[1] | Yanna Liang. 2011. Sweet sorghum for biofuel production. Institute of Biological Engineering. Atlanta, GA, March 3-5. |
[2] | Yi Cui, Yanna Liang, James Blackburn. Biofuel production from industrial waste crude glycerol through yeast fermentation. Institute of Biological Engineering. Atlanta, GA, March 3-5. |
[3] | Tianyu Tang, Yanna Liang, Matt McCarroll. Fluorescent measurements of neutral lipids in yeast cells by using nile red. Institute of Biological Engineering. Atlanta, GA, March 3-5. |
[4] | Yi Cui, James Blackburn, Yanna Liang. 2010. Identifying the optimal parameters for yeast fermentation on crude glycerol for lipid production. AIChE annual meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 7-12. |
[5] | Yanna Liang, 2010. Biofuel production from various feedstocks through microalgal fermentation. International Bioenergy Day (IBED), Rockford, IL. Sep. 26-29. |
[6] | Yanna Liang, Nick Sarkany, Yi Cui. 2010. Omega-3 fatty acid production from crude glycerol through microalgal fermentation. 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater, FL, Apr. 19-22. |
[7] | Yanna Liang, Yi Cui. 2010. Hydrocarbon fuel production from microbial oils. 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater, FL, Apr. 19-22. |
[8] | Yanna Liang, Jemil Yesuf. 2010. Thermostable enzymes from cellulolytic bacteria toward cellulose degradation. 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater, FL, Apr. 19-22. |
[9] | Ruplal Choudhary, Arosha Umagiliyage, Yanna Liang, John Haddock, Gediminas Markevicius, Vivak Malhotra. Optimization of microwave assisted lime pretreatment of sweet sorghum bagasse for enzymatic saccharification. 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater, FL, Apr. 19-22. |
[10] | Xuegang Jia, Luke Tolley, Yanna Liang 2009. Bioassay Guided Fractionation for the Isolation of Active Proteins from Complex Mixtures. 36th ACS Northeast Regional Meeting, October 7-9, Hartford, CT. |
[11] | Yanna Liang, Jemil Yesuf, Zisong Feng. 2009. "Cellulose degradation: two potential novel cellulolytic bacteria able to produce thermostable cellulases". 31st Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. May 3-6, San Francisco. |
[12] | Blackburn J. W., Liang, Y.-N., Das, D., 2008. Biohydrogen from Wastes. International workshop on biohydrogen production technology, Feb. 7-9, India. |
[13] | Miller, C.D., Zhang C., Liang, Y.-N., Child R., Sims, R.C., and Anderson, A.J. (2007). Biosensing of Mycobacteria with the potential to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Sensing Symposium, October 25-26th, Boise, ID. |
[14] | Sorensen, D.L., McLean, J.E., Liang, Y.-N., Norton, J.M., Dupont, R. (2007). Bacteria in iron reducer enrichments from TCE contaminated aquifer material at Hill Air Force Base, Environmental and Subsurface Science Symposium, July 25-27th, Logan, UT. |
[15] | Miller, C.D., Zhang, C., Liang, Y.-N., Pettee, B., Sims, R.C., and Anderson, A.J. (2007). Mycobacterium: Proteomics and genetics for bioremediation, Environmental and Subsurface Science Symposium, July 25-27th, Logan, UT. |
[16] | Yanna Liang (2006). Can humic acid act as a flushing agent and biostimulant? AWRA Utah section 2006 34th annual conference "meeting Utah's future water needs", May 8-9, Salt Lake City, UT. |
[17] | Yanna Liang (2005). Biodegradation of pyrene in soil microcosms: identification of a novel intermediate. Proceedings of EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 15-19, Anchorage, AL. |
[18] | Darwin Sorensen, Jing Zhou, Jeanette Norton, Joan McLean, Ryan Dupont, Yanna Liang. (2007). Rhodoferax-Like Bacteria in Biostimulated Solids from TCE Contaminated Aquifers. American Society of Microbiology General Meeting, May 21-25, Toronto, Canada. |
[19] | Darwin Sorensen, Jeanette Norton, Ryan Dupont, Yanna Liang, Joan McLean. (2007). TCE Contaminated Aquifer Bacteria that Reduce Fe(III) from Goethite, Poorly Crystalline Iron Oxide and/or Fe(III)NTA. American Society of Microbiology General Meeting, May 21-25, Toronto, Canada. |