[1] | Çolak İ., Bayindir R. And Kahraman H. T., "Design And Application Of Pic 16f877 Based Air Conditioner", 2nd International Conference On Technical And Physical Problems In Power Engineering, 186-190 September, Tebriz-Iran, (2004). |
[2] | Kahraman, H. T., Colak, I., Sagiroglu, S., "A Web Based Adaptive Educational System", Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, IEEE Computer Society, Ohio, 286-291, (2007). |
[3] | Çolak, İ., Sagiroglu, S., Kahraman, H. T., "A User Modeling Approach to Web Based Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems", Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, IEEE Computer Society, California, 694-699, (2008). |
[4] | Çolak, İ., Sagiroglu, S., Kahraman, H. T., "Architecture of Web Based Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System", Second International Conference on Innovations in Learning for the Future 2008 e-Learning, İstanbul, 358-365, (2008). |
[5] | Sağıroğlu, Ş., Çolak, İ., Kahraman, H. T., "Design of an e-Laboratory Platform for Electric Control Circuit", International Scientific Conference on High Technology in Educational System Advancement and Current Trends in Teaching Methodology, Asgabad, Turkmenistan, 13-14 November, 211, (2008). |
[6] | Kahraman, H. T., Sağıroğlu, Ş., Çolak, İ., "Designing of A User Model Analyze System For Web-Based Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems", International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium 2009, 1304-1308, Trabzon, (2009). |
[7] | Sağıroğlu, S., Bayindir, R., Kaplan, O., Kahraman, H. T., "Development of an Intelligent Decision Support System for Determining the Efficiency of Shunt Active Power Filter", The Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2009), IEEE Computer Society, Florida, 626-631, (2009). |
[8] | Colak, I., Bal, G., Demirtas, M., Kahraman, H. T., "A Parameter Determination System for Wind Turbines Based On Naive Bayes Classification Algorithm", The Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2009), IEEE Computer Society, Florida, 611-616, (2009). |
[9] | Colak, I., Bayindir, R., Kahraman, H. T., Yesilbudak M., "Design of an Intelligent Decision Making System for a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor", The Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2009), IEEE Computer Society, Florida, 669-672, (2009). |
[10] | Kahraman, H. T., Sagiroglu, S., Colak, I., "Development of Adaptive and Intelligent Web-Based Educational Systems", IEEE Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT2010, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 12-14 October 2010, 1-5, (2010). |
[11] | Colak, I., Sagiroglu, S., Demirtas, M., Kahraman, H. T., "Determining Suitability of Locations for Installation of Solar Power Station Based on Probabilistic Inference", The Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2010), IEEE Computer Society, Washington, 714-719, (2010). |
[12] | Colak, I., Kabalci, E., Yesilbudak M., Kahraman, H. T., "A Novel Intelligent Decision Support Tool for Average Wind Speed Clustering", 8th International Conference on Power Electronics-ECCE Asia, Accepted Paper, Korea, 2011. |
[13] | Sagiroglu, S., Kahraman, H. T., Yesilbudak M., Colak, I., "An Intelligent Decision Support Tool for a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor Based on k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm", The Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2011), IEEE Computer Society, Honolulu, Hawai, Dec.18-21, 2011, Accepted Paper. |
[14] | Demirtas, M., Kahraman, H. T., Demirbaş, Ş., Colak, I., "An Intuitive Classification Algorithm: Modeling of Meteorological Parameters and Improving the Classification Accuracy for the Wind Turbines", The Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2011), IEEE Computer Society, Honolulu, Hawai, Dec.18-21, 2011, Accepted Paper. |