International Journal of Statistics and Applications

International Journal of Statistics and Applications is a fully refereed international journal, which publishes original research papers and survey articles in all areas of statistics and applications. It is a broad based journal covering all branches of statistical sciences and their applications in medical, agricultural, econometric, physical or social sciences and industry, commerce and government and other scientific disciplines.


Assistant Professor, University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia

Research Areas

Statistics,Mulativariate Analysis,Statistical Computing,Statistical Diagnostics,Structural Equation Models,Bayesian Analysis Methods,Data Reduction Approaches,Latent Variables,Qualitative Data

Publications: Journals

[1]  Thanoon, T. Y., & Adnan, R. (2015). Model Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Bayesian Structural Equation Models with Dichotomous Data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. Accepted.
[2]  Thanoon, T. Y., & Adnan, R. (2015). Bayesian Analysis of Multiple Group Nonlinear Structural Equation Models with Ordered Categorical and Dichotomous Variables: A Survey. Research Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. 3(12), 1-3.
[3]  Thanoon, T. Y., & Adnan, R. (2016). Bayesian Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Latent Variable Models with Fixed Covariate and Ordered Categorical Data. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 12(1), ISO 690.
[4]  Thanoon, T. Y., & Adnan, R. (2016, June). Comparison between Bayesian structural equation models with ordered categorical data. In Advances in Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Proceedings of 23rd Malaysian National Symposium of Mathematical Sciences (SKSM23) (Vol. 1750, No. 1, p. 060026). AIP Publication.
[5]  Thanoon, T. Y., & Adnan, R. (2016). Bayesian Multi-Sample Nonlinear Structural Equation Models with Mixed Ordered Categorical and Dichotomous Variables. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics. Accepted.
[6]  Thanoon, T. Y., & Adnan, R. (2016). Model Comparison of Bayesian Structural Equation Models with mixed Ordered Categorical and Dichotomous Data. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems. Accepted.
[7]  Thanoon, T. Y., Adnan, R. and Safari, S. E. (2015). Generalized Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis with Ordered Categorical and Dichotomous Data. Jurnal Teknologi, 75(1). 91–99.
[8]  Thanoon, T. Y., Adnan, R. and Saffari, S. E. (2015). Bayesian Analysis of Multiple Group Nonlinear Structural Equation Models with Ordered Categorical Data. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Mathematics, ICCSCM, Malaysia. 383-397.
[9]  Thanoon, T. Y., Adnan, R. and Saffari, S. E. (2014). Multiple Factor Analysis with Continuous and Dichotomous Variables. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Applications (ICOQSIA 2014): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Applications, 926-933. AIP Publication.
[10]  Thanoon, T. Y., Adnan, R. and Saffari, S. E. (2015). Study of the Relationship between Dependent and Independent Variable Groups by Using Canonical Correlation Analysis with Application. Modern Applied Science, 9(8), P72.
[11]  Thanoon, T. Y., Adnan, R. (2016). Row and Column Matrices in Multiple Correspondence Analysis with Ordered Categorical and Dichotomous Variables. Jurnal Teknologi. 78(2). 149–156.
[12]  Marwan Abdul Aziz Dabdoub and Thanoon Y. Thanoon. Shortcut Transformation Between R-Mode and Q-Mode In Factor Analysis, Iraqi Journal of Statistical Sciences, college of computer science and mathematics, Volume 7, no.11. (2006).
[13]  Thanoon Y. Thanoon. Using factor analysis (principal axis method) to specify the important factors affected on births of premature babies. Journal of Education and Science, college of Education, University of Mosul. Volume 19, no.1, 2007.
[14]  Thanoon Y. Thanoon. Using Hierarchical Cluster Analysis to classify the observations into homogeneous groups with application on Basketball Matches. College Of Basic Education Researches Journal, Volume 7 Issue 2.2008 - University of Mosul
[15]  Thanoon Y. Thanoon. Using Factor Analysis to Forecasting of Time Series with Application on Two Series Rain Rates and Relative Humidity in Mosul City, Journal of Management Sciences, Tikrit, and economic - School of Management and Economics - University of Tikrit. Volume 6 Issue 20, 2010.
[16]  Thanoon Y. Thanoon. Using Bayesian Inference in Classification with Application on Discriminant Analysis Approach. Journal of Education and Science, college of Education - University of Mosul - Volume 23 no. 1.2010.
[17]  Thanoon Y. Thanoon and Aswan Mohammed Taib. Building a discrimination function depending on variables of regression analysis, Tikrit Journal for Administrative & Economics Sciences, school of Management and Economics - University of Tikrit. Volume 3 Issue 7.2007.
[18]  Thanoon Y. Thanoon. Reconcile Logistic Regression Analysis Model to Predict the Infection possibility with Diabetes, Twelfth Scientific Conference of the Board of Technical Education, Vol 2.2011.
[19]  Thanoon Y. Thanoon. Studying Direct and Indirect Influences for Variables Affected on Scientific Level for Institute Students by Using Path Analysis. Iraqi Journal of Statistical Sciences, college of Computer Science and Mathematics - University of Mosul.
[20]  Thanoon Y. Thanoon. Using Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Analysis Methods In Classification With Application On Factor Scores Results, Tikrit Journal For Administrative & Economics Sciences. University of Tikrit, Tikrit.
[21]  Thanoon Y. Thanoon. Estimation parameters of factor analysis model (maximum likelihood method) by using EM algorithm with application", Journal of Education and Science, college of education - University of Mosul – Volume 22 no.1. 2009.

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Thanoon, T. Y., Adnan, R. and Saffari, S. E. (2014). Multiple factor analysis with continuous and dichotomous variables. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Applications (ICOQSIA 2014): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Applications, 926-933.
[2]  Thanoon, T. Y., Adnan, R. (2016). Comparison between Bayesian Structural Equation Models with Ordered Categorical Data. Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik (SKSM23). Accepted.
[3]  Thanoon, T. Y., Adnan, R. and Saffari, S. E. (2015). Bayesian Analysis of Multiple Group Nonlinear Structural Equation Models with Ordered Categorical Data. conference proceeding.