[1] | Zou, L., Liu, A., Ma, X., Zhang, C. (In Press) "Synthesis of Vibration Waves Based on Wavelet Technology" Shock and Vibration (corresponding author). |
[2] | Ma, X., Butterworth, J.W. Clifton, C.G. (2011). "Shear buckling of infinite plates resting on tensionless elastic foundations" European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solid, 30(6), 1024-1027 |
[3] | Keage, N., Maiolo, C., Pierotti R., and Ma, X. (2011)"Experimental study and numerical simulation on compressive buckling behaviour of thin steel skins in unilateral contact with rigid constrains", Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 5(3): 335-343 (corresponding author). |
[4] | Ma, X. (2011) "A nonlinear force method model for dynamic analysis of cable trusses" Advanced Material Research, 250-253, 2881-2884. |
[5] | Ma, X. (2011) "Practical design procedure for thin-skinned steel-concrete composite sections" Advanced Materials Research, 243-249, 1421-1424. |
[6] | Ma, X., Wang, Z., Liu, J. (2011) "Structural Design of a Municipal Statue in Dongguan, China" Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 52(1), 63-64. |
[7] | Zou, L., Butterworth, J.W., Ma, X. (2010) "Vibration-reduction for multi-adjacent-building system" International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 10(1): 21-35 (corresponding author). |
[8] | Ma, X., Butterworth, J.W. (2009) "A force method model for dynamic analysis of flat-sag cable structures" Shock and Vibration 16(6):623-635. |
[9] | Ma, X., Butterworth, J.W. Clifton, C.G. (2009). "Static analysis of an infinite beam resting on a tensionless Pasternak foundation" European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solid 28(4): 697-703. |
[10] | Ma, X., Butterworth, J.W. Clifton, C.G. (2009). "Response of an infinite beam resting on tensionless foundations subjected to arbitrary complex loads" Mechanics Research Communications 36(7):818-825. |
[11] | Zou, L., Dai, S., Butterworth, J.W., Ma, X., Dong B., Liu A. (2009) "Grey forecasting model for active vibration control systems" Journal of Sound and Vibration 322(5-6): 690-706 |
[12] | Ma, X., Butterworth, J.W., Clifton, C.G.(2008). "Initial compressive buckling of clamped plates resting on tensionless elastic or rigid foundations" ASCE-Journal of Engineering Mechanics 134(6): 514-518 |
[13] | Ma, X., Butterworth, J.W., Clifton, C.G. (2008). "Unilateral contact buckling of lightly profiled skin sheets under compressive or shearing loads" International Journal of Solids and Structures 45(3-4): 840-849. |
[14] | Ma, X., Butterworth, J.W. Clifton, C.G. (2008). "Practical analysis procedure for compressive local buckling of skin sheets in composite panels", International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction 4(3): 230-242 |
[15] | Ma, X., Butterworth, J.W., Clifton, C.G.(2007). "Compressive buckling analysis of plates in unilateral contact" International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (9): 2852-2862. |
[16] | Ma, X. (2007). "A force method model for dynamic analysis of cable trusses" Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 48 (2): 101-108. |
[17] | Ma, X., Wang, Z.G., Deng, H.Z. and Wang, Z.M. (2004). "Theoretical and experimental research on dynamic behaviour of guyed masts under stochastic wind load" Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 17(2), 166-171. |
[18] | He, Y.L., Ma, X., and Wang, Z.M. (2003). "Nonlinear discrete analysis method for random vibration of guyed masts under wind load" Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 91(4), 513-525. |
[19] | Yu, A.M., Fang, M.X., and Ma, X. (2002). "Theoretical research on naturally curved and twisted beams under complicated loads" Computers & Structures, 80(32), 2529-2536. |