[1] | Majumder, A. K. and Barnwal, J. P. (2011) "Processing of Coal Fines in a Water Only Cyclone", Fuel, Volume 90 (2) PP 834-838. (Elsevier) |
[2] | Jha, A. K., Batham, R., Ahmed, M., Majumder, A. K., Modi, O.P., Chaturvedi, S. and Gupta, A. K. (2011) "Effect of impinging angle and rotating speed on erosion behavior of aluminum", Transactions of Non-Ferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 21, pp 32-38. (Elsevier) |
[3] | Majumder, A. K. and Barnwal, J. P. (2011) "Performance Evaluation of a Knelson Concentrator to Upgrade Placer Minerals", Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Mining Engineering, Volume 91, PP. 19-21. |
[4] | Majumder, A. K. (2010) "Modeling of Particle-Fluid Interactions in a Flowing Film Concentrator", International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volume 97, pp 7-19. (Elsevier) |
[5] | Majumder, A. K. (2009) "A device for measuring thin fluid flow depth over an inclined open rectangular channel". Journal of Fluids Engineering (ASME), 131, 104501-4. |
[6] | Majumder, A. K., Shah, H., Choubey, S., Barnwal, J. P., Kundu, A. K. and Dhillon, P. S. (2009) "Applicability of a dense medium cyclone and Vorsyl separator for upgrading non-coking coal fines for use as a blast furnace injection fuel". International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 29: 23-33. (Taylor & Francis) |
[7] | Temel, H. A., Bozkurt, V. and Majumder, A. K. (2009) "Selective oil agglomeration of lignite". Energy & Fuels, 23 (2): 779-784 (ACS) |
[8] | Majumder, A. K., Jain, R., Banerjee, P. and Barnwal, J. P. (2008) "Development of a new proximate analysis based correlation to predict calorific value of coal". Fuel, 87: 3077-3081. (Elsevier) |
[9] | Majumder, A. K. and Barnwal, J. P. (2008) "New possibilities in fine coal beneficiation techniques". IE (I) Journal (MN), 89: 3-8. (Awarded J G Kumaramangalam Memorial award for the year 2007-2008) |
[10] | Majumder, A. K. (2007) "Settling velocities of particulate systems-a critical review of some useful models". Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 24(4): 237-242. (SME) |
[11] | Majumder, A. K., Tiwari, V. and Barnwal, J. P. (2007) "Separation characteristics of coal fines in a Knelson concentrator-a hydrodynamic approach". International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 27:126-137. (Taylor & Francis) |
[12] | Majumder, A. K., Bhoi, K. S. and Barnwal, J. P. (2007) "Performance evaluation of a MGS Treating coal fines". Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 24(3):133-138. (SME) |
[13] | Majumder, A. K. and Barnwal, J. P. (2006) "Modelling of enhanced gravity concentrators-present status". Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 27:1-26. (Taylor & Francis) |
[14] | Shah, H., Majumder, A. K. and Barnwal, J. P.(2006) "Development of water split model for a 76 mm cyclone". Minerals Engineering, Vol.19, Issue 1:102-104 (Elsevier) |
[15] | Barnwal, J P., Majumder, A. K., Govindarajan, B. and Rao, T. C. (2006) "Modelling of coal flotation in a batch and continuous cell operation: Part 1 Kinetic approach". International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 26:123-136. (Taylor & Francis) |
[16] | Majumder, A. K., Shah, H. and Barnwal, J. P. (2006) "Comparative study on magnetite medium stability in a Vorsyl separator and in a heavy medium cyclone". International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 26:165-179. (Taylor & Francis) |
[17] | Majumder, A. K., Lyman, G. J., Brennan, M. and Holtham, P. N. (2006) "Modelling of flowing film concentrators: Part 1 water split behaviour". International Journal of Mineral Processing, 80:71-77. (Elsevier) |
[18] | Majumder, A. K. and Barnwal, J. P. (2006) "The concept of separation density in coal preparation-revisited". MGMI Transactions, Vol. 102, No. 1 & 2: 69-73. |
[19] | Barnwal, J. P and Majumder, A. K. (2006) "Definition of near density materials in coal preparation-revisited". MGMI Transactions, Vol. 102, No. 1 & 2: 89-92. (Awarded Silver Medal) |
[20] | Majumder, A. K. and Barnwal, J. P. (2004) "Development of a new coal washability index". Minerals Engineering, 17:93-96. (Elsevier) (Awarded IIME best published paper award) |
[21] | Majumder, A. K., Barnwal, J. P. and Ramakrishnan, N. (2004) "A new approach to evaluate the performance of gravity based coal washing equipment". International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 24:1-8. (Taylor & Francis) |
[22] | Barnwal, J. P., Govindarajan, B., Majumder, A. K. and Rao, T. C. (2004) "Kinetic analysis of coal flotation in a continuous cell operation". Trans. IMM (Section C), August, Vol.113. |
[23] | Majumder, A. K., Basu, K., Barnwal, J. P. and Rao, T. C. (2004) "Beneficiation of Narmada river sand". Indian Foundry Journal 50(11): 21-26. |
[24] | Majumder, A. K. and Barnwal, J. P. (2004) "A computational method to predict particles free terminal settling velocity". IE (I) Journal (MN), 85: 17-19. |
[25] | Majumder, A. K., Barnwal, J. P. and Singh, D. N. (2004) "Kelsey jig: A new technique for fine coal beneficiation". MGMI Transactions, Vol 101, No.1 & 2: 60-70. (Awarded Gold Medal) |
[26] | Majumder, A. K. (2003) "Prediction of fine coal particles terminal settling velocities in aqueous media". The Indian Mining and Engineering journal, 42 (7): 29-31. |
[27] | Yerriswamy, P., Majumder, A. K., Barnwal, J. P., Govindarajan, B. and Rao, T. C. (2003) "Studies on Kelsey jig treating Indian coal fines." Trans. IMM (Section C), Dec, Vol.112. |
[28] | Majumder, A. K., Yerriswamy, P. and Barnwal, J. P. (2003) "The 'fish hook' phenomenon in centrifugal separation of fine particles". Minerals Engineering, Vol. 16, Issue 10: 1005-1007. |
[29] | Govindrajan, B., Majumder, A. K., Barnwal, J. P. and Bhaskar, K.U. (2002) "A critical review of dense medium cyclone models". Journals of Mines, Metals and Fuels. |
[30] | Yerriswamy, P., Barnwal, J. P., Majumder, A. K., Govindrajan, B., Rao, K. K., and Rao, T. C. (2002) " Performance evaluation of Kelsey jig treating Gondwana coal fines". Journals of Mines, Metals and Fuels. |
[31] | Prasad, M., Majumder, A. K. and Rao, T. C. (2000) "Reverse flotation of sedimentary calcareous/dolomitic rock phosphate ore-an overview". Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 17(1): 49-55 (SME) |
[32] | Prasad, M., Majumder, A. K. and Rao, T. C. (2000) "Mineralogical and beneficiation characteristics of a lean grade siliceous rock phosphate ore from Hirapur (M.P.)". The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, 39 (9): 21-26. |
[33] | Prasad, M., Majumder, A. K., Rao, G. M. and Rao, T. C. (1998) "Benefication of a lean-grade siliceous rock-phosphate ore from Hirapur, India". Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 15(3): 54-56 (SME) |
[34] | Hashmi, S.A.R., Majumder, A. K. and Chand, N. (1996) "Application of factorial design of experiments to the quantitative study of tensile strength of red mud filled PP/LLDPE blends" Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol.15:1343-1345 (Chapman & Hall) |
[35] | Majumder, A. K., Govindarajan, B., Sharma, T., Ray, H. S. and Rao, T. C. (1995) "An empirical model for chloridizing roasting of potassium in glauconitic sandstone." International Journal of Mineral Processing, 43: 81-89. (Elsevier) |
[36] | Prasad, M., Majumder, A. K., Rao, G. M. and Rao, T. C. (1995) "Flotation studies of a low grade charty-calcareous rock phosphate ore from Jhabua, India". Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 12(2): 92-96. (SME) |
[37] | Majumder, A. K., Sharma, T. and Rao, T. C. (1993) "Extraction of potassium from glauconitic sandstone by the roast leach method". International Journal of Mineral Processing, 38: 111-123. (Elsevier) |
[38] | Rao, B. R., Rao, L. S., Majumder, A. K. and Rao, T. C. (1993) "Fluoride aided potassium extraction from glauconitic sandstone for liquid fertilizer". Minerals Engineering, 6(4): 405-413. (Elsevier) |
[39] | Majumder, A. K., Sharma, T. and Reddy, G. V. (1989) "Reduction kinetics of iron oxides pellet by non-coking coal". Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, June 42(3):299-305. |