[1] | Zaradic, P. A. and O. R. W. Pergams. In press. Trends in nature recreation: causes and consequences. In: S. A. Levin, editor. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd ed.: Princeton University Press. |
[2] | Zaradic, P. A. and O. R. W. Pergams. 2011. The Nature Conservancy's Long-Term LEAF Program Evaluation 2011. Report by the Red Rock Institute to the Nature Conservancy. |
[3] | List, R., O. R. W. Pergams, J. Pacheco, J. Cruzado, and G. Ceballos. 2010. Genetic divergence of Microtus pennsylvanicus chihuahuensis and conservation implications of marginal population extinctions. Journal of Mammalogy 91:1093-1101. |
[4] | Barbanera, F., O. R. W. Pergams, M. Guerrini, G. Forcina, P. Panayides, and F. Dini. 2010. Genetic consequences of intensive management in game birds. Biological Conservation 143:1259-1268 + Supplements. |
[5] | Zaradic, P. A., O. R. W. Pergams, and P. Kareiva. 2009. The impact of nature experience on willingness to support conservation. PLoS One: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0007367. |
[6] | Pergams, O. R. W. and P. Kareiva. 2009. Support services: A focus on genetic diversity. In: S. A. Levin, S. R. Carpenter, H. C. J. Godfray, A. P. Kinzig, M. Loreau, et al., editors. The Princeton Guide to Ecology. Princeton: Princeton University Press. |
[7] | Pergams, O. R. W. and J. L. Lawler. 2009. Recent and widespread rapid morphological change in rodents. PLoS One: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.00064522. |
[8] | Pergams, O. R. W. and P. A. Zaradic. 2008. Evidence for a fundamental and pervasive shift away from nature-based recreation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105:2295-2300. |
[9] | Pergams, O. R. W. and R. C. Lacy. 2007. Rapid morphological and genetic change in Chicago-area Peromyscus. Molecular Ecology 17:450–463. |
[10] | Zaradic, P. A. and O. R. W. Pergams. 2007. Videophilia: Implications for childhood development and conservation. Journal of Developmental Processes 2:130-144. |
[11] | Fox, H. E., C. Christian, J. C. Nordby, O. R. W. Pergams, G. D. Peterson, and C. R. Pyke. 2006. Perceptions of integrating social science and conservation. Conservation Biology 20:1817-1820. |
[12] | Pergams, O. R. W. and J. E. Norton. 2006. Treating a single stem can kill the whole shrub: A scientific assessment of buckthorn control methods. Natural Areas Journal 30:300-309. |
[13] | Pergams, O. R. W. and P. A. Zaradic. 2006. Is love of nature in the US becoming love of electronic media? 16-year downtrend in national park visits explained by watching movies, playing video games, internet use, and oil prices. Journal of Environmental Management 80:387-393. |
[14] | Pergams, O. R. W. and D. Nyberg. 2005. Evaluating the predicted local extinction of a once-common mouse. Conservation Biology 19:1312-1317. |
[15] | Pergams, O. R. W., B. Czech, J. C. Haney, and D. Nyberg. 2004. Linkage of conservation activity to trends in the U.S. economy. Conservation Biology 18:1617-1623. |
[16] | Pergams, O. R. W. and D. Nyberg. 2003. Spermophilus franklinii. In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. [www.redlist.org]. |
[17] | Pergams, O. R. W., W. M. Barnes, and D. Nyberg. 2003. Rapid change of mouse mitochondrial DNA. Nature 423:3979 |
[18] | Ashley, M. V., M. F. Wilsson, O. R. W. Pergams, D. J. O' Dowd, S. M. Gende, and J. S. Brown. 2003. Evolutionarily enlightened management. Biological Conservation 111:115-123. |
[19] | Pergams, O. R. W. and M. V. Ashley. 2001. Microevolution in island rodents. Genetica 112/113:245-256. |
[20] | Pergams, O. R. W. and D. Nyberg. 2001. Museum collections of mammals corroborate the exceptional decline of prairie habitat in the Chicago region. Journal of Mammalogy 82:984-992. |
[21] | Pergams, O. R. W. and M. V. Ashley. 2000. California Island deer mice: genetics, morphometrics, and evolution. Pages 278-288 in Browne, D. R., K. L. Mitchell, and H.W. Chaney (eds.) "Proceedings of the Fifth California Islands Symposium." 29 March to 1 April 1999. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, CA. Sponsored by the U.S. Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region, 770 Paseo Camarillo, Camarillo, CA 93010. OCS Study No. 99-0038. |
[22] | Pergams, O. R. W., R. C. Lacy, and M. V. Ashley. 2000. Conservation and management of Anacapa Island deer mice. Conservation Biology 14:819-832. |
[23] | Pergams, O. R. W. and M. V. Ashley. 1999. Rapid morphological change in Channel Island deer mice. Evolution 53:1573-1581. |