[1] | A.A. Kurilovich, D.B. Nayda, A.A. Pogrebnyak, Y. Ribakov (Fisherman) and V.A. Shchurik "A method for Static Design of a Quasi-Zero Stiffness Device", Gidromelioraciya I Gidrotehnicheskoe Stroitelstvo, 16, pp. 115-118, Lvov, 1988 (in Russian). |
[2] | Y. Ribakov, J. Gluck "Optimal Design of ADAS Damped MDOF Structures", Earthquake Spectra, 15 (2), 317-330, 1999. |
[3] | Y. Ribakov, J. Gluck "Active Control of MDOF Structures with Supplemental Electrorheological Fluid Dampers", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, J. Willey & Sons Inc., 28, 143-156, 1999. |
[4] | J. Gluck, Y. Ribakov, and A.N. Dancygier "Predictive Active Control of MDOF Structures", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, J. Willey & Sons Inc., 29, 109-125, 2000. |
[5] | J. Gluck, Y. Ribakov, and A.N. Dancygier "Selective Control of Base Isolated Structures with CS Dampers", Earthquake Spectra, 16, 593-606, 2000. |
[6] | Y. Ribakov, J. Gluck, and A.M. Reinhorn "Active Viscous Damping System for Control of MDOF Structures", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 30 (2), 195-212, 2001. |
[7] | J. Gluck, and Y. Ribakov "Semi-Active Friction Damping System with Amplifying Braces for Control of MDOF Structures". The Structural Design of Tall Buildings, 10 (2), 107-120, 2001. |
[8] | J. Gluck and Y. Ribakov "Combined Variable Stiffness Friction Damped System for Semi-Active Control of Nonlinear MDOF Structures Subjected to Near Field Earthquakes". European Earthquake Engineering Journal, XV (1), 3-10, 2001. |
[9] | J. Gluck, and Y. Ribakov "High Efficiency Viscous Damping System with Amplifying Braces for Control of Multistory Structures Subjected to Earthquakes". European Earthquake Engineering Journal, XV (2), 3-27, 2001. |
[10] | Y. Ribakov, A.N. Dancygier, and J. Gluck "Amplifying Devices for Application of Standard Viscous Dampers in Optimal Seismic Design of MDOF Structures". European Earthquake Engineering Journal, XV (3), 12-21, 2001. |
[11] | Y. Ribakov, and J. Gluck "Selective Controlled Base Isolation System with Magnetorheological Dampers". Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 31, 6, 1301-1324, 2002. |
[12] | J. Gluck, and Y. Ribakov "Active Viscous Damping System with Amplifying Braces for Control of MDOF Structures". Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 31 (9), 1735-1751, 2002. |
[13] | Y. Ribakov, and J. Gluck "Selective Combined Control Stiffness and Magnetorheological Damping System in Nonlinear Multistory Structures". The Structural Design of Tall Buildings, 11, 171-195, 2002. |
[14] | J. Gluck, and Y. Ribakov "Magnetorheological Damping System with Amplifying Braces for Control of MDOF Structures Subjected to Earthquakes". European Earthquake Engineering, XVI (2), 10-18, 2002. |
[15] | Y. Ribakov "Selective Controlled Base Isolated Multi-Story Structures with Combined Damping Systems and Amplifying Braces", European Earthquake Engineering, XVII (1), 39-49, 2003. |
[16] | Y. Ribakov "Predictive Controlled Stiffness Devices in MDOF Structures", Journal of Structural Control, 10, 101-115, 2003. |
[17] | Y. Ribakov and A.M. Reinhorn "Design of Amplified Structural Damping Using Optimal Considerations". ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 129 (10), 1422-1427, 2003. |
[18] | Y. Ribakov, and A.N. Dancygier "Controlled Stiffness Dampers for Active Control of MDOF Structures", The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 12(5), 351-369, 2003. |
[19] | Y. Ribakov "Semi-Active Predictive Control of Nonlinear Structures with Controlled Stiffness Devices and Friction Dampers", The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 13 (2), 165-178, 2004. |
[20] | G. Agranovich, Y. Ribakov and B. Blostotsky "A Numerical Method for Choice of Weighting Matrices in Active Controlled Structures", The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 13, 55-72, 2004. |
[21] | W. Schneider and Y. Ribakov "Collapse Analysis of Thin Walled Cylindrical Steel Shells Subjected to Constant Shear Stress", International Journal of Computers and Structures, 82, 2463-2470, 2004. |
[22] | G. Agranovich, Y. Ribakov and B. Blostotsky "A Method for Fast Simulation of Seismically-Excited Active Controlled MDOF Structures", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 11, 369-378, 2004. |
[23] | A. A. Shah, and Y. Ribakov "Experimental and Analytical Study of Flat-Plate Floors Confinement", Materials and Design, 26 (8), 655-669, 2005. |
[24] | I. Iskhakov and Y. Ribakov "Selection of Base Isolation System Properties Using a Three-Story Structural Part Impulse Tests", European Earthquake Engineering, XIX (1), 38-42, 2005. |
[25] | I. Iskhakov and Y. Ribakov "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Full-Scale Multistory RC Building under Dynamic Loading", The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 14 (4), 299-313, 2005. |
[26] | I. Iskhakov and Y. Ribakov "Influence of Various Reinforcing Types and Gravitation Stresses on Hysteretic Behavior of RC Sections", European Earthquake Engineering, XIX (3), 13-24, 2005. |
[27] | Y. Ribakov, A.N. Dancygier "High Efficiency Amplifiers for Viscous Damped Structures Subjected to Strong Earthquakes", The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 15 (2), 221-232, 2006. |
[28] | Y. Ribakov, B. Blostotsky and I. Iskhakov "Theoretical Model and Laboratory Tests of a Variable Friction Damper" European Earthquake Engineering, XX (1), 43-47, 2006. |
[29] | Y. Ribakov, B. Blostotsky and I. Iskhakov "An Efficient Variable Friction Damper with a Curved Wedge", European Earthquake Engineering, XX (2), 32-38, 2006. |
[30] | I. Iskhakov and Y. Ribakov "A Design Method for Two-Layer Beams Consisting of Normal and Fibered High Strength Concrete", Materials & Design, 28 (5), 1672-1677, 2007. |
[31] | G. Agranovich, Y. Ribakov and B. Blostotsky "Reproducing Earthquake Records Using Shaking Tables with Limited Displacements", European Earthquake Engineering, XXI (1), 16-25, 2007. |
[32] | Y. Ribakov and G. Agranovich "A Roof Isolation System with Variable Friction Dampers for Seismic Protection of Multistory Buildings", European Earthquake Engineering, XXI (1), 10-15, 2007. |
[33] | I. Iskhakov, Y. Ribakov, and N. Davidovitch "Incorporating a Shaking Table into a Basic Course in Earthquake-Oriented Structural Engineering", World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education, 6 (2), 279-282, 2007. |
[34] | Y. Ribakov and G. Agranovich "Design of Base Isolation Systems with Passive Friction Dampers", European Earthquake Engineering, XXI (3), 48-56, 2007. |
[35] | Y. Ribakov, and I. Iskhakov "Experimental Methods for Selecting Base Isolation Parameters for Public Buildings", The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 2, 1-6, 2008. |
[36] | A. A. Shah, and Y. Ribakov "Non Destructive Measurements of Crack Assessment and Defect Detection in Concrete Structures", Materials and Design, 29, 61-69, 2008. |
[37] | V. Briman and Y. Ribakov "Seismic Isolation Columns for Earthquake Resistant Structures", The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 17, 99-116, 2008. |
[38] | A. A. Shah, and Y. Ribakov "Using Mechanics of Materials Approach for Calculating Interior Slab-Column Joints Strength", Materials and Design, 29, 1145-1158, 2008. |
[39] | I. Iskhakov and Y. Ribakov "Two-layer pre-stressed beams consisting of normal and steel fibered high strength concrete", Materials and Design, 29, 1616-1622, 2008. |
[40] | A. A. Shah and Y. Ribakov "Non-Linear Non-Destructive Evaluation of Concrete", The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal, 2, 111-115, 2008. |
[41] | I. Iskhakov and Y. Ribakov "Seismic response of semi-active friction damped RC structures with self variable stiffness", The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings", 17 (2), 351-365, 2008. |
[42] | A. A. Shah, Y. Ribakov and S. Hirose "Non-destructive Evaluation of Damaged Concrete using Non-Linear Ultrasonics", Materials and Design, 30, 775-782, 2009. |
[43] | N. Davidovitch, S. E. Schacham and Y. Ribakov "Preferred Format of Teaching Tutorials", Problems of Education in the 21 st Century, 10 (10), 21-29, 2009. |
[44] | B. Blostotsky, E. Efraim and Y. Ribakov "Using a small scale shake table for teaching typical problems of structural dynamics", International Journal of Engineering Education, 25 (1), 53-64, 2009. |
[45] | I. Iskhakov, Y. Ribakov and A. A. Shah "Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Column-Flat Slab Joint Ductility", Materials and Design, 30, 3158-3164, 2009. |
[46] | A. A. Shah and Y. Ribakov "Non-destructive Evaluation of Concrete in Damaged and Undamaged States", Materials and Design, 30, 3504-3511, 2009. |
[47] | A. A. Shah and Y. Ribakov "Non-linear Ultrasonic Evaluation of Damaged Concrete Based on Higher Order Harmonic Generation", Materials and Design, 30, 4095-4102, 2009. |
[48] | A. A. Shah, Y. Ribakov and A. Khan "Experimental Investigation of Load Sharing Behavior for Timber Half-Caps of Toodyay Bridge", The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 3, 96-104, 2009. |
[49] | G. Agranovich, Y. Ribakov and B. Blostotsky "Optimal Scaling of Earthquake Records for Reproduction by Shaking Table with Limited Stroke", Ingegneria Sismica, 2, 40-49, 2009. |
[50] | V. Briman and Y. Ribakov "Using Seismic Isolation Columns for Retrofitting Buildings with Soft Stories ", The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 18, 507-523, 2009. |
[51] | Y. Ribakov "Semi-active Pneumatic Devices for Control of MDOF Structures", The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 3, Special Issue on Modern Trends in Seismic Design, 141-145, 2009. |
[52] | K. Holschemacher, T. Mueller and Y. Ribakov "Effect of Steel Fibers on Mechanical Properties of High Strength Concrete", Materials and Design, 31, 2604-2615, 2010. |
[53] | N. Davidovitch and Y. Ribakov "Teaching Engineering Subjects Using MATLAB", Problems of Education in the 21 st Century, 19(19):9-14, 2010. |
[54] | A. A. Shah and Y. Ribakov "Effectiveness of Nonlinear Ultrasonic and Acoustic Emission Evaluation of Concrete with Distributed Damages", Materials and Design, 31, 3777-3784, 2010. |
[55] | Y. Ribakov "Reduction of Structural Response to Near Fault Earthquake by Seismic Isolation Columns and Variable Friction Dampers". Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 9 (1), 113-122, 2010. |
[56] | G. Agranovich and Y. Ribakov "A Method for Efficient Placement of Active Dampers in Seismically Excited Structures", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 17 (5), 513-531, 2010. |
[57] | B. Blostotsky, Y. Ribakov and G. Agranovich "Adaptation of Real Earthquake Records for their Reproduction by a Shaking Table with Limited Stroke", Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 9 (4), 493-502, 2010. |
[58] | L. Dvorkin, O. Dvorkin, V. Zhitkovsky and Y. Ribakov "A Method for Optimal Design of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composition", Materials and Design, 32, 3254-3262, 2011. |
[59] | A. Shah and Y. Ribakov "Recent Trends in Steel Fibred High Strength Concrete", Materials and Design, 32, 4122-4151, 2011. |