International Journal of Statistics and Applications

International Journal of Statistics and Applications is a fully refereed international journal, which publishes original research papers and survey articles in all areas of statistics and applications. It is a broad based journal covering all branches of statistical sciences and their applications in medical, agricultural, econometric, physical or social sciences and industry, commerce and government and other scientific disciplines.

Y.Zee Ma

Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Statistics and Applications

Staff Scientist, Schlumberger, USA

Research Areas

Multivariate Statistics, Spatial Statics, Natural Resource Modeling, Uncertainty Anlysis, Multidisciplinary Geoscience


1987Ph.D.Geoinformatics, Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL), France
1985M.Sc. Geostatistics, Ecole National Superior of Mine de Paris , France
1984M.Sc.Geologic Engineering, INPL, France
1982B.Sc.Geology, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China


2004 to PresentScientific Advisor, Leader of Schlumberger Reservoir Characterization & Modeling Special Interest Groups, Denver, Colorado
1996-2004Research Specialist, Geologic Modeling Globalshare Coordinator, ExxonMobil, Houston, Texas
1991-1996Sr. Geoscientist, Western Atlas (merged with Baker Hughes), Houston
1987-1991Research Geophysical Engineer, Consultant to Total-Elf, Pau, France

Academic Achievement

Schlumberger Knowledge in Action Award, 2008
Schlumberger Gold Award and Chairman Award (company highest technical award), 2009
Best Paper Award of International Association of Mathematical Geoscientists, 2010
Distinguished Speaker, China University of Geosciences-School of Energy Resources, 2010
Schlumberger DCS President Award, 2010
Schlumberger Outstanding Product Definition Award, 2010
"Nature" Advisory Panelist, 2010-2011
Distinguished Speaker, University of Wyoming-School of Energy Resources, 2011
Distinguished Speaker, China University of

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Ma, Y. Z. and Lapointe P., Eds, (2011), "Uncertainty analysis and reservoir modeling", AAPG Memoir 96, Tulsa, OK, 314p.
[2]  Ma, Y. Z., 2011, Lithofacies clustering using PCA and neural network: Application to wireline logs, Math. Geosciences, 43(4):401-419.
[3]  Ma, Y. Z., 2011, Pitfalls in prediction of rock properties using multivariate analysis and regression method, J. Applied Geophysics, vol 75, no 2, pp: 390-400.
[4]  Ma, Y. Z., 2011, Uncertainty analysis in reservoir characterization and management: How much should we know about what we don't know? AAPG Memoir 96, p. 1-15.
[5]  Moore W. R., Ma, Y. Z., Urdea J and Bratton T., 2011, Uncertainty analysis in well log and petrophysical interpretations, AAPG Memoir 96, p. 17-28 (I am the corresponding author).
[6]  Ma, Y. Z., Seto, A. and Gomez, E., 2011, Coupling spatial and frequency uncertainty analyses in reservoir modeling: Example of Judy Creek Reef Complex in the Late Devonian Swan Hills, Alberta, Canada, AAPG Memoir 96, p. 159-173.
[7]  Du, C., Zhang, X., Ma, Y. Z., Kaufman, P., Melton B. and Gowelly S., 2011, An integrated modeling workflow for shale gas reservoirs, AAPG Memoir 96, p. 265-280 (I am the corresponding author).
[8]  Ma, Y. Z., Gomez Luneau B., Iwere F. E., Young T. and Cox, D., 2011, Integrated reservoir modeling of a Pinedale tight-gas reservoir in the Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming, AAPG Memoir 96, p. 89-106.
[9]  Yu, X., Ma, Y. Z., Psaila D, LaPointe P., Li S., and Gomez, E., 2011, Reservoir characterization: A look back and ways forward, AAPG Memoir 96, p. 289-309 (I am the corresponding author).
[10]  Ma, Y. Z., 2010, Error types in reservoir characterization and management, J. Petroleum Sci and Eng, 72(3-4), p. 290-301, DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2010.03.030.
[11]  Ma, Y. Z., 2009, Propensity and probability in depositional facies analysis and modeling, Mathematical Geosciences, 41(7), p. 737-760.
[12]  Ma, Y. Z., Seto, A. and Gomez, E., 2009, Depositional facies analysis and modeling of the Judy Creek reef complex in the Late Devonian Swan Hills, Alberta, Canada, AAPG Bulletin, 93(9), p. 1235-1256.
[13]  Ma, Y. Z., 2009, Simpson's paradox in natural resource evaluation, Mathematical Geosciences, 41(2), p. 193-213. Awarded the Best Paper of the Year by International Association of Mathematical Geoscientists in 2010.
[14]  Yao, T., Calvert, C., Jones, T., Bishop, G., Ma, Y. Z. and Foreman, L., 2006, Spectral simulation and its advanced capability of conditioning to local continuity trends in geologic modeling, Mathematical Geology, vol. 38, No. 1.
[15]  Ma, Y. Z. and Jones, T., 2001, Modeling hole-effect variograms of lithology-indicator variables, Mathematical Geology, Vol. 33, No. 5, p. 631-648.
[16]  Jones, T. and Ma, Y. Z., 2001, Geologic characteristics of hole-effect variograms calculated from lithology-indicator variables, Mathematical Geology, 33(5), p. 615-629, (I am the corresponding author).
[17]  Ma, Y. Z. and Myers, D. E., 1994, Simple and Ordinary Factorial Kriging, Sci de la Terre, 1994, pp49-62
[18]  Ma, Y. Z., 1993, Comment on Application of spatial filter theory to kriging., Mathematical Geology, 25(3), p. 399-403.
[19]  Ma, Y. Z., 1991, Spectral Estimation by simple kriging in one dimension, Sci de la Terre, No.31, pp. 35-42.
[20]  Ma, Y. Z., and Royer, J. J., 1988, Local geostatistical filtering: Application to remote sensing. Sci de la Terre, No. 27, pp 17-36.
[21]  Ma, Y. Z., 1981, On the Scientific English Translation: Structural problems in subject and dependent clauses, China Translation, 1981(4), p. 21-26.
[22]  Ma, Y. Z. and Ma, A. M., Simpson's paradox and reversals in basketball: Example from NBA 2011 playoffs, Intl. J. of Sports Science & Eng, vol 5, No. 3.