[1] | Baianu, I.C. and M. Marinescu.1968. Organismic Structures: I. Bull. Math. Biophysics, 30:78-86. |
[2] | Baianu, I. 1970. On Multistable Systems. Bull. Math. Biophysics, 32: 539-561. |
[3] | Ionescu, Th. V., R. Parvan and I. Baianu. 1970. Ionic Oscillations in a Hollow Cathode Placed in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris, (presented by Professor Louis Neel, Nobel Laureate in Physics, 1970), 270:1321-1324. |
[4] | Parvan, R.and I. Baianu. 1971. The coupling of electronic and ionic oscillations in the cathode effect in a longitudinal magnetic field., Rev. Roum. Phys., 16: 521-526. |
[5] | Baianu, I. 1971. Qualitative Dynamics of Biological Systems. Bull. Math. Biophys., 33:: 339-354. |
[6] | Baianu, I.C. 1972. Energetic Considerations in E.E.G and E.C.G interpretation., Ann. Univ. Bucharest (Physics), 21: 61-67 (1972). |
[7] | Baianu, I.C. and D. Scripcariu. 1973. On Adjoint Dynamical Systems. Bull. Math. Biology, 35: 475-486. |
[8] | Baianu, I.C. 1973. Some Algebraic Properties of Metabolic-Replication (M, R)-Systems. Bull. Math. Biophys., 35: 213-217. |
[9] | Baianu, I.C. and D, Scripcariu. 1973. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of Manganous and Cupric Ions Adsorbed on D-amino acid oxidase, Ann. Univ. Bucharest (Biol.), 22: 116-118. |
[10] | Baianu, I.C. and D. Scripcariu. 1973. Electron Spin Interactions of Copper Ions with RNA in aqueous solutions. Ann. Univ. Bucharest (Biol.), 22: 115-116. |
[11] | Baianu, I.C. and M. Marinescu. 1974. A Functional Construction of Metabolic-Replication Systems, Rev. Roum. Math. 19: 389-391. |
[12] | Baianu, I.C. 1977. A Logical model of Genetic Activities in Lukasiewicz Algebras. Bull. Math. Biology, 39: 249-257. |
[13] | Baianu, I.C., N. Boden, Y.K. Levine and D. Lightowlers. 1978. Dipolar Coupling between Groups of Three Spin-1/2 undergoing Hindered Reorientation in Solids, Solid-State Communications., 27: 474-478 (1978). |
[14] | Baianu, I.C., N. Boden, Y.K. Levine and S.M. Ross. 1978. Quasi-quadrupolar NMR Spin-Echoes in Solids Containing Dipolar Coupled Methyl Groups., J.Phys.(C)--Solid State Physics, 11: L37-41. |
[15] | Baianu, I.C., N. Boden, D. Lightowlers and M. Mortimer. 1978. A New Approach to the Local Structure of Electrolyte Solutions by Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance., Chem. Phys. Letts., 54:168-174. |
[16] | Baianu, I.C. 1978. X-Ray Scattering by Partially Disordered Membrane Lattices., Acta Crystallogr. A. 34: 751-754. |
[17] | Baianu, I.C. and R.E. Burge. 1979. An X-ray study of the Cytoplasmic Membranes of two Gram-positive Bacteria., (report based on the Ph.D. Thesis at the University of London)., Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 556: 322-330. |
[18] | Baianu, I.C., K.A. Rubinson and J. Patterson. 1979. Ferromagnetic Resonance and Spin Wave Excitations in Metallic Glasses., J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 40: 940-951. |
[19] | Baianu, I.C., J. Patterson and K.A. Rubinson. 1979. Ferromagnetic Resonance Observations of Surface Effects, Magnetic Ordering and Inhomogeneous Anisotropy in a Metallic Glass, Material Sci. and Engineering, 40: 273-284. |
[20] | Baianu, I.C., K.A. Rubinson and J. Patterson.1979. The Observation of Structural Relaxation in a FeNiPB Glass by X-ray Scattering and Ferromagnetic Resonance., Physica Status Solidi (a), 53: K133-135. |
[21] | Baianu, I.C. 1979. X-ray Scattering and Magnetic Resonance Studies of Local Structure in Non-crystalline Co9P Solids prepared by Electroless Deposition. In "Rapidly Quenched Metals. III", Intl. Conf. Proceed., Chameleon Press, London, pp. 419-424. |
[22] | Baianu, I.C. 1980. Natural Transformations of Organismic Structures., Bull. Math. Biology, 42:431-446 . |
[23] | Baianu, I.C. 1980. "Structural Order and Partial Disorder in Biological Systems", Bull. Math.Biology, 42: 137-141. |
[24] | Baianu, I.C. and H. Forster. 1980. "Cross-polarization, high-field Carbon-13 NMR techniques for studying Physicochemical Properties of Wheat Grains and Wheat Proteins", J. Applied Biochemistry, 2: 347-355. |
[25] | Baianu, I.C. 1981. "Carbon-13 and Proton NMR studies of Wheat Proteins in Solution", J. Sci. of Food & Agriculture, 32: 309-313. |
[26] | Baianu, I.C., N. Boden and D. Lightowlers. 1981. "NMR Spin-Echo Responses of Dipolar-Coupled Spin-1/2 Triads in Solids", J. Magnetic Resonance, 43:101-111. |
[27] | Critchley, C., I.C. Baianu, Govindjee and H.S. Gutowsky. 1982. "The Role of Chloride in Oxygen Evolution by Thylakoids from Salt-Tolerant higher plants", Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 682: 436-445. |
[28] | Schofield, J.D. and I.C.Baianu.. 1982. "Solid-State, Cross-Polarization Magic-Angle Spinning Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Biochemical Characterization of Wheat Proteins", Cereal Chemistry, 59(4):240-245. |
[29] | Baianu, I.C., L.F. Johnson and D.K. Waddell . 1982. "High-field, high-resolution Proton, Carbon-13 and Nitrogen-15 NMR of Wheat Proteins in Solution", J. Sci. Food and Agriculture, 33: 373-383. |
[30] | Baianu, I.C., C.Critchley, Govindjee and H.S. Gutowsky. 1984. "NMR study of chloride ion interactions with thylakoid membranes", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA., 81: 3713-3717. |
[31] | Baianu, I.C. 1984. "A molecular-set-variable model of structural and regulatory activities in metabolic and genetic systems", FASEB Proceedings, 43, n° 4: 3696. |
[32] | Baianu, I.C., H.S. Gutowsky and E. Oldfield. 1984. "On the origin and behavior of Deuterium NMR Spin-Echoes in Selectively Labeled Amino Acids, Proteins and Membranes"Biochemistry, 23: 3105-3110. |
[33] | Baianu, I.C., T. Lioutas and M.P. Steinberg. 1984. Multiple NMR Spin-Echoes in Hydrated Lysozyme. Biophys. J. 47:330a. |
[34] | Richardson, S.J., Baianu, I.C., and Steinberg, M.P. 1985. Relation between Oxygen-17 NMR and Rheology of Wheat Flour suspensions. Jour. Food Science, 50: 1148-1151. |
[35] | Lioutas, T.S., I.C. Baianu and M.P. Steinberg. 1986. Oxygen-17 and Deuterium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Lysozyme Hydration. Archiv. Biochem. Biophys., 247: 68-75. |
[36] | Asbi, A.B. and I.C. Baianu. 1986. "An Equation for Fitting Moisture Sorption Isotherms of Food Proteins.", J. Agric. Food Chem., 34: 494-497. |
[37] | Augustine, M.E. and I.C. Baianu. 1986. High-Resolution Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Maize Proteins. Jour. Cereal Science., 4: 371-378. |
[38] | Augustine, M.E. and I.C. Baianu. 1987. Basic studies of Corn Proteins for Improved Utilization: A Physicochemical Approach., Jour. Food Science., 52:649-653. |
[39] | Lioutas, T.S., I.C. Baianu and M.P. Steinberg. 1987. Sorption Equilibration and Hydration studies of Lysozyme: Water Activity and 360 MHz 1H NMR., J. Agric. Food Chemistry, 35:133-137.DOI: 10.1021/jf00073a029 |
[40] | Richardson, S.J., I.C. Baianu and M. P. Steinberg. 1987. "Mobility of water in sucrose solutions determined by Deuterium and Oxygen-17 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance measurements." Jour. Food Science, 52: 806-809. |
[41] | Richardson, S.J., I.C. Baianu and M.P. Steinberg. 1987. "Mobility of water in Corn Starch suspensions determined by NMR." Starch (Starke), 39: 79-83. |
[42] | Yamashita, N., A. Tadokoro, E. Ozu, T. Maeshima, I.C. Baianu and L-S. Wei. 1987. "Polymerization of N, N-dimethylamino-propylacrylamide through Hydrogen Transfer induced by the Propagation of the polyacrolein Anion", Jour. Macromol. Science (Chemistry), A24:1223-1231. |
[43] | Kakalis, L.T. and I.C. Baianu. 1988. "Oxygen-17 and Deuterium Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation studies of Lysozyme Hydration in Solution: Field dispersion, concentration, pH/pD and protein activity dependences", Archiv. Biochemistry & Biophysics, 267: 829-841. |
[44] | Lioutas, T.S., I.C. Baianu, P.J. Bechtel and M.P. Steinberg. 1988. "Oxygen-17 and Sodium-23 NMR studies of water and ion binding to Myofibrillar Proteins", Jour. Agric. Food Chemistry, 36:437-444. |
[45] | Mora-Gutierrez, A. and I.C. Baianu. 1989. "1H Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation and Viscosity measurements on suspensions of Carbohydrates and Starch from Corn: The investigation of Carbohydrate Hydration, Stereochemical and Aggregation effects in relation to Oxygen-17 and Carbon-13 NMR data for Carbohydrate Solutions", J. Agric. Food Chemistry, 37:1459-1465. DOI: 10.1021/jf00090a00. |
[46] | Kakalis, L.T. and I.C. Baianu. 1989. "A High-Resolution Carbon-13 NMR Study of Glycinin in D2O Solutions", J. Agric. Food Chem., 37: 1222-1228. |
[47] | Ozu, E., N. Yamashita, T. Maeshima, I.C. Baianu and L-S. Wei. 1989. "Kinetics of the polymerization of methyl vinyl ketone and acrylamide initiated by the adduct ofmethylvinyl ketone and imidazole, " Jour. Macromolecular Science-Chemistry., A26: 637-1644. |
[48] | Ozu, E., N. Yamashita, H. Inoue, T. Maeshima, I.C.Baianu and L-S. Wei. 1989. "Polymerization of methyl methacrylate in the presence of imidazole derivatives", J. Macromolecular Science-Chemistry, A26:1525-1530. |
[49] | Yakubu, P.I., P.H. Orr and I.C. Baianu. 1990. "Unique Hydration Behavior of Potato Starch as determined by Deuterium NMR" Jour. Food Science., 55:458-461. |
[50] | Kakalis, L.T. and I.C. Baianu. 1990. "High-resolution Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance study of the Soybean 7S storage protein fraction in solution", J. Agric. Food Chemistry, 37:1479-1486. |
[51] | Mora-Gutierrez, A. and I.C. Baianu. 1990. "Hydration Studies of Maltodextrins by Proton, Deuterium and Oxygen-17 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", Jour. Food Science. 55: 462-467. |
[52] | Kakalis, L.T., I.C. Baianu and T.F. Kumosinski. 1990. "Oxygen-17 and Deuterium NMR studies of Soybean Protein Hydration", J. Agric. Food Chemistry, 38: 454-461. |
[53] | Myers-Betts, P.A. and I.C. Baianu. 1990. "Determination of the Protein Activity of Corn Zeins in alkaline solutions from nuclear spin relaxation data as a function of concentration and heat treatments", J. Agric. Food Chemistry, 38: 477-483. |
[54] | Myers-Betts, P.A. and I.C. Baianu. 1990. "Approaches to protein hydration and water activity in foods by nuclear magnetic relaxation and vapor pressure equilibration techniques", J. Agric.Food Chemistry, 38: 1171-1177. |
[55] | Kim, H-H.Y. and I.C. Baianu. 1991. "Novel liposome microencapsulation techniques for food Applications", Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2: 55-61. |
[56] | Mora-Gutierrez, A. and I.C. Baianu. 1991." Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Chemically Modified Waxy Maize Starch, Corn Syrups and Maltodextrins. Comparisons with Potato Starch and Potato Maltodextrins.", J. Agric. Food Chemsitry, 39:1057-1062. |
[57] | Kakalis, L.T., T.F. Kumosinski and I.C. Baianu. 1992. "The Effect of Protein Aggregation on the Sorption of Water Vapor by Proteins: A Thermodynamic Linkage Study", Jour. Agric. & Food Chem., 40: 2063-2071. |
[58] | Baianu, I.C., J.R. Lee and P.J. Bechtel. 1992. "Hydration Behavior of Heart Muscle studied by Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation", Jour. Agric. & Food Chem., 40: 2350-2355. ISSN: 0021-8561. |
[59] | Cho, S.I., R.L. Stroshine, I.C. Baianu and G.W. Krutz. 1993. "Nondestructive sugar content measurements of intact fruit using spin-spin relaxation time (T2) measurements by pulsed 1H magnetic resonance". Trans. Amer. Soc. Agric. Eng. 36: 1217-1221. ISSN:0001-2351. |
[60] | Yakubu, P.I., E.M. Ozu, I.C. Baianu and P.H. Orr. 1993. "Hydration of potato starch in aqueous suspensions determined from nuclear magnetic relaxation studies by 17O, 2H and 1H NMR: relaxation mechanisms and quantitative analysis", Jour. Agric. & Food Chem. 41:162-167. DOI: 10.1021/jf00026a003. |
[61] | Baianu, I.C., J.R. Lee and E.M. Ozu. 1993. "Multiexponential relaxation of Water Protons in the Myocardium investigated by Deuterium NMR", Biophys. J. 64: A255. |
[62] | Baianu, I.C., Wei, T.C., and Kumosinski, T.F. 1993. "Molecular Dynamics and Oxygen-17 NMR studies of Amino Acid Hydration and Activity", Biophys. J. 64: A268. |
[63] | Baianu, I.C., R. Magin, and E.M. Ozu. 1993. "Microencapsulation Adds Value to Illinois Crops", Illinois Res., 35: (1/2):19-20. |
[64] | Baianu, I.C., T.C. Wei and E.M. Ozu. 1994. Multinuclear magnetic resonance and hydrodynamic equilibrium studies of glycinins and conglycinins: Hydration, specific ion binding and protein aggregation. Proc. Pfizer-Beckman Institute Symp. Protein Engn. and Design, Urbana. |
[65] | Baianu, I.C.1994. "Thermodynamic linkage of specific ion binding and hydration properties of soy glycinins and conglycinins determined by NMR techniques", Biophys. J, 66: 246. |
[66] | Baianu, I.C., T.C. Wei, and T.F. Kumosinski. 1994. "Molecular Dynamics and Multinuclear Spin Relaxation Studies of Amino Acids, Proline, Myosin and Glycinins in Concentrated Solutions with Electrolytes", Amer. Chem. Soc. Symp. Proceed. In "Molecular Modeling of Proteins", New York: ACS Publs., pages 140-146. |
[67] | Baianu, I.C. 1994. Natural Transformations and Stability in Biosystems. In:"Current Topics in Biophysics, " 3: 1-8, Jassy: Jassy Univ. Press. |
[68] | Baianu, I.C., T.C.Wei and T.F. Kumosinski. 1994. "Molecular Dynamics and Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Zwitterions and Proteins in Concentrated Solutions", ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 576: 325–341; ISBN13: 9780841230422. |
[69] | Baianu, I.C., A. Mora, T.F. Kumosinski, E.M. Ozu, T.S.Lioutas, and Bechtel, P.J. 1996. "Thermodynamic Linkage of Ion Binding and Hydration in Myofibrillar Protein Solutions Determined from Multinuclear spin relaxation studies", Macromol. Chem. |
[70] | Baianu, I. C.; Yakubu, P. H.; Ozu, E.M.1998. "Structural and Hydration Studies of Waxy andMealy Potato Starch Cultivars by Deuterium, Carbon-13 (CP-MAS/MASS) NMR, and Electron Microscopy", Polymer Preprints-AMERICA, 39 (1): 706-707. ISSN: 0032-3934. |
[71] | Baianu, I. C., Mora-Gutierrez, A., Kumosinski, T. F., Bechtel, P. J. 1998. 'An NMR Study of Myofibrillar Protein Interactions", ACS Polymer Preprints-AMERICA, 39 (1): 665-666. |
[72] | Mora-Gutierrez, A.; Farrell, H. M.; Kumosinski, T. E.; Cheng, H. N.; Cote, G. L.; Baianu, I. C. 1999. "NMR of casein hydration and activity in solutions with ions", ACS Application of Polymers in Foods, vol. 140 (3): 211-216. Huethig & Wepf Verlag: Berlin. ISSN: 1022-1360. |
[73] | Wei, Wu. and Baianu, I. C.1999. "Physicochemical properties of plasticized corn zein films: NMR and adsorptivity studies", Macromolecular Symposia A. 1999, vol. 140: 197-209. |
[74] | Baianu, I. C.; Kumosinski, T. F.; Wei, T. C.1999. "Molecular dynamics and NMR studies of proteins in ionic solutions", American Chemical Society Symposium: Application of polymers in foods: 217-224; Wiley-VCH Verlag, ISBN: 3527298088. |
[75] | Lee, J. R.; Baianu, I. C.; Bechtel, P. J. 1999. "Hydration behavior of heart muscle studied by nuclear magnetic relaxation: deuterium exchange of water protons in the myocardium", In: "Application of Polymers in Foods": 245-262. Wiley-VCH Verlag; ISBN: 3527298088. |
[76] | Baianu, I. C.; Yakubu, P. I.; Ozu, E.M.1999. "Structural and hydration studies of waxy and mealy potato starch cultivars by deuterium, carbon-13 CP-MAS/MASS NMR, and electron microscopy", In: "Application of Polymers in Foods": 187-196. Wiley-VCH Verlag; ISBN: 3527298088. |