[1] | M. El-Messiery and M. El-Tawil, The Application of Computer Simulation in Detecting the Growth of Cancer, JIEEEC 83, Amman-Jordan, P. 252-255, 1983. |
[2] | M. El-Messiery and M. El-Tawil, New Hypothesis on the Mechanisms of Cancer Growth and Regression (Computer Simulation Study), J. Med. and Biological Eng. and Computing, Vol. 22, P. 448-452, 1984. |
[3] | M. El-Messiery and M. El-Tawil, Computer Modelling of the Radioactive Treatment of Malignant Cells, JIEEEXýC 85, Amman-Jordan, P. 484-487, 1985. |
[4] | A.M. Youssef and M. El-Tawil, Modelling and Computer Simulation of an Effective Hyperthermia, AMK Berlin CAR, June 27, P. 376-380, 1985. |
[5] | A.M. Youssef and M. El-Tawil, Computer Simulation of Hyperthermia, The seventh annual Conf. of Frontiers of Eng. and Computing in Health Care, Chicago, Sept. 27, P. 1041-1044, 1985. |
[6] | A.M. Youssef and M. El-Tawil, Thermal Modelling for Tumours Embeded in the Urinary Bladder using Different Hyperthermia Modalities (Macroscopic and Microscopic Approach), MELECON85, Madrid, Oct. 8, P. 41-44, 1985. |
[7] | A.M. Youssef and M. El-Tawil, Scattering of Ultrasound from Tissues for Pathology Characterization as a Step for Hyperthermia Treatment of Cancer using Computer Simulation, MELECON85, Madrid, Oct. 8, P. 91-95, 1985. |
[8] | A.M. Youssef and M. El-Tawil, Ultrasound Assessment of Tissue Parameters for Cancer Treatment by Radio-Therapy using Computer Simulation, MELECON85, Madrid, Oct. 8, P. 181-184, 1985. |
[9] | A.M. Youssef and M. El-Tawil, Hyperthermia as a technique to reduce malignant transformation, J. Modelling, Simulation and Control (AMSE-France), Vol. 5, No. 3, P. 31-40, 1986. |
[10] | A.M. Youssef and M. El-Tawil, The Computer Simulation of Hyperthermia, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy and Combinations, J. Modelling, Simulation and Control, Vol. 5, No. 4, P. 1-10, 1986. |
[11] | A.M. Youssef and M. El-Tawil, Reduction of Radiotherapy Hazards by Hyperthermia (a Computer Simulation Technique), the ninth annual Conf. on Eng. in Medicine and Biology, Boston, Nov. 13, 1987. |
[12] | A.M. Youssef and M. El-Tawil, Initial and Final Patterns of a Cell Matrix to Determine Cell Cycle Parameters (a Computer Approach), the ninth annual Conf. on Eng. in Medicine and Biology, Boston, Nov. 13 1987. |
[13] | E.F. Adbel-Gawad, MA Nassar and MA El Tawil, The Application of Wiener-Hermite Expansion in Solving the Problem of Linear Oscillator with Random Modulated Excitation, the twentieth ORMA Conf., Cairo, Nov. 17, 1987. |
[14] | MA El Tawil and E.F. Adbel-Gawad, Quadrature Non Linear Stochastic Systems, Scientific Engineering Bulletin 4(Cairo Univ.), P. 13-24, 1988. |
[15] | E.F. Adbel-Gawad and MA El Tawil, On the Stability of the Second Order Linear Stochastic Differential Equations, 23-rd annual Conf. in statistics, Computer Science, Operations Research and Mathematics, Dec. 11, Cairo Univ., P. 11-22, 1988. |
[16] | E.F. Abdel Gawad and MA El Tawil, On the Perturbation Technique and the Solution of the Second Order Linear Stochastic Differential Equations, 23 rd annual Conf. in SCSORM, Dec. 11, Cairo Univ. P. 23-27, 1988. |
[17] | E.F. Adbel-Gawad, MA Nassar and MA El Tawil, The Solution of the Linear Oscillator with Randomly Perturbed Noise using Wiener-Hermite Expansion, Scientific Eng. Bull. 3(Cairo Univ.), P. 13-25, 1988. |
[18] | E.F. Adbel-Gawad, MA El Tawil and MA Nassar, Linear Oscillatory Systems with Randomly Perturbed Damping Coefficient, J. Modelling Simulation and Control, Vol. 23, No. 1, P. 43-54, 1989. |
[19] | E.F. Abdel Gawad, MA El Tawil and MA Nassar, Non linear Oscillatory Systems with Random Excitation, J. Modelling Simulation and Control, Vol. 23, No. 1, P. 55-63, 1989. |
[20] | MA El Tawil, The Two Dimensional Stochastic Diffusion Equation with Random Initial Conditions, 24-th annual Conf. on Statistics Computer Science and O.R., Dec. 23, Cairo Univ., Vol. 1, Part 3, P. 124-130, 1989. |
[21] | MA El Tawil, On Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, AMSE Review, AMSE Press (France), Vol. 14, No. 1, P. 1-8, 1990. |
[22] | A.A. Mahmoud and MA El Tawil, On Stochastic Analysis of Beams, AMSE Periodicals, Modelling Simulation and Control, B. Vol. 33, No. 1, P. 1-8, 1990. |
[23] | MA El Tawil, On Stochastic Diffusion Equation, AMSE Review, Vol. 15, No. 4, P. 49-56, 1991. |
[24] | A.A. Mahmoud and MA El Tawil, Beams on Random Elastic Supports, J. Applied Mathematical Modelling (AMM), Vol. 16, No. 6, P. 330-334, 1992. |
[25] | Iman El Maghrapy, MA El Tawil and E.F. Abdel Gawad, Stochastic Wave Equation, 27-th Annual Conf. ISSR (Cairo Univ.), Vol. 27, P. 87-95, 1992. |
[26] | MA El Tawil and A.A. Mahmoud, Linear Vibrations under Random Initial Conditions, Eng. Bull. (Ain Shams Univ.), Vol. 28, No. 1, P. 555-567, 1993. |
[27] | M.A. El-Tawil, Random Laplace Transform, Egyptian Statistical Journal (37) 169-177 , 1993. |
[28] | E.F. Abdel Gawad and MA El Tawil, General Stochastic Oscillatory Systems, Appl. Math. Model. Vol. 17, No. 6, P. 329-335,1993. |
[29] | Magdy A. El Tawil, Random Laplace Transform, The Egyptian Statistical Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1, P. 169-177, 1993. |
[30] | A.A. Darrag and MA El Tawil, The consolidations of soils under Stochastic Initial Excess Pore Pressure, Appl. Math. Model., Vol. 17, No. 11, P. 609-612, 1993. |
[31] | E.F. Abdel Gawad, MA El Tawil and I. El Maghrapy, Stochastic Wave Equation: Three Dimensions, The Egyptian Computer Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2, P. 175-190, 1993. |
[32] | E.F. Abdel Gawad, MA El Tawil and I. El Maghrapy, Stochastic Heat Equation with random boundary and initial conditions, 28th Annual Conf. (ISSR-Cairo Univ.), Vol. 28, No. 2, P. 76-90, 1993. |
[33] | Magdy A. El Tawil, Stochastic Diffusion-Convection Equations with Random Edges, J. of Eng. and appl. sciences (Cairo Univ.), Vol. 41, No. 2, P. 229-239, 1994. |
[34] | Magdy A. El Tawil and M.H. Kamel, MHD flow under Stochastic Porous Media, Energy Conver. Mgmt 35, No. 11, P. 991-997, 1994. |
[35] | Magdy A. El Tawil and I.A. Hassanin, The Computer Simulation Study of Stochastic Chemical Reaction in a Laminar Boundary Layer Flow over a Stretching Surface, J. of Inst. of Math. and Computer Sciences (Comp. Science series), Vol. 6, No. 1, P. 105-120, 1995. |
[36] | Magdy A. El Tawil, Non-Homogeneous Boundary Value Problems, J. Math. Analysis and Applications, 200, P. 53-65, 1996. |
[37] | Magdy A. El Tawil, Stochastic Diffusion-Convection Boundary Value Problems, J. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 9, No. 12, P.1945-1954, 1998. |
[38] | Magdy A. El Tawil and H. El Zoheiry, Stochastic Propagation of Fluxons on Josephson Lines, J. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 8, No. 1, P. 45-50, 1997. |
[39] | Abd Alla El Marhomy and MA El Tawil, Stochastic Normal Deflections of Orthotropic and Composite Rectangular Plates, J. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 10,No. 7, pp. 1213-1219,1999. |
[40] | M.A. El Tawil and A.M. Ebady, The Gaussian Solution Part of a Stochastic Van der Pol Equation, Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Eng., Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 33, No. 2, P. 505-517, 1998. |
[41] | M.A. El Tawil and A.M. Ebady, On Non-Homogeneous Stochastic Wave Equation with a Random Coefficient, J. of eng. and Applied Scie.-Cairo Univ.,Vol. 46, No. 3,pp. 413-425,1999. |
[42] | M.A. El Tawil and Saleh M.M., The Stochastic diffusion equation with a random diffusion coefficient, Sci. Bull. Faculty of Eng.-Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 33, No. 4, P.607-615, 1998. |
[43] | El Tawil M. and Ebady A., The Stochastic Mathieu equation under stochastic combined excitations, Alex Eng. J., Vol.38, No.3, pp. D47-D52,1999. |
[44] | Magdy A. El Tawil, Homogeneous and Linear Systems with Respect to a parameter (A New Concept), J. Advances in Modelling and Analysis (A), Vol. 34, No. 2, 1998. |
[45] | Ebady A.M. and El Tawil M., The damped vibrating strings under stochastic forces, J. Mech. And Mech. Eng. ,Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 15-25, 1999. |
[46] | M.A. El Tawil and G.M. Mahmoud, The Solvability of Parametrically Forced Oscillators using WHEP Technique, J. Mech. And Mech. Eng. ,Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 181-188, 1999. |
[47] | Iman El Maghrapy and MA El Tawil, Stochastic diffusion equation with Random convection coefficient, Sci. Bull. Faculty of Eng.-Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 257-266, 1999. |
[48] | M.A. El-Tawil, The Application of WHEP technique on stochastic partial differential equations, presented in the Int. Conf. : Mathematics and the 21-st century , Cairo-EGYPT, Jan. 15-20, 2000,(presentation only, abstract). |
[49] | Iman El Maghrapy and MA El Tawil, The stochastic diffusion equation with a random diffusion coefficient and a non-homogeneous term in 3-d, J. of eng. and Applied Scie.-Cairo Univ.,Vol. 47 , No. 4, pp. 617-637,2000. |
[50] | Hafez F., El-Sayed A. and El-Tawil M., On a stochastic fractional calculus, J. Fractional Calculus & Applied analysis (an international journal for theory and applications), Vol. 4,Num. 1,2001. |
[51] | M.H. Kamel and M.A. El Tawil, Stochastic Blood Flow Through an overlapping arterial stenosis, J. of eng. and Applied Scie.-Cairo Univ.,Vol. 48 , No. 4, pp.-,2001. |
[52] | O. Galal , M. A. El-Tawil and A. A. Mahmoud, Stochastic beam equations under stochastic dynamic loading, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 39,No. 2,pp. 1031-1040,2002. |
[53] | Magdy A. El Tawil and S. A. Hussein, Probability distributions of intervals, Sci. Bull. Faculty of Eng.-Ain Shams Univ., Vol., No., pp.671-683 , 2001. |
[54] | M.A. El-Tawil, The Application of WHEP technique on stochastic partial differential equations, International Journal of Differential Equations and its Applications, Vol. 7, No.3, pp 325-337,2003. |
[55] | Ahmed Abdelnaby, Ahmed A. Elbahnasawi and Magdy A. El-Tawil ,Solving Stochastic Optimal Control Using 4 Step Scheme, 11-th IEEE-MELECON , Cairo, May 7-9, pp 77-79 ,2002. |
[56] | Ahmed M. El-Sayed, Magdy A. El-Tawil, Mahmoud S. Saif and Fathi M. Hafez, The mean Square Riemann-Liouville stochastic fractional derivative and stochastic fractional order differential equation, Mathematical science research journal, vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 142-150, 2005. |
[57] | El-Tawil M. , Saleh F., El-Seedy and Kalla I., Decomposition solution of stochastic nonlinear partial differential equations, International Journal of Differential Equations and its Applications, Vol.7, No.1, pp.29-39,2003. |
[58] | El-Tawil M. , Saleh F., El-Seedy and Kalla I., Decomposition solution of stochastic nonlinear oscillator, International Journal of Differential Equations and its Applications, Vol.6, No.4,pp.411-422,2002. |
[59] | Magdy A. El-Tawil , Ahmed A. Elbahnasawi and Ahmed Abdelnaby, Solving Riccati Differential Equations using Adomian's Decomposition Method, J.Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 157/2, pp. 503-514, 2004. |
[60] | Tamer A. Abassy, M. El-Tawil and H. Saleh, The solution of KdV and mKdV equations using Adomian Pade` approximation, International J. of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 5(4),327-339, 2004. |
[61] | M. El-Tawil , W. El-Tahhan and A. Hussein, A proposed technique of SFEM on solving ordinary random differential equation, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 161/1, pp. 35-47, 2005. |
[62] | Magdy A. El-Tawil, A. Bahnasawi and A. Abdel-Naby, Solving Stochastic Non-linear Optimal Control Problem Using Successive Approximations method, The 46-th IEEEinternational MIDWEST Symposium on Circuits and Systems,2004, pp. 1-4. |
[63] | Magdy A. El-Tawil, The Approximate Solutions of Some Stochastic Differential Equations Using Transformation, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 164/1 pp 167-178, 2005. |
[64] | Tamer A. Abassy, M. El-Tawil and H. Saleh, The Solution of Burgers' and Good Boussinesq Equations Using ADM-Pade Technique, J. Chaos solitons and Fractals 32, pp. 1008-1026 , 2007. |
[65] | M. El-Tawil , W. El-Tahhan A.A. Mahmoud and A. Hussein, Using FEM-RVT technique for solving a randomly excited ordinary differential equation with a random operator, J. applied mathematics and computation, 187, pp. 856-867, 2007. |
[66] | S. Abohadima and M. El-Tawil, Stochastic study of shoreline changes using one-line model, J. of eng. and Applied Scie.-Cairo Univ.,Vol. 51 , No. 4 , pp.641-654 , 2004. |
[67] | O.H. Galal, M.A. El-Tawil, W. El-Tahan and A.A. Mahmoud, Spectral SFEM Analysis for Structural systems with stochastic operator under stochastic excitation, J. Engg. And Appl. Science, Vol. 52, No. 4., pp. 661-679, 2005. |
[68] | Tamer A. Abassy, Magdy A. El-Tawil and Hanafy El-Zoheiry, Toward a Modified Variational Iteration Method, Computational and applied mathematics(JCAM) 207(2007) 137-147. |
[69] | 69.Tamer A. Abassy, Magdy A. El-Tawil and Hanafy El-Zoheiry, Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Using the Modified Variational Iteration Padé Technique , Computational and applied mathematics (JCAM) 207 (2007) 73-91. |
[70] | 70.Tamer A. Abassy, Magdy A. El-Tawil and Hanafy El-Zoheiry, Exact Solutions of Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations using Variational Iteration Method linked with Laplace Transform and Padé Technique, Computers and Mathematics with applications(Jcmwa), 2007 (54) 940-954. |
[71] | 71.Tamer A. Abassy, Magdy A. El-Tawil and Hanafy El-Zoheiry, Modified Variational Iteration Method for Boussinesq Equation, Computers and Mathematics with applications(Jcmwa), 2007 (54) 955-965. |
[72] | Magdy A. El-Tawil, The Homotopy Wiener-Hermite expansion and perturbation technique (WHEP), Trans on Comput. Sci. I, LNCS 4750,Springer Verlag, pp. 159-180, 2008. |
[73] | O.H. Galal, W. El-Tahan, M. El-Tawil and A. Mahmoud, Spectral SFEM analysis of structures with stochastic parameters under stochastic excitation, Structures engineering and mechanics SEM, 28(3) (2008), 281-294. |
[74] | Hussein A. ,M. El-Tawil , W. El-Tahhan and A.A. Mahmoud, Solution of randomly excited stochastic differential equations with stochastic operator using spectral stochastic finite element method (SSFEM), Structures engineering and mechanics SEM, 28(2) (2008),129-152. |
[75] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Maha El-Hazmy, On Perturbative Cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Far east applied mathematics journal, (28) 2007Aug., 323-339. |
[76] | Magdy A. El-Tawil, The average solution of a stochastic nonlinear Schrodinger equation under stochastic complex non-homogeneity and complex initial conditions, Trans on Comput. Sci. III, LNCS 5300,Springer Verlag, pp. 143-170, 2009. |
[77] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Maha A. El-Hazmy, "On Perturbative Cubic Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations under Complex Nonhomogeneities and Complex Initial Conditions," Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics, vol. 2009, Article ID 395894, 29 pages, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/395894 |
[78] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Maha El-Hazmy ,Perturbative nonlinear Schrodinger equations under variable group velocity dissipation, Far East j. math. sciences, 27(2) (2007), 415-430. |
[79] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Amna S. El-Jihany, On solutions of stochastic oscillatory quadratic nonlinear equations using different techniques, a comparison study, presented in 2007 international symposium on nonlinear dynamics, 27-30 Oct.(2007), Changhai-China, j. of physics: conference series 96(2008), 012009. |
[80] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Noha El-Mulla, The solution of non-linear diffusion equation under stochastic nonhomogeneity using symbolic WHEP and Pickard algorithms, Trans. on Comput. Sci. VII, LNCS 5890: 2010 pp. 75-100, 2010. |
[81] | Magdy El-Tawil, Voting Systems as linear transformation models, TOAMJ, Bentham, The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, 2009: 3, 53-67 |
[82] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Amna S. El-Jihany ,On The Solution of stochastic oscillatory quadratic nonlinear equations using different techniques, a comparison study, Topological methods in nonlinear sciences (TMNA) Journal of the Juliusz Schauder Center 31(2), 315-330, 2008. |
[83] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Amna S. El-Jihany, Approximate solution of a mixed nonlinear stochastic oscillator , J. Computer and mathematics with applications, 58 (2009) 2236_2259. |
[84] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Noha El-Mulla, The approximate Solution of a Nonlinear Diffusion Equation using some Techniques, a Comparison Study, Journal Applied Mathematics and Computing JAMC(Springer), 12190_29_1_2(2009), 281-299. |
[85] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Noha Al-Mulla, Solving Nonlinear Diffusion Equations without Stochastic Homogeneity using Homotopy Perturbation Method, International J. of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 10(5),687-698, 2009. |
[86] | Magdy A. El-Tawil, On stochastic nonlinear Schrodinger equation under stochastic complex non-homogeneity and complex initial conditions, ICNAAM-2008: 16 sept.-20 sept.,Greece-Kos,p. 983-993, 2008(AIP):American institute of physics 978-0-7354—567-9/08. |
[87] | Tamer A. Abassy, Hanafy El-Zoheiry and Magdy A. El-Tawil , A Numerical Study of Adding an Artificial Dissipation term for Solving the Nonlinear Dispersive Equations K(n,n), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 232 (2009) 388-401 |
[88] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Noha El-Mulla, Using Homotopy-WHEP Technique in Solving Nonlinear Diffusion Equation with Stochastic no Homogeneity, Trans. on Comput. Sci. VII, LNCS 5890 Springer, pp. 51-67, 2010. |
[89] | Magdy A. El-Tawil , Sherif E. Nasr and H. El Zoheiry, Nonlinear Quintic Schrodinger Equations with Complex Initial Conditions, Limited Time Response, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management IEEM10 Macau, 7-10 Oct., Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE IEEM 2010. |
[90] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and Noha El-Mulla, Using Homotopy-WHEP Technique in Solving Stochastic Nonlinear Diffusion Equation, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (MCM), 51 (2010) 1277_1284. |
[91] | Magdy El-Tawil, H. El-Zoheiry and Sherif E. Nasr, Nonlinear cubic homogeneous Schrodinger equation with complex initial conditions, limited time response, TOAMJ, Bentham, The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, 2010: 4, 1`-12. |
[92] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and M. Abdelrahman, Mean square Euler method for random differential equations, Case Studies, Ninth International Conference on ORDERED STATISTICAL DATA AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Cairo (Zagazig Univ.) July 11-13, 2010 |
[93] | Hany N. Hassan and Magdy A. El-Tawil, A new technique of using homotopy analysis method for solving high-order nonlinear differential equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 728-742, 2011 |
[94] | Hany N. Hassan and Magdy A. El-Tawil, An efficient analytic approach for solving two-point nonlinear boundary value problems by homotopy analysis method, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 977-989, 2011 |
[95] | Hany N. Hassan and Magdy A. El-Tawil, Solving cubic and coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations using the homotopy analysis method, Intern. J. of Applied Math. And Mech., 7(8): 41-64, 2011. |
[96] | Magdy A. El-Tawil, The Use of Homotopy WHEP Algorithm for Solving Stochastic Differential Equations, ICASP 11, 11th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, August 1-4, 2011, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, accepted |
[97] | Hany N. Hassan and Magdy A. El-Tawil, A new Technique for Using Homotopy Analysis Method for Second Order Nonlinear Differential Equations, Intern. J. of Applied Math. And Mech., accepted. |
[98] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and M. Abdelrahman, Mean square numerical methods for initial value random differential equations, Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics OJDM (2011) 1(2), 66-84. |
[99] | Magdy A. El-Tawil and A. Fareed, Solution of Stochastic Quintic Nonlinear Diffusion Equation Using Picard and HPM methods, Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics OJDM (2011) 1(1), 6-21. |
[100] | Magdy El-Tawil, H. El-Zoheiry and Sherif E. Nasr, Nonlinear cubic non-homogeneous Schrodinger equation with complex initial conditions, limited time response, 14th International Conference on AEROSPACE SCIENCES & AVIATION TECHNOLOGY, ASAT 14-Military Technical College, Cairo, EGYPT May 24-26, 2011, |