[1] | M. Koksal and Y. Tokad, "On the number and locations of switches to freeze the states of RC and RL networks, " Proc. of the Third Int. Symp. on Network Theory, Session 7, pp. 299-306, Split, Yugoslavia, Sept. 1-5, 1975. |
[2] | M. Koksal and Y. Tokad, "Equivalence between fast-periodic switched networks and time-invariant networks, " Proc. of the Fifth Iranian Conf. on Electrical Eng., vol. 2, pp. 1599-1609, Shiraz, Iran, Oct. 27-30, 1975. |
[3] | M. Koksal and Y. Tokad, "On the Solution of linear circuits containing periodically operated switches, " Proc. of the 1976 European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, vol. 1, pp. 77-82, Genoa, Italy, Sept. 7-10, 1976. |
[4] | M. Koksal and o. Hüseyin, "On the state equations of active networks, " Proc. of the Fifth Symp. on Circuit Theory 1977, Short Contributions, pp. 387-391, Kladno-Prague, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 5-7, 1977. |
[5] | M. Koksal, "A frequency domain method to find the initial values in the active RLC networks, " Proc. of the 1978 European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD'78), vol. 1, pp. 88-92, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept. 4-8, 1978. |
[6] | M. Koksal, "Commutativity of second order time-varying systems, " Proc. of the 6th Summer Symp. on Circuit Theory 1982 (SSCT'82), Short Contributions, pp. 305-309, Prague, Czechoslovakia, July. 12-16, 1982. |
[7] | M. Koksal, "Commutativity of low order time-varying systems, " Proc. of the 7th Colloq. on Microwave Communication, vol. 1, pp. 230-231, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 6-10, 1982. |
[8] | M. Koksal, "A fast convergent method for the analysis of nonlinear systems with periodic excitations, "1984 IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuit and Systems Proc., vol. 3 of 3, pp. 1361-1364, Montreal, Canada, May 7-10, 1984. |
[9] | M. Koksal, "General conditions for the commutativity of time-varying systems, " Proc. of IASTED Int. Conf. on Telecommunication and Control (TELCON'84), pp. 223-225, Halkidiki, Greece, Aug. 27-30, 1984. |
[10] | M. Koksal, "On the state equations of nonlinear networks and the uniqueness of their solutions, " Proc. of IASTED Measurement and Control Symp., MECO'85, pp. 141-147, Istanbul, Turkey, July 23-25, 1985. |
[11] | M. Koksal and G. Tohumoglu, "New developments in the spectral analysis of periodically time-varying networks, " Proc. of 8th IASTED Int. Symp. on Measurement, Signal and Control, MECO'86, pp. 185-190, Taormina-Italy, Sept. 3-5, 1986. |
[12] | T. Kllcl and M. Koksal, "Simulation and control of dc motors by semiconductor drives, " Proc. of IASTED Int. Symp. on Simulation, Modeling and Development, SMD'87, pp. 139-142, Cairo, Egypt, March 3-4, 1987. |
[13] | E. Türkbeyler and M. Koksal, "Periodic steady-state solutions of power electronic circuits, " Proc. of Int. AMSE Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, vol. 2D, pp. 93-104, Istanbul, Turkey, June 29-July 1, 1988. |
[14] | G. Tohumoglu and M. Koksal, "Use of spectral analysis to find periodic steady-state solutions of nonlinear networks, " Proc. of Int. AMSE Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, vol. 2B, pp. 93-94, Istanbul, Turkey, June 29-July 1, 1988. |
[15] | M. Koksal and F. Yllmaz, "On the stability analysis of periodically time-varying linear systems, " Proc. of Int. AMSE Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, vol. 1A, pp. 39-47, Istanbul, Turkey, June 29 July 1, 1988. |
[16] | A. Nacaroglu and M. Koksal, "Transfer characteristics of multiphase switched-capacitor networks, " Proc. of Int. AMSE Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, vol. 2B, pp. 63-74, Istanbul, Turkey, June 29-July 1, 1988. |
[17] | M. Koksal, "Effects of nonzero initial conditions on the commutativity of linear time-varying systems, " Proc. of Int. AMSE Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, vol. 1A, pp. 49-55, Istanbul, Turkey, June 29-July 1, 1988. |
[18] | M. Koksal, "Effects of commutativity on system's sensitivity, " Proc. of ISLYNT'89; 6-th Int. Symp. on Networks, Systems and Signal Processing, pp. 61-62, Univ. of Zagreb, Zagreb-Yugoslavia, June 27-29, 1989. |
[19] | A. Nacaroglu and M. Koksal, "A new feasible method for the design of optimum switched-capacitor (SC) networks, " Proc. of ISYNT'89, 6th Int. Symp. on Networks, Systems and Signal processing, pp. 262-265, Univ. of Zagreb, Zagreb-Yugoslavia, June 27-29, 1989. |
[20] | A. Nacaroglu and M. Koksal, "Design of switched capacitor networks with minimum number of switches and capacitors, " Proc. of ECCTD'89, European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design. pub. no. 308, pp. 497-501, Univ. of Sussex Brighton, U.K. Sept. 5-8, 1989. |
[21] | G. Tohumoglu and M. Koksal, "A Computer algorithm to determine the periodic steady-state solutions of nonlinear systems using the spectral analysis, " Proc. of China 1991 Int. Conf. on Circuits and Systems, vol. 2 of 2, pp. 997-1000, Shenzen Univ., Shenzen-China, 16-17 June, 1991. |
[22] | S. Herdem and M. Koksal "Computation of steady-state performance characteristic of semiconductor drive systems, " Proc. of Nato Advanced Study Inst. on Modern Electrical Drives, pp. 42-48, Belek-Antalya, Turkey, Jan. 31-Feb.11, 1994. |
[23] | T. Kilci and M. Koksal, "Investigation of the effects of nonideal situations on the characteristics of switched-capacitor networks, " Proceeding of 7th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf., vol. III, pp. 1189-1192, Antalya, Turkey, April 12-14, 1994. |
[24] | M. Koksal, "Relations between t-, s-, z-domain descriptions of periodically-switched networks, " Proc. of the Int. School of Mathematics, "G Stampacchia" 19th Course on Variational Inequalities and Network Equilibrium Problems, Chapter-12, pp. 155-168, June 19-25, 1994, Erice, Italy, edited by F. Gianessi and Maugeri, Plenum Press, New York, 1995. |
[25] | M. Koksal and S. Herdem, "Periodic steady-state solutions of ordinary differential equations with strong nonlinearities, " Abstracts of 5th Int. Colloq. on Numerical Analysis, p. 48, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Aug. 13-17, 1996. |
[26] | M. S. Mamis and M. Koksal, "Numerical solution of partial differential equations for transmission lines terminated by lumped components, " Abstracts of 5th Int. Colloq. on Numerical Analysis, p. 56, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Aug. 13-17, 1996. Full paper: Proc. of the 5-th Int. Colloq. on Numerical analysis, Edited by Emil Minchev, Academic Publications pp. 87-89, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Aug. 13-17, 1996. |
[27] | Y. Demir, M. Koksal, and S. Herdem, "State-space modeling of power semiconductors with ideal switches, resistors, constant voltage and current sources, " Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. Electrimacs 1996, vol.1/9, pp. 97-102, Saint Nazarie, Sept. 17-19, 1996. |
[28] | M. Poyraz, Y. Demir and M. Koksal, "Modeling of power electronic circuits using the bond graph method with a novel switch definition, " Book of Proc. of EPMC 97' The first Int. Cong. in Israel on Energy, Power and Motion Control, pp.180-185, Hilton Tel-Aviv, Israel, 5-6 May 1997. |
[29] | H. Z. Aliyev and M. Koksal, "Determination of deformation potential for polymers of carbochain structure, " 3rd general Conf. of the Balkan Physical Union BPU-3 Abstracts, p. 456, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sept. 2-5, 1997. |
[30] | S. Herdem, M. S. Mamis, and M. Koksal, "Computation of corona effects in power transmission systems, " Proc. of 9th International Symp. on SMC (System Modeling Control), p. 32, Zakopane, Poland, April 27-May 1, 1998. |
[31] | T. Abbasov, S. Herdem, and M. Koksal, "Modeling of distributed parameter nonlinear systems by differential Taylor method, " Proc. of 9th Int. Symp. on SMC (System Modeling Control), p. 25, Zakopane, Poland, April 27-May 1, 1998. |
[32] | T. Abbasov, M. Koksal, and S. Herdem, "Mathematical modeling of fluid-solid mass transfer problems in high gradient magnetic field, " Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Short Communications Delivered at the 7th Int. Colloq. on Numerical Analysis and Computer Sciences with Appl., p. 1, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 13-17, 1998. |
[33] | H. Z. Aliyev and M. Koksal, "Determination of corona discharge potential in accordance with potential gradient in a coaxial electrode system, " Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Short Communications Delivered at the 7th Int. Colloq. on Numerical Analysis and Computer Sciences with Appl., p. 7, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 13-17, 1998. |
[34] | S. Herdem, M. S. Mamis, T. Abbasov, and M. Koksal, "Numerical solutions of partial differential equations for electrical machines by differential Taylor transform, " Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Short Communications Delivered at the 7th Int. Colloq. on Numerical Analysis and Computer Sciences with Appl., p. 52, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 13-17, 1998. |
[35] | M. Koksal and S. Herdem, "Ordinary differential equations with strong nonlinearities and their numerical solutions with abrupt changes, " Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Short Communications Delivered at the 7th Int. Colloq. on Numerical Analysis and Computer Sciences with Appl., p. 66, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 13-17, 1998. |
[36] | S. Herdem, M. Koksal, and Y. Demir, "Steady-state analysis of electrical systems with strongly nonlinear components, " Proc. of XV. Symp. Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits, pp. 233-236, Liege, Belgium, Sept. 22-24, 1998. |
[37] | M. S. Mamis, T. Abbasov, S. Herdem and M. Koksal, "Transient analysis of electrical machines by differential Taylor transform, " Proc. of IPST'99, Int. Conf. on Power System Transients, pp. 325-328, Budapest, Hungary, June 20-24, 1999. |
[38] | M. S. Mamis and M. Koksal, "Computation of lightning over voltages using nonuniform, single phase line model, " Proc. of IPST'99, Int. Conf. on Power System Transients, pp. 405-409, Budapest, Hungary, June 20-24, 1999. |
[39] | T. Abbasov, M. Koksal and S. Herdem, "Investigation of the dynamics of the flow of magnetic liquids in a magnetic field, " Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Short Communications Delivered at The Eighth Int. Colloq. on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Appl., p. 1, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 13-17, 1999. |
[40] | H. Z. Aliyev and M. Koksal, "Electret effect in non-crystalline polymer dielectrics and semiconductors exposed on gas discharge in SF6, " Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Short Communications Delivered at The Eighth Int. Colloq. on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Appl., p. 3, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 13-17, 1999. |
[41] | M. Koksal, "On the activity and passivity of components, " Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Short Communications Delivered at The Eighth Int. Colloq. on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Appl., p. 106, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 13-17, 1999. |
[42] | M. S. Mamis and M. Koksal, "On the computation of eigenvalues of tridiagonal matrices, " Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Short Communications Delivered at The Eighth Int. Colloq. on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Appl., p. 126, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 13-17, 1999. |
[43] | S. E. Hamamcl and M. Koksal, "A new method for the design of band pass Bessel filter, " Proc. of ELECO'99, Int. Conf. on Electrical and Electronics Eng., vol. Electronics, pp. 64-67, Uludag Univ., Bursa, Turkey, Dec. 1-5, 1999. |
[44] | S. Herdem, T. Abbasov, A. Memmedov, and M. Koksal, "On the coagulation and detachment processes of particles in magnetic field, " Proc. of World Filtration Cong. 8, WFC 8, pp. 781-784, Brighton, UK, 3-7 April, 2000. |
[45] | T. Abbasov, S. Herdem, and M. Koksal, "Wastewater treatment by magnetic filtration in oil industry, " Proc. of World Filtration Cong. 8, WFC 8, pp. 1217-1220, Brighton, UK, 3-7 April, 2000. |
[46] | S. E. Hamamcl and M. Koksal, "Robust control of a dc motor by Coefficient Diagram Method, " Proc. of 9th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation MED'01, Drive Control WA2-B Dubrovnik, Crotia, June 27-29, 2001. |
[47] | S. E. Hamamcl, I. Kaya, and M. Koksal, "Improving performance for a class of processes using Coefficient Diagram Method, " Proc. of 9th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation MED'01, Adaptive and PID Control TA1-A Dubrovnik, Crotia, June 27-29, 2001. |
[48] | A. Memmedov, M. Koksal, and o.F. ozgüven, "Electric circuit model of magnetic filters, " Proc. of Int. Conf. on the Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Region EPMR-2002, pp. 155-156, Near East Univ., Nicosia, TRNC, April 12-15, 2002. |
[49] | T. Abbasov, S. Herdem, M. Koksal, S. Mamis, ''Modelling of transient regimes of electrical machines by differential Taylor transform, '' Conference Proceeding of TPA-2002 Technical and Physical Problenms in Power Engineering, pp. 501-504, Baku, Azerbaijan, April 23-25, 2002. |
[50] | S. E. Hamamcl and M. Koksal, ''Chaos control using the coefficient diagram method, '' Proc. of the 10-th Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems NDES 2002, pp. 3:33-3:36, Cesme-Izmir, Turkey, June 21-23, 2002. |
[51] | S. E. Hamamcl, M. Koksal, and S. Manabe, ''Robust position control of a radar antenna with the coefficient diagram method, '' Proc. of the Forh Assian Control Conf., pp.1785-1790, Suntec City, Singapore, Sept. 25-27, 2002. |
[52] | S. E. Hamamcl, M. Koksal, and S. Manabe, ''On the control of some nonlinear systems with the coefficient diagram method, '' Proc. of the Forh Assian Control Conf., pp.1791-1796, Suntec City, Singapore, Sept. 25-27, 2002. |
[53] | S. E. Hamamci and M. Koksal, 'Robust Controller Design for TITO Processes with Coefficient Diagram Method, ' Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, vol. 2 of 2, pp. 1431-1436, Istanbul, Turkey, June 23-25, 2003. |
[54] | M. Koksal and S. E. Hamamci 'Robust Temparature Control of MSF Desalination Plants with Coefficient Diagram Method, ' Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, vol. 2 of 2, pp. 1437-1442, Istanbul, Turkey, June 23-25, 2003. |
[55] | Mehmet Sagbas and Muhammet Koksal, "A new multi-mode multifunction filter using CDBA, " Proc. of European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, vol. 2, pp. 225-228, Cork, Ireland, Aug. 28-Sept. 2, 2005. |
[56] | S. E. Oner, M. Koksal, and M. Sagbas, "Electronically controable biquads using sinle CDB, '' Proc. of 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 3333-3336, Island of Kos, Greece, May 21-24, 2006. |
[57] | M. Sagbas and M. Koksal, "Four canonical current-mode biquads using sinle current conveyor, " Proceedings of the 7-th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2006), 1/1, Session 2, pp. 38-41, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 7-9, 2006. |
[58] | M. Sagbas and M. Koksal, "An electronically tunable voltage-mode universal filter using two current conveyors, '' Proc. of the 2nd Conference on Ph. D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, pp. 137-140, Otranto (Lecce), Italy, June 12-15, 2006, |
[59] | M. Sagbas, M. Koksal, and H. Sedef "Highly selective second-order band-pass filter design using minimum number of components'', Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications, ISBN 973-755-069-2/978-755-069-9, pp. 79-82, Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania, July 6-7, 2006. |
[60] | M. Koksal and F. Yenici ''Position control of a permanent magnet DC motor by model reference adaptive control, " Proc. of 2007 IEEE Int. Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2007), pp. 112-117, Vigo, Spain, June 4-7, 2007. |
[61] | E. Ercelebi and M. Koksal, "Channel Equalization for OFDM systems in noisy channel using RLS, " Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Circuits and Systems for Communications, 978-1-4244-1708-7/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE, paper no. 156, pp.1-5, Shanghai, China, May 26-28, 2008. |
[62] | S. E. Hamamci and M. Koksal, "Stabilization of integrating time delay systems by fractional-order PD controllers", Proc. of 3rd IFAC Workshop Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Cankaya University, Control 1, 1.4, pp. 1-6, Ankara, Turkey, Nov. 5-7, 2008. |
[63] | M. Koksal, S. E. Oner, and M. Sagbas, Proc. of ECCTD'09, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 2009, "A new second-order multi-mode multi-function filter using a single CDBA, " pp. 699-702, Dogus University, IEEE, IEEE CAS, Turk Telekom, ECS, Antalya, Turkey, Aug. 23-27, 2009. |
[64] | M. Koksal and S. E. Hamamci, " Analysis of four element Chua circuit containing new passive component, Memristor, " Proc. Of NSC'10, 3rd Conf. on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, p.33, Cankaya University, Ankara, Turkey, July 28-31, 2010. |
[65] | M. Koksal and Y. Tokad, "Determination of initial conditions in active RLC networks, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the V. Science Cong., Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Eng. Research Group, Electrical Section, pp. 29-45, Istanbul, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 1975. |
[66] | M. Koksal, "A new state vector which is used for the analysis of linear systems having state equations with source derivatives, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the V. Science Cong., Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Eng. Research Group, Electrical Section, pp. 65-72, Istanbul, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 1975. |
[67] | M. Koksal, "Computation of initial conditions in frequency domain, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the VI Science Cong., Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Electric Section, pp. 341-356, cesme-Izmir, Oct. 24-28, 1977. |
[68] | M. Koksal, "Analysis of periodic systems by computers, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 7th Science Cong. of Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Elect. and Electrn. Session, pp. 737-748, Kutadasy-Aydyn, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 1980. |
[69] | M. Koksal, "Analysis of nonlinear systems to find steady-state solutions by using computers, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 1st National Computer-Aided Design Conf., pp. 431-433, Izmir, April 25-27, 1984. |
[70] | G. Tohumoglu and M. Koksal, "Spectral Analysis of physical systems, " Proc. of 2nd National Symp. on Machine Theory, pp. 407-420, METU, Gaziantep, Sept. 22-24, 1986. |
[71] | M. Koksal, "Physical Systems analogy and analysis of mechanical systems by using general system theory, " Proc. of 2nd National Symp. on Machine Theory, pp. 421-441, METU, Gaziantep, Sept. 22-24, 1986. |
[72] | M. Koksal, "General commutativity conditions for time-varying systems, " (in Turkish), 2nd National Cong. of Electrical Eng., vol. 2/2, pp. 566-569, METU, Ankara, Sept. 23-25, 1987. |
[73] | M. Koksal, "Effects of nonzero initial conditions on commutativity, " (in Turkish), 2nd National Cong. of Electrical Eng., vol. 2/2, pp. 570-573, METU, Ankara, Sept. 23-25, 1987. |
[74] | A. Nacaroglu and M. Koksal, "Analysis of ideal switched-capacitor circuits, " (in Turkish), 2nd National Cong. of Electrical Eng., vol. 2/2, pp. 558-561, METU, Ankara, Sept. 23-25, 1987. |
[75] | T. Kllcl and M. Koksal, "Analysis and simulation of semiconductor control dc motors, " (in Turkish), 2nd National Cong. of Electrical Eng., vol. 2/2, pp. 720-723, METU, Ankara, Sept. 23-25, 1987. |
[76] | M. Koksal and E. Küpeli, "A new fast-convergent method for the analysis of periodically excited nonlinear systems, " (in Turkish), Proc. of XI. National Cong. of Operational Research, vol. II, pp. XV. 30, Univ. of Marmara, Sultanahmet-Istanbul, Sept. 23-25, 1987. |
[77] | S. Günsoy and M. Koksal, "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) image processing technique and its comparison with other image processing techniques, " 1st National Medical Physics Cong., Cerrahpata Medicine Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 8-9, 1987. |
[78] | M. Koksal, "Numerical computation of the state transition matrix of periodically time-varying linear systems, " (in Turkish), Proc. of Symp. of Ylldlz Univ. on the Role of Eng. on the Development of our Country, pp. 388-397, Ylldlz-Istanbul, June 20-24, 1988. |
[79] | M. Koksal, "Commutativity of 4th order systems and Euler systems, " (in Turkish), Proc. of Symp. of Ylldlz Univ. on the Role of Eng. on the Development of our Country, pp. 398-408, Ylldlz-Istanbul, June 20-24, 1988. |
[80] | F. Yilmaz and M. Koksal, "Stability analysis of periodically time-varying systems, " (in Turkish), Proc. of Symp. of Ylldlz Univ. on the Role of Eng. on the Development of our country, pp. 409 415, Ylldlz-Istanbul, June 20-24, 1988. |
[81] | A. Nacaroglu and M. Koksal, "Optimum switch and capacitor number in the design of switched-capacitor networks, " (in Turkish)' Proc. of Symp. of Ylldlz Univ. on the Role of Eng. on the Development of our country, pp. 337-346' Ylldlz-Istanbul, June 20-24, 1988. |
[82] | G. Tohumoglu and M. Koksal, "Computation of nonlinear oscillations by using spectral analysis technique, " Proc. of I. National Machine Theory Symp., pp. 379-387, Foca-Izmir, Oct. 12-14, 1988. |
[83] | S. Herdem and M. Koksal, "A new method for the periodic solutions of circuits containing piece-wise linear or externally controlled components, " (in Turkish), Proc. of 5th National Cong. on Electrical Eng., pp. 39-44, KTü, Trabzon, Sept. 1993. |
[84] | M. S. Mamis and M. Koksal, "State space analysis of lighting effects in transmission lines, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 6th National Cong. and Fair on Electrical Eng., Electricity, pp. 17-20, Bursa, Sept. 11-17, 1995. |
[85] | G. Tohumoglu and M. Koksal, "Steady-state solutions of nonlinear systems by the extended spectral analysis method, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 6th National Cong. and Fair on Electrical Eng., Computer, pp. 1047-1050, Bursa, Sept. 11-17, 1995. |
[86] | S. Herdem and M. Koksal, "A new approach for the state-space analysis of power electronic circuits, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 6th National Cong. and Fair on Electrical Eng., Electricity, pp. 367-370, Bursa, Sept. 11-17, 1995. |
[87] | Y. Demir and M. Koksal, "State-space analysis suitable mathematical models of power electronic circuits, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 6th National Cong. and Fair on Electrical Eng., Electricity, pp. 376-379, Bursa, Sept. 11-17, 1995. |
[88] | M. Koksal, "Error analysis in iterative computations, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 6th National Cong. and Fair on Electrical Eng., Computer, pp. 1097-1100, Bursa, Sept. 11-17, 1995. |
[89] | S. Herdem, Y. Demir and M. Koksal, "A new approach for the for the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 1st System Eng. and Appl. Symp., Vol. 2, pp. 666-672, Turkish Academy of War, Ankara, Oct. 12-13. 1995. |
[90] | H. Z. Aliyev, M. Koksal, S. Herdem and I. Aksoy, "Spread of dielectric liquid drop on charged surfaces" (in Turkish), Proc. of S. Demirel Univ. IX. Eng. Symp., Electronics and Communication, pp. 15-18, Isparta, May 29-31, 1996. |
[91] | S. Herdem, Y. Demir, and M. Koksal, "Analysis of circuits containing hysterysis" (in Turkish, S.), Proc. of S. Demirel Univ. IX. Eng. Symp., Electronics and Communication, pp. 29-31, Isparta, May 29-31, 1996. |
[92] | H. Z. Aliyev, M. Koksal, and M. S. Mamis, "Temperature distribution in composite resistors under short time loadings", Proc. of the 1st Symp. on Mathematical and Computational Appl., pp. 12-15, Manisa, Turkey, November 19-21, 1996. |
[93] | M. S. Mamis and M. Koksal, "Some renovations in transient analysis of transmission lines by state-space techniques", Proc. of the 1st Symp. on Mathematical and Computational Appl., vol.1, no.1, pp. 181-190, Manisa, Turkey, November 19-21, 1996. |
[94] | S. E. Hamamcl and M. Koksal, "Design of analog and digital filters by using computer" (in Turkish), Proc. of the 4-th Computer and Communication, pp. 32-35, Buttim-Bursa, Dec. 11-15, 1996. |
[95] | M. Poyraz, Y. Demir, and M. Koksal "An algorithm to drive the state and output equations of nonlinear systems by using bound graphs, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 4-th Computer and Communication, pp. 143-146, Buttim-Bursa, Dec. 11-15, 1996. |
[96] | Y. Demir, S. Herdem, and M. Koksal, "A new algorithm for state-space analysis of systems containing switches, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 4-th Computer and Communication, pp. 159-162, Buttim-Bursa, Dec. 11-15, 1996. |
[97] | M. S. Mamis and M. Koksal, "A computerpProgram for the transient analysis of energy transmission LPTLAP, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 4-th Computer and Communication, pp.195-198, Buttim-Bursa, Dec. 11-15, 1996. |
[98] | H. Z. Aliyev, T. Abbasov, M. Koksal, and S. Herdem "Cleaning water and technological liquids by electromagnetic fields, " (in Turkish), Proc. of drink Water Symp., pp. 289-295, ISKI-Istanbul, Oct. 7-10, 1996. |
[99] | T. Abbasov, M. Koksal, S. E. Hamamcy, and A. Kaygusuz, "Modeling of Technological processes by the theory of network synthesis, " (in Turkish), Proc. of SIU'97-Cog. Of Signal Processing and Appl., vol. II, pp. 891-895, (Boeazici üniv.), Kutadasy-Aydyn, May 1-3, 1997. |
[100] | S. E. Hamamcl and M. Koksal, "A new method for the design of band-pass Bessel filter, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 7-th National Cong. of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Eng., vol. 1, pp. 346-348, METU, Ankara, Sept. 8-14, 1997. |
[101] | H. Aliyev, M. Koksal, Y. onal, and T. Seckin, "Electret property of silikajel+polimid composite systems, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 7-th National Cong. of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Eng. vol. 2, pp. 622-624, METU, Ankara, Sept. 8-14, 1997. |
[102] | H. Aliyev, M. Koksal, Y. onal and T. Seckin, "Thermal Analysis of electric charge state of Silikajel+polimid composite system, " (in Turkish), Proc. of the 7-th National Cong. of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Eng., vol. 2, pp. 625-628, METU, Ankara, Sept. 8-14, 1997. |
[103] | M. S. Mamis and M. Koksal, "Analysis of transients in energy transmission lines by fast inverse Laplace transform", (in Turkish), Proc. of the 7-th National Cong. of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Eng. vol. 2, pp. 583-586, METU, Ankara, Sept. 8-14, 1997. |
[104] | M. S. Mamis, M. Koksal, "A lumped parameter model for frequency dependent transmission lines", (in Turkish), Proc. of the 7-th National Cong. of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Eng. vol. 2, pp. 587-590, METU, Ankara, Sept. 8-14, 1997. |
[105] | H. Z. Aliyev, M. Koksal and S. Herdem, "On the quasi-unidimensional approximation of dynamics of the occurrence of conductance channels in polymer dielectrics", Proc. of ULIBTK'97, 2nd National Heat Science and Technology Cong., vol. 1, pp. 143-148, Edirne, Sept. 17-19, 1997. |
[106] | H. Z. Aliyev, M. Koksal, S. Herdem, and N. ozbey, "Effects of strong electric fields on the conductivity of dielectrics", (in Turkish), Proc. of ELMEKSEM'97, 4th Electromechanics Symp., pp. 139-141, Bursa, Dec. 17-21, 1997. |
[107] | T. Abbasov, S. Herdem, and M. Koksal, "Motion of magnetic liquids in electromagnetic field", (in Turkish), Proc. of ELMEKSEM'97, 4th Electromechanics Symp., pp. 174-177, Bursa, Dec. 17-21, 1997. |
[108] | S. Herdem, T. Abbasov, and M. Koksal, "Cleaning of waste waters containing petroleum residues by electromagnetic filters", (in Turkish), Proc. of GAP 2nd Eng. Cong., pp. 620-623, Harran üniv., Pub. No. 4, Urfa, May 21-23, 1998. |
[109] | S. Herdem, M. Koksal, and T. Abbasov, "Mathematical model of mass transfer in magnetized beds", (in Turkish), Proc of UKMK-3, 3rd National Chemistry Cong., vol.1, pp. 641-645, Atatürk Univ., Erzurum, Sept. 1-4, 1998. |
[110] | S. E. Hamamcl and M. Koksal, "Computation of the coefficients of the transfer functions of the other type of filters from those of the lowpass prototypes", Proc. of the 8th National Cong. of Electric Electronic and Computer Eng., vol. 1, pp. 52-54, TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers-Gaziantep üniv., Sept. 6-12, 1999. |
[111] | S. Herdem, T. Abbasov, and M. Koksal, "Computation of transients in nonlinear electric circuits by using differential Taylor transform", Proc. of the 8th National Cong. of Electric Electronic and Computer Eng., vol. 1, pp. 59-62, TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers-Gaziantep üniv., Sept. 6-12, 1999. |
[112] | M. Koksal, "On the activity and passivity of components", Proc. of the 8th National Cong. of Electric Electronic and Computer Eng., vol. 1, pp. 63-66, TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers-Gaziantep üniv., Sept. 6-12, 1999. |
[113] | Y. Demir, R. Tuntas, and M. Koksal, "Analysis of switched networks by artificial neural networks", Proc. of the 8th National Cong. of Electric Electronic and Computer Eng., vol. 2, pp. 673-676, TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers-Gaziantep üniv., Sept. 6-12, 1999. |
[114] | H. Z. Aliyev, M. S. Mamis, and M. Koksal, "Variation of the charge density and electric field intensity under single polarity corona field", Proc. of the 8th National Cong. of Electric Electronic and Computer Eng., vol. 2, pp. 707-710, TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers-Gaziantep üniv., Sept. 6-12, 1999. |
[115] | M. Koksal, M. S. Mamis, and H. Z. Aliyev, "A new simulation model for corona discharge", Proc. of the 8th National Cong. of Electric Electronic and Computer Eng., vol. 2, pp. 729732, TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers-Gaziantep üniv., Sept. 6-12, 1999. |
[116] | H. Z. Aliyev, M. Koksal, and G. T. Kerimova, "Role of ion diffusion on the surface activation of polymer and composite materials exposed gas discharge", Proc. of MAMTEK'99 Symp. Of Machine Materials and Production Technologies, pp. 310-313, Celal Bayar üniv. Eng. Fac., Manisa, Oct. 17-19, 1999. |
[117] | S. E. Hamamcl, A.Ucar, and M. Koksal, 'Investigation of Chaos in a Chua circuit with variable inductance by simulation and experiment', Proc of ELECO' 2000 Symp. Of Electric Electronic and Computer Eng., vol.: Electronic-Computer, pp. 43-47, Uludag üniv., Bursa, Nov.8-12, 2000. |
[118] | A. Memedov, M. Koksal and S. E. Hamamcl, "Logic control of double wound field dc motor by harmonic linearization", Proc. of the 9th National Cong. of Electric Electronic and Computer Eng., vol. 1, pp. 146-150, TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers-Kocaeli Univ., Sept. 19-23, 2001. |
[119] | S. Herdem, T. Abbasov, and M. Koksal, ''Analysis of nonlinear electrical circuits by using DT mehtod'', Proc. of the 10th National Cong. of Electric Electronic and Computer Eng., vol. 2, pp. 271-274, TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers-Lutfi Klrdar Cong. Center, Istanbul, Sept. 18-21, 2003. |
[120] | S. E. Herdem and M. Kokal, ''PI controller design for time-delay systems with a better performance'', Proc. of the 2005 Automatic Control National Meeting TOK''2005, pp. 17-22, Turkish Automatic Control Community-Ist. Tech. Univ., Maslak, Istanbul, June 2-3, 2005. |
[121] | S. Herdem, T. Abbasov, and M. Koksal, ''Importance of the magnetic property of the particles captured in magnetic filters'', Proc. of the 11th National Cong. of Electric-Electronic and Computer Eng., vol. 1, pp. 44-47, TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers-Grand Cevahir Congress Center, Sisli-Istanbul, Sept. 22-25, 2005. |
[122] | F. Yenici and M. Koksal, ''Position control of a permenant magnet pole DC motor by using model reference adaptive control'', Proc. of the 2006 Automatic Control National Meeting TOK''2006, pp. 555-560, Turkish Automatic Control Community-TOBB University of Economy and Technology, Ankara, Nov. 6-9, 2006. |