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[3] | Varga Cs: Genotoxicologic evaluation of ozonated/chlorinated drinking water: Cytogenetic effects of XAD-fractions on cultured human cells. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 10 (1991) 1029-1035 |
[4] | Varga Cs, Ember I, Raposa T: Comparative studies on genotoxic and carcinogenic effects of different cytostatic protocols. I. In vivo cytogenetic analyses in CBA mice. Cancer Letters, 60 (1991) 199-203 |
[5] | Szücs S, Varga Cs, Ember I, Kertai P: The separation of the granulocytes from different rat strains. A comparative study. J. Immunol. Methods, 167 (1994) 245-251 |
[6] | Varga Cs, Pocsai Zs, Kertai P: Urinary and serum mutagenicity studies with rats bearing experimental tumours. Mutagenesis, 10, (1995) 43-45 |
[7] | Varga Cs, Pocsai Zs, Kertai P: Genotoxicity studies on urine and bone marrow samples of rats bearing transplanted nephroma. Mutagenesis, 10, (1995) 253-255 |
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[11] | Varga Cs, Horváth G, Timbrell V.: In vivo studies on genotoxicity and cogenotoxicity of ingested UICC anthophyllite asbestos. Cancer Letters, 105 (1996) 181-185 |
[12] | Szücs S, Kávai M, Varga Cs, Kertai P, Pocsai Zs, Karányi Zs, Ádány R.: Changes in superoxide anion production and phagocytosis by circulating neutrophils during tumor progression in a rat model. Cellular Immunology, 170 (1996) 202-211 |
[13] | Varga Cs, Horváth G, Timbrell V.: In vivo studies on genotoxicity and cogenotoxicity of ingested UICC anthophyllite asbestos. Cancer Letters, 105 (1996) 181-185 |
[14] | Varga Cs, Horváth G, Pocsai Zs, Timbrell V.: On the mechanism of cogenotoxic action between ingested amphibole asbestos fibres and benzo(a)pyrene: I. Urinary and serum mutagenicity studies with rats. Cancer Letters, 128, (1998) 165-169 |
[15] | Varga Cs, Horváth G, Timbrell V.: On the mechanism of cogenotoxic action between ingested amphibole asbestos fibres and benzo(a)pyrene: II. Tissue specificity studies using comet assay. Cancer Letters, 139, (1999) 173-176 |
[16] | Emri G, Remenyik E, Varga Cs, Hunyadi J, Horkai I.: DNA-damage during photo(chemo)therapy studied by comet-assay. Neoplasma, 46 (1999) S106-107 |
[17] | Ember I, Kiss I, Gyongyi Z, Varga Cs.: Comparison of early onco/suppressor gene expressions in peripheral leukocytes and potential target organs of rats exposed to the carcinogen 1-nitropyrene. Eur J Cancer Prev. 9, (2000) 439-342 |
[18] | Varga Cs., Ember I.: Comments on „The worst of both worlds poverty and politics in the Balkans." Environmental Health Perspectives, 108:A (2000) 332 |
[19] | Varga Cs.: Asbestos fibres in drinking water: are they carcinogenic or not? Med Hypotheses, 55, (2000) 225-226 |
[20] | Z. Gyöngyi, I. Ember, I. Kiss, Cs. Varga: Changes in expression of onco-and suppressor gene in peripheral leukocytes-as potential biomarkers of chemical carcinogenesis. Anticancer Research 21:3377-3380 (2001) |
[21] | Z. Gyöngyi, E. Nadasi, Cs. Varga, I. Kiss, I. Ember: "Long-term" effects of 1-nitropyrene on oncogene and tumor suppressor gene expression. Anticancer Research, 21:3937-3940 (2001) |
[22] | Cs. Varga, I. Kiss, I. Ember: The lack of environmental justice in Central and Eastern Europe Environmental Health Perspectives, 110:662-663(2002) |
[23] | Z. Gyöngyi, L. Grama, E. Nádasi, J. Sándor, Á. Németh, Cs. Varga, I. Kiss, I. Ember: Flow cytometric analysis of DMBA-induced early in vivo ras expression. In Vivo 16:323-326 (2002) |
[24] | Varga Cs: Can one assess genotoxic and carcinogenic risk of asbestos without mentioning ingested fibres? Mutation Research, 572, 173-174 (2005) |
[25] | Ember I, Németh Á, Varga Cs. et al: Molecular epidemiologic markers: A new concept in the preventive medicine with special attention to the prevention of cancer. Centr Eur J Occup Environ Med 11, 3-15 (2006) |
[26] | Varga Cs, Szendi K, Ember I: An in vivo model for testing genotoxicity of environmental fibre-associated nitroarenes. In Vivo 20, 539-542 (2006) |
[27] | Varga Cs, Szendi K.: Mesothelioma and environmental exposure. A newly developed animal model for fiber exposure. Ann NY Acad Sci 1138 (2008) 73-76 |
[28] | Szendi K, Varga Cs.: Lack of genotoxicity of carbon nanotubes in a pilot study, Anticancer Res 28, (2008) 349-352 |
[29] | Domahidi J., Csiszer A., Buksa C., Jeszenszky K., Tarcea M., Butiurcă Z., Menyhart E., Oroian M., Vitalyos O., Fărcaş O., Palcu C., Moldovan Ş., Şandru A., Varga Cs.; Monitoring of mineral waters for the cure in Mures county, Journal of Hygiene and Public Health 1 (2009) 97-107. |
[30] | Szendi K, Gerencsér G, Murányi E, Varga Cs: Genotoxicity studies on Hungarian peloids using Ames test and comet assay. FEMTEC 62, 74-75 (2009) |
[31] | Varga Cs, Szuetta J, Gerencsér G, Csiszér A, Domahidi J: Possible role and effects of organic compounds in spa waters. FEMTEC 62, 72-73 (2009) |
[32] | Gerencsér G, Szendi K, Murányi E, Varga Cs: New experimental methods for studying medical mud samples FEMTEC 62, 120-121 (2009) |
[33] | Varga Cs, Szendi K.: Carbon nanotubes induce granulomas but not mesotheliomas. In Vivo 24, (2010) 153-156 |