[1] | S. K. Tomar and Dilbag Singh, (2006) "Propagation of Stoneley Waves at an Interface Between Two Microstretch Elastic Half-spaces", Journal of Vibration and Control, 12(9). |
[2] | Dilbag Singh and S. K. Tomar, (2006) "Wave propagation in micropolar mixture of porous media", International Journal of Engineering Science, 44(18-19). |
[3] | Dilbag Singh and S. K. Tomar, (2007) "Rayleigh_Lamb waves in a microstretch elastic plate cladded with liquid layers", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 302, (1-2) 17 313-331. |
[4] | Dilbag Singh and S. K. Tomar, (2008) "Longitudinal waves at a micropolar fluid/solid interface ", International Journal of Solids and Structures,45(1), 1, 225-244. |
[5] | Dilbag Singh and S. K. Tomar, (2008) "Waves in a cylindrical borehole filled with micropolar fluid", Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 124905. |
[6] | Dilbag Singh, M. Castaings and C. Bacon, (2011) "Sizing strip-like defects in plates using guided waves", NDT&E International, Volume 44, Issue 5, 394-404. |
[7] | D. Zakharov, M. Castaing and Dilbag Singh, (2011) "Numerical and asymptotic approach for evaluating complex wave-numbers of guided modes in viscoelastic plates, Journal of Acoustical Society of America (JASA), 130(2), 764-771. |
[8] | M. Castaings, Dilbag Singh and P. Viot, (2011) " Sizing of impact damage in composite materials using ultrasonic guided waves, Submitted after revision to NDT&E International. |
[9] | Dilbag Singh and M. Castaings (2010), Defect sizing using ultrasonic plate.Congres Francais d'Acoustic. Proceedings of the Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA 2010/224. |
[10] | Dilbag Singh, M. Castaings, (2011) "Sizing disbonds between a stiffener and a composite plate using ultrasonic guided waves" REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, Volume 30, 697-704. |