[1] | Sertyesilisik, B. (2016). "Sürdürülebilir Şehirlerin Oluşturulmasına Yönelik Bir İnceleme " 4. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 3-5 Kasım 2016, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir. |
[2] | Sertyesilisik, B. (2016). "İnşaat Sektörünün Karbon Ayak İzini Azaltma Aracı Olarak Rejeneratif Cam Pazarı Üzerine Bir İnceleme" 4. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 3-5 Kasım 2016, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir. |
[3] | Tuz, A. ve Sertyesilisik, B. (2016). " Yalın Yönetim ile İnşaat Proje Yönetiminde Kaliteyi Arttırma Üzerine Bir İnceleme " 3-5 Kasım 2016, 4. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir. |
[4] | Korkmaz, N. ve Sertyesilisik, B. (2016). “Proje Yönetiminde Temel Performans Göstergelerinin Önemi: Sürdürülebilir Bina Projeleri” 3-5 Kasım 2016, 4. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir. |
[5] | Tatlıcı, G. ve Sertyesilisik, B. (2016). “Yalın İnşaat Proje Yönetiminin Türk İnşaat Sektöründe Yaygınlaştırılması Üzerine Bir İnceleme” 3-5 Kasım 2016, 4. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir. |
[6] | Sertyesilisik, B. (2015) “Managerial Aspects of the Regenerative Construction Projects”. in: Sarshar Driscoll, M., Ianakiev, A., and Sertyesilisik, B. (Eds) (2016). “Contemporary Trends in the Regenerative and Sustainable Built Environment:Technical and Managerial Aspects: workshop proceedings: Novel Energy for the Regenerative Built Environment: Technical and Managerial Aspects”, 3-6 March 2014, Istanbul Technical Uni. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: CADBE. |
[7] | Tatlici, G. and Sertyesilisik, B. (2015). “Gathering methods, quantification and management of the waste material in a Construction Site: A Case Study in Istanbul”. in: Sarshar Driscoll, M., Ianakiev, A., and Sertyesilisik, B. (Eds) (2016). “Contemporary Trends in the Regenerative and Sustainable Built Environment:Technical and Managerial Aspects: workshop proceedings: Novel Energy for the Regenerative Built Environment: Technical and Managerial Aspects”, 3-6 March 2014, Istanbul Technical Uni. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: CADBE. |
[8] | Korkmaz, N., Mulville, M., and Sertyesilisik, B. (2015) “Optimizing thermal performance of high-rise office buildings in Mediterranean climate by taking passive house approach” in: Sarshar Driscoll, M., Ianakiev, A., and Sertyesilisik, B. (Eds) (2016). “Contemporary Trends in the Regenerative and Sustainable Built Environment:Technical and Managerial Aspects: workshop proceedings: Novel Energy for the Regenerative Built Environment: Technical and Managerial Aspects”, 3-6 March 2014, Istanbul Technical Uni. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: CADBE. |
[9] | Tabesh, T. and Sertyesilisik, B. (2015) “Focus on atrium spaces apects on the energy performance”. International Conference on Chemical, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 5-6 June, Istanbul, Turkey. |
[10] | Tabesh, T. and Sertyesilisik, B. (2015) “An investigation on energy efficient courtyaard design criteria”. International Conference on Chemical, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 5-6 June, Istanbul, Turkey. |
[11] | Cecen, H., B. Sertyesilisik, and Aladag H. (2014) “A Construction Safety Directive” ACE 2014 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering 21-25 October 2014 |
[12] | Tabesh, T., and Sertyesilisik, B. (2013) “An exploration into the natural ventilation in atria” International Workshop on Livable Cities providing livability at affordability (IWLC 2013) Malaysia. |
[13] | Aspinall, S., Sertyesilisik, B., Sourani A., and Tunstall, A. (2012). "How accurately does BREEAM measure sustainability?" Creative Education, 3/1-8. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.37B001. The World Congress on Engineering and Technology, Beijing, Çin. |
[14] | Erdi, D. and Sertyesilisik, B. (2012). "Türk inşaat sektöründe iş ortaklıkları üzerine bir inceleme" 2. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 13 – 16 Eylül 2012, İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Urla-Izmir. |
[15] | Gurlu, E., Lebit, M. Sertyesilisik, B., and Erdi D. (2012). "Türk inşaat sektöründe alt yüklenicilik üzerine bir inceleme" 2. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 13-16 Eylül 2012, İzmir İleri Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Urla-Izmir. |
[16] | Sertyesilisik, B., Dikbas, A., Giritli, H., Cil, D. and Aydın, D. (2012). "İnşaat proje yönetim programları üzerine bir inceleme" 2. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 13-16 Eylül 2012, İzmir İleri Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Urla- İzmir. |
[17] | Maliene, V., Durney-Knight, N., and Sertyesilisik B. (2011). "Developing sustainable communities: Comparative case study from North West of England" Environmental Engineering, the 8th International Conference, Mayıs 19-20, Vilnius, Litvanya. |
[18] | Blackshaw, M., Sertyesilisik, B., and Sarshar, M. (2010). "Corporate property portfolios: Seeking flexibility", ACE 2010 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Trabzon, Türkiye, Eylül 2010. |
[19] | Cannon, E., Sertyesilisik B., and Ross A. (2010). "Supply chain management in the UK construction industry", ACE 2010 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Trabzon, Türkiye, Eylül 2010. |
[20] | Sertyesilisik, B., Deniz, U., and Kilinc, O. (2010). "Türkiye'deki inşaat firmalarının sürdürülebilirliğe yaklaşımları ve farkındalıkları", 1.inci Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, Ankara, Türkiye, Eylül-Ekim 2010, 201-213. |
[21] | Cecen, H., Sertyesilisik B., and Atabay, Ş. (2010). "Şehir içi şantiyeciliği (ŞEŞ) için koordinasyon ve çevre güvenliği sisteminin oluşturulması", 1.inci Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, Ankara, Türkiye, Eylül-Ekim 2010, 705-715. |
[22] | Cecen, H., Sertyesilisik, B., Aladag, H., Yurdakul E., and Toptas, F. (2009) “YTÜ İnşaat mühendisliği yapı işletmesi yüksek lisans eğitiminin analizi”, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, 1. İnşaat Mühendisliği Eğitimi Sempozyumu, Antalya, Türkiye, Kasım 2009, 439-450. |
[23] | Sertyeşilışık, B. (2008) "Strategy of Istanbul Municipality in coping with traffic problem", 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Athens, Greece. |
[24] | Sertyeşilışık, B. (2008). "An investigation on the Marmaray Project with respect to contractual issues", 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Athens, Greece. |
[25] | Sertyesilisik, B. (2008). "The strategy of resolution of disputes in infrastructure projects", 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Athens, Greece. |
[26] | Sertyesilisik, B. (2008). "Market structure of the Turkish precast concrete industry", 8th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Cyprus, 601-609, September 2008. |
[27] | Sertyesilisik, B. (2006). "The effects of well-prepared contracts on the success of the company", 1st International CIB Endorsed METU Postgraduate Conference, Ankara, Turkey, March 2006, 401-411. |
[28] | Sertyesilisik, B. (2006). "The effects of user profile on urbanization", 18th International Live and Building Conference of Chamber of Architects, Bursa, Turkey, March 2006. |
[29] | Ozkan, S., and Sertyesilisik, B. (2006). "The attitude of Turkish construction companies towards arbitration", AUBEA 2006 Conference, Sidney, Australia, June 2006. |
[30] | Sertyesilisik, B. (2006). "The effectiveness of the five-year development plans on the development of the construction sector", 22nd ARCOM Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting, Birmingham, UK, September, 2006, 583-591. |
[31] | Sertyesilisik, B. (2006). "The role of construction in development of Turkey", Construction in the XXI century: Local and global challenges Joint International Symposium of CIB working commissions (W55: Building Economics, W65: Organization and Management of Construction, W86: Building Pathology), Rome, Italy, October 2006. |
[32] | Sertyeşilışık, B. (2006). "Strategic planning in construction", International Strategic Management Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006, 39-49. |