[1] | Tomka, D. (1994), Tourism in natural protected area-marketing conception, PMF, Novi Sad, monography book. |
[2] | Tomka,D(1994.).: Turistička valorizacija kulturno-istorijskih spomenika, na primeru Fruškogorskih manastira./Tourist valorisation cultural-historical monuments – case study – Monastery in Fruska gora) Zbornik radova, sv. 24. Institut za geografiju, Novi Sad, str.159-171. |
[3] | Ahmetović-Tomka,D. (1996): Turistička promocija kulturnih dobara,/Tourist promotion of cultural heritage), Zbornik radova sa Jugoslovenskog savetovanja sa međunarodnim učešćem - Turistički potencijali Jugoslavije, Institut za geografiju, PMF, Novi Sad, str. 23 - 32. |
[4] | Rakicevic,G., Tomka,D., 1998: Ethnological Park Kupinovo - oasis of the cultural tourism of Srem, (str.433-448), Rural Tourism Management: sustainable options, International conference, (1-645), SAC (The Scottish Agricultural College), Ayr, Scotland. |
[5] | Tomka,D. (1998), Culture through space, time and tourism, PMF, Novi Sad- monography book. |
[6] | Tomka,D. (1998): Tourism: From Urban to Nonurban - Reality or Delusion? (str. 255) , 3rd International simposium Interdisciplinary Regional Research (Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia), University of Novi Sad,NoviSad. |
[7] | Tomka,D., Stojanović,S. (1998): Istrazivanje turističkog trzišta na primeru kulturnih manifestacija u Sremskim Karlovcima (Investigation of cultural tourist market-case study-Cultural manifestation in Sremski karlovci)(str.61-72), Zbornik radova Instituta za geografiju br. 28, (1-127), Institut za geografiju, PMF, Novi Sad. |
[8] | Tomka,D. (1998): Uređen spomenički prostor, osnov za zaštitu i bolju turističku prezentaciju (Creative aranged tourist space – a base of good promotion) (str.585-592) "Zaštita prirode", časopis br. 51., Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije, Beograd. |
[9] | Tomka, D. (1999): Natural and Antropogenous conditions for tourism development in Banat (pp.137-142), Geographica Timisiensis, vol. V, 1996, Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara, Facultatea de chimie, biologie, geografie-Catedrade Geografie, Timisoara, Romania. |
[10] | Tomka, D. (1999), Cultural Tourism Today, as far as cultural tourism is concerned, what is the position of cultural tourism of Yugoslavia in the world, Tourism Journal, No. 3/1999, Institute for Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Novi Sad. |
[11] | Tomka,D. (2000.): Prostorne kulturno-istorijske celine - šansa za kulturni turizam Jugoslavije,(Cultural tourist destinations – a chnace for cultural tourism in Yugoslavia) (str.100-103). Časopis Turizam, br. 4 /2000. Institut za geografiju, PMF, Novi Sad. |
[12] | Tomka, D., Djeri, L. (2001) Tourism in Vojvodina-A Chance for Integration Among the Countries of the Danubian Region, 3rd International Conference: Multiaplicative Effects on Tourism development, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid. |
[13] | Tomka, D.(2002): Obrazovanje stanovništva i kulturne navike kao osnova uspešnog kultrunog turizma, (Education of people and cultural customes as a basis of sucesfull cultural tourism) Časopis Kultura, br. 103/104, str. 271-285., Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd. |
[14] | Tomka,D.(2002): Za visok kvalitet usluga u turizmu neophodan je 7P marketing mix, (For quality services in tourism there is a need for 7P), Časopis Turizam, br. 6, str. 11-13, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, PMF, Novi Sad |
[15] | Tomka, D. (2003) –People-the most significant marketing strategy factor in rural tourism, Collection of papers, 2nd Balkan Forum, Nis. |
[16] | Tomka, D. (2004): How to overcome the lack of the network of cultural destinations on the tourist map of Serbia, ATLAS Annual Conference, Naples. |
[17] | Tomic, E., Tomka, D.(2005.) What way to take to the sustainable rural tourism develomet, Hotelsa kuca, Opatija, Croatia. |
[18] | Tomka, D, Ahmetovic Z.(2006.) Cultural identity of farmhouses (salasi) as a basis for creating a tourit offer, ATLAS-annual conference, Barcelona. |
[19] | Tomka,Dr.,Volic.I.,Radenkovic.B.(2009):Recession factors from sales managers perspective – case study of Novi Sad, Serbia, Abstract, The 10th International Conference, “THE INFLUENCE OF GLOBAL ECONOMIC RECESION ON TOURISM”, The Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, R Macedonia. |
[20] | Tomka,D., Blagojević.J.:(2010): Influence factors on creation the image of Serbia as a tourist destination – perception of asutrian students, (Faktori uticaja na izgradnju imidža srbije kao turističke destinacije – percepcije austrijskih studenata), Tematski zbornik radova: Unapređenje turizma kao faktor razvoja privrede Srbije, Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, 359-371, ISBN 978-86-7067-140-9, COBISS.SR-ID 176188684. |
[21] | Tomka,D.,Holodkov,V.,Djuric,G.(2010):Ontological approach towards knowledge management of tourism, chapter in book Management in tourism, Editors:Brezovec,A, str 239-258 , ISBN 978-961-6469-57-9. |
[22] | Tomka,Holodkov,V.(2010):Do tourist regards tourism as an element of the quality of life and health?-Analysis of attitudes of the residents of Novi Sad, Hotellink, pg 224-230, VSH, Beograd. |
[23] | Tomka,D, Đurić,G.,Tomka,G. (2011): Thematic cultural routes in Danube basein - local culture like a global atraction. Monografija: Tematske kulturne turističke rute Podunavlja – lokalna kulturna dobra kao globalna atrakcija,.Monografija. |
[24] | Holodkov,V.,Tomka,D.,Romanov,R.(2011);Modelling of business processes by interconnection of wellness, quality of life and tourism using of innovative metrics, Portugal, zbornik rezimea. |
[25] | Romanov.R.,Tomka.D.,Škrbić,I.(2011):Aktivan odmor kao izbor turističke destinacije”, XV international conference, BiH. |
[26] | Tomka D., Romanov R. (2011):Wellness programi za mlade kao model proširenja turističke ponude banje/lječilista. Treći proljetnji susreti u Klanjcu ’’Zdravstveni turizam: voda, zdravlje kultura’’ 8-10 travanj 2011, Klanjec, Hrvatska, str. 104-108. |
[27] | Tomka,D.(2012): Cultural spaces in tourism – practice, theory, education, International conference «Menadžment kulture i medija u društvu znanja», zbornik radova, Fakultet dramskih umetnosti, Beograd («Management in culture and media», FDU, Belgrade. |
[28] | Tomka,D.,Tomka,G.,Holodkov,V.(2012): Tourism offer and cultural identity – is there a link?, International scientific conference „National and European identities in the process of European integrations“, The international institut of politics and economics, Hans Seidl Stiftung, Beograd,2012, izlaganje i knjiga rezimea. |
[29] | Đorđevič,S.,Tomka,D.(2012):Koncept lanca animacije u turizmu, str.70-79, tims.acta, vol 5 No 2, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad. |
[30] | Tomka,D., Jegdic.V. (2012): Turizam i lokalni razvoj, (Tourism and local development),redactor, monography, uređivanje naučne monografije, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad. |
[31] | Tomka, D. (2012): Savremen tendencije u turizmu, (Contemporary issue in tourism) str. 11-29, poglavlje u knjizi: Turizam i lokalni razvoj, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad. |