[1] | D. Chen, I. Ballus, S. Tews, P. Szostak, M. Pham, N. Baggett, "Enhance research and teaching from collaborations between engineering students/faculty and Fort Wayne City Utilities", poster presentation at the 12th Annual Meeting of the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, October 2-4, 2011. |
[2] | S. Ashur, M. Alhassan, D. Chen, S. Gunawardena, "Integrating professional software in undergraduate civil engineering education", Proceedings of the International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, Orlando, FL, July 19-22, 2011. |
[3] | D. Chen, M. Columbia, "Enzymatic treatment of alginate to reduce UF/MF membrane fouling for municipal wastewater reuse", pp1601-1610, Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Palm Springs, CA, May 22-26, 2011. |
[4] | D. Chen, C.-J. Lin, R.G. Jones, S. Patel, R. Smith, T.G. Chasteen, M. Radi, S. Holland, J.L. Davis, and S.A. Waisner, "Deployable decentralized biofilm system to degrade organic carbon, nutrients and benzene from wastewater", pp2112-2123, Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Kansas City, MO, May 17-21, 2009. |
[5] | Y.C. Chen, D. Chen, L.C. Peng, S.Y. Fu, and H.Y. Zhan, "The microorganism community of pentachlorophenol (PCP)-degrading coupled granules", International Water Association Chemical Industries International Conference, Beijing, China, November 9-11, 2008. |
[6] | L.K. Weavers, H.W. Walker, D. Chen, and M.O. Lamminen, "Ultrasonic cleaning of particle and natural organic matter fouled cross-flow membranes", Proceedings of the joint meeting Acoustics '08: 155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 5th FORUM ACUSTICUM, and 9th Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Paris, France, June 29-July 4, 2008. |
[7] | M.O. Lamminen, D. Chen, H.W. Walker, and L.K. Weavers, "Ultrasonic cleaning of particle and natural organic matter fouled membranes", Ultrasonic Industry Association 37th Symposium, Washington D.C., April 7-9, 2008. |
[8] | K.J. Howe, E. Livingston, A.T. Hanson, S.E. Cabaniss, B.M. Thomson, and D. Chen, "Indirect potable reuse using membrane bioreactors and reverse osmosis", Proceedings of the American Water Works Association Membrane Technology Conference, Tampa, FL, March 18-21, 2007. |
[9] | J. Dallman, B. Letellier, J. Garcia, J. Madrid, W. Roesch, D. Chen, K. Howe, L. Archuleta, F. Sciacca, "Integrated Chemical Effects Test Project: Consolidated Data Report" (NUREG/CR-6914, Vol. 1), published by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington D.C., 2006. |
[10] | J. Dallman, B. Letellier, J. Garcia, M. Klasky, K. Howe, D. Chen, "Integrated Chemical Effects Tests: Test 2 Data Report" (NUREG/CR-6914, Vol. 3), published by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington D.C., 2006. |
[11] | J. Dallman, B. Letellier, J. Garcia, J. Madrid, W. Roesch, D. Chen, K. Howe, L. Archuleta, F. Sciacca, "Integrated Chemical Effects Tests: Test 3 Data Report" (NUREG/CR-6914, Vol. 4), published by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington D.C., 2006. |
[12] | J. Dallman, B. Letellier, J. Garcia, J. Madrid, W. Roesch, D. Chen, K. Howe, L. Archuleta, F. Sciacca, "Integrated Chemical Effects Tests: Test 4 Data Report" (NUREG/CR-6914, Vol. 5), published by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington D.C., 2006. |
[13] | J. Dallman, B. Letellier, J. Garcia, J. Madrid, W. Roesch, D. Chen, K. Howe, L. Archuleta, F. Sciacca, "Integrated Chemical Effects Tests: Test 5 Data Report" (NUREG/CR-6914, Vol. 6), published by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington D.C., 2006. |
[14] | M. Klasky, J. Zhang, M. Ding, B. Letellier, D. Chen, K. Howe, "Aluminum Chemistry in a Prototypical Post-Loss-of-Coolant-Accident, Pressurized-Water-Reactor Containment Environment" (NUREG/CR-6915), published by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington D.C., 2006. |
[15] | W. Phay, D.D. Sun, D. Chen, "Effect of light intensity and H2O2 dosage on removal of humic acids in photocatalytic oxidation of aqueous solution", International Water Association Congress, Beijing, China, September 10-14, 2006. |
[16] | J. Zhang, M. Klasky, M. Ding, D. Chen, J. Dallman, B. Letellier, "Preliminary analysis on chemical compositions following a loss-of-coolant accident", TRANSACTIONS (The American Nuclear Society), 93, pp312-313, 2005. |
[17] | D. Chen, Z. He, L.K. Weavers, Y.P. Chin, H.W. Walker, P.G. Hatcher, "Sonochemical reactions of dissolved organic matter", 228th Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA, August 23rd, 2004. |
[18] | D. Chen, Z. He, L.K. Weavers, Y.P. Chin, H.W. Walker, P.G. Hatcher, "Sonochemical reactions of dissolved organic matter", Environmental Molecular Science Institute Third Annual Workshop, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, June 14-15, 2004. |
[19] | D. Chen, L.K. Weavers, H.W. Walker, "Ultrasonic control of ceramic membrane fouling: effect of particle characteristics", Gordon Research Conference on Membranes: Materials & Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, August 1-6, 2004. |
[20] | D. Chen, L.K. Weavers, H.W. Walker, "Using ultrasound to reduce ceramic membrane fouling by silica particles", 65th Annual Ohio Section American Water Works Association Conference, Cincinnati, OH, September 24, 2003. |
[21] | D. Chen, L.K. Weavers, H.W. Walker, "Ultrasonic control of ceramic membrane fouling by silica particles", Environmental Molecular Science Institute Second Annual Workshop, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, June 9-10, 2003. |
[22] | D. Chen, L.K. Weavers, H.W. Walker, "Using ultrasound to prevent ceramic membrane fouling by silica particles", Proceedings of 223th Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society, 42(1), 166-169, Orlando, FL, April 7-11, 2002. |