[1] | Study on reaction mechanism of bioleaching of Nickel and Cobalt from lateritic chromite overburdens, S.Behera, S.Singh, N.Pradhan, L.B.Sukla, B.K.Mishra, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Accepted 2011 |
[2] | In situ synthesis of entrapped silver nanoparticles by a fungus-Penicillium purpurogenum, Nilotpala Pradhan, Rati Ranjan Nayak, Arun Kumar Pradhan, Lala Behari Sukla and Barada Kanta Mishra, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters Inpress 2011 |
[3] | Bio-hydrometallurgical Processing of Low Grade Chalcopyrite for the Recovery of Copper Metal, S. Panda, C.K. Sarangi, N. Pradhan, T. Subbaiah, L.B. Sukla*, B.K.Mishra, G.L. Bhatoa, M.S.R. Prasad, S.K. Ray, Korean Journal of chemical engineering Under Review 2011 |
[4] | Study On Surface Alteration Behaviour During Column Bioleaching, B.K. Mohapatra, S.Singh, S. Srinivas Rao, L.B. Sukla & B.K. Mishra, Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Inpress 2011 |
[5] | Population coverage analysis of T-Cell epitopes of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B from Iron acquisition proteins for vaccine design, Namrata Misra, Prasanna Kumar Panda, Kavita Shah, Lala Bihari Sukla, Priyanka Chaubey, Bioinformation (7) 2011 255-261 |
[6] | Manganese Biomining: A Review, A.P. Das, L.B. Sukla, N. Pradhan, S. Nayak, Bioresources Technology Online 2011 |
[7] | Screening of fresh water microalgae from Eastern region of India for sustainable biodiesel production, M. Nayak, J. Jena, S. Bhakta, S.S. Rath, C. Sarika, B.V.S.K. Rao, N. Pradhan, M.T. Arasu, S.K. Mishra, P.K. Panda, R.B.N Prasad, L.B. Sukla, B.K. Mishra, International Journal of Green Energy Accepted 2011 |
[8] | Microbial Recovery of Nickel and Cobalt from Pre-treated Chromite Overburdens of Sukinda Mines using Aspergillus niger, Sunil Kumar Behera*, Prangya Parimita Panda and Lala Behari Sukla, Recent Research in Science and Technology 3(6) 2011 28-33 |
[9] | Dephosphorization of LD slag by phosphorus solubilising bacteria, Marhual, N.P; Pradhan, N; Mohanta, N.C; Sukla, L.B and Mishra, B.K., International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 65 2011 404-409 |
[10] | Phyco-diversity assessment of bahuda river mouth areas of East coast of odisha, india, S. Bhakta, S. K. Das, M. Nayak, J. Jena, P.K. Panda and L. B. Sukla, Recent Research in Science and Technology 2(4) 2011 80-89 |
[11] | Extraction of Copper from Malanjkhand Low-Grade Ore by Bacillus stearothermophilus, Singh, Sradhanjali; Sukla, L.B AND Mishra, B. K., Indian Journal Of Microbiology DOI 10.1007/s12088-011-0073-x 2011 |
[12] | Green synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle by Penicillium purpurogenum NPMF: The Process and Optimization, Nayak, Rati Ranjan; Pradhan, Nilotpala; Behera, Debadhyan; Pradhan, Kshyama Madhusikta; Mishra, Srabani; Sukla, Lala Behari and Mishra, Barada Kanta, Journal of Nanoparticle Research DOI 10.1007/s11051-010-0208-8 2010 |
[13] | Microbial Beneficiation of Salem Iron Ore Using Penicillium Purpurogenum, M Mishra, M Pradhan, L.B. Sukla, and B.K. Mishra, Minerals and Materials Transaction B 42(1) 2010 13-19 |
[14] | Synthesis and photo-physical properties of polymeric soft materials and its application in FRET based DNA sensor, Rati Ranjan Nayak, N. Pradhan, L. B. Sukla & B. K. Mishra, International Journal of Plastic Technology 14 (Supplement 1), 2010 S1-S6. |
[15] | Role of Microbial Technology in Mineral Processing, L.B.Sukla, Journal of Sustainable Planet 1 2010 21-30 |
[16] | Bioleaching of low-grade uranium ore using Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, S.Pal, D. Pradhan, T.Das, L.B.Sukla and G.Roy Chaudhury, Indian Journal of Microbiology 50, No. 1 2010 70-75 |
[17] | Evaluation of microbial population and attachment study during Bio-heap leaching at Malanjkhand Copper Project, Sradhanjali Singh, Sandeep panda, Srabani Mishra, Nilotpala Pradhan, Lala Behari Sukla &Barada Kanta Mishra, International Journal of Environment and waste Management (Accepted) 2010 |
[18] | Role of Microbial Technology in Mineral Processing, L.B.Sukla, Journal of Sustainable Planet1 2010 21-30 |
[19] | Microbial Removal of Alumina and Silica from low grade iron ores, M. Mishra, L.B. Sukla and B.K. Mishra, SGAT Bulletin 10, No. 1 2009 1-11 |
[20] | Recovery of Copper Values from Bio-Heap Leaching of Low Grade Malanjkhand Chalcopyrite Ore, L. B. Sukla, K. C. Nathsarma, J. R. Mahanta, S. Singh, S. Behera, K.S. Rao, T. Subbaiah and B.K. Mishra Korean, Journal of Chemical Engineering 26, No. 6 2009 11-30 |
[21] | Nickel Recovery from chromite overburden of Sukinda using fungal strains, S. Bohidar, S. Mohapatra and L. B. Sukla, International journal of integrative biology 5, No. 2 2009 103-107 |
[22] | Microbial recovery of uranium using native fungal strains, A. Mishra, N. Pradhan, R.N. Kar, L.B. Sukla and B. K. Mishra, Hydrometallurgy Vol 95 Issues 1-2 2009 175-177 |
[23] | Biological leaching of nickel and cobalt from lateritic nickel ore of Sukinda mines, S. Mohapatra, C. Sengupta, B.D. Nayak, L.B. Sukla and B.K. Mishra Korean, Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 26(1) 2009 1-7 |
[24] | Recovery of nickel from lateritic nickel ore using Aspergillus niger 4 and optimization of parameters, S. Mohapatra, N. Pradhan, S. Mohanty and L.B. Sukla, Minerals Engineering Vol 22 No. 3 2009 311-313 |
[25] | Biomineral processing-implications to Judicious conservation of resource (Review). L.B.Sukla, GEO-Spectrum Interface Vol 3 No.-1 2008 1-9 |
[26] | Effect of thermal treatment on recovery of nickel and cobalt from Sukinda lateritic nickel ore using microorganism, S. Mohapatra, C. Sengupta, B.D. Nayak, L.B.Sukla and B.K. Mishra, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 25(5) 2008 1070-1075 |
[27] | Micro Raman analysis and AFM imaging of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans bio-film grown on uranium ore, N. Pradhan, S. K. Pradhan, L. B. Sukla and B. K. Mishra, Research in Microbiology 159 2008 557-561 |
[28] | Differential bioleaching of copper by mesophilic and moderately thermophilicacidophilicconsortium enriched from same copper mine water sample, N.P. Marhual, N. Pradhan, R.N. Kar, L.B. Sukla and B.K. Mishra, Bioresource technology 99(17) 2008 8331-8336 |
[29] | Bioleaching of low grade copper ore using indigenous microorganism, D. Pradhan, S. Pal, G. Roy Choudhury, T.Das and L.B. Sukla, Indian journal of chemical technology Vol 15 No.6 2008 588-592 |
[30] | Percolation Bacterial Leaching Of Low Grade Chalcopyrite Using Acidophilic Microorganism, K.S. Rao, A. Mishra, G. Roy Choudhry, B.K. Mohapatra, T. Das, L.B. Sukla and B.K. Mishra, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 23(3) 2008 5-13 |
[31] | Bio dissolution of Copper from Khetri Lagoon Material by Adapted Strain of Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans, M. Mishra, S. Singh, T. Das, R. N. Kar, L.B. Sukla andB.K. Mishra, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 25 No. 3 2008 5-13 |
[32] | Heap Bioleaching of Chalcopyrite: A Review, N. Pradhan, K.C. Nathsarma, K. Srinivasa Rao, L.B. Sukla and B.K. Mishra, Minerals Engineering (Elsevier) (Hottest Paper) Vol 21 2008 355-365 |
[33] | Dissolution kinetics of Chromite burden by using mineral acids, P.K. Swain, G. Roy Choudhury and L.B. Sukla, Korean J. Chem. Eng. Vol 24 2007 932-935 |
[34] | Microbial Extraction of Nickel from Sukinda Chromire overburden by Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans and Aspergillus strains, S. Mohapatra, S. Bohidar, N. Pradhan, R.N. Kar & L.B. Sukla, Hydrometallurgy 85 2007 1-8 |
[35] | Beneficiation of Iron Ore Slime using A. niger and B. circulans, N. Pradhan, B. Das, C.S. Gahan, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, Bioresource Technology (Elsevier) Vol 97 2006 1876-1879 |
[36] | Prediction of sulphur removal with Acidithiobacillus sp. using artificial net works, C. Acharya, S. Mohanty, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Mishra, Ecological Modelling Vol 190 2006 223 –230 |
[37] | Isolation and characterization of fungal strains from Jaduguda Uranium Mines, M. Pattnaik, A. Mishra, R. N. Kar and L. B. Sukla, Journal of Microbial World-2006 102-110 |
[38] | Bioleaching of Malanjkhand Low-Grade Copper Ore, L.B. Sukla, G. Roy Chaudhury, R.N. Kar, T. Das, N. Pradhen and V.N. Mishra, International Conference on Non-ferrous Metals-2005 1-11 |
[39] | Solubilization of inorganic phosphates by fungi isolated from agriculture soil, N. Pradhan and L.B. Sukla African, Journal of Biotechnology 5(10) 2005 850-854 |
[40] | Biological elimination of Sulphur from high sulphur coal by Aspergillus like fungi, C. Acharya, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, Fuel Vol-84 2005 1597-1600 |
[41] | Growth of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in different media and leaching of sphalerite concentrate Lipika Patnaik, L.B. Sukla and R.N. Kar, Indian journal of microbiology Vol 44 No.4 2004 285-290 |
[42] | Biological removal of sulfur using coal derived inocula, C. Acharya, L.B. sukla and V.N. Misra, International conference of Green Processing-2004 61-64 |
[43] | Microbial desulphurization of different coals, C. Acharya, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 118 2004 47-64 |
[44] | Fungal leaching of manganese ore, C. Acharya, R.N. Kar, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, Transaction of Indian Institute of Metals 57 2004 501-508 |
[45] | Bio depyritisation of coal, C. Acharya, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Vol 79 2004 1-12 |
[46] | Cobalt and Zinc Extraction from Sikkim Complex Sulphide Concentrate, M.K. Ghosh, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, Transaction of Indian Institutes of Metals 57(6) 2004 617-621 |
[47] | Removal of phosphorus from LD slag using Heterotrophic bacteria, N .Pradhan, B. Das, S. Acharya, R.N. Kar, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, Minerals & Metallurgical Processing (M&MP, SME), 21(3) 149-152 |
[48] | Studies on reaction mechanism of bioleaching of manganese ore, C. Acharya, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, Minerals Engineering Vol 16 2003 1027-1030 |
[49] | Bio-dissolution of zinc sulfide concentrate in 160 l 4 stage continuous bioreactor, C.K. Pani, S. Swain, R.N. Kar, G.Roy Chaudhury, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, Minerals Engineering Vol 16 2003 1019-1021 |
[50] | Integrated Microbial and radiolysis process for Desulphurization of 2high sulphur coals, S. M. Tripathy, K. K. Mishra, Vandana Sakhare, L. B. Sukla and Celin Acharya, Bharatiya Vaigyanika evam Audyogika Anusandhan Patrika (BVAAP) Vol 11 No.1 2003 27-33 |
[51] | Microbial removal of phosphorus from L.D Slag, N.Pradhan, R.N. Kar, B.Das, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, (Eds.) Utilization of Bioresource, Allied publishers, New Delhi-2002 345-348 |
[52] | A comparative study for Bioleaching of various manganese ores, C. Acahrya, R.N. Kar, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, (Eds.) Mineral Biotechnology-2002, Allied Publishers, New Delhi-2002 122-125 |
[53] | Microscopic studies to evaluate the leaching rates of different sulphide minerals present in sphalerite concentrate during bioleaching, Lipika Patnaik, C.K. Pani, B.K. Nayak, B.C. Acharya, G. Roy Choudhury, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, Published in International conference on Advance in Material and Materials Processing N. Chakrabati, U. K. Chaterjee. (Eds) Tata Mc Graw Hill-2002 550-554 |
[54] | Leaching Behavior of different sulphide minerals during bioleaching-A microscopic approach, B.K. Nayak, B.C. Acharya, R.N. Kar, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, (Eds) Mineral Biotechnology-2002, Allied publishers, New Delhi-2002 101-106 |
[55] | Changes in bacterial population during bioreactor leaching of zinc sulphide concentrate, S. Swain, C.K. Pani, E. Shukla, R.N. Kar, G.Roy Chaudhury, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, Mineral Biotechnology-2002, Allied Publishers, New Delhi-2002 87-93 |
[56] | Continuous bioreactor leaching of complex sulphide concentrate-problems and remedial measures, C.K. Pani, S. Swain, R.N. Kar, G. Roy. Chaudhury and L.B. Sukla, Mineral Biotechnology-2002, Allied Publishers, New Delhi-2002 74-80 |
[57] | Bioleaching of sulphide concentrates using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, C.K. Pani, L. Pattanaik, R.N. Kar, G. Roy Chaudhury and L.B. Sukla Indian, journal of Microbiology 42 2002 137-139 |
[58] | Application of bioreactor technology in mineral industries, L.B.Sukla, R.N. Kar, A.K. Jouhri, P.S.R. Reddy, B.K. Mohapatra and V.N. Misra, Allied publishers, New Delhi-2002 255-267 |
[59] | Effect of different media on growth of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and leaching of zinc concentrate, L. Pattanaik, L.B. Sukla and R.N Kar, Trans. IIM-2002 |
[60] | A comparative study for microbiological oxidation of ferrous iron under shake flask and bioreactor conditions, C. Acharya, R.N. Kar and L.B.Sukla, Indian Journal of Microbiology 42 2002 59-62 |
[61] | Bioleaching of Sikkim lead concentrate in shake flasks as well as in bioreactor using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, C.K. Pani, L. Patnaiak, R.N. Kar, G. Roy Chaudhury and L.B. Sukla, Proceeding International conference-2002 539-544 |
[62] | Kinetics of lignite desulphurization by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, C. Acharya, R.N. Kar and L.B.Sukla, Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Science 4(1) 2002 137-142 |
[63] | Microbial Removal of Phosphorus from low L.D. slag, N. Pradhan, R.N. Kar, B. Das, L.B. Sukla and V.N. Misra, In Utilization of Bioresource, Eds-A.Sree, Y.R. Rao, B. Nanda, Vibhuti N Misra-2002 345-348 |
[64] | Bioleaching of low grade manganese ore with Penicillium citrinum. C. Acharya, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, The European journal of Mineral processing & Environmental protection Vol 2 No3 2002 197-204 |
[65] | Bioleaching characteristics of bhotang sulphides, B.K. Nayak, B.C. Acharya and L.B. Sukla, Indian Journal of Geology Vol 74 No.1-4 2002 161-174 |
[66] | Bioleaching of fly ash, S. Swain, B.N. Sahoo and L.B. Sukla, Trans of Indian Institute of metals Vol 55 No-3 2002 103 |
[67] | Extraction of manganese from low grade Mishikhal ore using pyeriferiferious lignite in acidic medium, P.K. Naik, S.C. Das and L.B.Sukla, Minerals & Metallurgical processing Vol 19 No 2 2002 110-112 |
[68] | Application of statistical design in the leaching study of low grade manganese ore, P.K. Naik, L.B. Sukla and S.C. Das, Separation Science & Technology Vol 37 No 6 2002 1375-1389 |
[69] | Microbial extraction of manganese from low grade manganese ore, C. Acharya, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, Journal Trans IIM, 54(3) 2001 99-103 |
[70] | Leaching of Sikkim zinc concentrate in Bioreactor using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, C.K. Pani, L. Patnaik, R.N. Kar, G. Roychoudhury and L. B. Sukla, Trans. Indian Institute of Metal Vol 54 No.4 2001 145-148 |
[71] | Influence of pH on BioLeaching of copper and zinc from complex sulphide concentration using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, Lipika Patanayik, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, Trans. Indian Institute of Metal Vol.54 No. 4 2001 139-144 |
[72] | Bacterial removal of sulphur from three different coals, C. Acharya, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, Fuel (England), Journal of Fuel Vol-8 2001 2207-2216 |
[73] | BioLeaching of Fly ash, L.B. Sukla, S. Swain, B.N. Sahoo and R.P. Das, Secotox World congress 2001 proceedings. Editors-I. Twardowska, E. Kmiecik ISBN 83-88316-10-9 2001 273-276 |
[74] | Aqueous SO2 leaching studies on Nishikhal manganese ore through factorial experiment, P.K. Naik, L.B. Sukla and S.C. Das, Hydro metallurgy Vol 54 2000 217-228 |
[75] | Bioleaching of zinc industry sludge, B. Bhattacharya, S. Acharya and L.B. Sukla, Proceedings of Mineral Processing, Waste and Environment Management,-2000 162-169 |
[76] | A Process for recovery of manganese from low grade manganese ore through bioleaching method, L.B. Sukla, G. Roy Chaudhury, R.N. Kar, S.C. Panda, R.K. Paramguru and R.P. Das, Proceedings of International Symposium on Beneficiation, Agglomeration and Environment (ISBAN-99), Bhubaneswar, 20-22 January-1999 216-221 |
[77] | Desulphurization of low ash and high sulphur coal from Assam, C. Acharya, G.V. Rao, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, Special Issue: Processing and Beneficiation Vol 38 No. 3 1999 32-33 |
[78] | Toxic effect of lead on the growth of penicillin species, C.Acharya, R.N.Acharya, R.N. Kar, L.B. Sukla, Indian Inst. science Vol 79 1999 295-302 |
[79] | Removal of sulphur from Assam coal by bacterial conditioning and flotation, C. Acharya, G.V. Rao, I. Twardowska, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology Vol 74 1999 945-948 |
[80] | Leaching of chromite overburden with various native bacterial strains, C. Acharya, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Vol 14 1998 769-771 |
[81] | Effect of chemical pretreatment on bacterial desulphurization of coal, S.S. Tripathy, R.N. Kar, S.K. Mishra, I. Twardowska and L.B. Sukla, Fuel Vol 77 No.8 1998 859-864 |
[82] | Adsorption of Zn(II) from aqueous solution and industrial effluent by saw dust of SAL (Sorea Robusta) and its thermodynamic study, P.K. Bisoi and L.B. Sukla, Journal of Environmental Resource Vol 5No.1-4 1997 32-36 |
[83] | Microbial depyritisation of Assam Coal, C. Acharya, R.N. Kar, S.K. Mishra, I. Twardowska and L.B.Sukla, Indian Journal of Microbiology Vol 37 1997 21-24 |
[84] | Microorganisms & their potentiality in solving various metallurgical problems, G. Roy Chaudhury and L.B. Sukla, IIM Metal News Vol 18 No.6 1996 14-16 |
[85] | Bioleaching of lateritic nickel ore by ultrasound, R.N. Kar, L.B. Sukla, K.M. Swamy and V.V. Panchanadikar, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions (USA) Vol 27B 1996 1-4 |
[86] | Biosorption of heavy metals on the Aspergillus niger biomass P.K. Bisoi, S. Acharya and L.B. Sukla, In C.A. Jerez, T. Vargas, H. Toledo and J.V. Wiertz (Eds.) Bio hydro-metallurgical Processing Vol 2 1995 307-314 |
[87] | Alkali removal from Fe-Mn slag by microbial beneficiation, S.K. Mukherjee, T.M. Srinivasan, R.N. Kar, G. Roy Chaudhury and L.B. Sukla, Steel India Vol 18 No.1 1995 42-45 |
[88] | Effect of ultrasonic irradiation on bioleaching of Sukinda nickel ore, K.L. Narayana, K.M. Swamy, V.V. Panchanadikar, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, Acoustics Letters Vol 18 No.12 1995 227-232 |
[89] | Extraction of cobalt and nickel from lateritic nickel ore using Rhizopus arrhizus, R.N. Kar, L.B. Sukla, V.V. Panchanadikar, S. Choudhury and R.K. Mishra, In T. Vargas, C.A. Jerez, J.V. Wiertz and H. Toledo (Eds.) Bio hydrometallurgical Processing Vol 1 1995 417-424 |
[90] | Bioleaching of copper convertor slag using Aspergillus niger isolated from lateritic nickel ore, L.B. Sukla, R.N. Kar and V.V. Panchanadikar, International Journal of Environmental Studies Vol 47 1995 81-86 |
[91] | Bioleaching of lateritic nickel ore using Penicillium species, L.B. Sukla, R.N. Kar, V.V. Panchanadikar, S. Choudhury and R.K. Mitra, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals Vol 48 No.2 1995 103-106 |
[92] | Biosorption of copper from copper industrial effluents-A case study, S.P. Mishra, P.K. Bisoi, E. Subudhi, G. Roy Chaudhury, R.N. Kar and L.B. Sukla, In S.R.S. Sastri, R.B. Rao, P.S.R. Reddy and H.S. Ray (Eds.) Indian Mineral Industry, Energy Environment and Resource Development, Allied Publishers, New Delhi-1995 385-390. |
[93] | Bioleaching of lateritic nickel ore using some fungal species, L.B. Sukla, R.N. Kar, V.V. Panchanadikar, S. Choudhury and R.K. Mishra, In S.R.S. Sastri, R.B. Rao, P.S.R. Reddy and H.S. Ray (Eds.) Indian Mineral Industry, Energy Environment and Resource Development, Allied Publishers, New Delhi-1995 328-334 |
[94] | Bioleaching of Sukinda laterite using ultrasonics, L.B. Sukla, K.M. Swamy, K.L. Narayan, R.N.Kar and V.V Panchanadikar, Hydrometallurgy Vol 37 1994 387-391 |
[95] | Heterotrophic microorganisms-A novel tool for mineral industries, G. Roy Chaudhury, R.N. Kar, V.V. Panchanadikar, L.B. Sukla and R.P. Das, In H.S. Ray and A.K. Mitra (Eds.) Utilization of Natural Resources-Chemical Eng. Approach, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi 1994 90-97 |
[96] | Bioleaching of copper converter slag using Aspergillus niger isolated from lateritic nickel ore, L.B. Sukla, R.N. Kar and V.V. Panchanadikar, International Journal of Environmental Studies, Sec-B, Env. Science and Technology (USA) Vol 47 1993 81-86 |
[97] | Bioleaching of lateritic nickel ore using indigenous micro flora, L.B. Sukla and V.V. Panchanadikar, In A.E. Torma, J.E. Wey and V.I. Lakhmanan (Eds.) Biohydrometallurgy Techniques Vol 1 1993 378-380 |
[98] | Bioleaching of Sukinda lateritic nickel ore using fungal strain, L.B. Sukla, R.N. Kar and V.V. Panchanadikar, In Recent Trends in Biotechnology, Ed. C. Ayyanna, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.-1993 1258-1310 |
[99] | Bioleaching of Sukinda lateritic nickel ore using ultrasonic, L.B. Sukla, K.M. Swamy, K.L. Narayana, R.N. Kar and V.V. Panchanadikar, Proceedings of Hydrotech-93 held at RRL-Bhubaneswar, October 5-6-1993 |
[100] | Application of Ultrasonic in improvement of fungal strain, K.M. Swamy, L.B. Sukla, K.L. Narayana, R.N. Kar and V.V. Panchanadikar, Acoustics Letters (U.K) Vol 17 No.3 1993 45-49 |
[101] | Microbial leaching of lateritic nickel ore, L.B. Sukla, V.V. Panchanadikar and R.N. Kar, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Vol 9 1993 255-257 |
[102] | BioLeaching of lateritic nickel ore using a heterotrophic microorganism, L.B. Sukla and V.V. Panchanadikar, Hydro metallurgy (Elsevier/Netherlands) Vol 32 1993 373-379 |
[103] | Removal of heavy metals from mine water using sulphate reducing bacteria, R.N. Kar, B.N. Sahoo and L.B. Sukla, Poll. Res Vol 11 No.1 1992 13-18 |
[104] | Bioleaching of Rajapura Dariba ore in 4 ton column, G. Roy Chaudhury, L.B. Sukla, R.P. Das, R.S. Sharma and S.C. Banawat, Metallugical Transacion-B 23/1 1992 91-93 |
[105] | Microbial leaching of lateritic nickel ore, L.B. Sukla, V.V. Panchanadikar and R.N. Kar, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Vol 9 1992 255-257 |
[106] | Leaching of copper converter slag with Aspergillus niger culture filtrate, L.B. sukla, R.N. Kar, V.V. Panchanadikar, Bio Metals Vol 5 1992 169-170 |
[107] | Bioleaching of Rajapura Dariba ore, G. Roy Chaudhury, L.B. Sukla, R.P. Das, R.S. Sharma and S.C. Banawat, International Mineral Processing Congress Vol 5 1991 19 |
[108] | Biobenefication of limestone, R.N. Kar, G. Roy Chaudhury, L.B. Sukla and R.P. Das, Proc. 3rd ISBA-1991 155 |
[109] | Kinetics of iron oxidation as well as precipitation by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans inpresence and absence of various metal ions. R.N. Kar, G. Roy Chaudhury, L.B. Sukla and R.P. Das, Erzmetall Vol 44 1991 212 |
[110] | Bioleaching of Rajapura Dariba ore in small columns, G. Roy Chaudhury, L.B. Sukla, R.P. Das, R.S. Sharma and S.C. Banawat, Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy Vol 19 1990 269 |
[111] | Sulphation kinetics of zinc sulphide with ammonium sulphate and ammonium bisulphate, S.C. Panda, L.B. Sukla and P.K. Jena, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly Vol 29 No.2 1990 141-146 |
[112] | The effect of silver ion on the kinetics of biochemical leaching of chalco-pyrite concentrate, L.B. Sukla, G. Roy Chaudhury and R.P. Das, Transactions of Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (London), Sec. C Vol 99 C-43 1990 C43-46 |
[113] | Utilization of low grade pyrite through bacterial leaching, G. Roy Chaudhury, L.B. Sukla and R.P. Das, International Journal of Mineral Processing Vol 26 1989 275 |
[114] | Leaching of nickel and cobalt bearing lateritic overburden chrome ore in hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid, L.B. Sukla, S.B. Kanungo and P.K. Jena, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals Vol 2 No.1 1989 27-35 |
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