibid. |
[102] | D.P. Kothari and J. Nanda, Discussion on paper No. 83 SM 3928, IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS103, No. 8, August 84, p. 2133. |
[103] | D.P. Kothari et al. Some aspects of optimal maintenance scheduling of generating units, Journal of I.E. (India), Vol. 66, Aug. 1985, pp. 41-45. |
[104] | C.S. Indulkar, S.N. Saha and D.P. Kothari, Transient voltages in a transformer connected to a 500 kV transmission line, paper no. 85 WM 2209 presented at the IEEE. PES 1985 winter meeting, New York, February, 1985; subsequently published in IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS104, No. 9, Sept. 1985, pp. 361-364. |
[105] | C. Thangaraj, M.C. Chaturvedi, D.P. Kothari and Sushil, Investment planning in a water power system A review, J. CBIP, Vol. 52, No. 4, 1985, pp. 61-64. |
[106] | C.S. Indulkar, Parmod Kumar and D.P. Kothari, Effects of sag on transmission line parameters, Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development, OctNov. 1985, pp. 183-184. |
[107] | C.S. Indulkar and D.P. Kothari, Discussion on paper no. 85 WM 401, IEEE Trans. on PAS, 104(11), 1985 p.3011. |
[108] | K.S.P. Rao and D.P. Kothari, Sources and sinks of reactive power, presented at IEEE workshop on Reactive Power Planning, New Delhi, Dec. 1985. |
[109] | C. Subhash, P.S. Satsangi, D.P. Kothari and V. Gautam, Energy characterization for India through a tworound Delphi study and related technoeconomic feasibility analysis, Proc. National Systems conference, Allahabad, Dec. 1985. |
[110] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, A new approach to optimal stochastic load flow studies, ibid. |
[111] | D.P. Kothari and Ramesh Kumar, Optimal hydrothermal scheduling state of art, ibid. |
[112] | D.P. Kothari, J. Nanda, T.S. Bhatti and R.M. Dubey, Micro processor controlled static shunt var systems, presented at IXth International AMSE Conference, Gorakhpur, Dec. 1985. |
[113] | D.P. Kothari and S.N. Girotra, A novel optimal and reliable maintenance scheduling algorithm, ibid. |
[114] | J. Nanda, P.R. Bijwe and D.P. Kothari, Application of POA to optimal HT scheduling considering det & Stochastic data, Int. Journal of Elect. Power aand Energy Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan. 1986, pp. 61-64. |
[115] | J. Nanda, K.S. Lingamurthy and D.P. Kothari, Economic load despatch through linear goal programming, presented at IVth National Power Systems Conference, Varanasi, Feb. 86. |
[116] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and P.V. Gupta, Robust hydrothermal economic power despatch, ibid. |
[117] | S.C. Parti, D.P. Kothari and P.V. Gupta, Robust hydro thermal economic power despatch, ibid. |
[118] | D.P. Kothari and J. Nanda, Power Supply scenario in India: retrospect and prospects, presented at NPC Cong. on Captive Power Generation, New Delhi March 1986. |
[119] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, Comparison of economic despatch and environmental despatch, presented at the National Seminar, Recent Trends in Electric Energy Systems, IIT Delhi, May, 1986. |
[120] | M.L. Kothari, J. Nanda, P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and D.L. Shenoy, Dynamic equivalents for large integrated power systemsareview, ibid. |
[121] | C. Thangaraj, M.C. Chaturvedi, D.P. Kothari and Sushil, A system approach to investment planning in power systems, ibid. |
[122] | D.P. Kothari, P.R. Bijwe, C.S. Indulkar and D.P.R. Rao, Optimal voltage control in integrated power systems, ibid. |
[123] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari, K.S. Lingamurthy and S.C. Srivastava, Discussion on paper No. 85 SM 4882, IEEE Trans. Power system, Vol. PWRS1, No. 2, May 1986.p.7 |
[124] | D.P. Kothari, Problems facing Indian power industry and their solutions, JIE (India), Vol. 87, Part HI 1, August 1986.pp. 9-10. |
[125] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, Optimal real power despatch using improved complex box method, presented at Int. Conf. Modelling and Simulation, Naples (Italy), Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 1986. |
[126] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, Economic load despatch through linear goal programming technique, Int. AMSE Conf. Virginia, 35, Sept. 1986; subsequently published in AMSE Review, vol.5, No. 3, 1987, pp. 17-24. |
[127] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, Optimal reactive power despatch using a classical technique, presented in IEEE Int. Conf. on Power Conversion and Industrial Control at Singapore, Oct. 22-23, 1986. |
[128] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, A new approach to economic despatch and minimum emission despatch, presented at Platinum Jub. Conf. on Systems and Signal Processing, I.I.Sc. Bangalore, Dec. 11-13, 1986 and subsequently published in the Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, JulyAug. 87, pp. 249-256. |
[129] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, A new algorithm, to optimal stochastic load flow studies using exact cordinat-ion equations, presented in NSC86, New Delhi, Dec. 1986. |
[130] | D.P. Kothari and S.N. Girotra, Maintenance scheduling of generating units by risk levelizing, ibid; subsequently published in J. CBIP, Vol. 46, No. 2, April 1989, pp. 105-114. |
[131] | S.C. Srivastava, J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari, An economic load dispatch algorithm using quadratic differential method, presented at the IFAC, Bangalore, Dec 15-17. 1986. |
[132] | T.S. Bhatti, C.S. Indulkar and D.P. Kothari, Parameter optimization of power systems for stochastic load demands, ibid. |
[133] | S.C. Parti, P.V. Gupta and D.P. Kothari, Stochastic optimal hydrothermal power despatch, ibid. |
[134] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari, J. Nanda and K.S. Lingamurthy, Optimal voltage control using constant sensitivity matrix, Int. J. Electric Power System Research, vol. 14, No. 3, Dec. 1986, pp. 195-203. |
[135] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, Optimal reactive power dispatch: A review, presented at the 2nd National Convention of Elect. Engrs, Baroda, Dec. 1986. |
[136] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, Economic emission load dispatch through goal programming techniques, presented at the IEEE Winter Power Meeting Feb. 1987, paper No. 87, WM 3463; Subsequently published in IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1988, pp. 26-32. |
[137] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, Economicload dispatch : State of Art, presented at Seminar on Power distribution System, New Delhi, 305, 1987. |
[138] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, Optimal real and reactive power dispatch through LGP, presented at the IASTED 6th Int. Conf. on 'MIC' Switzerland, Feb. 17-20, 1987. |
[139] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and S.C. Srivastava, A new optimal power flow algorithm using Fletcher's QP method, ibid. |
[140] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and K.S. Lingamurthy, Optimal reactive power dispatch using exact coordination equations, presented at the Int. Conf. on Ist Symp. on EPS, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March 21-24, 1987. |
[141] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and S.C. Srivastava, A new optimal power flow algorithm using quadratic differential method, ibid. |
[142] | J. Nanda, P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and D.L. Shenoy, Second order decoupled load flow, Int. J. Electric Machines and Power Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, 1987, pp. 301-312. |
[143] | D.P. Kothari and S.N. Girotra, A new optimal and reliable generator maintenance scheduling algorithm, J.IE. (India), Vol. 67, Feb. 1987, pp. 171-173. |
[144] | C. Thangaraj, M.C. Chaturvedi, D.P. Kothari and Sushil, Long term water resource planning for conflicting uses, presented at Indian Water Congress, New Delhi, March, 1987. |
[145] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and S.C. Srivastava, Some important observations on FDLF algorithm, Proc. of the IEEE, May 1987, pp. 723-733. |
[146] | D.P. Kothari, Static var systems for reactive power control in electric energy systems, published in 128th Anniversary number of "Engineer, " Vol. 129, May/Aug. 1987, pp. 39-42. |
[147] | C.S. Indulkar, M. Patrick and D.P. Kothari, Sensitivity analysis of the ampacities, cable and system losses of 135 kV pipe type cable systems, Int. J. Electric Machines and Power Systems, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1987, pp. 87-101. |
[148] | M.L. Kothari, V.K. Gupta and D.P. Kothari, Microprocessor based static var system, presented at the Intentional Symp. on power dist. systems, 17-19 Dec. 1987, Calcutta. |
[149] | P.S. Satsangi, D. Ram Babu and D.P. Kothari, Energy planning model for Delhi for the year 2000-01, presented at NSC, Kurukshetra, Dec. 1987. |
[150] | C. Subhash, P.S. Satsangi, D.P. Kothari and V. Gautam, Stochastic modelling of an Interconnected Energy economy system of India for perspective energy planning, ibid. |
[151] | R.M. Dubey, M.L. Kothari and D.P. Kothari, Investigation of dynamic stability of a power system considering PI power system stabilizer, ibid. |
[152] | D. Das, J. Nanda, M.L. Kothari, D.P. Kothari, AGC of a two area reheat thermal system considering PI controllers in discrete mode, ibid. |
[153] | D.P. Kothari, Optimal hydrothermal scheduling A review, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol. 47, Feb. 1988, pp. 98-101. |
[154] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari, S.C. Srivastava, A new optimal power dispatch algorithm using quadratic differential method, presented at the IASTED Int. Conf. Arizona, March 14, 1988. |
[155] | M.L. Kothari, S.V. Singh, D. Das, J. Nanda and D.P. Kothari, Variable structure controllers of AGC of an Interconnected power system, ibid. |
[156] | D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Thermal generating unit commitment considering load uncertainties, presented at the 14th annual convention of IEEE India Council, Bombay, April, 1988. Subsequently published in J.I.E. (India), vol. 71, Aug. 90, pp. 109-111. |
[157] | D.P. Kothari, Discussion on paper No. 87 WM 0573, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2, May, 1988, p. 367. |
[158] | M.L. Kothari, J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and D. Das, Discrete mode AGC of a twoarea reheat thermal system with new area control error, presented at the IEEE Power Meeting, July 1988, paper no. 85 SM 7244. Subsequently published in IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 4, no. 2, May 1989, pp. 730-738. |
[159] | J. Nanda, D. Das, M.L. Kothari and D.P. Kothari, Discrete mode AGC of an interconnected hydrothermal system with new area control error, presented at the Vth NPSC, Bangalore, Sept. 1988. |
[160] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and S.C. Srivastava, A novel second order fast decoupled load flow method in polar coordinates, Int. J. of EMPS, 1988, pp 339-351. |
[161] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari, P.R. Bijwe and S.C. Srivastava, A powerful algorithm for power system planning amenable to small computers, Int. Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 10, No. 4, Oct. 1988, pp. 271-273. |
[162] | M.L. Kothari, D. Das, S.V. Singh, D.P. Kothari and J. Nanda, Variable structure controllers for AGC of an interconnected power system, presented at the ENERGEX'88, Nov. 88, Tripoli, Libya. Subsequently published in J.I.E. (India), Vol. 72, pt. E13, August 1991, pp. 79-82. |
[163] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and S.C. Srivastava, New algorithms for handling system constraints in a QP based optimal power flow model, ibid. |
[164] | D. Das, M.L. Kothari, D.P. Kothari and J. Nanda, Discrete mode AGC of a two area reheat thermal system with a new ACE considering GRC, presented at the 12th NSC, Coimbatore, Dec. 1988. |
[165] | D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Reserve constraint unit commitment under load uncertainties, ibid. |
[166] | C. Subhash, P.S. Satsangi, D.P. Kothari and V. Gautam, Long term optimization model for integrated rural energy planning, ibid. |
[167] | D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Discussion on paper no. 88 WM 1497, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 3, No. 4, Nov. 88, pp. 86-87. |
[168] | D. Das, J. Nanda, M.L. Kothari and D.P. Kothari, Application of VSC problem strategy to AGC problem of an interconnected reheat thermal system considering GRC, presented at the National Seminar, Rourkela, Feb. 1989. |
[169] | T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Compensation scheme for a long distance radial transmission system, ibid. |
[170] | J. Nanda, D. Das, M.L. Kothari and D.P. Kothari, AGC of interconnected reheat thermal system using variable structure controllers, presented at the Int. Conf., Libya, March 1989 |
[171] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and S.C. Srivastava, Discussion on paper no. 88 SM 7353, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, May 1989, p. 769. |
[172] | J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and S.C. Srivastava, A New optimal power dispatch algorithm using Fletcher's QP method, IEE Proc. Vol. 136, Pt. C, No. 3, May 1989, pp. 153-161. |
[173] | C.S. Indulkar and D.P. Kothari, Discussion on paper No. 88 SM 5647, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 4, No.2, April 89, pp. 1193-1194. |
[174] | D.P. Kothari, et. al., Optimal scheduling of hydrothermal system with pumped storage plants, Proc. 8th Biennial Conf. SSA, ANU, Camberra, 25-27.1989 |
[175] | M. Al-Dabbagh, D.P. Kothari and L. Al-Dabbagh, Dynamic simulation of micro induction generators interconnected to a strong power grid, pp. 517-522. |
[176] | A.L. Harvey, H. Cohen and D.P. Kothari, Modelling of image motion measurement using computer simulation, ibid, pp. 563-567. |
[177] | D.P. Kothari, Optimal stochastic hydrothermal scheduling using nonlinear programming technique, presented at the Seminar, Australian Society for OR, Melbourne, 16th October, 1989; subsequently published in a book, "Recent Development in Mathematical Programming" edited by S. Kumar, published by Gordon & Breach, Australia 1991, pp. 335-344. |
[178] | A.L. Harvey and D.P. Kothari, Effect of image enhancement on accuracy of image registration, Proc, 13th NSC, Kharagpur, Dec. 1989, pp. 261-262. |
[179] | J. Nanda, P.R. Bijwe. D.P. Kothari and D.L. Shenoy, Comparison of first order and second order load flow methods, ibid, pp. 294-297. |
[180] | T. Bergin, J. Cholewka, D.P. Kothari and G. Xiong, Computer controlled CSI induction motor drive, ibid, pp. 146-149. |
[181] | D. Das, J. Nanda, M.L. Kothari and D.P. Kothari, AGC of a HT system with new ACE considering GRC, ibid. subsequently published in Int. J. Electric machines and Power Systems, Vol. 18, No. 5, 1990. pp. 461-471. |
[182] | K. Debnath, D.P. Kothari and M. AlDabbagh, Data collection for power system reliability assessment, presented at the Symposium, Swinburne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Dec. 1989. |
[183] | M. AlDabbagh, D.P. Kothari and K. Debnath, Diagnostic approach to power system problems using expert systems, ibid. |
[184] | M. AlDabbagh, D.P. Kothari and K. Debnath and A. Harvey, Dynamic equivalents for stability study of large interconnected power systems, ibid. |
[185] | D.P. Kothari and K. Debnath, Discussion of 89 SM 7055PWRS, IEEE. Trns. on Power Systems, Vol. 5, No. 2, May 1990, p. 447 |
[186] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P.Kothari and L.D. Arya, contingency ranking of line outages causing voltage problems with postoutage corrective rescheduling, Proc. VI National Power Systems Conference, Bombay, June 1990, T.M.H. pp. 677-681. |
[187] | J.S. Dhillon, S.C. Parti and D.P. Kothari, Stochastic optimal thermal power dispatch, ibid, pp. 495-499. |
[188] | D.P. Kothari, Discussion of 89 SM 6966 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol.5, 1990, pp. 1258-1259. |
[189] | D. Das, PVL Prasanna, D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Discussion of 90 WM 2030EC, Trans on Energy Conversion, vol. 5, No. 3, Sept. 90, p. 452. |
[190] | D.P. Kothari, Sandwich Courses in Engineering Education in India, Proc. PRCEEE90, Melbourne, Australia, 1720 Dec. 90, pp. 156-160. |
[191] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Corrective rescheduling to alleviate bus voltage violations, Proc. IEEE ACE 90, Bangalore, 22-25 Jan. 1991, pp. 55-58. |
[192] | J.S. Dhillon, S.C. Parti and D.P. Kothari, Multiobjective stochastic optimal thermal power dispatch, ibid, pp. 136-140. |
[193] | K.K. Bhandari, D.P. Kothari and P.S. Satsangi, Integrated energy systems planning for inaccessible area, presented at Nat. Sem. on Recent Advances in Ind. Engg. & Management, Agra, Feb. 21-23, 1991. |
[194] | K.K. Bhandari, P.S. Satsangi and D.P. Kothari, Typology classification of area for integrated energy systems planning, Proc. NSC90, Aligarh, March 91, pp. 511-515. |
[195] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Preandpost contingency security constrained optimization for alleviating voltage problems, ibid. pp. 75-79. |
[196] | T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Compensation of radial long distance transmission lines, ibid. pp. 63-68. |
[197] | J.S. Dhillon, S.C. Parti and D.P. Kothari, Multiobjective optimal thermal power dispatch, ibid, pp. 141-145. |
[198] | D.P. Kothari, P.R. Bijwe, L.D. Arya, D. Das, Discussion of 90 WM 0331 PWRS, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol. 6, No. 1, Feb. 1991, p. 276. |
[199] | D. Das, PVL Prasanna, D.P. Kothari, Discussion of 90 WM 203OEC, IEEE Trans on Energy Conversion, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 1991, pp. 276-277. |
[200] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Preand post contingency line overloads, Proc. the IASTED Int. Conf. Tainan, Taiwan, March 4-7, 1991, pp. 72-76. |
[201] | D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Discussion of 90 SM 4390 PWRS, IEEE Trans on Power Systems, May 1991, p. 857. |
[202] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, New loss formulae for real and reactive power optimization, Proc. TENCON 91, Aug. 91, pp. 405-409. |
[203] | D.P. Kothari, Energy problems facing the third world, Proc. Energy Conservation in Industry, New Delhi, Aug. 91 pp. 13-16. |
[204] | C.S. Indulkar, Markovic Bozo and D.P. Kothari, Sensitivity analysis of the ampacity and cable loss of 138 kV Solid dielectric cable, J.I.E. (India), Vol. 72, October 1991, pp. 109-112. |
[205] | K.K. Bhandari and D.P. Kothari, A case for efficient energy management, Proc. National Seminar on Energy Conservation & Management, REC Kurukshetra, Oct. 1991, ppB5, 1B5, 6. |
[206] | D. Das, M.L. Kothari, D.P. Kothari and J. Nanda, Variable structure control strategy of AGC of an interconnected reheat thermal system, IEE Proc. Pt. C, Vol. 138, No. 6, Nov. 1991, pp. 579-585. |
[207] | J. Satish, D.P. Kothari, T.S. Bhatti, Discussion of 91 WM 1479, EC, IEEE Trans. on EC, Vol. 6, Dec. 1991, pp. 637-638. |
[208] | D.P. Kothari and Aijaz Ahmed, A new approach for thermal generating unit commitment, Int. Conf. on Electrical Rotating Machines, Bombay, Jan. 92, Vol. II, pp, VI B1B3. |
[209] | D.P. Kothari and S.N. Girotra, Maintenance scheduling of generating units by reserve levelling, presented at MEPCON 92, Egypt, Jan. 1992. |
[210] | D.P. Kothari, Master of Technology program in energy studies, presented at the Nat. Conf. on Edu. on Tech. for Higher Tech. Edn. and Trg., MACT, Bhopal, Feb. 1992. |
[211] | M.L. Kothari, J. Nanda, D.P. Kothari and D. Das, Discrete mode AGC of a two area reheat thermal system with a NACE considering GRC, JIE (India), Vol. 72, Feb. 1992, pp. 297-303. |
[212] | D.P. Kothari, Electric Energy Systems Research : An overview, J. Energy Opportunities, March, 1992, p. 28. |
[213] | J.S. Dhillon, S.C. Parti and D.P. Kothari, Stochastic Optimal Generation Scheduling of Hydrothermal System, Proc., NSC-91, Roorkee, March 92, pp. 80-85. |
[214] | D.K. Jain, D.P. Kothari and P.S. Satsangi, Rational use of energy:a system approach to energy planning, ibid, pp. 92-96. |
[215] | N. Sinha, D.P. Kothari and M.L. Kothari, Analysis of AGC of a two equal area reheat thermal system considering dual rate sampling, ibid, pp. 350-355. |
[216] | D.D. Bhaskar and D.P. Kothari, Discussion of 90IC 5975EC, IEEE Trans. on EC, March 92, Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 14. |
[217] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari, Discussion on 90 SM 4390, PWRS, IEEE Trans. on Power System, Vol. 7, May 1992, p. 752. |
[218] | Aijaz Ahmed, D.P. Kothari, Discussion of 91SM 3228 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on P.S. May, 1992, p. 646. |
[219] | S.N. Girotra and D.P. Kothari, Some simple techniques for achieving energy conservation, presented at National Conference on Energy Conservation in Electric Utility and Industry, IIT Delhi, 8th June, 1992. |
[220] | L.D. Arya, D.P. Kothari, B.M. Sharma and D.M. Tiwari, Sub Optimal guidance law for homing missiles, presented at the OPTEC NS 92, July 23, 1992 at Madurai, pp. 417-422. |
[221] | B.M. Sharma, L.D. Arya, C.M. Poddar and D.P. Kothari, Parameter optimization of an error sampled comverter fed DC motor, ibid, pp, 189-194. |
[222] | T.S. Bhatti, D.P. Kothari and J. Satish, Discussion of 91WM 2995 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on P.S. Vol. 7, Aug. 92, pp. 1116-17. |
[223] | D. Das and D.P. Kothari and J. Satish, Discussion of 90 IC 5884, PWRS, ibid, p. 1273. |
[224] | D.P. Kothari (invited paper), Optimal operation scheduling, presented at Bangalore IISc Workshop on Power Systems, Aug. 92. |
[225] | D.K. Jain, D.P. Kothari and P.S. Satsangi, Discussion of 91 WM137o EC, IEEE Trans. on EC, Vol. 7, Sept. 1992, p. 433. |
[226] | D. Das, H.S. Nagi and D.P. Kothari, A new load flow technique for solving radial distribution feeder main feeder case, J.I.E. (India), Vol. 73, PtEl 4, October 1992, pp. 223-226. |
[227] | V. Dutta and D.P. Kothari, Discussion of 92 WM 0372 EC, IEEE Trans. on EC, Vol. 7, Dec. 1992, pp. 658-659. |
[228] | L.D. Arya, P.R. Bijwe and D.P. Kothari, Simultaneous alleviation of line overloads and voltage violations, Proc. VII NPSC, Calcutta, Feb. 1993, pp. 456-460. |
[229] | H.K. Verma, L.D. Arya, P.R. Bijwe and D.P. Kothari, A novel technique of thermal power generation dispatch, ibid. |
[230] | D. Das, H.S. Nagi and D.P. Kothari, Reactive Power compensation for industrial consumers : A new approach, ibid. |
[231] | D. Das, D. Tyagi and D.P. Kothari, A new load flow technique for solving radial distribution feeder, Proc. XVI NSC'92, Feb. 1993, pp. 143-147. |
[232] | D.P. Kothari et al, Discussion of 90 WM 2030EC, IEEE Trans on EC, Vol.5, No. 3, Sept.90, p.452 |
[233] | D.P. Kothari, Mini and MicroHydropower Systems in India, invited chapter in the book Energy Resources and Technology 2, Scientific Publishers, 1992, pp. 147-158. |
[234] | D.K. Jain, P.S. Satsangi and D.P. Kothari, Modelling of Urban Energy System with particular reference to impact of industrial investment, Proc. V Nat. Conf. on System Dynamics, New Delhi, March 93, pp. 397-407. |
[235] | H.K. Verma, R.S. Tare, L.D. Arya, P.R. Bijwe and D.P. Kothari, A novel technique for minimizing the transmission losses, Proc. Int. Power Engg. Conf., Singapore, 1993, March 1819, 1993, pp. 113-118. |
[236] | H. Reddy, V. Seshadri and D.P. Kothari, Minimicro hydro projects: Review and cost reduction options, presented at the workshop on energy system planning, IIT Delhi, Apr. '93. Subsequently published in Indian Journal of Power and River valley Development, Vol.XLIV, Jan.Feb. 94, pp 14. |
[237] | S.N. Girotra, D.P. Kothari, Steps for optimum use of electrical energy by proper conservation and management, ibid. |
[238] | H.K. Sharma, J.C. Joshi and D.P. Kothari, Determination of optimum size and dynamic behaviour of singlephase distribution systems of standalone PV system, published in New Dimensions in Renewable Energy, TMH, New Delhi, 1993, pp. 149-156. |
[239] | L.D. Arya, H.K. Verma, R.S. Koranne, D.P. Kothari, Quadratic Reactive power loss formulae, Proc. II Int. Conf. on Modelling & Simulation, Melbourne, July 1993, pp. 429-436. |
[240] | J.S. Dhillon, S.C. Parti and D.P. Kothari, Stochastic economic emission load dispatch, Int. J. Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1993, pp. 179-183. |
[241] | V. Dutta and D.P. Kothari, Discussion of 92SM 5272 EC, IEEE Trans. on EC Vol. 8, no. 2, June 1993, p.153. |
[242] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Alleviation of line overloads and voltage violations by corrective rescheduling, IEE Proc. C, Vol. 140, No. 4, July 1993, pp. 249-255. |
[243] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Discussion on 92 SM4333 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on PS, Vol. 8, No. 3, August 93, p. 814. |
[244] | D.P. Kothari, P.R. Bijwe, L.D. Arya and R.S. Tare, Discussion on 92 SM 4127 PWRS, ibid, pp. 1037-38. |
[245] | D.K. Jain, P.S. Satsangi and D.P. Kothari, Impact of industrial investment on the energy related problems at Jaipur City, Energy, Vol. 18, No. 10, October 1993, pp. 1059-1065. |
[246] | D.P. Kothari, Computer aided operation of power systems, Proc. GRIDSAFE93, Oct. 93, pp. IV 42-49. |
[247] | S.C. Choube, L.D. Arya, K.N. Pawar and D.P. Kothari, Line Switching for overload Alleviation or Rotation under contingency condition, Proc. 17th NSC93, Dec. 93, Allied, pp. 57-60. |
[248] | J.S. Dhillon, S.C. Parti, D.P. Kothari, Multiobjective stochastic scheduling of Hydrothermal system, ibid, pp. 293-297. |
[249] | K.N. Pawar, S.C. Choube, L.D. Arya, K.S. Mehta and D.P. Kothari, An Interactive simulation of power system operation, ibid, pp. 298-301. |
[250] | L.D. Arya, H.K. Verma and D.P. Kothari, Reactive Power Loss Minimization using sensitivity coefficients, ibid, pp. 396-399. |
[251] | D.K. Jain, P.S. Satsangi and D.P. Kothari, Interfacing of system Dynamics and ANN Simulation Techniques, ibid, pp. 486-489. |
[252] | D.K. Jain, D.P. Kothari and P.S. Satsangi, Discussion on 93 WM 1834 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on P.S. vol. 9, No. 1, Feb. 1994, p. 532. |
[253] | D. Das, H.S. Nagi and D.P. Kothari, A novel method for solving radial distribution networks, Proc. IEE ptC, GTD vol. 141, No. 4, July 94, pp. 291-298. |
[254] | F.A. Talukdar and D.P. Kothari, Discussion on 93 SM 4648 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on P.S., Vol. 9, No. 3, Aug. 94, p. 1252. |
[255] | D.P. Kothari, Discussion on 93 SM 4655 PWRS, ibid, p. 1516. |
[256] | F.A. Talukdar and D.P. Kothari, Discussion on 93 SM 5645 PWRS, ibid, p. 1538. |
[257] | Subir Sen and D.P. Kothari, Discussion on 94 WM 1966 PWRS, ibid, p. 1641-42. |
[258] | H.K. Verma. L.D. Arya and D.P. Kothari, Voltage stability enhancement by reactive power loss minimisation, presented at IE (India) paper meeting, Sept. 94, Patna. Subsequently published in JIE(India), vol 76, May 1995, pp. 44-49. |
[259] | Mool Singh and D.P. Kothari, The starting of a 3 ph IM connected to a 1ph supply system, ibid., pp. 63-66. |
[260] | D.K. Jain, P.S. Satsangi and D.P. Kothari, Urbanization and Energy related Problems in Indian Cities, Energy Sources, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1994, pp. 177-182. |
[261] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and L.D. Arya, Overload ranking of line outages with postoutage generation rescheduling, Int. J. of Electric Machines and Power Systems, Vol. 22, No. 5, 1994, pp.557-568 |
[262] | D.P. Kothari and S. Kelapure, Optimal Maintenance Scheduling: A Review, Proc. E.P.S. Seminar, Amravati, Nov.94, pp. 1.4.1-1.4.10. |
[263] | D.P. Kothari and Subir Sen, Economic Unit Commitment and Generation Scheduling including generator Capacity Constraints : A Novel Approach, ibid, pp. 1.3.1-1.3.17. |
[264] | N. Debnath, B.N.Mishra, D.P.Kothari and S.C. Kaushik, Status of Photovoltaic Powered Cold Chain in India, Journal of Rural Energy, Vol. 3, Nos. 1-2, Jan-June 1994, pp 47-57. |
[265] | H. Reddy, V. Seshadri and D.P. Kothari, Effect of drafttube size on the performance of a crossflow turbine, Proc IX ISME Conf. on Mech. Engg., Nov. 94, pp.207-212. |
[266] | J.S. Dhillon, S.C. Parti and D.P. Kothari, Multiobjective thermal power dispatch, 8th NPSC, New Delhi, Dec. 94, Allied, pp. 643-647. |
[267] | L.D. Arya, S.C. Choube and D.P. Kothari, Overload reduction by line switching: A PC based interactive simulation, ibid, pp. 235-238. |
[268] | H.K. Verma, L.D. Arya, V.S. Pahde and D.P. Kothari, Online Evaluation of Loss Coefficients for economic dispatch, presented at Int. Conf. on stochastic models, opt. techniques and computer applications (ICSOc), Coimbatore, Dec. 15-17, 1994. |
[269] | Chakrabarti and D.P. Kothari, Aspects of dynamic performance security and reliability of inter connected EHV transmission system in developing countries, Proc. 9th Indian Engg. Cong. (Platinum Jubilee), Calcutta, December 1994, pp. 235-241. |
[270] | J.S. Dhillon, S.C. Parti and D.P. Kothari, Multiobjective optimal thermal power dispatch, Int. J. of EPES, vol. 16, No. 6, Dec 1994, pp. 383-389. |
[271] | D.K. Jain, P.S. Satsangi and D.P. Kothari, A systems approach for mitigating citylevel energyrelated problems, Proc. NSC94, Allied, Jan. 1995, pp. 594-598. |
[272] | D. Das and D.P. Kothari, Discussion of 93 WM 160-2 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on P.S., Vol. 10, No. 1, Feb 1995, pp. 58-59. |
[273] | D.P. Kothari and Aijaz Ahmad, An expertsystem approach to the unit commitment problem, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 36, No. 4, April 1995, pp. 257-261. |
[274] | D.P. Kothari, Current Status of Renewable Energy Education in India, presented at the workshop on curriculum for Renewable Energy, WITT, New Delhi, 3-7, April 1995. |
[275] | D.P. Kothari and Subir Sen, Effect of Different Unit Fuel Cost Characteristics on Economic Unit Commitment Schedule, Proc. Power India, April 1995, pp106-108. |
[276] | S.Sen and D.P.Kothari, Discussion of 94 SM 588-4 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on P.S. Vol. 10, No. 2, May 1995, p. 897. |
[277] | L.D. Arya, S.C. Choube, K.S. Mehta, K.N. Pawar and D.P. Kothari, Post Contingency line switching for overload Alleviation or rotation, EMPS, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1995, pp. 345-352. |
[278] | J.S. Dillon, S.C. Parti and D.P.Kothari, Multi-objective Generation Scheduling of Hydrothermal Systems, Proc. RetC4, 96, March 8-9, 1996, Bhatinda, pp. 261-272. |
[279] | D. Das, H.S. Nagi and D.P. Kothari, Reactive Power Compensation for industrial Consumers: A New approach, ibid, pp. 279-287. |
[280] | D.Das and D.P.Kothari, Instability and Dynamics of a Wind Turbine Generator System on an Isolated Power System, J.I.E.(India), Vol. 76, August 1995, pp. 69-71. |
[281] | N.D. Kaushik, D.P. Kothari and Kshitij, Pollution Free Power Generation for Energy System Planning in India, presented at the Seminar on `Environment friendly electric power generation', U.O.R., Roorkee, Nov, 1995, pp 52-57. |
[282] | D Das, D.P. Kothari and A. Kalam, A simple and efficient method for load flow solution of radial distribution networks, Int. J. of EPES, 1995, pp 335-346. |
[283] | J.S. Dhillon, S.C. Parti and D.P. Kothari, Multiobjective decision making in stochastic ED, EMPS, Vol. 23, 1995, pp. 289-301. |
[284] | R.Ranjan, D.Das and D.P.Kothari, Distribution System Planning using knowledge based expert system, Proc. PEDES' 96, vol. 1, pp 147-153. |
[285] | L.D. Arya, S.C. Chaube and D.P. Kothari, Contingency selection with corrective rescheduling avoiding masking, J.I.E(I), vol. 76, Nov. 1995 pp 145-149. |
[286] | D.P. Kothari and Subir Sen, Multi-objective security constrained stochastic optimal generation scheduling-A discussion, Power Engineer, vol.43, Nos. 1 and 2, Jan and April, 1995, pp 25-31. |
[287] | Subir Sen and D.P. Kothari, Discussion of 95 WM 163-6 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on Power systems, vol. 10, No. 4, Nov 1995, pp 1918. |
[288] | D.P. Kothari and Subir Sen, Discussion of 95 WM 178-4 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 10, No. 4, Nov 1995, pp 1945. |
[289] | Subir Sen and D.P. Kothari, Discussion of 95 WM 204-8 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 10, No. 4, Nov. 1995, pp 2020. |
[290] | D.P.Kothari, D.K.Sharma and V. Dutta, Discussion on 95WM 089--3EC, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 10, No. 4, Dec 1995, pp 745-746. |
[291] | S.Sen and D.P.Kothari, Comparison of unit commitment schedules based on fuel cost and emission dispatch, Proc. Int. Conf. at Nagpur, Jan 96, pp 204-207. |
[292] | Subir Sen and D.P.Kothari, Discussion of 95 WM 122-2 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 11, No.1, Feb 1996, p 58. |
[293] | D.P. Kothari and Subir Sen, Minimisation of Environmental Pollution Due to Thermal Power Generation-A novel approach, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Power Development in Afro-asian contries, Kathmandu (Nepal) March 1996, pp. 1553-1561. |
[294] | H. Reddy, D.P. Kothari and V. Seshadri, Effect of draft Tube Size on the performance of a Cross flow Turbine, Energy Sources, Vol 18, No 2, March 1996, pp 143-149. |
[295] | D.P.Kothari, The Third World Dilemma, Natural Energy Review, vol. 1, No 5, May 1996, pp 18-21. |
[296] | D.Das and D.P.Kothari, Discussion of 95 WM 127-1 PWRS, ibid, pp 66-67. |
[297] | Subir Sen and D.P. Kothari, Comparison of Unit Commitment Schedules based on Fuel Cost and Emission Minimisation, J.I.E.(I), vol. 77, May 1996, pp. 6-9. |
[298] | Subir Sen, D.P.Kothari and F.A. Talukdar, Thermal Power Dispatch with More Clean Environment-An Approach, Proc IE(I) Seminar on Environmental Problems, Nagpur, Sept 1996. |
[299] | Ahmad and D.P.Kothari, Maintenance Scheduling of Generating Units-A Fuzzy Approach, Presented at National Workshop on Energy, IIT Delhi, Oct. 1996. |
[300] | D.K.Sharma and D.P.Kothari, Cleaner Power Generation by Renewable Energy Sources, Proc. ASIA ENERGY VISION-2020, IE (I), New Delhi, Nov 15-17, 1996, pp 16-19. |
[301] | D.P. Kothari, L.D. Arya, H.K. Verma and S.C. Choube, Discussion of 96 SM-471-3 PWRS, IEEE Trans. on Power System. |
[302] | Anuradha, Bhim Singh, D.P.Kothari and A. Chandra, Generalised Concepts for Balancing Three Phase Load Fed from Three Phase Supply, Proceedings of the Ninth National Power System Conference '96 at IIT Kanpur, pp. 30-35. |
[303] | D.P.Kothari and Aijaz Ahmad, An Efficient Fuzzy Algorithm for Generator Maintenance Scheduing, ibid, pp. 297-301. |
[304] | L.D.Arya, S.C.Choube and D.P.Kothari, A Technique for Economic Dispatch Accounting MW-Line Flow Constraints, ibid, 541-545. |
[305] | S.Sen, D.P.Kothari and S.Ashok, Economic Environmental Generation Scheduling-An Approach, Proceedings of the National Systems Conference 96, Trivandrum, pp.261-265. |
[306] | R.Ranjan, D.Das and D.P.Kothari, Loss minimization of Radial distribution Networks Using Knowledge Based Expert System, ibid, Trivandrum, pp. 290-295. |
[307] | Subir Sen and D.P.Kothari, "Thermal Generating Unit Commitmnt Schedules of Units Having Different Fuel Characteristics", Electrical India, Vol.5, 1996, pp 1-5. |
[308] | L.D.Arya, S.C.Choube and D.P.Kothari, A Non-Decomposed Approach for Security Constrained Economic Dispatch, J.I.E.(India), Vol. 77, February 1997, pp. 229-234. |
[309] | S.Sen, Aijaz Ahmad and D.P.Kothari, Discussion paper on Cost Effectiveness of Emission Control as Fossil-Fuel Units for Different Cumulative Load Patterns, IEEE meeting, Paper no. 96 WM 290-7 PWRS, IEEE, Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 12, No.1, Feb. 97, pp. 327-328. |
[310] | S.Sen, A.Ahmad and D.P.Kothari, Discussion paper on Optimal planning of wind Energy Conversion system over an energy scenario, IEEE meeting, Paper no. 96SM290-7PWRS. |
[311] | S.Sen and D.P.Kothari, Discussion paper on Unit Commitment Health Analysis for Interconnected system, IEEE meeting, paper no. 96 SM 500-9 PWRS. |
[312] | D.P. Kothari, L.D. Arya, H.K. Verma and S.C. Choube, Discussion of 96 SM-471-3 PWRS. |
[313] | L.D.Arya, S.C.Choube and D.P.Kothari, Emission Constrained Secure Economic Dispatch, Int. Jr. of Elect. Energy and Power System, Vol. 19, No. 5, 1997, pp 279-285. |
[314] | S.Sen, D.P.Kothari, Discussion on 96SM 577-7EC, IEEE Transaction on EC, vol. 12, no. 3, Sept. 1997, Page 254. |
[315] | L.D.Arya, S.C. Chaube and D.P.Kothari, Economic Dispatch with Emmission and MW-Line Flow Constraint, EM-131, JIE (I), Vol. 78, May 1997, pp 41-45. |
[316] | S.C. Agarwal, Mool Singh, and D.P. Kothari, Analysis of Induction Generator for Wind Energy Conversion System at Constant Output Voltage, J.I.E. (India), Vol. 77, February 1997, pp. 182-185. |
[317] | D.K.Sharma, A.Chandra, D.P. Kothari, Cleaner Utilization of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources, Proceedings of the Ist International Conference on Green Power-The Need for the 21st Century, 12-14 February, 1997 New Delhi (India) pp. 69-71. |
[318] | P.S. Satsangi, D.K. Jain and D.P. Kothari, An Intelligent System Dynamics Approach for Integrated Management of Urban Transport-Energy-Economy-Environment Related Impact, Indian Journal of Transport Management, vol 21, no 2, Feb 1997, pp. 113-122. |
[319] | R.Ranjan, D. Das and D.P.Kothari, Optimal Conductor Selection of Radial Distribution Feeders-Main Feeders Case, Proceedings, All India Seminar on Efficient Use of Electric Motors, Generator and Drives for Industries and Utilies for Purpose of Achieving Saving in Energy, Murthal (Sonepat) Feb., 1997, pp. 95-104. |
[320] | Subir Sen, D.P. Kothari and F.A. Talukdar, Environmental Friendly Thermal Power Dispatch-An Approach, Int J. of Energy Sources, vol. 19, no. 4, May, 1997, pp 397-408. |
[321] | R.Ranjan, D. Das and D.P.Kothari, Voltage Improvement and Loss Minimisation of Radial Distribution Networks by Optimal Conductor Grading, Electrical India, 15th June, 1997, pp. 16-18. |
[322] | D.P. Kothari, G.N. Tiwari and R.K. Goyal, Electric Energy Conservation in Buildings, presented in the National Workshop on Passive Solar Building Technologies for Mountains, Shimla, July 29-30, 1997. |
[323] | R.Ranjan, D. Das and D.P. Kothari, Novel Computer Algorithm for Optimal Conductor Selection of Radial Distribution Feeders-Main Feeders Case, International conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances, Roorkee, India, Sep 1997, pp 466-470. |
[324] | D.P.Kothari and Subir Sen, "Optimal Thermal Generating Unit Commitment-A Novel Approach", Proc. International Conference on Modelling and Simulation-MS'97, Victoria University of Technology, Australia, Oct. 1997 pp 331-336. |
[325] | D.P.Kothari and Aijaz Ahmad, "Optimal Multi Area Generator Maintenance Scheduling Based on Fuzzy Approach, ibid, pp. 490-495. |
[326] | D.P.Kothari, P.R.Bijwe and Shekhar Kelapure, "An Effecient Technique for Filtering Non-severe line Outage Contingencies Producing Voltage Problems ", ibid, pp 323-326. |
[327] | A.M. Dighe, H.T. Thorat, D.P. Kothari and A.M. Tagde, Academic Restructuring Under Autonomy, presented at ISTE Convention, Aurangabad, Nov. 1997. |
[328] | P.S. Kulkarni, S.G. Tarnekar and D.P.Kothari, Radial Basis Function Neural Network Application to Economic Generation Scheduling with Transmission Losses, International Conference on Power Generation, System Planning and Operation, 12-13 Dec 1997, IIT Delhi , pp 92-97. |
[329] | L.D. Arya, S.C. Chaube and D.P. Kothari, Generator Rescheduling for Alleviating Voltage Limit Violations, ibid, pp 130-136. |
[330] | D.J. Tidke and D.P. Kothari, Distance Education in the Changing Global Information Scenario, to be presented at XXVII Annual Convention of ISTE and National seminar on Global Interconnectivity for Technical Education in India, MACT, Bhopal, during Dec 19-21, 1997. Subsequently published in Indian J. Of Tech. Edn., vol 23, no.1, Jan-Mar 2000, pp 54-56. |
[331] | D.P. Kothari and A.Ahmad, "Fuzzy Dynamic Programming Based Optimal Generator Maintenance Scheduling Incorporating Load Forecasting" in Advances in Intelligent Systems, edited by F.C. Morabito, IOS Press, Ohmsha, 1997, pp. 233-240. |
[332] | Bhim Singh, K.Al-Haddad, A.Chandra, Anuradha and D.P.Kothari, A Three Phase Compensator for load balancing and Reactive Power Compensation in Three-Phase, Four-Wire Electric Power Distribution Systems, Electric Machines and Power System, vol. 26, Jan 1998, pp. 27-37. |
[333] | J.S. Dillon, S.C. Parti and D.P.Kothari, Fuzzy Decision Making in Short Term Hydro Electric Power System Scheduling, Proc. Integrated Systems, NSC'97, Jan 1998, Hyderabad, pp 298-304. |
[334] | Aijaz Ahmad and D.P.Kothari, A Review of Recent Advances in Generator Maintenance Scheduling, Electric Machines and Power Systems, vol.26, no.4, 1998, pp 373-387. |
[335] | Bhim Singh, Anuradha, D.P. Kothari and Ambrish Chandra, Variable Structure Control of Four Pole Voltage Source Inverter for Active Filtering of Nonlinear Loads in 3 phase 4 wire systems, Proc. Int. Con. on Power Quality, June 1998, pp 89-94. |
[336] | M.K.Mishra, S.G.Tarnekar, D.P.Kothari and A.Ghosh, "Detection of Incipient Faults in Single Phase Induction Motors Fuzzy Logic", ibid, pp 117-121. |
[337] | Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, Anuradha and D. P. Kothari, Reactive Power Compensation and Load Balancing in Electric Power Distribution Systems, Int J of Electric Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 20, No. 6, August 1998, pp. 375-381. |
[338] | Bhim Singh, Anuradha and D.P. Kothari, Analysis of a Novel Active Filter for Balancing and Reactive Power Compensation, Proc. Seventh Int Conf. on Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives, London, Sept 1998. |
[339] | L.D. Arya, S.C. Choube and D.P.Kothari, Mclaurin's Series Based Load Flow Method, Proc. All India Seminar, Roorkee, Sept. 4-5, 1998, pp. 139-142. |
[340] | S.Sen and D.P. Kothari, Evaluation of Benefit of Inter-Area Energy Exchange of Indian Power System Based on Multi-Area Unit Commitment Approach, Int. J of Electrical Machines and Power Systems, vol 26, No8, Oct 1998, pp. 801-813. |
[341] | Subir Sen and D.P.Kothari, Optimal Thermal Generating Unit Commitment-A Review, Int. J. of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 20, No. 7, Oct 1998, pp. 443-451. |
[342] | L.D. Arya R.S. Tare and D.P. Kothari, Voltage Stability Assessment under Line Outage conditions, Proc. NSC-98, Calicut, Dec 1998, pp. 319-324. |
[343] | M.K. Mishra, A.G. Kothari, D.P. Kothari and A. Ghosh, "Development of a fuzzy logic controller for servo systems, " Proc TENCON '98, IEEE Region Ten Conference, Dec 1998, pp. 204-207. |
[344] | Subir Sen and D.P. Kothari, "Optimal thermal generating unit commitment of large power system : A novel approach, " ibid, pp 474-478. |
[345] | Bhim Singh, Anuradha Saxena and D.P. Kothari, Power Factor Correction and Load Balancing in Three Phase Distribution Systems, ibid, pp. 479-483. |
[346] | Bhim Singh, Anuradha, D.P. Kothari and Ambrish Chandra, Comparison of PI, VSE and Energy balance Controller for Single Phase Active Filter Control, ibid, 607-614. |
[347] | S.C. Chaube, L.D. Arya and D.P. Kothari, A Strategy for Alleviation of voltage Limit Violations by MW-Rescheduling Accounting Line Flow Constraints, Proc. NPSC '98, Vadodara, 1998, pp-51-55. |
[348] | Bhim Singh, Anuradha, D.P. Kothari, A. Chandra, Variable Structure Control of 1-ph Active Power Filter, ibid, pp 198-203. |
[349] | Bhim Singh, Anuradha, D.P. Kothari and A. Chandra, 4 Pole Active Filter to Compensate Unbalanced 3-ph 4wire Nonlinear Loads, ibid, pp. 204-210. |
[350] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari, Shekhar Kelapure and R.Tare, A Novel Approach to Anticipatory Load Shedding, ibid, pp 258-262. |
[351] | L.D. Arya, R.S. Tare and D.P.Kothari, Contingency Constrained Corrective Rescheduling for Alleviating Voltage Limit Violations, ibid, pp 383-387. |
[352] | Bhim Singh, Anuradha and D.P. Kothari, "A Novel Control of Four Pole Voltage SourceInverter for Active Filtering of Non Linear Loads in 3-ph, 4-wire systems", Proc. PEDES'98, Vol. 1, Perth, Australia, Dec 98, pp 201-206. |
[353] | L.D. Arya, S.C. Chaube and D.P. Kothari, Line Outage ranking based on estimated lower bound on minimum eigen value of Load Flow Jacobian, JIE(I), vol.79, Dec.98, pp126-129. |
[354] | M.K. Khedkar, S.G. Tarnekar and D.P. Kothari, A Performance Indicator for an Ideal Engineering College Teacher, The Indian J. of Tech. Edn., Vol. 22, No. 1, Jan-March 1999, pp 15-20. |
[355] | S.M. Deshmukh and D.P.Kothari, Industrial Training for Undergraduate Students and its Effective Implementation, ibid, pp. 27-32. |
[356] | Anuradha, Bhim Singh and D.P.Kothari, Generalized Concepts for Balancing Single Phase Load Fed from Three Phase Supply, Electric Machines and Power Systems, Vol 27, No.1, 1999, pp. 63-78. |
[357] | P.R. Bijwe, S.M. Kelapure, D.P. Kothari and K.K. Saxena, Oscillatory Stability Limit Enhancement by Adaptive Control Rescheduling, Int. J. of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 21, no. 7, 1999, pp.507-514. |
[358] | D.Das, S.K. Aditya and D.P. Kothari, Dynamics of Diesel and Wind Turbine Generators on an Isolated Power Systems, Int. J. of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 21, no. 3, March 1999, pp. 183-189. |
[359] | A.G. Kothari, S.G. Tarnekar, D.P. Kothari and H.M. Suryawanshi, Discussion on PE-108-PWRS-0-060-1998, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 14, no. 3 , Aug. 1999, pp. 943. |
[360] | Subir Sen and D.P. Kothari, Large Scale Thermal Generating Unit Commitment: A New Model, Presented at workshop on Next Generation UC Model, State Univ. of NJ, USA, Sept. 29-30, 1999. |
[361] | D.P. Kothari, Poverty Alleviation through Power Generation from Minicipal Waste, Proc. ISREPA-99, Dhaka, Nov. 1999, pp. 510-512. |
[362] | L.D. Arya, S.C. Choube, V.S. Pande and D.P. Kothari, A Computer Simulation Technique for Evaluation of Loss Coefficients and Economic Despatch, presented at MS '99, Dec.1999, Jaipur. |
[363] | S.C. Choube, D.K. Sonwani, L.D. Arya and D.P. Kothari, Selection of bus for shunt compensation and load shedding using reactive power losses in the system, ibid. |
[364] | P.S. Kulkarni, A.G. Kothari and D.P. Kothari, Adaptive BP NN approach to emission constrained econimic despatch, Proc. CBIP Int. Conference, New Delhi, Dec. 1999, pp. viii-1-10. |
[365] | P.S. Kulkarni, A.G. Kothari and D.P. Kothari, Combined Economic and Emmission Dispatch using improved back propogation neural network, Int. J. of EMPS, vol. 28, no. 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 31-43. |
[366] | L.D. Arya, S.C. Chaube and D.P. Kothari, Economic Desptach Accounting Line Flow Constrints using Functional Link Network, Int. J. of Electrical Machines and Power System, Vol. 28, no. 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 55-68 |
[367] | D.P. Kothari, Application of Neural Networks to Power Systems, (Invited paper), Proc. Int. Conferece, ICIT 2000, Jan. 2000, pp. 621-626. |
[368] | Shikha, D.P. Kothari and T.S. Bhatti, Wind Energy Systems: State of Art, Proc. Of National seminar on Renewable Energy Sources for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, RESEPSD-2000, Kota, January 28-29, 2000, pp. 51-59. |
[369] | L.D. Arya, R.S. Tare and D.P. Kothari, Corrective Rescheduling for Alleviating VoltageLimit Violations under Line Outage Condition, JIE (India), vol.80, Feb 2000, pp140-143. |
[370] | Ahmad and D.P. Kothari, A Practical Model for Generator Maintenance Scheduling with Transmission Constraints, Int. J. of Electric Machines and Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 6, June. 2000, pp 501-514. |
[371] | L.D. Arya, S.C. Chaube and D.P. Kothari, Line switching for alleviating overloads under line outage condition taking bus voltage limits into account, Int. J. of Electrical Power and Energy System, Vol. 22, no. 3, 2000, pp. 213-221. |
[372] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and S. Kelapure, An Efficient Approach to Voltage security Analysis and Enhancement, Int. J. of EP and ES. Vol. 22, issue 7, Oct. 2000, pp. 483-486. |
[373] | J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, The Surrogate worth Tradeoff Approach forMultiobjective Thermal Power Dispatch Problem, EPSR. Vol. 56, no.2, Nov.2000. pp. 103-110 |
[374] | Bhim Singh, Anuradha and D.P. Kothari, Performance Analysis of a Simple Active Filter Under Worst Loading Conditions, JIE (India), vol.81, Dec. 2000, pp151-15 |
[375] | Subir Sen and D.P. Kothari, Stochastic Thermal Generating Unit Commitment: An Approach, Proc. NPSC. Dec 2000. pp. 653-657. |
[376] | P.R. Bijwe, S. Kelapure and D.P. Kothari, Power System Loadability Enhancement Through Anticipatory Voltage Reduction, ibid. pp. 172-176. |
[377] | T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Load Frequency Control of Isolated Wind-Diesel-Micro hydro Hybrid Power system, ibid.pp. 658-663. |
[378] | S.C. Chaube, L.D. Arya and D.P. Kothari, Voltage Security Enhancement Using Static Voltage Stability Index (VSI), ibid pp. 154-159. |
[379] | P.S. Kulkarni, A.G. Kothari and D.P. Kothari, Comparison of Neural Networks for Economic-Emission Dispatch, ibid. pp. 352-357 |
[380] | R.C. Bansal, D.P. Kothari, T.S. Bhatti Some Aspects of Grid Connected wind Electric Conversion Systems, Proc. NREC 2000. pp 410-414. |
[381] | R.C. Bansal, D.P. Kothari, T.S. Bhatti Induction generator For Isolated Hybrid Powe system Applications: A Review, Proc. NREC 2000. pp 462-67. |
[382] | T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Dynamics and Control of stand-alone wind-Diesel Photovoltaic Hybrid Power Systems Proc. NREC 2000. pp 431-436. |
[383] | Subir Sen and D.P. Kothari, An Equivalencing Technique for Solving the Large-Scale Thermal Unit Commitment Problem, The Next Generation Of Electric Power Unit Commitment Models, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001, pp. 211-225. |
[384] | J.S.Dhillon, S.C. Parti and D.P. Kothari, Fuzzy Decision Making in Multi objective Long-term Scheduling of HydroThermal system, Int. J. EP and ES, vol.23, no1, Jan. 2001, pp19-29 |
[385] | R.C. Bansal, D.P. Kothari, T.S. Bhatti, Performance Review of Three-Phase Self-Excited Induction Generators (SEIG), All India Seminar on Power Systems: Recent Advances and Prospects in 21st century (PSPAP 21C), MREC, Jaipur on February 17, 2001. |
[386] | R.C. Bansal, D.P. Kothari, T.S. Bhatti, Some of the Design Aspects of Wind Energy Conversion Systems, All India Seminar on Power Systems: Recent Advances and Prospects in 21st century (PSPAP 21C), MREC, Jaipur on February 17, 2001. |
[387] | R.C.Bansal, T.S.Bhatti, D.P.Kothari, Some Aspects of Grid Connected Wind Electric Conversion Systems, Interdisciplinary section, Journal of IE(I) vol.82. May 2001, pp.25-28. |
[388] | D. P. Kothari, Sudhir Kr. Jain, Amulya Khurana, Anshu Saxena, Developing a Marketing Strategy for Global Online Customer Management, International Journal of E-Business Strategy Management , University of Sunderland, UK, Vol. 2, No. 4, May/June 2001, pp 301-305 and subsequently appeared in International Journal of Customer Relationship Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, June/July 2001, pp 53-57. |
[389] | L.D. Arya, S.C. Chaube and D.P. Kothari, Reactive Power Optimization using Static Stability Index(VSI), Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 29, no. 7, July 2001, pp. 615-628 |
[390] | Saxena, Anshu, D. P. Kothari, Sudhir K. Jain and Amulya Khurana (2001), "Analysis of Multimedia and Hypermedia for Computer Simulation and Growth, " European Journal of Engineering for Information Society Applications, 3(1), September 2001, Aslibwest, Winchester, Hampshire, UK. |
[391] | Ramnarayan Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Improvement of Power System Transient Stability using Fast Valving: A Review, International Journal of Electric Power components and systems, Vol. 29, Oct. 2001, 927-938. |
[392] | L.D. Arya , S.C. Choube and D.P. Kothari, Line Outage Ranking for Voltage Limit Violations with Corrective Rescheduling Avoiding Masking, Int. J. Of EP &ES, vol. 23, issue 8, Nov. 2001, pp. 837-846. |
[393] | L.D. Arya, R.S. Tare and D.P. Kothari, Adaline Based Comparators for Obtaining Distance Relay Characteristics, 27th Annual Convention and Exhibition of IEEE India Council-Proceedings IEEE ACE 2001, "Convergence in SPICE", India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on November 1-3, 2001. |
[394] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti, D.P. Kothari, Artificial Intelligence Techniques For Monitoring And Control Of Power Systems: An Overview, Proceedings, International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Information Communication, CIIC 2001, December 13-15, 2001 at Calcutta pp. 91-95. |
[395] | Ramnarayan Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, " New Automated Control Logic for Parallel Valve Operation for Power System Transient Stability Enhancement", ibid, pp. 149-154. |
[396] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti, D.P. Kothari, Restructuring of Indian Power Sector: A Discussion, Proc. EAIT-2001, IIT Kharagpur, December 10-12, 2001, pp. 390-394. |
[397] | Anshu Saxena, D.P. Kothari, Sudhir K. Jain and Amulya Khurana, A Marketing Strategy for Global Online Customers, ibid, pp. 556-558. |
[398] | Ramnarayan Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Dynamic Braking Control Strategies: A Comparative Analysis, ibid, pp. 880-883. |
[399] | Shikha, Bhatti, T.S. and Kothari, D.P. 'Development of Wind Turbines with Accelerating Nozzles', ibid, pp. 512-515. |
[400] | D.P. Kothari, Bhim Singh and Ashish Pandey, "Current Sensor less Control of Single-Phase Boost Converter ibid, pp. 168-170. |
[401] | P.S. Kulkarni, A.G. Kothari, D.P. Kothari "Short Term Hydro-Thermal Scheduling using Artificial Neural Network", ibid, pp. 103-106. |
[402] | D.P. Kothari, "Renewable and Distributed Power Generation", invited talk at the International workshop at IIT Kanpur, Dec. 2001. |
[403] | D.P. Kothari, " Recent Trends in Electric Energy Systems Research", keynote address, international conference at Calcutta University (CIIC-2001), Dec. 2001, pp. 9-12. |
[404] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Wind as an Eco-Friendly Energy Source to Meet the Electricity Needs of SAARC Region, Proc: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME 2001), BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Section I: Energy, 26-28 Dec. 2001, pp. 11-16. |
[405] | R.C. Bansal, D.P. Kothari, T.S. Bhatti, Artificial Intelligence Techniques For eactivePower/Voltage Control In Power Systems: A Review, presented at the National Conference, REC, Rourkela, Feb. 14-15, 2002, pp. 55-63. |
[406] | Ramnarayan Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Coordinated Operation of Fast Valving and Braking Resistor for Improving Transient Stability of Power Systems, Proceedings International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering (CERA 01) IITR, Roorkee, Feb. 21-23, 2002. |
[407] | T.S. Bhatti, R.C. Bansal, D.P. Kothari, Reactive Power Control of Isolated Hybrid Power Systems, " presented at the International Conference at Roorkee, Feb. 21-23, 2002, pp. 626-632. |
[408] | Y.S. Brar, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Genetic Algorithm based Multiobjective Load Dispatch", 5th Punjab Science Congress, TIET, Patiala, PH052, Feb 2002. |
[409] | D.P. Kothari, Shikha and T.S. Bhatti, "Wind Energy Systems-State of the Art", Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances on Contemporary Physics and Energy Studies, IIT Delhi, Feb. 8-9, 2002, pp. 291-300. |
[410] | Himani Goyal, T.S.Bhatti, D.P.Kothari, "Hydro Power: A Green Source of Energy for the Future, ' Proceedings of National conference on Advances in Contemporary Physics & Energy, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, February 8-9, 2002, pp.216-226. |
[411] | Saxena, Anshu, D. P. Kothari, Sudhir K. Jain and Amulya Khurana (2002), "Analyzing Business Models on the Web for Internet Commerce, " International Journal of e-Business Strategy Management, Vol 3, No. 3, Feb/March 2002, University of Sunderland, UK. |
[412] | Kothari D.P., S.K. Jain. Amulya Khurana and Anshu Saxena (2002), "Electronic Commerce: A Macroeconomic Framework, " Presented at 11th International Association of Management of Technology (IAMOT 2002) Conference held at Fontainebleau Hilton Resort on Miami Beach , Florida, March 10-14, 2002. |
[413] | Kothari D.P., S.K. Jain. Amulya Khurana and Anshu Saxena (2002), "Analyzing Customer Navigation Behaviour, " Presented at SITE 2002--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, March 18-23, 2002. |
[414] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti, D.P. Kothari, ANN Based Reactive Power Control of Distributed Power Systems, presented at the International Conference PSC 2002, March 13-15, 2002 at Clemson USA. |
[415] | D.P. Kothari, Indian Power Scenario and Role of DG in Asia, ibid |
[416] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Impact of Wind Energy Conservation Systems for Distributed Generation, ibid |
[417] | D.P. Kothari, T.S. Bhatti, R. Patel Transient Stability Enhancement of a Hybrid Power System, ibid. |
[418] | H.M. Suryawanshi, K.L. Thakre, S.G. Tarnekar, D.P.Kothari and A.G. Kothari, Power factor improvement and closed loop control of an AC-to-DC resonant converter, IEE Proc., Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 149, No.2, March 2002, pp. 101-110. |
[419] | J.S. Dhillon, S.C. Parti and D.P. Kothari, Fuzzy Decision-making in stochastic multiobjective short-term hydrothermal scheduling, IEE Proc. Gener. Trans. Dist. Vol. 149, No. 2, March 2002, pp. 191-200. |
[420] | D.P. Kothari, Amit Arora, Fuel Cells in Transportation-Beyond Batteries, Proceedings National Conference on Transportation Systems (NCTS), Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, April 24-26, 2002, pp. 173-176. |
[421] | Anshu Saxena, D.P. Kothari, Sudhir Kr. Jain, Amulya Khurana, Human Interactions with Air Traffic Control Systems, ibid, pp. 553-560. |
[422] | Anshu Saxena, D.P.Kothari, Sudhir K. Jain, Amulya Khurana, A Marketing Strategy for Online Customers, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), vol 83, May 2002, pp. 16-20 |
[423] | Ramnarayan Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Turbine Valve Control based on Artificial Neural Networks", Proceedings Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC02), Sevilla, Spain, June 24-28, 2002, pp.1-7. |
[424] | Kothari D.P., S.K. Jain. Amulya Khurana and Anshu Saxena (2002), "A SPIDER on the Web-A Revolutionary Concept for the success of Dotcom Business and Internet Commerce, " Management Perception, Vol IV, No. 1, June 2002, pp 70-78. |
[425] | Himani Goyal, Ajoy Sharma, T.S.Bhatti, D.P.Kothari, " A Learning Approach to Quality-of-Service Routing in a Multimedia Environment, " proceedings of third International Network Conference, (INC 2002 ), University of Plymouth, U.K., held on July 16-18, 2002, pp.406-411. |
[426] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, " Bibliography on the Application of Probability Method in Power System Reliability Evaluation", Discussion paper No. PE-541 PRS (05-2001), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 17, No. 3, August 2002, p.924. |
[427] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Assessment of Voltage Unbalance", Discussion on the paper No. PE-394 PRD (05-2001), IEEE Transactions of Power Delivery, Vol. 17, No. 4, October 2002. |
[428] | Ramnarayan Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, MATLAB/Simulink Based Transient Stability Analysis of a Multimachine Power System, International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education (IJEEE), Vol. 39, No. 4, October 2002, pp. 339-355. |
[429] | Ramnarayan Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "A Novel Scheme of Fast Valving Control", IEEE Power Engineering Review, Oct. 2002, pp. 44-46. |
[430] | Ashish Pandey, Bhim Singh and D.P. Kothari, "A Simple Fast Voltage Controller for Single-Phase Voltage Source PFC Converters, " in Proc. 34th North American Power Symposium (NAPS'02), Tempe, Arizona, USA, pp. 559-562, Oct. 13-15, 2002. |
[431] | D.P. Kothari, Bhim Singh and Ashish Pandey, "Fuzzy supervisory controller for improved voltage dynamics in power factor corrected converter, " presented in IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control ISIC'02 Vancouver, Canada, 27-31 Oct. 2002. |
[432] | T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Variable structure load-frequency control of isolated wind-diesel microhydro hybrid power systems, JIE (India), Vol. 83, Nov. 2002, pp. 52-56. |
[433] | R.C. Bansal, D.P. Kothari, T.S. Bhatti, On Some of the Design Aspects of Wind Energy Conversion systems, International Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 43, No. 16, pp. 2175-2187, Nov. 2002. |
[434] | Ashish Pandey, Bhim Singh and D.P. Kothari, "A simple fast voltage controller for single-phase PFC converter, " presented in IEEE IECON'02 Sevilla, Spain, 5-8 Nov. 2002. |
[435] | Ashish Pandey, Bhim Singh and D.P. Kothari, "A Novel DC bus voltage sensorless PFC rectifier with improved voltage dynamics, " presented in IEEE IECON'02 Sevilla, Spain, 5-8 Nov. 2002. |
[436] | Ramnarayan Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Modelling and Simulation of Power System Components in Transient Stability Studies, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Melbourne, Australia, 11-13 November, 2002, pp. 214-219. |
[437] | Anshu Saxena, D.P.Kothari, Sudhir K. Jain, Amulya Khurana, Internet Simulation, ibid, pp. 44-49. |
[438] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Use of Convergent Nozzles for an Improved Wind Turbine, ibid, pp. 272-276. |
[439] | Sharma, H. Goyal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, A Learning Approach to QoS Routing in a Multimedia environment, ibid, pp. 56-63. |
[440] | D.P. Kothari, Ashish Pandey and Bhim Singh, Modeling and Simulation of DC Bus Voltage Sensorless Power Factor Corrected Voltage Source Rectifier, ibid, pp. 228-231. |
[441] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, Mathematical Modelling of Induction Generator for Reactive Power Control of Isolated Hybrid Power Systems, ibid. |
[442] | Y.S. Brar, J.S. Dhillon and D. P. Kothari, Multiobjective load dispatch by fuzzy logic based searching weightage pattern, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 63, 2002, pp. 149-160. |
[443] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Market Constrained Optimal Planning for Wind Energy Conversion Systems Over Multiple Installation Sites", Discussion on the paper, PE-342EC (10-2001), IEEE Transactions of Energy Conversion, December 2002. |
[444] | D.P. Kothari and Amit Arora, India's urban transport growth scenarios-energy sources, fossil fuels and alternative fuels, presented at IUTV 2050, Institute of urban transport, India habitat center, New Delhi, Dec. 10-11, 2002. |
[445] | Himani Goyal, T.S.Bhatti, D.P.Kothari, "Water Harvesting: An Old yet Novel technique for Water Recharging, " International Conference, Water and Wastewater: Perspectives of developing countries (WAPDEC), Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, December 11-13, 2002, pp.40-46. |
[446] | Saxena, Anshu, D. P. Kothari, Sudhir K. Jain and Amulya Khurana (2002), "Understanding Consumer Navigation Behaviour, " Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, USA, Vol. 11, Issue 4, 2002, ISSN 1055-8896, December 2002, pp. 403-417. |
[447] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "On some aspects of a newly designed rotor using convergent nozzles", Proceedings of the Twelfth National Power Systems Conference, Deptt. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, December 27-29, 2002, pp. 1-4. |
[448] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Reactive power control of isolated wind-diesel hybrid power system for variable slip", ibid, pp. 35-39. |
[449] | S. Singh, J.S. Dhillon, D.P. Kothari, "Evoltutionary Search Methods for Load Flow Problem", ibid, pp. 393-396. |
[450] | Himani Goyal, T.S. Bhatti , D.P. Kothari and R.P. Saini, "Optimal Utilisation of renewable energy sources in a remote area", ibid, pp. 50-53. |
[451] | Sunil Bhatt, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Singular Perturbation-A promising tool for power system engineers", ibid, pp. 153-155. |
[452] | D.P. Kothari, Bhim Singh and Ashish Pandey, "Performance evaluation of single phase three level H-Bridge converter", ibid, pp. 711-715. |
[453] | P.S. Kulkarni, A.G. Kothari, "Emission constrained economic dispatch using radial basis function neural network", ibid, pp. 734-737. |
[454] | Ramnarayan Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Study of power system transient stability with simulink", ibid, pp. 353-355. |
[455] | Y.S. Brar, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Fuzzy Logic based Multiobjective Load Dispatch", 6th Punjab Science Congress, SLIET, Longowal, Feb. 2003. |
[456] | Y.S. Brar, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Multiobjective Load Dispatch by GA", Proc. IE (I), Murthal, Feb. 2003, pp. 197-205. |
[457] | Anshu Saxena, D.P.Kothari, Sudhir K. Jain, Amulya Khurana, Electronic Commerce: Challenges and Threats, International Journal of e-Business Strategy Management, Vol 4, No. 3, March 2003, pp. 205-215. |
[458] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Induction generator for isolated hybrid power system applications: a review", JIE (India), Vol. 83, March 2003, pp. 262-269. |
[459] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "The evolution of wind power technology-a review", JIE (India), Vol. 84, May 2003, pp. 4-9. |
[460] | Ramnarayan Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Improvement of Power System Transient Stability by Coordinated Operation of Fast Valving and Braking Resistor", IEE proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 150, No. 3, May 2003, pp. 311-316. |
[461] | D.P. Kothari, M. Kolhe, J.C. Joshi, K. Agbossou, "Performance Analysis of a Directly Coupled Photovoltaic Water-Pumping System", IEEE Canadian Conference on ECE, Montrial, Canada May 2003. |
[462] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "A new vertical axis wind rotor as a promising source of distributed generation", Proceedings of the Recent trends in Power Management, Jamia, Delhi, 18th August 2003, pp. 212-216. |
[463] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Tuning of SVC controllers using ANN for reactive power control of autonomous wind-diesel hybrid power systems", ibid, pp. 146-151. |
[464] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "A Bibliographical Survey on Induction Generators for Application of Non-Conventional Energy Systems", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversions, Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2003, pp. 433-439. |
[465] | Bhim Singh, Brij N. Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, Ashish Pandey, and Dwarka P. Kothari, "A review of single-phase improved power quality AC-DC converters, " IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Vol. 50, Oct 2003. pp. 962-981. |
[466] | Kothari D.P., S.K. Jain. Amulya Khurana and Anshu Saxena (2003), "The SPIDER on the Web, " Presented at the International Conference of Management of Research and Development in the New Millennium (ICMARD-2003), Proceedings, pp. 936-945, at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. |
[467] | R.C. Bansal, D.P. Kothari, T.S. Bhatti, "Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Reactive Power/Voltage Control in Power Systems: A Review", International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2003, pp. 81-89. |
[468] | Mohanlal Kolhe, J.C. Joshi and D.P. Kothari, Loss-of-Load Probability of stand-alone solar photovoltaic system, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2003, pp. 315-323. |
[469] | Y.S. Brar, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, Genetic-fuzzy logic based weightage pattern search for multiobjective load dispatch problem, Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2003, pp. 365-373. |
[470] | Ashish Pandey, D.P. Kothari and Bhim Singh, "A novel ADALINE based fast voltage controller for single-Phase PFC converters, in Proc. 29th IEEE IECON'03 Ranoake, VA, USA. pp. 2666-2672, Nov. 2-6 2003. |
[471] | Y.S. Brar, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Interactive multi-objective generation scheduling of thermal power station", Proc. ETEIES, SLIET, Longowal, November 8--9, 2003, pp. 66-70. |
[472] | S.K. Bath, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Stochastic Multiobjective Generation Allocation: weight simulation", ibid., pp. 77-83. |
[473] | Ashish Pandey, D.P. Kothari and Bhim Singh, "A novel regulation band approach for fast voltage regulation in single-phase PFC converters, " IETE Journal of Research, Vol. 49, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2003, pp. 445-451. |
[474] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "On Some Aspects of Technological Development of Wind Turbines", Energy Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 3, December 2003, pp. 69-80. |
[475] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Vertical Axis Wind Rotor with Concentration by Convergent Nozzles", Wind Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 6, 2003, pp. 555-559. |
[476] | Y.S. Brar, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Interactive Fuzzy satisfying Multi-objective Secure Generation Scheduling based on Simplex Weightage Pattern Search", Proc. National Systems Conference, IIT Kharagpur, December 17-19, 2003, pp. 149-154. |
[477] | S.K. Bath, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Stochastic muti-objective generation allocation-weight search by Hooke-jeeves pattern search method" ibid, 2003, pp. 155-160. |
[478] | P.S. Kulkarni, A.G. Kothari and D.P. Kothari, "Security constrained economic dispatch", ibid, 2003, pp. 1-6. |
[479] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Wind Energy Conversion Systems as a Distributed Source of Generation", Energy Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 3, December 2003, pp. 81-95. |
[480] | Y.S. Brar, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Optimal Power Scheduling based on Fuzzy Decision Making", 7th Punjab Science Congress, GNDU, Ludhiana, Feb. 2004. |
[481] | Jarnail Singh Dhillon, Jaspreet Singh Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Heuristic Search based Multiobjective load dispatch", 7th Punjab Science Congress, Amritsar, Feb. 2004. |
[482] | P.R. Bijwe, D.P. Kothari and S.M. Kelapure, "An Efficient Approach for Contingency Ranking based on Voltage Stability", International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 26, No. 2, Feb. 2004, pp. 143-149. |
[483] | Anshu Saxena, D.P. Kothari, S.K. Jain and Amulya Khurana, "A Spider on the web: The Ethos of web revisited", International Journal of E-Commerce Tools and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 3, Feb 2004 (http://minbar.cs.dartmouth.edu/greecom/ejeta/current-issue.php) |
[484] | S.K. Bath, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Fuzzy satisfying Multi-objective generation scheduling by weightage pattern search methods", EPSR, Vol. 69, 2004, pp. 311-320. |
[485] | Bhim Singh, Brij N. Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, Ashish Pandey and Dwarka P. Kothari, "A review of Three-Phase Improved Power Quality AC-DC Converters", IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Vol. 51, No. 3, June 2004. |
[486] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Indian Scenario of Wind Energy: Problems and Solutions", Energy Sources, Vol. 26, No. 9, July 2004, pp.811-819. |
[487] | Ashish Pandey, D.P. Kothari, Ashok K.Mukerjee and Bhim Singh, " Modelling and simulation of power factor corrected AC-DC converters", International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Vol.41, No.3, July 2004, pp.244-264. |
[488] | Mohanlal Kolhe, J.C. Joshi and D.P. Kothari, "Performance Analysis of a Directly Coupled Photovoltaic Water Pumping System", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 19, No. 3, September 2004, pp. 613-618. |
[489] | L. D. Arya , D. K. Sakravdia and D. P. Kothari, "Ready Reserve Power Determination using Artificial Neural Network", International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 26, No. 7, October 2004, pp. 473-477. |
[490] | Y.S. Brar. J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Fuzzy Logic Approach for Generation Dispatch of Electric Power System with Conflicting Objectives", presented at the IEEE Conference 2004, paper no. 04PS0718, October 2004. |
[491] | R. Patel, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Transient Stability Study with Fast Valving and Breaking Resistor Applications: A Modified Approach", International Conference on Power System Challenges to Electric Utilities in the New Millenium, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov 3-5, 2004, pp.427-433. |
[492] | Y.S. Brar, J.S Dhillon, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Evolutionary Search Technique for Optimal Power scheduling", ibid, pp.658-663. |
[493] | S.K.Bath, J.S.Dhillon, D.P.Kothari, "Stochastic Multi-objective Generation Dispatch", International Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 32, 2004, pp. 1083-1103. |
[494] | Pandey, Bhim Singh, D.P.Kothari, "Comparative Evaluation of Single-phase Unity Power Factor ac-dc Boost Converter Topologies", IE (I) Journal-EL, Vol 85, September 2004, pp.102-109. |
[495] | L.S.Titare, L.D.Arya, and D.P.kothari, "Voltage Security Monitoring using Functional Link Network", proceedings ICPS 2004, November, 2004, Kathmandu, pp.168-171. |
[496] | Rakesh Ranjan, D.P.Kothari, et.al, , "Estimating Maximum Loadability of Radial Distribution Systems ", pp.231-235.ibid. |
[497] | Rakesh Ranjan, D.P.Kothari, "Reconfiguration of Radial Distribution Systems Using Fuzzy Mutated Generic Algorithm", pp.439-443., ibid |
[498] | M.Tripathy, et. al, "Issues of Power System Stability Using FACTS Device Under Deregulated Power Environment", pp.696-700, ibid. |
[499] | D.P.Kothari, Anshu Saxena, "Mobile Identity Management (mID): A Solution to Management Crisis", International Conference on e-governance, November, 2004, Srilanka, pp. |
[500] | Shikha Singh, T.S.Bhatti and D.P.Kothari, "The Power coefficient of windmills in ideal conditions", International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Vol. 21, No.3, 2004, pp.236-242. |
[501] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "A Novel Mathematical Modelling of Induction Generator for Reactive Power Control of Isolated Hybrid Power Systems", International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 24, No. 1, Dec 2004, pp. 1-7. |
[502] | Brar Y.S. Dhillon J.S. Kothari D.P., "Multiobjective load dispatch by fuzzy logic based searching weightage pattern using GA", 13th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC-2004), December 27-30, 2004, pp. 567-573. |
[503] | Arya L.D., Titare L.S. Choube S.C. & Kothari D.P., "Static Voltage Stability Enhancement by MW-generation Rescheduling using Eigen Value Sensitivities", ibid, pp. 425-430. |
[504] | R.C.Bansal, T.S.Bhatti, D.P.Kothari, "Automatic Reactive Power Control of Isolated Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power Systems for Variable Wind Speed/Slip, "Electric Power Components and Systems , Vol.32, pp.901-912, 2004 |
[505] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Wind Energy in India : Shifting Paradigms and Challenges Ahead", Energy Engineering, vol. 130, no 3, Dec 2004, pp.67-80 |
[506] | L.S.Titare, L.D.Arya, and D.P.Kothari, "Adequacy Evaluation of Composite Distribution System", Proceedings PEPEM'05, Patiala, January;'2005, pp.10-14. |
[507] | J.S.Dhillion, J.S.Dhillion, and D.P.Kothari, "Heuristic Search Approach For Multiobjective Thermal Power Dispatch Problem", ibid, pp.311-316 |
[508] | Ibraheem, Prabhat Kumar and D.P. Kothari, "AGC Philosophies: A review", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol.20, No.1, February 2005, pp.346-357 |
[509] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "New Horizons for Offshore Wind Energy: Shifting Paradigms and Challenges", Energy Sources, vol 27, no 4, March 2005, pp.349-360 |
[510] | Himani Goyal, T.S.Bhatti, and D.P.Kothari, "Control systems for small hydropower plants :a review , " accepted for publication in International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy. |
[511] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Wind Energy: Current Scenario and Future Prospects", accepted for publication in International journal of Energy Technology and Policy. |
[512] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti, D.P. Kothari, "Development of Vertical and Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines: A Review", accepted for publication in the International Journal of Wind Engineering, 2004. |
[513] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, " A New Vertical Axis Wind rotor using Convergent Nozzles", accepted for publication in the International Journal of Power and Energy System, 2004 |
[514] | Shikha, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "A Review of Wind Resource Assessment Technology", accepted for publication in Energy Engineering, 2004 |
[515] | Y.S. Brar, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, " Interactive Fuzzy Satisfying Multi-Objective Generation Scheduling", Asian Journal of Information Technology 3(11), 2004, pp 973-982 |
[516] | Himani Goyal, T.S.Bhatti, and D.P.Kothari, "A novel technique proposed for automatic control of small hydro power plants, " accepted in Special Issue of International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Vol. 24, No. 1/2, 2005, pp.29-46. |
[517] | L. D. Arya, D. K. Sakravdia and D. P. Kothari, "Corrective Rescheduling for Static Voltage Stability Control", International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems , Vol. 27, No.1, 2005, pp.3-12. |
[518] | Himani Goyal, T.S.Bhatti, and D.P.Kothari, "Hydropower-A Sustainable Source of Energy for the future", accepted in 6th International Conference on Development of Hydropower-A Major Source of Renewable Energy, June 7-9, 2005, Kathmandu, Nepal. |
[519] | S. Bhat, M. Glavic, M. Pavella, T.S. Bhatti, D.P. Kothari, "A Transient Stability Tool Combining the SIME Method with MATLAB and SIMULINK , International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Vol.43, 2, April 2006, pp 119-133. |
[520] | Himani Goyal, T.S.Bhatti, and D.P.Kothari , "Discussion of Optimal Planning of Generating Units over Micro-Hydro Resources within a Catchment Area" IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.20, No.1, March 2005. |
[521] | L.D. Arya, V.S. Pande, D.P. Kothari, " A Technique for Load Shedding based on Voltage Stability Considerations" JEPES, Vl 27, 2005, pp 506-517 |
[522] | S.C.Kaushik, S.Ramesh, D.P.Kothari, "Energy Conservation Studies in Buildings", presented at PCRA conference, New Delhi, 19th May, 2005. |
[523] | Ashish Pandey, Bhim Singh, Brij N.Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, Dwarka P. Kothari, "A Review of Multilevel Power Converters", Journal of Institution of Engineers (I), Vol86, March 2006, pp 220-231. |
[524] | Anshu Saxena, D.P.Kothari, "Development of an Enduring Involvement Scale Using Flow Concept in Hypermedia Computer Mediated Envrionments", IIFT, Occasional Paper 23, 2005. |
[525] | R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti, D.P. Kothari, S. Bhat, "Reactive power control of wind-diesel-micro-hydro hybrid power systems using matlab/simulink, Int. Journal of Global Energy Issues, Vol. 24 no. 1, 2005, pp. 86-99 |
[526] | Himani Goyal, T.S.Bhatti, and D.P.Kothari, "A Novel Modeling Technique for Automatic Load Frequency Control of Small Hydro Power Plants", International Journal of Modelling and Simulation paper No. 205-4574. |
[527] | Himani Goyal, T.S.Bhatti, and D.P.Kothari, "A new Scheme for Automatic Load Frequency Control of Small Hydro Power Plants using Two Gates "presented at the Australian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2005 to be held 25 September-28 September 2005, at The University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia. |
[528] | S.K.Bath, J.S. Dhillion and D.P. Kothari, "Stochastic Multi-Objective Generation. Scheduling Using Evolutionary Search Based Genetic Agorithm", presented at the International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances, Roorkee, Sept.29-Oct. 1, 2005, 66-74. |
[529] | Y.S. Brar, J.S. Dhillion and D.P. kothari, "Simplex Search Technique of Weightage Pattem Search for Multiobjective Problem", presented at the International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances, Roorkee. Sept. 29-Oct 1, 2005, 168-174. |
[530] | Himani Goyal, M.Hanmandlu, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari . "An Optimal Flow Control Approach for Automatic Control of Small Hydro Power Plants", presented at the International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances, Roorkee, Sept.29-Oct. 1, 2005, 425-430. |
[531] | Narendra Bawane, A.G. Kothari and D.P. Kothari, "Application of Wavelet Analysis for Monitoring HVDC System", presented at the International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances, Roorkee, Sept.29-Oct. 1, 2005 , 575-581. |
[532] | S.K. Bath, J.S. Dhillion and D.P. Kothari, " Stochastic Multi-Objective Generation Dispatch by Search Methods"', Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol 4(9), 823-831, 2005. |
[533] | Himani Goyal, M. Hanmandlu, and D.P Kothari, " An Artificial Intelligence based Approach for Control of Small Hydro Power Plants"' Presented at the 7th International Conference on Self Organisaiton and Cognitive System, December 14-15, 2005. NIIT, IIT Delhi. |
[534] | Himani Goyal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Present Scenario of Small Hydro Power Development in India", accepted in International Journal of Global Energy Issues. |
[535] | Himani Goyal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Discussion of Optimal Planning of Generating Units over Micro-Hydro Resources within a Catchment Area", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. Vol.20, No., I March 2005. |
[536] | Himani Goyal, M.Hanmandlu and D.P. Kothari, " A Novel Scheme for Automatic Generation Control of Small Hydro Power Plants"' accepted for presentation in All India Seminar on Non-Conventional Energy Sources & Rural Economy, 27-29 January 2006, Nagpur, The Institution of Engineers(India) Nagpur Local Centre. |
[537] | L.D. Arya, L.S. Titare and D.P. Kothari, "Determination of probabilistic risk of voltage collapse using radial basis function (RBF) network", Electric Power Systems Research Vol. 76, 2006, pp. 426434. |
[538] | Himani Goyal, M.Hanmandlu and D.P. Kothari, "An Al based governing. Technique for automatic control of Small Hydro Plants"' accepted for publication in IETE Journal of Research. |
[539] | H Goyal, M Hanmandlu and D.P.Kothari, 'A New Optimal Flow Control Approach for Amatic Control of Small Hydro Power Plants", JIE(I) , Vol 87, May ' 06 pp 1-5. |
[540] | D.P.Kothari and K.P.Singh , Minimum Up and Down-time Constrained Short term Thermal Generating Unit Commitment, Proc Challenges and Strategies for sustainable energy efficiency and environment, Lucknow , June 2006., pp 192-201. |
[541] | Y.S.Brar, J.S.Dhillon and D.P.Kothari , " Interactive Fuzzy Satisfying Multiobjective Generation Scheduling based on Genetic Weight age Pattern Search , " JIE vol 86 , March 2006, pp 312-318. |
[542] | S.K.Bath , J.S.Dhillon and D.P.Kothari, " Stochastic multiobjective generation allocation using pattern-search method ", Proc GTD , Vol 153 , No 4, July 2006 pp 476-484. |
[543] | D.P.Kothari and K.P.Singh, "A Novel Approach for Eco-friendly and Economic Power Dispatch using MATLAB", Proc.PEDES-2006, New Delhi, December 2006. |
[544] | M Handmandlu, Himani and D.P.Kothari, "An Advanced Controlled scheme for micro-hydro power plants, ibid. |
[545] | R.N.Paul, H.K.Verma, L.D.Arya and D.P.Kothari, "Design Aspects of Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage A.C.Traction Motor with Aluminum Alloy Rotor Bars", Proc.16th AUPEC-2006, Melbourne, 10th-13th December 2006. |
[546] | Y.S.Brar, D.P.Kothari, "ETAL, "Weather Based Power Dispatch Study Using GA", ibid. |
[547] | Himani Goyal, M Hanmandlu and D.P.Kothari, "A New Scheme for ALFC of small hydro Power Plants using Two Gates", Hobort , AUPEC 2005 , Sept 2005. |
[548] | Himani Goyal , M Hanmandlu and D.P.Kothari , "Use of ANN for optimizing flow in a 3 gate model of small hydro plants", Int Sem CPRI , Bangalore, Dec 2005. |
[549] | Himani Goyal, M Hanmandlu and D.P.Kothari, "An optimal flow scheme for AGC of small hydro power plants, "IEI , Jaipur , Feb 2006. |
[550] | J.S. Dhillon, J.S.Dhillon and D.P.Kothari, "Interac6tive Search Based Stochastic Multiobjective Thermal Power Dispatch", Asian Journal Of Information Tech , 6(3)-314-322, 2007. |
[551] | D.P.Kothari & K.P.Singh, "Enviornment Friendly Thermal Generating Unit Commitment", Proceedings , 14th NPSC., Dec 2006 , I.I.T Roorkee. |
[552] | D.P.Kothari & Parul Goel , "Transmission Line Congestion Management Using Bid-Areas Division Techniques " , Against The Current , Vol III , Manohar, New Delhi , 2006, 123-131. |
[553] | M Hanmandlu, Himani , D.P.Kothari , " An AI based Goerning Technique for Automatic Control Of Small Hydro Power Plants , IETE Journal Of Research, 53, 2, March-April 2007, pp-119-126. |
[554] | H Goyal , Handmandlu and D.P.Kothari , " A Novel Modeling Technique For ALFC of Small Hydro Power Plants", Int Journal Of Modelling and Simulation , Vol.27 , No.2 , 2007. |
[555] | Jayaprakash P, Bhim Singh & D.P.Kothari, "Energy Loss Reduction in three-phase Power Distribution System Using Static Compensators" presented at ICAER07, Mumbai-2007. |
[556] | Jayaprakash P, Bhim Singh & D.P.Kothari, "Control strategies for Series Active Filters for harmonic current compensation in voltage fed nonlinear loads" presented at NPEC07, IISc Bangalore-2007. |
[557] | L.D. Arya, L.S. Titare and D.P. Kothari, "Probabilistic assessment and preventive control of voltage security margins using artificial neural network", International Journal of EPES, Vol. 29, 2007, pp. 99105. |
[558] | L D Arya, SC Choube, M Sreevasthav and D P Kothari, "Particles swarm optimization for determining shortest distance to voltage collapse", International Journal of EPES, vol.29, 2007, 796-802 |
[559] | Sunil Bhat, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Novel Technique for Transient Stability Enhancement Using Steam Storage Tank", Energetyka, Issue XIII, pp. 69-73, October 2007. |
[560] | Jayaprakash P, Bhim Singh & D.P.Kothari, "Control of reduced rating Dynamic Voltage restorer with battery energy storage system" Proceedings POWERCON 2008, Delhi, October 2008. |
[561] | Jayaprakash P, Bhim Singh & D.P.Kothari, "Power factor correction and power quality improvement in the distribution system", Electrical India, pp. 40-48, April 2008. |
[562] | Bhim Singh., Jayaprakash P & D.P. Kothari, "A three-phase four-wire DSTATCOM for power quality improvement", International Journal of Power Electronics, Korea, July 2008. |
[563] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P, Somayajulu R & DP Kothari, "Reduced rating VSC with a zig-zag transformer for power quality improvement in three-phase four-wire distribution system" IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol 24, no. 1 pp 249-259 January 2009. |
[564] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P & DP Kothari, "Star/Hexagon Transformer Based Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement, " International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, December 2008. |
[565] | Jayaprakash P, Bhim Singh, DP Kothari, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Hadad "Indirect control of capacitor supported DVR for power supply improvement in distribution system" Proceedings PESGM'08, July 2008, Pittsburg, USA. |
[566] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P, DP Kothari, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Hadad "Neural network based control of series active filter for compensation of voltage fed non-linear loads" Proceedings ISIE'08, July 2008, Cambridge, UK. |
[567] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P, Somyajulu R, DP Kothari, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Hadad "Integrated zig-zag transformer and 3 leg VSC for power quality improvement in three-phase four-wire system" presented at IECON'08, Florida, USA, November 2008. |
[568] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "A Novel Control Strategy for Capacitor-Supported Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power Quality Improvement", Communicated to IJPE. |
[569] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "New Control Approach for Capacitor-Supported DSTATCOM in Three-Phase Wire Distribution System under Non-Ideal Supply Voltage Conditions based on Synchronous Reference Frame Theory, " Communicated to IJEPES. |
[570] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "Neural Network Based Control of Capacitor supported Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Voltage Compensation in Distribution System", Communicated to TPWRD. |
[571] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P, Somayajulu R and DP Kothari, "Integrated Zig-Zag transformer and an H bridge VSC for power quality improvement in three-phase four wire system", Communicated to TPELS. |
[572] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "Star/Delta Transformer Based Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement", Communicated to IETPE. |
[573] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "A T-connected Transformer and Three-Leg VSC based DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement", IEEE Transaction Power Electronics, Vol.23, November 2008, pp.2710-2718. |
[574] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM with H-Bridge VSC and Star/Delta Transformer for Power Quality Improvement", Communicated to ETEP. |
[575] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P, Somayajulu R and DP Kothari, "Reduced Rating Three-Phase Four-wire DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement", Communicated to TIE. |
[576] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "Three-Leg VSC Integrated with T-Connected Transformer as Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement", Communicated to EPCS. |
[577] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "Neural Current Compensation using T-Connected Transformer in Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System", Communicated to TPWRD. |
[578] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM with Reduced Switches for Power Quality Improvement", accepted for Publication in Asian Journal of Power Electronics, December 2008.. |
[579] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P, Somayajulu R and DP Kothari, "DSTATCOM with Reduced Switches using Two-Leg VSC and Zig-Zag Transformer for Power Quality Improvement in Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System", presented at TENCON'08, Hyderabad, November 2008. |
[580] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "H-Bridge VSC with a T-Connected Transformer Based Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement", accepted for presentation at NSC'08, IIT Roorkee, December 2008. |
[581] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "Star/Delta Transformer and Three-Leg VSC Based Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM for Power Distribution System", accepted for presentation at NPSC'08, IIT Bombay, December 2008. |
[582] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM with H-Bridge VSC with a Star/Hexagon Transformer for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution Systems", presented at ICIIS'08, IIT Kharagpur, December 2008. |
[583] | M. Kowsalya, K.K. Ray, D.P. Kothari, Abhishek Kumar and Aurav Ghai, "A Fast Technique of Voltage Stability Analysis and Optimization in the Grid Network", ibid. |
[584] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "A Current Controlled Dynamic Voltage Restorer", accepted for presentation at PECON'08, Malaysia, December 2008. |
[585] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and DP Kothari, "Star/Hexagon Transformer and Three-Leg VSC based 3-Phase 4-wire DSTATCOM, Communicated to IETE'08. |
[586] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P, Somayajulu R and DP Kothari, "Integrated H-Bridge VSC with a Zig-Zag Transformer based Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM, " accepted by FITT, IIT Delhi for patent filing. |
[587] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash and DP Kothari, "A novel transformer configuration for neutral current compensation, " applied to FITT, IIT Delhi for patent filing. |
[588] | DP Kothari, "South-South Cooperation for Technology Transfer and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises: VIT Experiences" presented at International NAM Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, August 2008. |
[589] | T Jayabarathi, V Ramesh, DP Kothari, Kusuma Pavan and Mithun Thumbi, "Hybrid Differential Evolution Technique for the Economic Dispatch Problems" Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No.4, 2008, pp. 476-483. |
[590] | Jarnail Dhillon, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, Economic-emission dispatch using binary successive approximation based evolutionary search, IET Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution, GTD-2007-0398.R1 |
[591] | Jacob Raglend, Prabhakar Karthikeyan, Narayana Prasad Padhy, D.P.Kothari Profit Based UCP with Operational Constraints under Deregulated Environment, International conference on Electric Power and Energy Systems, EPES 2008, July 04-06, 2008, France |
[592] | Jacob Raglend, D. P. Kothari, "Solutions to Economic Load Dispatch Problem with Transmission Line Flow Constraints using Various Intelligent Techniques", ICNC08, 2008, China Paper No. P3035. |
[593] | Jacob Raglend, P.Karthikeyan, Sudheera, Sailaja, Sowjanya, D. P. Kothari Comparison of Intelligent Techniques to Solve Economic Load Dispatch with Bilateral and Multilateral Transactions, IEEE TENCON 2008, Hyderabad |
[594] | S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan, Vishal Singh Verma, Deepak Chand Agrawal, Jacob Raglend, D.P. Kothari, 2008. Assessment of Distribution system Feeder and its Reconfiguration using Fuzzy Adaptive Evolutionary Computing. Accepted at IEEE Conference & Exhibition on control, communication and Automation, INDICON'08 organised by IIT, Kanpur.11-13 December, 2008. |
[595] | Bhim Singh, Jayaprakash P and D P Kothari, "Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM with H-Bridge VSC and Star/Delta Transformer for Power Quality Improvement" accepted for presentation in INDICON'08, IIT Kanpur, December 2008. |
[596] | S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan, Ashish Ranjan, Ankur Ahuja, Jacob Raglend, P.S.Venkataramu, D.P.Kothari. 2008. "Impact of Islanding and its effect on reactive power in power evacuation from wind turbines". Paper accepted in Renewable Energy Asia-2008, an International Conference & 4th SEE Forum Meeting organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and Sustainable Energy and Environment Forum, Kyoto University, Japan, December 11-13, 2008. |
[597] | Prabhakar Karthieyan, K.Palanisamy, I.Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari, "Impact of Fault and its Effect on Reactive Power in Power Evacuation from Wind Turbine", Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, March 28-30, 2009. |
[598] | S.Prabhakar Karhtikeyan, I. Jacob Raglend, Pallerlamudi Pratyusha, D.P.Kothari, "A Novel Technique for Distribution System Feeder Reconfiguration", NPSC 2008, IIT Bombay. |
[599] | S. Prabhakar Karthikeyan, I. Jacob Raglend, Pallerlamudi Pratyusha D.P. Kothari 2009. "A Novel Technique for Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration" International Conference on Energy Engineering organized by Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, India. |
[600] | S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan, K. Palanisamy, I. Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari, "Solutions to Economic Load Dispatch Problem with Transmission Line Flow Constraints using Various Intelligent Techniques", National Conference on Recent Trends in IT Applications to Engineering Problem", Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Management. |
[601] | Jacob Raglend, S.P.Karthikeyan, K.Palanisamy, N.P.Padhy, D.P.Kothari, "Solution to Profit Based Unit Commitment Problem using LR-GA Method", GridTech, 2009. |
[602] | M. Kowsalya, K.K. Ray and D.P. Kothari, "Voltage Stability Margin Enhancement through Optimal Location of Var Compensator" presented at the ICSET 2008-IEEE International Conference, Singapore, November 24-27, 2008. |
[603] | Bhim Singh, P. Jayaprakash, and D.P. Kothari, "Isolated H-Bridge VSC based three phase four wire DSTATCOM for power quality improvement" communicated to IET Power Electronics. |
[604] | Bhim Singh, P. Jayaprakash, T.R. Somayajulu and D.P. Kothari, "Reduced Rating VSC with a Zig-Zag Transformer for Current Compensation in a Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System" IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.24, No.1, January 2009, pp.249-259. |
[605] | R. Natarajan, D.P. Kothari, S.K. Aravind and M. Senthilkumar, "Performance Characteristics of using Blend of used Vegetable Oil with Diesel for Power Production in Dual Fuel Engine", Renewable Energy Asia-2008 an International Conference & 4th SEE Forum Meeting, IIT Delhi, December 2008. |
[606] | S. Prabhakar Karthikeyan, A. Ranjan, A. Anuk, I.J. Raglend, P.S. Venkatramu and D.P. Kothari, "Impact of Islanding and its Effect on Reactive Power in Power Evacuation from Wind Turbines", ibid. |
[607] | J.S. Dhillon, J.S. Dhillon and D.P. Kothari, "Economic-emission load dispatch using binary successive approximation-based evolutionary search" IET GTD, Vol. 3, No.1, 2009, pp.1-16. |
[608] | Bhim Singh, P. Jayaprakash, and D.P. Kothari, "DSTATCOM Technologies for quality improvement", communicated to IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. |
[609] | S.P.Karthikeyan, K. Palanisamy, L. Jacob Varghese, I.Jacob Raglend and D. P. Kothari, "Comparison of Intelligent Techniques to Solve Economic Load Dispatch problem with Line Flow Constraints" presented at the IEEE-IACC'09, Patiala, March 06-07, 2009. |
[610] | M. Rizwan, Majid Jamil and D.P. Kothari, "Performance Evaluation of Solar Irradiance Models: A Comparative Study" International Journal on Electronics & Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 141-151, 2009. |
[611] | Bhim Singh, P. Jayaprakash and D.P. Kothari, "Adaline Based Control of Capacitor Supported DVR for Distribution System" accepted for publication in the Journal of Power Electronics (JPE). |
[612] | Asish Ranjan, S. Prabhakar Karthikeyan, Ankur Ahuja, K. Palanisamy, I. Jacob Raglend and D.P. Kothari, "Impact of Reactive Power in Power Evacuation from Wind Turbines", Presented at APPEEC-09, Wuhan University China and published in the Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 2009, 1:15-23. |
[613] | D.P.Kothari, Himani Goyal, "A Learning Approach to QoS Routing in a Multimedia Environment", Proceedings of NCCN-09, 06-07 March 2009, pp. 1-6. |
[614] | D.P.Kothari, Himani Goyal, " Control of Micro Hydro Power Plant Using The Non-additive Fuzzy Model ", Proceedings of NNC-09, 06-07 March , 09, pp. 66-68. |
[615] | S. Prabhakar Karthikeyan, K. Palanisamy, I. Jacob Raglend and D.P. Kothari, "Impact of Fault and its Effect on Reactive Power in Power Evacuation from Wind Turbines", Presented at APPEEC-09, Wuhan University, China, March 28-30, 2009, pp.907-910. |
[616] | U. Siyad, A. Srinivasan, U.T.S. Pillai, D.P. Kothari and B.C. Pai, "Magnesium-Nickel based alloys for Hydrogen Storage" presented at APT Conference, Trivandrum, March 2009 and subsequently published in Minerals & Metals Review. |
[617] | P. Jayaprakash, Bhim Singh and D.P. Kothari, "Star/Hexagon Transformer and Three-Leg VSC Based 3-Phase 4-Wire DSTATCOM" accepted for publication in International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion (IJPEC). |
[618] | P. Jayaprakash, Bhim Singh and D.P. Kothari, "A Current mode controlled Dynamic Voltage Restorer, " in Proc. of the IEEE Power and Energy Conference, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Jan. 2009, pp. 301-306. |
[619] | P. Jayaprakash, Bhim Singh and D.P. Kothari, "Implementation of neural network controlled VSC based DSTATCOM, " accepted for presentation in IEEE IES Annual General Meeting (IESAGM'09), USA, Oct. 2009. |
[620] | Anshul Chaudhary, Vivek C. Niraj, S. Prabhakar Karthikeyan, R. Nagaraja, I. J. Raglend and D. P. Kothari, "Dynamic Compensation Requirement Analysis For An Indian Utility" in ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 19-23, April 2009. |
[621] | M. Rizwan, Majid Jamil and D.P. Kothari, "Solar energy estimation using REST model for PV-ECS based distributed power generating system", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol 94, 2010, 1324-1328. |
[622] | S.Prabhakar karthikeyan, K.Palanisamy, C.Rani, I.Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari, "Security Constrained Unit Commitment Problem with Operational, Power flow and Environmental Constraints", WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, Issues 2, Volume 4, February 2009.pp.53-66. |
[623] | S. Prabhakar karthikeyan, K.Palanisamy, I. Jacob Raglend and D. P. Kothari, "Security Constrained UCP with Operational and Power Flow Constraints", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 1, No.3, May 2009. pp. 106-114. |
[624] | M.Kowsalya, K.K.Ray and D.P.Kothari, "Voltage Stability Margin Enhancement through Optimal Location of Var Compensator" journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.9, No.2, June 2009.pp 11-19. |
[625] | Kalpana Partiban, J. Varadharajulu, V.M. Chandrasekaran and D.P. Kothari, "Digital Library-User Studies: An Overview of Periyar EVR Central Library, VIT University" Knowledge, Library and Information Networking NACLIN 2008. |
[626] | M. Adithan, B.V.A. Rao and D.P. Kothari, "Internationalization of Higher Education in Universities in India: VIT University, UNIVERSITY NEWS, AIU, New Delhi, Vol. 47, No. 39, pp.8-13, September 28-October 4, 2009. |
[627] | D.P. Kothari, "DSP and AI techniques applications to Power Systems" presented at the Power and Energy System Conference, NIST, Berhampur, Orissa, 2009. |
[628] | Jacob Raglend, S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan, K.Palanisamy, D.P.Kothari, "Security and Emission constrained Unit Commitment Problem with Peak Load Variations" Emerging Journal on Electrical Science and Technology, Vol 1, No.1, Nov 2008-Jan 2009. pp 62-78. |
[629] | L.D. Arya, L.S. Titare and D.P. Kothari, "An approach to mitigate the risk of voltage collapse accounting uncertainties using improved particle swarm optimization" Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009), pp. 1197-1207. |
[630] | K.L. Chandrasekar and D.P. Kothari, "Three Gorges Dam-Stochastic Perspective for the project planning issues", Management Dynamics, Volume 9, Number 1 (2009), pp. 71-81. |
[631] | I.J. Reglend, R. Kumar, S.P. Karthikeyan, K. Palanisamy and D.P. Kothari, "Profit Based Unit Commitment Problem under Deregulated Environment" presented at AUPEC '09, Adelaide, 30th September 2009. |
[632] | L.D.Arya, L.S.Titare and D.P.Kothari, "Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Applied to Reactive Power Reserve Maximization" International journal of Electrical power and energy systems, Vol. 32, No. 6, June 2010, 368-374. |
[633] | S.S.Bhat, T.S.Bhatti and D.P.Kothari, "Transient Stability Improvement of Power System Using Fuzzy Operated Steam Diversion Valve" accepted for publication in IJPEC. |
[634] | S.S. Bhat, R.C. Bansal, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Methods of Transient Stability Enhancement", International Journal of Integrated Energy Systems, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 37-46, January-June 2009. |
[635] | T.S. Bhatti, S.S. Bhat and D.P. Kothari, "Enhancement of Transient Stability using Steam Storage Tank and Braking Resistor", accepted for Publication in International Journal of Integrated Energy Systems |
[636] | Sunil Bhat, P. Sowa, T.S. Bhatti and D.P. Kothari, "Use of Fuzzy Based Valve Operation for Transient Stability Improvement", accepted for International Conference-IEEE Innovation '09 at Ustron, Poland, October 24-25, 2009. |
[637] | B.Saravanan, C.Rani, S.Prabhakar karthikeyan, I.Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari, "Profit based Unit Commitment Problem with fuel and emission constraints using LR-EP Approach" Emerging Journal on Engineering science and Technology, Vol. 03, No 5, June 09-August 2009. |
[638] | Mohammad rizwanand, Majid Jamil and D.P. Kothari, "Solar Energy Estimation Using REST2 Model" International Journal of Energy and Environment(IJEE), Vol.1, Issue1, January2010. |
[639] | M. Kowsalya, K.K. Ray and D.P. Kothari, "Loss Optimization for Voltage Stability Enhancement Incorporating UPFC Using Particle Swarm Optimization", Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 492-498, 2009. |
[640] | I. Jacob Raglend, Sowjanya Veeravalli, Kasanur Sailaja, B. Sudheera, D P Kothari, "Comparison of AI Techniques to solve combined economic emission dispatch problem with line flow constraints", Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, November, 2009 |
[641] | Deepti Sharma, Y.S. Brar and D.P. Kothari, "Optimal Unit Commitment a Solution for Environmental Problem of Thermal Plants", presented at ICAMB 2009, Vellore, p. 131. |
[642] | G.P. Ganapathy and D.P. Kothari, "Creation and Analysis of historic Disaster database for the State of Tamil Nadu-A VITU-UNDP initiative", presented at ICAMB 2009, Vellore, p. 200. |
[643] | M. Adithan, B.V.A. Rao and D.P. Kothari, "Globalization of Higher Education: A case study", SHEJ, Delhi, Vol. 1, No. 5, November, 2009. pp.9-14. |
[644] | P. Jayaprakash, Bhim Singh and D.P. Kothari, "Implementation of an isolated Three Leg VSC with Star/Hexagon transformer based Three Phase Four Wire DSTATCOM, " presented in ICETET 09, Nagpur, December 2009. |
[645] | M. Kowsalya, K.K. Ray and D.P. Kothari, "Power Flow Control and Voltage Stability Limit Enhancement Using SSSC, STATCOM and UPFC–A Comparison" presented at Third International Conference on Power Systems, IIT Kharagpur, December 27-29, 2009. |
[646] | Bhim Singh, P. Jayaprakash and D.P. Kothari, "Three Single-Phase Voltage Source Converter Based Three-phase four wire DSTATCOM" ibid. |
[647] | G.P.Ganapathy and D.P.Kothari, Thirty Years of Disasters and Its Impact in the State of Tamil Nadu-A Spatio and Temporal Analyses, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol 3, No. 4, Aug 2010, 532-537. |
[648] | S.Prabhakar karthikeyan, K.Sathish kumar, I.Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari, "Recent Trends in Power System Communication: A review", Emerging Journal on Engineering science and Technology (communicated). |
[649] | Umashankar.S, Dr. Kothari. D. P, and Mangayarkarasi. P, "Wind Turbine Modelling of a Fully-fed Induction Machine", Wind Power(Book Chapter), Intech Publications, Croatia, 2010, pp93-112. |
[650] | R. Tatavarti, N. Sridevi and D. P. Kothari, "Assessing the quality of university research-RT factor", Current Science, April 2010, Vol. 98, No.8, pp. 1015-1019. |
[651] | Neena Showkkathali, D.P. Kothari and T. Srinivas, "Design and Analysis of Solar Based Kalina Power Cycle", Proc. of NSPGS 2010, Vol. 1, pp.498-505. |
[652] | Umashankar S, K. K. Ray and D.P. Kothari, "Evaluation of Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation using Static VAr Compensator", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), 2010 (under publication) |
[653] | Sarat Das, Pijush Samui, and D.P. Kothari, "Site Characterization Model Using Machine Learning", Machine Tools: Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing(book chapter), Nova Publishers, New York, USA, 2010. |
[654] | Mini S. Thomas, D.P. Kothari and Anupama Prakash, "Design, Development & Commissioning of a Substation Automation Laboratory to Enhance Learning"IEEE Trans.on Edn. Vol.54, 2011, PP 286-293. |
[655] | Pijush Samui, D.P.Kothari, "Utilisation of Statistical learning Algorithms for prediction of Liquefaction susceptibility of soil", communicated for publication. |
[656] | Pijush Samui, D.P. Kothari and T.G. Sitharam. Site characterization using artificial intelligence techniques, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, communicated for publication. |
[657] | Pijush Samui and D.P. Kothari, "Application of Least Square Support Vector Machine (LSSVM) to Ultimate Capacity of Driven Pile in Cohesionless Soil, 98th science congress, communicated for publication, |
[658] | D.P. Kothari, Pushpendra Singh, Mool Singh "Concept of Energy Highways for Industrial Growth and National Prosperity" accepted for publication in International Journal on Electronic @ Electrical Engineering (IJEEE) ISSN: 0974-2042. |
[659] | D.P. Kothari, Pushpendra Singh, Mool Singh "Smart Grid: Integration of Power and Information Systems" in International Symposium on "Computer Engineering & Technology" proceeding page no. 336-339, since 19.03.10 to 20.03.10 at RIMT-Institute of Engineering &Technology, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab. |
[660] | D.P. Kothari, Pushpendra Singh, Mool Singh "Energy Highways" in International conference on "Advances in Renewable Energy" proceeding page no. 656-662, (ISBN-13978-81-909984-0-6) since 24.06.10 to 26.06.10 at MANIT, Bhopal, M.P. |
[661] | D.P. Kothari, Pushpendra Singh, Mool Singh "Smart Grid Model" accepted in International conference on "Electrical Power and Energy System" accepted for presentation, August 2010 at MANIT, Bhopal, M.P. |
[662] | D.P. Kothari, Pushpendra Singh, Mool Singh "Energy Saving Using Smart Grid" in National Conference on "Emerging Technologies & Applications" on 06.02.10 at BMIT, Jaipur. |
[663] | D.P. Kothari, Pushpendra Singh, Mool Singh "Smart Grid" in National Conference on "Information and Communication Technology" presented at Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur, March 2010. |
[664] | D.P. Kothari, Pushpendra Singh, Mool Singh "Smart Grid: Integration of DGs & Energy Storage Devices" in All India Seminar on "Innovations and Recent trends in Power Systems and Power Electronics" April 2010 at Arya College of Engineering & I.T., Jaipur. |
[665] | Krishna Pal Singh Parmar, somnath Majhi and D. P. Kothari. "Multi-Area Load Frequency Control in a Power System Using Optimal Output Feedback Method" presented at PEDES 2010. |
[666] | Krishna Pal Singh Parmar, somnath Majhi and D. P. Kothari. "Automatic Generation Control of an Interconnected Thermal-Thermal considering reheat turbine", Ibid. |
[667] | M. Rizwan, Majid Jamil and D.P. Kothari "Assessment of SPV System using ANN and VHDL . Ibid. |
[668] | K. Palanisamy, S. Mishra, I. Jacob Raglend, D. P. Kothari, "Instantaneous Power Theory based Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC), Ibid |
[669] | S. Vijayalakshmi, Saravanan, S. K. Chandran, S. Punnekkat, D. P. Kothari, "A Sudy on Factors Influencing Power Consumption in Mutithreaded and Multicore CPUs", accepted for publication in the "Next Generation Information Technology" |
[670] | L.D. Arya, L.S.Titre, D. P. Kothati, " Improved PSO applied to reactive power reserve maximization", IJEPES, Vol 32, June 2010, 368-374. |
[671] | L.D.Arya, S.C. Choube, M. Srivastava, D.P.Kothari, " Laudability margin enhancement using coordinated aggregation based PSO", IJEPES, Vol 32, November 2010, 975-984. |
[672] | P. Vijayapriya, Gaurav Bapna, D. P. Kothari, " Smart Tariff for Smart Meters in Smart Grid" International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 2, October 2010, 310-315. |
[673] | S. Umashankar, K. K. Ray and D. P. Kothari, "Dynamic Analysis of Static VAr Compensator for the Evaluation of Reactive Power Compensation" International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol-5, 3, 2010, P 2345-2353 |
[674] | R.I.Kaur, Y.S.Brar and D.P.Kothari, "Pattern Search and Genetic Algorithm for Economic Load Disptach", Icops'10 2010, 289-295. |
[675] | Bhim Singh, Jayprakash, Sunil Kumar and D.P.Kothari, " "Implementation of Neural Network Controlled 3-Leg VSC and a Transformer as 3-Phase 4-Wire DSTATCOM".Accepted for Publication. |
[676] | Shrutidhara Sarma, R. Natarajan, D.P. Kothari, "A Critical Analysis Of Government Of India Towards Wind Power Developments With Reference To World Scenario". Accepted for publication for E-Journal of Future Engineering and Technology. |
[677] | J.S.Dhillion, J.S.Dhillion, and D.P.Kothari, "REAL CODED GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR STOCHASTIC HYDROTHERMAL GENERATION SCHEDULING", Accepted for publication in Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering |
[678] | Anil K. Dahiya, Ratna Dahiya, and D.P. Kothari "Fuzzy Controlled STATCOM-SMES for Enhancing Transient Stability of SMIB (Vol.2 No.2, 2010)", Accepted for publication in journal of International Journal of Electrical Systems and Control (IJESC). |
[679] | Umashankar.S, Dr. Kothari. D. P, Vijayakumar. D and Raju. J , " Direct Coupled Induction Generator based Wind Farm under Normal and Fault Conditions-Modeling And Simulation", a book chapter in a Book titled Wind Farm-Book2 (ISBN 978-953-307-467-2), Intech Publications, Croatia, accepted for publication in 2011. |
[680] | Umashankar.S, Dr. Kothari. D. P, Vijayakumar. D, " Impact of Grid Fault on Wind Converters and Its Fault Ride Through Capability", a book chapter in a Book titled Wind Farm-Book3 ( ISBN: 978-953-307-1096-5), Intech Publications, Croatia, accepted for publication in 2011. |
[681] | Umashankar.S, Dr. Kothari. D. P, Mangayarkarasi. P " Wind Farms and Its Integration-New Methodologies, Challenges and Strategies", a book chapter in a Book titled Wind Farm-Book3 (ISBN: 978-953-307-1096-5), Intech Publications, Croatia, accepted for publication in 2011. |
[682] | Umashankar.S, Dr. Kothari. D. P and Vasudevan. M , " Wind Power Developments in India and Its Government Policies", a book chapter in a Book titled Wind Farm-Book1 (ISBN 978-953-307-156-5), Intech Publications, Croatia, accepted for publication in 2011. |
[683] | Umashankar. S, Dr. D. Vijayakumar, Dr. Kothari. D. P, Dr. M. Vasudevan and BhanuPrasad Chillapalli " Cost Effective Fully Fed Wind Turbine HTS Generator: An alternative to Existing Generators in Offshore Wind Farms", accepted for oral presentation in IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE 2010), New Delhi, Jan 28-30, 2011. |
[684] | S Prabhakar Karthikeyan, K.Sathish Kumar, I.Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari "Conventional and Fuzzy based Automatic Load Frequency Controllers-A Review", communicated to World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2011. |
[685] | S.Prabhakar karthikeyan, K.Sathish kumar, I.Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari 2010, "Cost Based Contingency analysis on transmission network cost allocation using Zbus". Paper presented in "Future Challenges and Budding Intelligent Techniques in Electrical and Electronics Engineering" (NCEEE 2010), a National Conference organized by Sathyabama University, Chennai, July 29-30, 2010. |
[686] | S.Prabhakar karthikeyan, K.Sathish kumar, Y.Janakinadh, V.V.Ravi Teja, I.jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari Graphical Analysis on Determining Market Clearing Price under different Market conditions-accepted in UGC sponsored National Conference on Congestion Management and restructured power systems, organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar, Chidambaram, 608002 on 12th-13th March 2011. |
[687] | S.Prabhakar karthikeyan, K.Sathish kumar, Abhinav Tiwari, Ronak Talesara, I.Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari, Sensitivity Analysis using PTDF for a standard IEEE System,-accepted in UGC sponsored National Conference on Congestion Management and restructured power systems, organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar, Chidambaram, 608002 on 12th-13th March 2011. |
[688] | S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan, K.Sathish kumar, Raja Roopesh, M.Vijaya Kumar, P.Naga Rohit, I. Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari. 2010. "Calculation Of Market Clearing Prices Under Different Market Condition-A Graphical Approach" paper communicated to "National Conference on recent trends in power electronics and power system" organized by RMK Engineering College, Kaveraipettai on 9th April, 2011. |
[689] | S.Prabhakar karthikeyan, K.Sathish kumar, Y.Janakinadh, V.V.Ravi Teja, I.Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari Graphical Analysis on Determining Market Clearing Price under different Market conditions-with and without losses paper communicated to 2011 IASTED Greece and to be presented in "The International Conference & Utility Exhibition on Power and Energy Systems: Issues and Prospects of Asia (ICUE 2011)" at Pattaya City, Thailand, organized by "Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand"on 28-30, September 2011. |
[690] | S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan, K.Sathish Kumar, N.Mahesh, Aditya reddy Jacob Raglend D.P.Kothari, 2010. "Wind power-past, present and future-World and Indian scenario" paper accepted in International Conference on Harnessing Technology, Challenges & Opportunities in GCC States, ICHT 2011, Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman, 13-14, February, 2011.published in GJCAT, Vol. 1(1), 2011. |
[691] | S.Prabhakar karthikeyan, K.Sathish kumar, Y.Janakinadh, V.V.Ravi Teja, I.jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari Comparison of Market Clearing Price under different Market conditions-communicated to SET Conference, VIT University. |
[692] | P.Samui and D.P.Kothari, "Utilization of a Least Square Support Vector Machine (LSSVM) for Slope Stability Analysis", Inter. J of Science & Technology, Vol.18, No.1, 2011.pp 70-78. |
[693] | Umashankar, S; Kothari, D P; Vijayakumar, D; Vasudevan, M; Chillapalli, Bhanuprasad; , "Cost effective fully fed wind turbine HTS generator: An alternative to existing generators in offshore wind farms, " Power Electronics (IICPE), 2010 India International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-6, 28-30 Jan. 2011. |
[694] | D.P.Kothari, "Optimal Hydrothermal Scheduling: A Review" , Invited paper, Energy India 2020, 2011, p.p. 268-273. |
[695] | Rakesh Sing Lodhi, H.K.Verma, D.P.Kothari "Analysis & Design of PID Controller for Chopper-fed Separately Excited DC Motor" Proceeding NCEComm-11, Indore. |
[696] | Rahul Agrawal, A.J. Siddiqui, D. P.Kothari, Vishal Sharma "Temperature Control of Room using Fuzzy Logic" Proc. National Conference on Recent Trend in Science & Technology Ujjain , April 2011. |
[697] | L.d.Arya, L.S.Titare and D.P.Kothari , "Distribution system adequacy assessment accounting customer controlled generator sets" Int.J.of Electrical power and energy systems, Volume 33, 2011, 1161-1164. |
[698] | Mahendra Lalwani, D.P.Kothari, Mool Singh, "Solar Photovoltaics Scenario in India: Present & Future", Journal of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering 2011. |
[699] | Thomas, M.S.; Kothari, D.P.; Prakash, A, "Design, Development, and Commissioning of a Substation Automation Laboratory to Enhance Learning" Education, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 54 , Issue: 2 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TE.2010.2053372 Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 286-293. Vijayalakshmi Saravanan, Senthil Kumar Chandran, Sasikumar Punnekkat, D. P. Kothari " A Study on Factors Influencing Power Consumption in Multithreaded and Multicore CPU's " , in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMPUTERS Included in ISI/SCI Web of Science and Web of Knowledge. issue 3 Volume 10. |
[700] | K.L.Chandrasekhar & D.P.Kothari, "A Study on Chinese management style, A Paradigm that can be emulated by growing economics, International Conference Alliance University, Bangalore, 2011. |
[701] | K. Sathish Kumart , T. Jayabarathi , S. Prabhakar Karthikeyan , K. Ravi , J. Belwin Edward and D.P. Kothari, "A New Brute-Force Attack Method for Power System Restoration and Reconfiguration", International Journal of Soft Computing, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp.16-19, 2011. |
[702] | S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan, K.Sathish kumar, Raja Roopesh, M.Vijaya Kumar, P.Naga Rohit, I. Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari. 2010. "Comparison Of Market Clearing Prices Under Different Market Condition-A Graphical Approach" paper presented in "National Conference on recent trends in power electronics and power system" organized by RMK Engineering College, Kaveraipettai on 9th April, 2011. |
[703] | K.Sathish kumar, T.Jayabarathi, S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan, D.P.Kothari, 2010. "Application Of Brute-Force Attack Method in Power System Restoration" paper presented in International Conference on Harnessing Technology, Challenges & Opportunities in GCC States, ICHT 2011, Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman, 13-14, February, 2011. |
[704] | S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan, K.Sathish Kumar, Harissh.A.S, I.Jacob Raglend, D.P.Kothari, "A Matlab/GUI based simulation tool to solve load flow program for standard test systems" paper accepted in 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, (IEEE ICCSIT 2011) on June 10-12, 2011, Chengdu, China, and presented in Second International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System (SEISCON) 2011, organised by Dr. M.G.R. University, Maduravoyal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. July. 20-22, 2011. pp. 456-461. |
[705] | Rakesh, Verma and D.P.Kothari, "Parameter variation in separately excited D.C.Motor", proceedings DEEM-2011, 251-253. |
[706] | C.Rani and D.P.Kothari, "Implementation of particle swarm optimization for multi objective economic dispatch considering power transfer capability with multiple fuel option", ISSN 0974-4967, IJEEES, June 2010 |
[707] | D.P.Kothari and Umashankar " Wind Farms And Its Grid Integration-New Methodilogies Challenges And Strategies"EQ International July/Aug 11-, 66, 67 |
[708] | Alok Mittal, D.P. Kothari, Khusnam "Formulation of market strategy to satisfy consumer expectation" Proc. L.N.C.T. Conference, Aug 2011 |
[709] | K L Chandreshekhar & D P Kothari , "A Study on Chinese Management Style : A Paradidm that can be emulated by growing economies " IJMBS , Volume 1 , Issue 3 , Sept 2011 |
[710] | Bhim Singh, Jai Prakash, D.P.Kothari, A Chandra, Kamal "New Central Algorithm for Capacitor Supported Dynamic Voltage Restorer" JEMAA, 2011, 3, 227-286 |
[711] | Shrutidhara Sarma, r natrajan, D.P. Kothari, "Acrtical analysis of GOIpolicy towards wind power developments wrt world scenario", J of future engg and tech, vol 6, no 1, aug-oct 2010, 1-5. |
[712] | Pijush Samui and D.P.Kothari, Application of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines to Evaporation Losses in Reservoirs, earthscience. India, 2011, Vol. 4 (I), pp.15-20 |
[713] | AJSiddiqui, JBBalwanshi and D.p.Kothari, "A Review of Renewable Energy Sources Being Used in India-Future Trends"Accepted for publication in ISST Journal |
[714] | D.P.Kothari, .Alok Mittal, .KhushnamDwivedi, "Climate Change-A Perspective" Accepted for publication |