[1] | Joseph E. Knoll, William F. Anderson, Timothy C. Strickland, Robert K. Hubbard, and Ravindra Malik. 2010. Biomass Production and Nutrient Utilization of Perennial Grasses under No inputs in South Georgia. This manuscript was submitted to "BioEnergy Research" peer refereed journal on October 4, 2010 and recently accepted. |
[2] | Karen Harris, William Anderson, and Ravindra Malik. 2009. Genetic relationships among napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) nursery accessions using AFLP markers. PGR 38-09-10:52, 5/9/2009-349816. |
[3] | Reddy, K.C., Reddy, S.S., R. K. Malik, J.L. Lemunyon, and D.W. Reeves. 2008 (July-August). Effects of Five-Year Continuous Poultry Litter Use in Cotton Production on Major Soil Nutrients. Agronomy Journal. Volume 100, Issue 4, 1047-1055. |
[4] | Reddy, K.C., Malik, R., Reddy, S.S., Nayakatawa, E.Z. 2007. Cotton Growth and Yield Response to Nitrogen Applied Through Fresh and Composted Poultry Litter. The Journal of Cotton Science 11:26-34 (2007). |
[5] | Malik Ravindra (2006). Fellowship opens the door for biomass research. Albany State University, Research Review (Spring 2006) page 28-33. |
[6] | Mays, D.A., K.R. Sistani and Ravi K. Malik. 2003. Use of Winter Annual Cover Crops to Reduce Soil Nitrate Levels. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. Vol. 21 (4): (2003) 5-19. |
[7] | Tolbert, V. R., D.E. Todd Jr., L.K. Mann, C.M. Jawdy, D.A. Mays, R. Malik, W. Bandarnayake, A. Houston, D. Tyler, D.E. Pettry. 2002. Changes in soil quality and below-ground carbon storage with conservation of traditional agricultural crop lands to bioenergy crop production. Environmental Pollution. 116: (2002) S97-S106. |
[8] | Malik, R. K. and K. C. Reddy. 2002. Effects of Long-term Poultry Litter Application to Cotton on Succeeding Corn Crop Production. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 19 (4): (2002) 47-59. |
[9] | Cecil Pounders, R.K. Malik, C.A. Beyl, and Charles Gilliam. 2001.Ground Cover Production Using Low Nutrient Water. In: Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association, Inc. Research Conference. Forty-Sixth Annual Report 2001 pp. 600-601. |
[10] | Malik, Ravi. K., T.H. Green, G.F. Brown, C.A. Beyl, K.R. Sistani and D.A. Mays. 2001. Biomass Production of Short-Rotation Bioenergy Hardwoods Plantations affected by Cover Crops. Biomass & Bioenergy. 21: 21-33. |
[11] | Reddy, K.C., Nayakatawa, E.Z., and Malik, R.K. 2001. Strategies to Sustain Cotton Production Systems in SE USA. I World Congress on Conservation Agriculture: A Worldwide Challenge, Madrid (Spain), October 1st-5th 2001 (In proceedings). |
[12] | Malik, R. K., T. H. Green, G. F. Brown and D. Mays. 2000. Use of Cover Crops in Short-Rotation Hardwood Plantations to Control Erosion. Biomass and Bioenergy. 18: 479-487. |
[13] | Reddy, K. C., Nyakatawa, E. Z. and Malik, R. K. 2000. Sustainable Cotton Production Systems for SE USA. Paper presented at the International Conference on Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Agricultural Production in the 21st Century, February 14-18, 2000, New Delhi, India (In proceedings). |
[14] | Malik, R. K. and K. C. Reddy. 1999. Effects of Poultry Litter on Cotton Lint Yield. In: Proceedings of Beltwide Cotton Conferences. 2:1293-1295. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. |
[15] | Malik, R. K. and K. C. Reddy. 1999. Effects of Nitrification Inhibitor on Nitrate Leaching in Cotton Production Systems. Full paper, peer reviewed (In press. Proceedings of the 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, Sustaining the Global Farm, May 23-29, 1999, at the Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana). |
[16] | Virginia, R. Tolbert, Jonathan E. Lindberg, Tom H. Green, R. Malik, W. E. Bandarnayake, J. Dev Joslin, Frank C. Thornton, D. D. Tyler, A. E. Houston, D. Pettry, S. Schoenholtz, and B. R. Bock, C. C. Trettin. Soil and Water Quality Implications of Production of Herbaceous and Woody Energy Crops. In: Proceedings of the International |
[17] | Workshop on "Environmental Aspects of Energy Crop Production". Organized and sponsored by IEA Bioenergy Task XII Activity 3.1 "Liquid Biofuels" and IEA Bioenergy Task XII Activity 3.2 "Lignocellulose Solid Fuels" in cooperation with ENEA and ITBIA. |
[18] | Malik, R. K., T. H. Green, G. F. Brown and V. R. Tolbert. 1997. Use of cover crops in short-rotation hardwood plantations. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Clemson University, South Carolina, February 25-27, pp. 242-246. |
[19] | Malik, R. K., T. H. Green, D. Mays, B. R. Bock, J. D. Joslin, F. C. Thornton, V. R. Tolbert, G. F. Brown and K. R. Sistani. 1996. Cover crops for erosion control in Bioenergy hardwood plantations. In: Proceedings of the Seventh National Bioenergy Conference, September 15-20, 1996, Nashville, TN. pp. 949-955. |