[1] | Rajwar, G.S., 1978. Cestrum aurantiacum Lind.-a new record for Garhwal. Indian Journal of Forestry 1(2): 165. |
[2] | Rajwar, G.S., 1979. Acalypha indica Linn.-a new record for Garhwal. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society 76(2): 372. |
[3] | Tiwari, V.K., Rajwar, G.S.& Rawat, G.S., 1979. Protein and aminoacid content of Hyptis suaveolens Poit. Journal of Scientific Research in Plants and Medicines 1(1): 48-51. |
[4] | Rajwar, G.S., Tiwari, V.K., Gupta, Subodh K., Rawat, G.S. & Joshi, D.N., 1980. Chemical investigation of some common fodder grasses of Garhwal Bhabar (Garhwal Himalaya). Philippine Journal of Science 109 (1-2): 37-39. |
[5] | Rajwar, G.S. & Gupta, Subodh K., 1981. Flora and biological spectrum of Khoh Valley, District Pauri (Garhwal). Indian Journal of Forestry 4(1): 49-55. |
[6] | Rajwar, G.S., 1982. Ecological problems of Mussoorie hills and their solution. Journal of Himalayan Studies and Regional Development 5-6: 73-76. |
[7] | Rajwar, G.S., 1982. New plant records for Garhwal Himalaya-I. Indian Journal of Physical and Natural Sciences 2(A): 41-42. |
[8] | Rajwar, G.S., 1982. Endangered or rare plants of Garhwal and Kumaun Himalaya. Himalayan Journal of Sciences 2(1): 38-40. |
[9] | Rajwar, G.S. & Ansari, A.A., 1982. On the identity of Crotalaria burhia Buch-Ham ex Benth. in the flora of Dehradun. Science & Culture 48(3): 111. |
[10] | Rawat, G.S., Tiwari, V.K., Rajwar, G.S. & Saxena, P.S., 1982. Chemical investigation of Polypogon fugax Nees ex Steud. Indian Forester 108(8): 581-584. |
[11] | Rajwar, G.S., 1983. Low altitude medicinal plants of South Garhwal (Garhwal Himalaya). Bulletin of Medico-Ethno Botanical Research 4(1&2): 14-28. |
[12] | Rajwar, G.S., 1983. New plant records for Garhwal Himalaya-II. Indian Journal of Forestry 6(3): 235. |
[13] | Rajwar, G.S., 1984. A note on the phytogeographical analysis of Garhwal Siwalik hills, India. Journal of Biogeography 11: 261-264. |
[14] | Rajwar, G.S., 1984. Exploitation of medicinal plants of Garhwal Himalaya. Science & Environment 6: 37-41. |
[15] | Rajwar, G.S. & Gupta, Subodh K., 1984. Biological spectrum of Garhwal Siwalik. Indian Forester 110(12): 1171-1176. |
[16] | Rajwar, G.S., 1985. Proposal to amend recommendation 23 B.1(e) of ICBN. Taxon 34: 720. |
[17] | Rajwar, G.S., 1985. A note on the alpine vegetation of Bhagirathi Valley, Garhwal Himalaya. Himalayan Journal of Sciences 4&5: 28-32. |
[18] | Deva, Som & Rajwar, G.S., 1985. Forest types of Rispana Valley, Jharipani, Mussoorie. Indian Journal of Forestry 8(4): 326-330. |
[19] | Rajwar, G.S., 1986. Additions to the flora of Mussoorie hills. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 8(2): 488. |
[20] | Tiwari, V.K., Rajwar, G.S. & Rawat, G.S., 1986. Chemical composition of Saussurea obvallata Wall. ex Clarke-Part I. Indian Journal of Forestry 9(4): 312-314. |
[21] | Rajwar, G.S., 1987. Mining and the Himalayan Environment. Everyman's Science 21(6): 175-177. |
[22] | Rajwar, G.S., 1987. A note on the discovery of Aeschynanthus parviflorus (D.Don) Spreng. from Mussoorie hills. Science & Culture 53(10): 313-314. |
[23] | Rajwar, G.S., 1987. Vegetation types and floristic pattern in alpine zone of Garhwal Himalaya. In: Pangtey, Y.P.S. & Joshi, S.C. (Editors), Western Himalaya: Environment, Problems and Development, Gyanodaya Prakashan, Nainital, Vol.1, pp. 165-170. |
[24] | Rajwar, G.S., 1988. Limestone quarrying-a hazard to Mussoorie mountains and their ecosystem. In: Joshi, S.C. & Bhattacharya, G. (Editors), Mining and Environment in India, Himalayan Research Group, Nainital, pp. 294-298. |
[25] | Rajwar, G.S., 1988. The forest vegetation on the east and west facing slopes of the Bhagirathi Valley near Uttarkashi, Garhwal Himalaya. Advances in Forestry Research in India 1: 199-206. |
[26] | Rajwar, G.S. & Gupta, Subodh K., 1988. Flora of Garhwal Siwaliks between Khoh and Ganga-I. Indian Journal of Forestry 11(1): 69-73. |
[27] | Rajwar, G.S. & Gupta, Subodh K., 1988. Flora of Garhwal Siwaliks between Khoh and Ganga-II. Indian Journal of Forestry 11(3): 225-228. |
[28] | Rajwar, G.S. & Gupta, Subodh K., 1989. Flora of Garhwal Siwaliks between Khoh and Ganga-III. Indian Journal of Forestry 12(1): 43-53. |
[29] | Rajwar, G.S., 1989. Human impact on the forests of Garhwal Himalaya. Advances in Forestry Research in India 3: 229-241. |
[30] | Rajwar, G.S., 1989. Flora of Mussoorie hills from Rispana Valley, Jharipani. Vegetos 2(1): 59-66. |
[31] | Rajwar, G.S. & Ramola, V.C., 1990. Variations in primary production on east and west facing slope montane grasslands at Uttarkashi, Garhwal Himalaya. Indian Forester 116(9): 717-722. |
[32] | Rajwar, G.S., 1991. Structure and diversity of a montane forest in a part of Bhagirathi Valley, Garhwal Himalaya. In: Maithani, D.D. (Editor), Central Himalaya: Ecology, Environmental Resources and Developments, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 13-19. |
[33] | Nath, S., Gupta, Subodh K. & Rajwar, G.S., 1991. Analysis of forest vegetation in a part of Garhwal Himalaya. In: Rajwar, G.S. (Editor), Advances in Himalayan Ecology (Recent Researches in Ecology, Environment and Pollution, Vol. 6), Today and Tomorrow's Printers & Publishers, New Delhi/Scholarly Publications, Houston, pp. 25-45. |
[34] | Rajwar, G.S. & Dobhal, L.P., 1991. Ecological studies in some oak forests of Western Garhwal Himalaya. In: Rajwar, G.S. (Editor), Advances in Himalayan Ecology (Recent Researches in Ecology, Environment and Pollution, Vol. 6), Today and Tomorrow's Printers & Publishers, New Delhi/Scholarly Publications, Houston, pp. 69-83. |
[35] | Rajwar, G.S. & Gupta, Subodh K., 1992. Structure of forest vegetation of Garhwal Siwalik hills between Khoh and Ganga. Indian Forester 118(2): 148-165. |
[36] | Rawat, B.B.S., Rajwar, G.S. & Badola, R.C., 1993. Garhwal Himalaya Biosphere: a concept. In: Rajwar, G.S. (Editor), Garhwal Himalaya: Ecology and Environment, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 39-47. |
[37] | Rajwar, G.S. & Dhaulakhandi, Manoj, 1994. Ecological study in an alpine pasture of Bhagirathi Valley, Garhwal Himalaya. In: Pangtey, Y.P.S. & Rawal, R.S. (Editors), High Altitudes of the Himalaya: Biogeography, Ecology and Conservation, Gyanodaya Prakashan, Nainital, pp. 203-208. |
[38] | Rajwar, G.S., 1994. Training and education in remote sensing: Some needs and perspectives. Advances in Forestry Research in India 10: 134-141. |
[39] | Rajwar, G.S., 1995. Environmental problems in Garhwal Himalaya. In: Singh, R.B. & Haigh, M.J. (Editors), Sustainable Reconstruction of Highland and Headwater Regions: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Headwater Control, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi/A.A.Balkema, Rotterdom, pp. 155-163. |
[40] | Rajwar, G.S., 1995. Mining stress on the vegetation of Western Himalaya. In: Lodha, R.M., Agrawal, V. & Lodha, P. (Editors), Mining and Environmental Stress, Himanshu Publications, Udaipur, pp. 33-47. |
[41] | Haigh, M.J., Krecek, J. & Rajwar, G.S., 1996. Introduction to hydrological problems and environmental management in highlands and headwaters. In: Krecek, J., Rajwar, G.S. & Haigh, M.J. (Editors), Hydrological Problems and Environmental Management in Highlands and Headwaters: Updating the Proceedings of the First and Second International Conferences on Headwater Control, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdom, pp. 1-5. |
[42] | Rajwar, G.S., 1996. Challenges for environmental management in the headwaters of the Western Himalaya: an introduction. In: Krecek, J., Rajwar, G.S. & Haigh, M.J. (Editors), Hydrological Problems and Environmental Management in Highlands and Headwaters: Updating the Proceedings of the First and Second International Conferences on Headwater Control, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdom, Netherlands, pp. 21-26. |
[43] | Rajwar, G.S., 1996. Ecology of Himalayan Montane Forests-I. Educational Video Film for UGC/CEC Programme. AVRC, Roorkee. |
[44] | Rajwar, G.S., 1997. Ecology of Himalayan Montane Forests-II. Educational Video Film for UGC/CEC Programme. AVRC, Roorkee. |
[45] | Rajwar, G.S., 1997. Issues for biodiversity conservation. In: Rajwar, G.S., Kumar, A., Khanna, D.R., Goyal, A.K. & Gautam, A. (Editors), Proceedings of the First Regional Conference on Sustainable Ecosystem and Environment, Action for Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness, Rishikesh, pp. 36-39. |
[46] | Rajwar, G.S., 1998. Ecological studies in a montane forest of Bhagirathi Valley in Western Garhwal Himalaya. In: Singh, V. & Sharma, M.L. (Editors), Mountain Ecosystems: A Scenario of Unsustainability, Indus Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp. 116-127. |
[47] | Rajwar, G.S., 1998. Changes in plant diversity and related issues for environmental management in the Garhwal Himalaya. In: Haigh, M.J., Krecek, J., Rajwar, G.S. & Kilmartin, M.P. (Editors), Headwaters-Water Resources and Soil Conservation: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Headwater Control, Merano, Italy, April 1998, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.335-343. |
[48] | Rajwar, G.S., Dhaulakhandi, M. & Kumar, P., 1999. Regeneration status of an oak forest of Garhwal Himalaya. Indian Forester 125(6): 623-630. |
[49] | Rajwar, G.S., Kumar, P. & Nayak, A.K., 1999. Litter production and disappearance in a 25-year old hybrid Eucalyptus plantation in a Siwalik forest of Garhwal Himalaya. Range Management & Agroforestry 20: 102-105. |
[50] | Dhaulakhandi, M., Rajwar, G.S. & Kumar P., 2000. Biomass dynamics, net primary productivity and system transfer functions in a grazingland of an oak forest of Garhwal Himalaya. Tropical Ecology 41(1): 99-101. |
[51] | Kumar, M., Sharma, C.M. & Rajwar, G.S., 2000. Disturbance, diversity and the population dynamics of herbaceous plant community within a tropical foothill forest of Garhwal Himalaya. Van Vigyan, Journal of Society of Indian Foresters 38: 30-40. |
[52] | Kumar, M., Sharma, C.M., Rajwar, G.S. & Mishra, A., 2001. Community structure and plant biodiversity in relation to disturbance gradient in temperate forest of Garhwal Himalaya. Van Vigyan, Journal of Society of Indian Foresters 39: 1-11. |
[53] | Bughani, I. & Rajwar, G.S., 2003. Allelopathic effects of Eupatorium glandulosum HBK. On germination of Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth. and Glycine max (L.) Merrill. In: Kumar, A. (Editor), Proceedings of the National Symposium on Science and Ethics of Environmental Care and Sustainability, Allahabad, Volume 2, pp. 281-286. |
[54] | Kumar, P., Rajwar, G.S., & Sharma, A., 2003. Litter decomposition of two tree species in a tropical deciduous forest of Garhwal Himalaya. In: Bisht, N.S. (Editor), Litter Dynamics in Himalaya, Niharika Publication, Pauri Garhwal, pp. 44-58. |
[55] | Rajwar, G.S., Bughani, I., Kumar, P. & Joshi, S., 2003. Litter decomposition of some tree species in outer Garhwal Himalaya. In: Bisht, N.S. (Editor), Litter Dynamics in Himalaya, Niharika Publication, Pauri Garhwal, pp. 181-194. |
[56] | Rajwar, G.S. & Bughani, I., 2003. Allelopathic effects of Eupatorium glandulosum HBK. on germination of Cicer arietinum L. and Zea mays L. Vegetos 16: 43-47. |
[57] | Prakash, P., Rajwar, G.S. & Bughani, I., 2004. Grazing impacts and grassland conservation in the Garhwal Himalaya. Protected Habitats and Biodiversity, Nature Conservators Publication No. 8: 327-336. |
[58] | Kumar. M., Sharma, C.M. & Rajwar, G.S., 2004. A study on community structure and diversity of a sub-tropical forest of Garhwal Himalaya. Indian Forester 130(2): 207-214. |
[59] | Bhatt, V.P., Kumar, M., Rajwar, G.S. & Dhaulakhandi, M., 2004. Community structure and diversity of a moist mixed temperate forest of Notha-Chaurikhal of Garhwal Himalaya. Annals of Forestry 12(1): 81-86. |
[60] | Dhaulakhandi, M., Rajwar, G.S., Kumar, M. & Bughani, I., 2004. Phytosociological analysis of woody vegetation in Bhagirathi valley in Uttarkashi district of the Garhwal Himalayas. Journal of Hill Research 17(2): 30-35. |
[61] | Kumar, M., Rajwar, G.S. & Sharma, C.M., 2004. Physico-chemical properties of forest soils along altitudinal gradient in the Garhwal Himalayas. Journal of Hill Research 17(2): 60-64. |
[62] | Kumar, M., Rajwar, G.S. & Sharma, C.M., 2004. Disturbance and the dynamics in a sub-tropical forest of Garhwal Himalaya. Bulletin of the National Institute of Ecology 14: 43-50. |
[63] | Dhaulakhandi, M. & Rajwar, G.S., 2004. Decomposition of Holoptelea integrifolia and Bombax ceiba litter in a tropical deciduous forest. Bulletin of the National Institute of Ecology 14: 51-54. |
[64] | Dhaulakhandi, M. & Rajwar, G.S., 2005. Litter dynamics of two oak species (Quercus leucotrichophora and Q. floribunda) in Garhwal Himalaya. Indian Forester 131 (6): 829-834. |
[65] | Bughani, I. & Rajwar, G.S., 2005. Impacts of Eupatorium glandulosum on the biomass and productivity of a montane grassland of Garhwal Himalaya. Environmentalist 25: 31-38. |
[66] | Kumar, M., Sharma, C.M. & Rajwar, G.S., 2005. The stability and diversity patterns of vegetation in tropical foot-hill forest along disturbance gradient in Garhwal Himalaya. Annals of Forestry 13(1): 84-92. |
[67] | Kumar, M., Rajwar, G.S., Sharma, C.M. & Dhaulakhandi, M., 2005. Disturbance patterns and diversity in herbaceous plant community in a temperate forest of Garhwal Himalaya. Annals of Forestry 13(1): 167-174. |
[68] | Rajwar, G.S., 2005. Issues and strategies for the sustainable rangeland management in the headwaters of the Garhwal Himalaya. In: Jansky, L., Haigh, M.J. & Prasad, H. (Editors), Sustainable Management of Headwater Resources: Research from Africa and India, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, pp. 17-32. |
[69] | Ghildiyal, J.C., Rajwar, G.S., Bughani, I. & Verma, R.S., 2005. Distribution of macrophytes in aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats of Rishikesh and surrounding area, Uttaranchal. Indian Forester 131(12): 1627-1633. |
[70] | Kumar, M., Dhaulakhandi, M., Rajwar, G.S. & Sharma, C.M., 2006. Analytical characters and uses of some important traditional agroforestry trees of Garhwal Himalaya along altitudinal gradient. Advances in Forestry Research in India 29: 1-10. |
[71] | Dhaulakhandi, Manoj & Rajwar, G.S., 2006. Litter production in a dry deciduous forest in the foothill zone of Garhwal. Journal of Mountain Research 1: 109-114. |
[72] | Kumar, M., Bhatt, V.P. & Rajwar, G.S., 2006. Plant and soil diversities in a subtropical forest of the Garhwal Himalaya. Ghana Journal of Forestry 19-20: 1-19. |
[73] | Rajwar, G.S., 2007. People-forest interaction in some protected areas of the Himalaya: A question of livelihoods and sustainability. In: Dhungana, H. & Logan, Marty (Editors), Sustainable Development in Conflict Environments: Challenges and Opportunities-Proceedings of the International Conference, January 16-18, 2007, Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI), Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 109-122. |
[74] | Dobhal, Asha, Kumar, Pramod, Rajwar, G.S. & Dobhal, Manisha, 2007. Status of medicinal plants found in a montane forest of Garhwal Himalaya. In: Chopra, A.K., Khanna, D.R., Prasad, G., Malik, D.S. and Bhutiani, R. (Editors) Medicinal Plants: Conservation, Cultivation and Utilization, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 237-257. |
[75] | Rajwar, G.S., Ghildiyal, J.C. & Dhaulakhandi, M., 2007. Ecotourism: Concept, economic considerations and environmental conservation. In: Bisht, Harshvanti & Rajwar, G.S. (Editors) Tourism and Himalayan Biodiversity: Proceedings of the National Seminar, Transmedia Publication, Srinagar (Garhwal), pp. 131-141. |
[76] | Singh, A., Singh, K.P. & Rajwar, G.S., 2007. Distribution and incidence of apple powdery mildew in a mixed cultivar orchard and relationship to disease severity. In: Proceedings of The Third Asian Conference on Plant Pathology: The Role of Plant Pathology in Rapidly Globalizing Economies of Asia, Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, pp. 195-196. |
[77] | Dhaulakhandi, M. & Rajwar, G.S., 2007. Production dynamics and system transfer functions in a grazingland of an oak forest of Garhwal Himalaya, India. International Journal of Ecology & Environmental Sciences 33(1): 73-81. |
[78] | Rajwar, G.S., 2007. Invasive effects of Lantana camara in the forests of Southern Garhwal Himalaya. In: Wang Yajun, Li Shengcai, Huang Ping, Yang Yuzhong, An Ying and Sun Xiuyun (Editors), Progress in Environmental Science and Technology Vol. I: Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology, Beijing, China, November 13-16, 2007, Science Press, Beijing, China/Science Press USA Inc., pp. 19-22. |
[79] | Agarwal, A. & Rajwar, G.S., 2007. Phytoplankton of Tehri dam reservoir, Garhwal Himalaya. Journal of Mountain Research 2: 1-12. |
[80] | Singh, S.K., Kumar, Mukesh, Kohli, Shweta & Rajwar, G.S., 2007. Screening of methanolic estracts of Eupatorium adenophorum against different bacteria under in vitro condition. The Annals of Medical Entomology 16: 1-6. |
[81] | Tripathi, Archana, Rajwar, G.S. & Sharma, R.C., 2008. Impacts of industrial effluents on Asan river, Doon Valley. International Journal of Chemical Sciences 6(4): 2155-2171. |
[82] | Kumar, M., Sharma, C.M. & Rajwar, G.S. 2008. Fuel wood: a conventional source of energy in mountains of the Garhwal Himalaya. Journal of Environmental Extension 7: 16-22. |
[83] | Kumar, M., Sharma, C.M. & Rajwar, G.S., 2009. The effects of disturbance on forest structure and diversity at different altitudes in Garhwal Himalaya. Chinese Journal of Ecology 28(3): 424-432. |
[84] | Kumar, M., Sharma, C.M. & Rajwar, G.S. 2009. Energy budgets of traditional hill agroecosystems along altitudinal gradient in Garhwal Himalaya, India. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(6): 729-736. |
[85] | Walia, M. & Rajwar, G.S. 2009. Influence of growth regulators on flowers of Plumbago zeylanica L. Journal of Graphic Era University 1(2): 315-318. |
[86] | Agarwal, A.K. & Rajwar, G.S. 2010. Physico-chemical and microbiological study of Tehri dam reservoir, Garhwal Himalaya, India. Journal of American Science 6(6): 65-71. |
[87] | Dhaulakhandi, Manoj, Rajwar, G.S., Kuniyal, P.C. & Kumar, Munesh, 2010.Biomass and productivity of alpine pasture in Garhwal Himalaya, India. New York Science Journal 3(2): 40-44. |
[88] | Tiwari, Indu & Rajwar, G.S. 2010. The replacement of grasses and other herbs in the Himalayan grassland by allelopathic impacts of exotic weed Eupatorium glandulosum. New York Science Journal 3(3): 50-54. |
[89] | Agarwal, A.K. & Rajwar, G.S. 2010. Macrophytes of Tehri Dam reservoir, Garhwal, India. The Asian and Australasian Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 4 (1): 81-85. |
[90] | Vishnoi, R., Rajwar, G.S. & Kuniyal, P.C. 2010. Effect of different sand and soil ratios on the growth of Terminalia arjuna W. & A. New York Science Journal 3(11): 22-26. |
[91] | Kuniyal, P.C & Rajwar, G.S. 2010. Lantana camara L., a serious threat to the tree regeneration of Garhwal Himalaya. National Academy Science Letters 33(9 & 10): 279-283. |
[92] | Kumar, M., Sheikh, M.A. & Rajwar, G.S. 2010. Conservation strategies for Anogeissus latifolia in the Srinagar Valley of Uttarakhand, India. International Journal of Conservation Science 1(4): 191-198. |
[93] | Dhaulakhandi, M., Rajwar, G.S. & Kumar, M. 2010. Ecological status and impact of disturbance in an alpine pasture of Garhwal Himalaya, India. Journal of Plant Development 17: 127-137. |
[94] | Rajwar, G.S. & Kumar, M. 2011. Fuelwood consumption in two tribal villages of the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve of the Indian Himalaya and strategies for fuelwood Sustainability. Environment, Development and Sustainability 13(4): 727-741. |