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[2] | Majumdara, S., Deng, J., Zhang, Y., Pierskallab, C. 2011.Using contingent valuation to estimate the willingness of tourists to pay for urban forests: A study in Savannah, Georgia. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2011.07.006. |
[3] | Majumdar, S., Zhang, D., Zhang, Y. 2011. Estimating Regional Softwood Lumber Supply in the United States Using Seemingly Unrelated Regression. Forest Products Journal 60 (7/8): 709-714. |
[4] | Zheng, B., *Zhang, Y., Chen, J. 2011. Preference to home landscape: wildness or neatness? Landscape and Urban Planning 99 (1): 1-8. |
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[6] | Geng, W., *Zhang, Y. 2011.Skill Content of Trade and Carbon Dioxide Emissions. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 21(11): 82-91. |
[7] | Tian, G., Jiang, J., Yang, Z., Zhang, Y. 2011. The Urban Growth, Size Distribution and Spatio-temporal Dynamic Pattern of the Yangtze River Delta Megalopolitan Region, China. Ecological Modelling 222: 865-878. |
[8] | Wang, C., Yang, Y., Zhang, Y. 2011. Economic Development, Rural livelihoods, and Ecological Restoration: Evidence from China. AMBIO 40: 78-87. |
[9] | Majumdar, S., *Zhang, Y. 2011.Consumptive Nature-based Recreation in the United States: Welfare Measures from Truncated and Untruncated Count Data Models. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 20: 32-50. |
[10] | Chen, J., Wang, C., Zhang, Y. 2011. The Impact s of Family Background on the Transit ion from University to Work: An Empirical Study in China. Journal of Northwest Normal University (Social Sciences) 48 (2):97—101. |
[11] | Chen, J., Li, L., Zhang, Y. 2011. Rural-Urban Migration and Its Influencing Factors of Rural College Graduates. Rural Economy (2): 116-120. |
[12] | Zhang, Y., Majumdar, I., Schelhas, J. 2010. Changes in Woodland Use from Longleaf Pine to Loblolly Pine. Sustainability 2(9), 2734-2745 |
[13] | Shen, Y., *Zhang, Y., Xu, X., Zhu, Z., Jiang, X. 2009. Towards decentralization and privatization of China's collective forestlands. International Forestry Review 11 (4): 28-35. |
[14] | Majumdar, S., *Zhang, Y. 2009. Market for green signaling. The Business Review, Cambridge 13 (2): 87-92. |
[15] | Liao, X., *Zhang, Y., Sun, C. 2009. Investments in Timberland and Softwood Timber as Parts of Portfolio Selection in the U.S.: A Cointegration Analysis and Capital Asset Pricing Model. Forest Science 55 (6):471-479. |
[16] | Ngyyen, M. D., Shen, Y., *Zhang, Y., Smidt, M. 2009. Analysis of Logging Productivity in Alabama, 1995 to 2000. Forest Products Journal 59(7/8): 22-26. |
[17] | Li, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Xia, Y. 2009. Rehabilitating China's Largest Inland River. Conservation Biology 23 (3): 531-536. |
[18] | Zhang, Y., Liao, X., Butler, B.J., Schelhas, J. 2009. The Increasing Importance of Small-Scale Forestry: Evidence from Family Forest Ownership Patterns in US. Small-Scale Forestry 8:1-14. |
[19] | Zhang, Y., B. Allen, N. Letson, J.L. Sibley. 2009. Tree ordinances as public policy and participation tools. J. Arboric. & Urban Forestry 35: 166-172. |
[20] | Pan, Y., *Zhang, Y., Majumdar, I. 2009. Population, Economic Welfare and Holding Size Distribution of Private Forestland in Alabama, USA. Silva Fennica 43(1): 161-171. |
[21] | Liao, X., *Zhang, Y. 2008. Does Timberland Ownership Matter for Stumpage Market in the US South? Forest Product Journal 59 (11): 69-74. |
[22] | Majumdar, S., and Y. Zhang. 2008. Providing Water Quality Services: A New Opportunity for Forest Landowners. Alabama's Treasured Forests 27(3):14-15. |
[23] | Liao, X., *Zhang, Y. 2008. Economic Impacts of Shifting Sloping Farm Lands to Forest Lands in China. Agricultural Systems 97: 48-55. |
[24] | Lu, W., Yang, X., Sibley, J., Gilliam, C. H., Bannon, J.S., Zhang, Y. 2008. Utilization of mixed municipal solid waste compost as a soilless potting component in greenhouse production of four floricultural crops. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 26 (2): 75-79. |
[25] | Zhang, Y., Hussian, A., Deng, J. and Letson, N. 2007. Public Attitudes towards Urban Trees and Supporting Urban Tree Programs. Environment and Behavior 39 (6): 797-814. |
[26] | Tian, G., Yang, Z., Zhang, Y. 2007.The Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Pattern of Rural Residential Land in China in the 1990s Using Landsat TM images and GIS. Environmental Management 40: 803-813. |
[27] | Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Mao, X. 2007. Economic Interpretation of Long-term Historical Change in Forest Land Use/Cover. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 43(9):96-104 (In Chinese with English Abstract). |
[28] | Deng, J., Zhang, Y., Schelhas, J. 2007. National Parks: The Paradise or Paradox. ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism 6 (2): 131-146. |
[29] | Pan, Y., *Zhang, Y. 2007. Trends among family forest owners in Alabama, 1994-2004. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 31(3): 117-123. |
[30] | Zhu, P., *Zhang, Y. 2006. Demand for urban forests and economic welfare: evidence from Southeastern US cities. Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics 38 (2): 279-285. |
[31] | Guo. Z., *Zhang, Y., Deegen, P., Uibrig, H. 2006. Economic Analyses of rubber and tea plantation and rubber-tea intercropping in Hainan. Agroforestry Systems 6 (2): 117-127. |
[32] | Lu, W., Sibley, J.L., Gilliam, C. H., Bannon, J.S., Zhang, Y. 2006. Estimation of U.S. Bark Generation and Implications for Horticultural Industries. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 24 (1): 29-34. |
[33] | Zhang, Y. 2005. Multiple-Use Forestry versus Forestland-Use Specialization Revisited. Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2): 143-156. |
[34] | Zhang, Y., Zhang, D., Schelhas, J. 2005. Small-scale non-industrial private forest ownership in the United States: Rational and Implications. Silva Fennica 39 (3):443-454. |
[35] | Zhang, Y., Li, Y. 2005. Valuing versus Pricing Natural and Environmental Resources? Environmental Science and Policy 8(2): 179-186. |
[36] | Zhang, Y., Li, Y. 2005. Reply to comment on "Valuing versus Pricing Natural and Environmental Resources? Environmental Science and Policy 8(2):189-190. |
[37] | Li, Y., Xu, M., Zou, X., Shi, P., Zhang, Y. 2005. Comparing of soil organic carbon dynamics in plantations and secondary forests in wet tropics in Puerto Rico. Global Change Biology 11(2): 239-248. |
[38] | Zhang, Y., Pan, Y., Li, Y. 2005. Critique on Non-market Valuation of Natural and Environmental Resources. Journal of Natural Resources 20 (3): 453-460. |
[39] | Feng, Z, Yang, Y., *Zhang, Y., Zhang, P., Li, Y. 2005. Grain-for-Green Policy and Its Impacts on Grain Supply in West China. Land Use Policy 22(4): 301-312. |
[40] | Mao, X., Li, X., Tu, Y., Hu, T., Zhang, Y., 2005. Environmental Impact Assessment of Agricultural Trade Policy: A Wheat Planting Industry Case Study in Qian'an County, Hebei Province. Chinese Journal of Population, Resource and Environment 15 (5): 40-46. |