[1] | Mandal PK (2011): Vitellogenin induction: a valuable endpoint to assess exposure to environmental estrogenic compounds-a mini review (communicated, in review). |
[2] | Mandal A, Arunachalam SC, Meleshkevitch EA, Mandal PK, Boudko DY and Ahearn GA (2009): Cloning of Sarco-Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) from Caribbean Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus. J. Comp. Physiol. B 179: 205-214. |
[3] | Sterling KM, Mandal PK, Roggenbeck BA, Ahearn SE, Gerencser GA and Ahearn GA (2007): Heavy metal detoxification in crustacean epithelial lysosomes: role of anions in the compartmentalization process. J. Exp. Biol. 210 (19): 3484-3493. [PMID: 17873002] |
[4] | Mandal PK (2006): Ion (organic acid and base) transporters and homeostsis: a review with reference to its usefulness as biomarkers. Env. Bioind. 1: 191-213. |
[5] | Mandal PK, Mandal A and Ahearn GA (2006): 65Zn2+ transport by lobster hepatopancreatic lysosomal membrane vesicles. J. Exp. Zool. 305A: 203-214. [PMID: 16432883] [Cited in Nature.com EISSN: 1552499X ISSN: 15488969] |
[6] | Fiandra L, Mandal PK, Giordana B and Ahearn GA (2006): L-proline transport by purified cell types of lobster hepatopancreas. J. Exp. Zool. 305 (10): 851-861. [PMID: 16823835] |
[7] | Mandal PK, Mandal A and Ahearn GA (2005): Physiological characterization of 45Ca2+ and 65Zn2+ transport by purified membrane vesicles of lobster hepatopancreatic endoplasmic reticulum. J. Exp. Zool. 303A (7): 515-526. [PMID: 15945071] |
[8] | Mandal, PK (2005): Dioxin: a review of its environmental effects and its aryl hydrocarbon receptor biology. J. Comp. Physiol. B, 175 (4): 221-230. [PMID: 15900503] [Cited in Nature.com EISSN: 1432136X ISSN: 01741578] |
[9] | Capo JA, Mandal PK, Eyyunni S and Ahearn GA (2005): 65Zn2+ transport by lobster hepatopancreatic basolateral membrane vesicles. J. Comp. Physiol. B, 175 (1): 13-20. [PMID: 15565310] |
[10] | Ahearn GA, Mandal PK and Mandal A (2004): Organelle-specific zinc ATPases in crustacean ER and lysosomal membranes. International Congress Series 1275: 114-125, (In: Animals and Environments, eds. Morris, S and Vosloo, A) Elsevier Press. |
[11] | Mandal PK (2004): Lobster hepatopancreatic epithelial single cell suspensions as models for electrogenic sodium-proton exchange. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, 137 (3): 479-493. [PMID: 15123186] |
[12] | Ahearn GA, Mandal PK and Mandal A (2004): Mechanisms of heavy metal sequestration and detoxification in crustaceans: a review. J. Comp. Physiol., 174 (6): 439-452. [PMID: 15243714] |
[13] | Mandal PK, Mandal A and Ahearn GA (2003): Differential physiological expression of the invertebrate 2Na+/1H+ antiporter in single epithelial cell type suspensions of lobster hepatopancreas. J. Exp. Zool., 297A (1): 32-44. [PMID: 12911111] |
[14] | Ahearn GA, Mandal PK and Mandal A (2003): Calcium regulation in crustaceans during the molt cycle: a review and update. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, 137 (2): 247-257. [PMID: 15123199] |
[15] | Mandal A, Verri T, Mandal PK, Storelli C and Aheran GA (2003): Expression of Na+/D-glucose cotransport in Xenopus laevis oocytes by injection of poly(A)+ RNA isolated from lobster (Homarus americanus) hepatopancreas. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 135 (3): 467-475. [PMID: 12829054] |
[16] | Mandal PK, McDaniel LR, Prough RA and Clark BJ (2001): 7, 12-dimethylbenz-[a]anthracene inhibition of steroid production in MA-10 mouse Leydig tumor cells is not directly linked to induction of CYP1B1. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 175: 200-208. [PMID: 11559018] |
[17] | Mandal A, Mandal PK and Ahearn GA (2001): Transport of 22Na+ and 45Ca2+ by Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing mRNA from lobster hepatopancreas. J. Exp. Zool., 290 (4): 347-358. [PMID: 11550182 ] |
[18] | Verri T, Mandal A, Zilli L, Bossa D, Mandal PK, Ingrosso L, Zonno V, Vilella S, Ahearn GA and Storelli C (2001): D-glucose transport in decapod crustacean Hepatopancreas. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.A, 130: 585-606. [PMID: 11913469] |
[19] | Ahearn GA, Mandal PK and Mandal A (2001): Biology of the 2Na+/1H+ antiporter in invertebrates. J. Exp. Zool., 289: 232-244. [PMID: 11241394] |
[20] | Mandal PK (1996): Effect of pesticides with special emphasis on its genotoxicity. Ind. J. Ind. Med., 42: 123-126. [TOXLINE # BIOSIS/96/31903] |
[21] | Mandal PK and Goswami HK (1995): The epidemiology of recurrent miscarriages. Biomedicine, 15: 30-33. |
[22] | Agarkar MS, Goswami HK, Kaushik S, Mishra SM, Mandal PK, Bajpai AK and Sharma US (1994): Biology, conservation and management of Bhojwetland I. Upper lake ecosystems in Bhopal. Bionature, 14: 1-119. |
[23] | Mandal PK (1993): Sister chromatid exchanges and cell cycle analysis in cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes from individuals exposed to methyl isocyanate in Bhopal. Int. J. Toxicol. Occup. Environ. Hlth., 2: 87-89. |
[24] | Mandal PK, Rangnekar A, Sengupta LK and Goswami HK (1993): Chromosomal involvements in human reproductive wastages: an overview. Bionature, 13: 223-244. |
[25] | Mandal PK and Mandal A (1993): Effects of heavy metals: a review. Ind. J. Environ. Toxicol., 3: 1-3. |
[26] | Mandal PK (1993): Chromosomal changes in human cancers. Bull. Hum. Genet., 18: 8-11. |
[27] | Mandal PK, Gandhi P and Sengupta LK (1993): Fragile-X syndrome: a review with special reference to its prenatal diagnosis. Bombay Hosp. J., 35: 146-150. |
[28] | Mandal PK (1992): Further data on the A1A2BO and Rh(D) blood groups among caste populations of Uttar Pradesh, India. J. Hum. Ecol., 3: 243-244. |
[29] | Mandal PK (1992): Cytogenetic assessment in peripheral blood lymphocytes after methyl isocyanate exposure in Bhopal. Bionature, 12: 65-68. [TOXLINE # BIOSIS/93/33486] |
[30] | Mandal PK (1992): Sister chromatid exchanges observed in individuals addicted to processed betel-nut, quid and zarda. J. Environ. Biol., 13: 247-251. [TOXLINE # BIOSIS/93/33595] |
[31] | Mandal PK (1992): Cytogenetic effects of drugs. Bombay Hosp. J., 34: 148-150. |
[32] | Mandal PK (1992): The ABO and Rh(D) blood groups among five caste populations of Uttar Pradesh. J. Hum. Ecol., 3: 57-58. |
[33] | Mandal PK (1991): Cytogenetic damage in alcohol addicts. J. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Monit., 1: 202-205. |
[34] | Mandal PK (1991): Cytogenetic damage in workers exposed to fertilizers. J. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Monit., 1: 317-320. |
[35] | Mandal PK (1991): Chorionic villi culture for prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis. Bull. Hum. Genet., 16: 35-36. |
[36] | Mandal PK (1990): Cytogenetic investigations in individuals addicted to Cannabis. Bionature, 10: 71-72. |
[37] | Mandal PK (1989): Micronucleus technique for mutagenicity testing. Cell Biol. Newslett., 10: 36-37. |
[38] | Mandal PK (1988): Gene Therapy. Sci. Report., 25: 156-157. |