[1] | Camotim, D.; Guerreiro, L.; Silvestre, N.-"On the Use of the Vianello-Newmark Method for Estimating the Buckling Behaviour of Columns and Beam-Columns", Proceedings of International Conference on Stability of Structures (ICSS'95), Coimbatore, Vol. I, pp. 473-484, 7-9 June, 1995. |
[2] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"In-Plane Stability of Pitched-Roof Frames", Stability of Steel Structures, M. Ivanyi (Editor), Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Vol. 1, pp. 469-476, 1995. |
[3] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Stability and Second-Order Effects in Pitched-Roof Steel Frames", Proceedings of 5th International Colloquium on Structural Stability-Brazilian Session, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 607-618, 1996. |
[4] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Second-Order Effects in Pitched-Roof Steel Frames", Proceedings of Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 1997 Annual Technical Session and Meeting, Toronto, pp. 85-98, 1997. |
[5] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.; Ritto Corrêa, M.-"On the Design and Safety Checking of Unbraced Pitched-Roof Steel Frames", Proceedings of Second World Conference on Steel in Construction, San Sebastian, 11-13 May, 1998. |
[6] | Silvestre, N.; Mesquita, A.; Camotim, D.; Simões da Silva, L.-"In-Plane Buckling Behavior of Pitched-Roof Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections", Frames with Partially Restrained Connections (Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 1998 Theme Conference Workshop Volume), Atlanta, pp. 21-34, 21-23 September (1998), 2000. |
[7] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"In-plane Buckling Behaviour of Asymmetric Pitched-Roof Steel Frames", Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Steel Structures (EUROSTEEL'99), J. Studnicka, F. Wald, J. Machacek (Editores), Prague, Vol. 1, pp. 231-234, 26-29 May, 1999. |
[8] | Baptista, A.M.; Camotim, D.; Muzeau, J.P.; Silvestre, N.-"On the Use of the Buckling Length Concept in the Design or Safety Checking of Steel Plane Frames", Light-Weight Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS'99), P. Mäkeläinen, P. Hassinen (Editores), Elsevier, Helsínki, pp. 61-68, 20-23 June, 1999. |
[9] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"In-Plane Stability and 2nd Order Effects in Multi-Bay Pitched-Roof Steel Frames", Proceedings of Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 2000 Annual Technical Session and Meeting, Memphis, pp. 89-103, 24-26 July, 2000. |
[10] | Nogueiro, P.; Silva, L.S.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Non-Linear Behavior of Pitched-Roof Frames with Bi-Linear Semi-Rigid Connections", Proceedings of Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 2000 Annual Technical Session and Meeting, Memphis, pp. 104-116, 24-26 July, 2000. |
[11] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Coupled Global Instabilities in Pitched-Roof Frames", Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures (CIMS'2000), D. Camotim, D. Dubina, J. Rondal (Editores), Imperial College Press, Lisbon, pp. 475-486, 21-23 September, 2000. |
[12] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.; Batista, E.; Nagahama, K.-"Buckling Behaviour of Thin-Walled Composite Columns Using Generalised Beam Theory", Thin-Walled Structures-Advances and Developments, J. Zaras, K. Kowal-Michalska, J. Rhodes (Editores), Elsevier, Cracóvia, pp. 329-337, 5-8 June, 2001. |
[13] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Asymptotic-Numerical Method to Study the Post-Buckling Behaviour of Frames", Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering (EPMESC'VIII), Shanghai, pp. 372-373, 25-28 July, 2001. |
[14] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Buckling Behaviour of FRP Thin-Walled Lipped Channel Members", Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, B.V. Topping (Editor), Civil-Comp Press, Viena, pp. 77-78, 19-21 September, 2001. |
[15] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"On the Use of Generalised Beam Theory to Assess the Buckling Behaviour of Thin-Walled FRP Members Displaying Arbitrary Orthotropy", FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2001), J.C. Teng (Editor), Elsevier, Hong Kong, Vol. 2, pp. 1427-1434, 12-14 December, 2001. |
[16] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Post-Buckling Behavior, Imperfection-Sensitivity and Mode Interaction in Pitched-Roof Steel Frames", Proceedings of Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 2002 Annual Stability Conference, Seattle, pp. 139-162, 24-27 April, 2002. |
[17] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Formulação de um Método Assimptótico-Numérico para Analisar a Pós-Encurvadura de Estruturas Porticadas", Métodos Numericos en Ingeniería V, J. Goicolea, C. Mota Soares, M. Pastor, G. Bugeda (Editors), SEMNI, Madrid, p. 230, 3-6 June, 2002. |
[18] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT-Based Distortional Buckling Formulae for Thin-Walled Z-Section Columns and Beams", Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Steel Structures (EUROSTEEL'02), A. Lamas, L. Simões da Silva (Editors), Coimbra, vol. 1, pp. 699-710, 19-20 September, 2002. |
[19] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"A Semi-Analytical Method to Study the Post-Buckling Behaviour, Imperfection-Sensitivity and Mode Interaction in Steel Frames", Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures (Professor Ottó Halász Memorial Session), M. Iványi (Editor), Akadémia Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 273-281, 26-28 September, 2002. |
[20] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT-Based Distortional Buckling Formulae for Thin-Walled Channel Columns and Beams", Proceedings of the 16th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, R. LaBoube, W.-W. Yu (Editors), Orlando, pp. 68-83, 16-18 October, 2002. |
[21] | Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Aplicação da Teoria Generalizada de Vigas (GBT) à Análise da Estabilidade de Perfis de Aço Enformados a Frio", Anais em CD-ROM do II Congresso Internacional da Construção Metálica (II CICOM), Sao Paulo, 11-14 November, 2002. |
[22] | Silvestre, N.; Nagahama, K.; Camotim, D.; Batista, E.-"GBT-Based Distortional Buckling Formulae for Thin-Walled Rack-Section Columns and Beams", Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS'02), S.L. Chan, J.G. Teng, K.F. Chung (Editors), Elsevier, Hong Kong, pp. 341-350 (vol. 1), 9-11 December, 2002. |
[23] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Unified GBT Approach to the Stability and Vibration Analysis of Thin-Walled Structural Members", Proceedings of Second International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics (ICSSD 2002), C.M. Wang, G.R. Liu, K.K. Ang (Editors), World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 489-495, 16-18 December, 2002. |
[24] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT-Based Approach to Develop Distortional Buckling Formulae for Cold-Formed Steel Members", Proceedings of Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 2003 Annual Technical Session and Meeting, Baltimore, pp. 493-518, 2-5 April, 2003. |
[25] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT Post-Buckling Analysis of Cold-Formed Steel Members", Advances in Structures (ASSCCA'03) (vol. 1), G. Hancock, M. Bradford, T. Wilkinson, B. Uy, K. Rasmussen (Editors), Balkema Publishers, Sydney, pp. 309-315, 23-25 June, 2003. |
[26] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT-Based Distortional Buckling Formulae", Proceedings of the 20th Czech and Slovak National Conference on Steel Structures and Bridges, J. Studnicka (Editor), Prague, pp. 653-658, 17-20 September, 2003. |
[27] | Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"GBT-Based Computational Approach to Analyse the Geometrically Non Linear Behaviour of Steel and Composite Thin-Walled Members", Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMESC IX), V.P. Iu, L.N. Lamas, Y.-P. Li, K.M. Mok (Editors), Balkema Publishers, Macau, pp. 3-15, 25-28 November, 2003. |
[28] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Towards an Efficient Design Against Distortional Buckling: Formulae for C and Z-Section Cold-Formed Steel Members", Proceedings of Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 2004 Annual Stability Conference, Long Beach, pp. 239-263, 24-27 March, 2004. |
[29] | Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.; Gonçalves, R.; Dinis, P.B.-"GBT-Based Analysis and Design of Thin-Walled Metal and FRP: Recent Developments", Recent Advances and New Trends in Structural Design (Colloquium dedicated to Professor Victor Gioncu's 70th Anniversary), D. Dubina, D. Grecea (Editors), Editura Orizonturi Universitare, Timisoara, pp. 123-134, 7-8 May, 2004. |
[30] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Influence of Shear Deformation on the Local and Global Buckling Behaviour of Composite Thin-Walled Members", Thin-Walled Structures: Advances in Research, Design and Manufacturing Technology (ICTWS 2004), J. Loughlan (Editor), Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, pp. 659-668, Loughborough, 22-24 June, 2004. |
[31] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Generalised Beam Theory to Analyse the Vibration Behaviour of Orthotropic Thin-Walled Members", Thin-Walled Structures: Advances in Research, Design and Manufacturing Technology (ICTWS 2004), J. Loughlan (Editor), Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, pp. 919-926, Loughborough, 22-24 June, 2004. |
[32] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT-Based Analysis of the Distortional Post-Buckling Behaviour of Cold-Formed Steel Z-Section Columns and Beams", Thin-Walled Structures: Advances in Research, Design and Manufacturing Technology (ICTWS 2004), J. Loughlan (Editor), Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, pp. 243-250, Loughborough, 22-24 de June, 2004. |
[33] | Dinis, P.B.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Generalised Beam Theory to Analyse the Buckling Behaviour of Thin-Walled Steel Members with 'Branched' Cross-Sections", Thin-Walled Structures: Advances in Research, Design and Manufacturing Technology (ICTWS 2004), J. Loughlan (Editor), Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, pp. 819-826, Loughborough, 22-24 June, 2004. |
[34] | Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.; Gonçalves, R.; Dinis, P.B.-"GBT Analysis of Thin-Walled Members: New Formulations and Applications", Thin-Walled Structures: Recent Advances and Future Trends in Thin-Walled Structures Technology (International Workshop), J. Loughlan (Editor), Canopus Publishing Ltd., Bath, pp. 137-168, Loughborough, 25 June, 2004. |
[35] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Vibration Behaviour of Axially Compressed Cold-Formed Steel Members", Proceedings of Second International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures (ICSCS'04), C.-K. Choi, H.-W. Lee, H.-G. Kwak (Editors), Seoul, p. 131, 2-4 September, 2004. |
[36] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.; Young B.-"Buckling Behaviour of Cold-Formed Steel Members Strengthened with Carbon Fibre Sheets", Proceedings of Second International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures (ICSCS'04), C.-K. Choi, H.-W. Lee, H.-G. Kwak (Editors), Seoul, p. 148, 2-4 September, 2004. |
[37] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT-Based Analysis of the Local-Plate/Distortional Buckling Mode Interaction in Lipped Channel Columns", Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures (CIMS'04), M. Pignataro, J. Rondal, V. Gioncu (Editors), Editura Orizonturi Universitare (Timisoara), Rome, pp. 449-462, 27-29 September, 2004. |
[38] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Local-Plate and Distortional Post-Buckling Behavior of Cold-Formed Steel Lipped Channel Columns with Intermediate Stiffeners", Proceedings of 17th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, R. LaBoube, W.-W. Yu (Editors), Orlando, pp. 1-18, 4-5 November, 2004. |
[39] | Silvestre, N.; Bebiano, R.; Camotim, D.-"On the Distortional Post-Buckling Asymmetry of Cold-Formed Steel Channel Columns with Different Stiffener Configurations", Proceedings of the Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 2005 Annual Stability Conference, Montreal, pp. 63-88, 6-9 April, 2005. |
[40] | Dinis, P.B.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT Formulation to Analyze the Stability of Thin-Walled Members with Arbitrarily 'Branched' Open Cross-Sections", CD-ROM Proceedings of the 2005 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials (MCMAT 2005), Baton Rouge, 1-3 June, 2005. |
[41] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.; Dinis, P.B.-"On the Use of the Direct Strength Method to Design Lipped Channel Columns Affected by Local-Plate/Distortional Mode Interaction", Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2005), B. Hoffmeister and O. Hechler (Editors), Maastricht, pp. 125-133 (vol. A), 8-10 June, 2005. |
[42] | Bebiano, R.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Buckling and Post-Buckling Behaviour of Stiffened Cold-Formed Steel Columns: a Comparative Study", Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2005), B. Hoffmeister and O. Hechler (Editors), Maastricht, pp. 145-153 (vol. A), 8-10 June, 2005. |
[43] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Second-Order Analysis and Design of Pitched-Roof Steel Frames", Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS'05), Z.Y. Shan, G.Q. Li, S.L. Chan (Editores), Elsevier, Shanghai, pp. 225-232 (vol. 1), 13-15 June, 2005. |
[44] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Generalized Beam Theory to Analyze the Vibration Behavior of Loaded Thin-Walled Members", CD-ROM Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics (ICSSD 2005), Kissimmee, 19-22 June, 2005. |
[45] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Análise de 2ª Ordem e Dimensionamento de Pórticos de Aço com Travessas Inclinadas", Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (CMNI 2005), J. Aparício, A. Ferran, J. Martins, R. Gallego, J. Sá (Editors), Granada, p. 137, 4-7 July, 2005. |
[46] | Dinis, P.B.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Analysis of the Local-Plate/Distortional Mode Interaction in Cold-Formed Steel Lipped Channel Columns", Proceedings of Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, B. Topping (Editor), Civil-Comp Press, Rome, pp. 371-372, 30 August to 2 September, 2005. |
[47] | Bebiano, R.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"On the Influence of Stress Gradients on the Local-Plate, Distortional and Global Buckling Behavior of Thin-Walled Steel Members", Proceedings of Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 2006 Annual Stability Conference, San Antonio, pp. 301-327, 8-11 February, 2006. |
[48] | Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.; Gonçalves, R.; Dinis, P.B.-"GBT-Based Structural Analysis of Thin-Walled Members: Overview, Recent Progress and Future Developments", Advances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics and Construction (SMCD 2006), M. Pandey, W.-C. Xie, L. Xu (Editors), Springer, Waterloo, pp. 187-204, 14-17 May, 2006. |
[49] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Estabilidade Plana e Espacial de Pórticos Metálicos: Análise por Elementos Finitos Baseados na Teoria Generalizada de Vigas (GBT)", Livro de Resumos das XXXII Jornadas Sul-Americanas de Engenharia Estrutural, Campinas, pp. 98, 22-26 May, 2006. |
[50] | Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.; Dinis, P.B.-"Análise Numérica de Elementos Estruturais de Aço Enformados a Frio: Desenvolvimentos Recentes e Perspectivas Futuras", Anais em CD-ROM das XXXII Jornadas Sul-Americanas de Engenharia Estrutural, Campinas, 22-26 May, 2006. |
[51] | Bebiano, R.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Local and Global Vibration Behaviour of Cold-Formed Steel Lipped Channel Beams", Proceedings of International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures (SDSS 2006), D. Camotim, N. Silvestre, P.B. Dinis (Editors), IST Press, Lisbon, pp. 355-362, 6-8 September, 2006. |
[52] | Ádány, S.; Silvestre, N.; Schafer, B.W.; Camotim, D.-"Buckling Analysis of Unbranched Thin-Walled Members using cFSM and GBT: a Comparative Study", Proceedings of International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures (SDSS 2006), D. Camotim, N. Silvestre, P.B. Dinis (Editors), IST Press, Lisbon, pp. 205-212, 6-8 September, 2006. |
[53] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"GBT-Based Global Buckling Analysis of Plane and Space Thin-Walled Steel Frames", Proceedings of International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures (SDSS 2006), D. Camotim, N. Silvestre, P.B. Dinis (Editors), IST Press, Lisboa, pp. 381-388, 6-8 September, 2006. |
[54] | Silva, N.F.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT Formulation to Analyse the Post-Buckling Behaviour of FRP Composite Thin-Walled Members", Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, B. Topping, G. Montero, R. Montenegro (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Las Palmas, pp. 441-442, 12-15 September, 2006. |
[55] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.; Dinis, P.B.-"DSM Against Local-Plate/Distortional Interactive Buckling", STEEL-A New and Traditional Material for Building (ICMS 2006), D. Dubina, V. Ungureanu (Editors), Taylor & Francis, Poiana Brasov, pp. 225-233, 20-22 September, 2006. |
[56] | Silvestre, N.; Dinis, P.B.; Camotim, D.-"Direct Strength Method for Lipped Channel Columns and Beams Affected by Local-Plate/Distortional Interaction", Proceedings of 18th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, R. LaBoube, W.-W. Yu (Editors), Orlando, pp. 17-37, October 26-27, 2006. |
[57] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"GBT-Based Analysis of the Local and Global Buckling Behavior of Cold-Formed Steel Frames", Proceedings of 18th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, R. LaBoube, W.-W. Yu (Editors), Orlando, pp. 331-350, October 26-27, 2006. |
[58] | Young, B.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Structural Response of FRP-Strengthened Cold-Formed Steel Columns", Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2006), A. Mirmiran, A. Nanni (Editors), International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC), Miami, pp. 725-728, 13-15 December, 2006. |
[59] | Silva, N.F.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Post-Buckling Behavior of FRP Composite Thin-Walled Members", Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2006), A. Mirmiran, A. Nanni (Editors), International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC), Miami, pp. 421-424, 13-15 December, 2006. |
[60] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"GBT-Based Analysis of the Local-Plate, Distortional and Global Buckling Behavior of Thin-Walled Steel Frames", Proceedings of Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 2007 Annual Stability Conference, New Orleans, pp. 391-412, 18-21 April, 2007. |
[61] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Utilização da Teoria Generalizada de Vigas na Análise de Estabilidade de Barras com Secção Tubular Circular", Métodos Numéricos e Computacionais em Engenharia (CMNE 2007 + XXVIII CILAMCE), J. César de Sá, R. Delgado, et al. (Editores), Porto, p. 213, 13-15 June, 2007. |
[62] | Bebiano, R.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Formulação da Teoria Generalizada de Vigas para a Análise Dinâmica Local e Global de Vigas de Parede Fina", Métodos Numéricos e Computacionais em Engenharia (CMNE 2007 + XXVIII CILAMCE), J. César de Sá, R. Delgado, et al. (Editors), Porto, p. 97, 13-15 June, 2007. |
[63] | Silva, N.F.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Influência da Modelação da Lei Constitutiva no Comportamento Estrutural de Placas e Perfis Compósitos", Métodos Numéricos e Computacionais em Engenharia (CMNE 2007 + XXVIII CILAMCE), J. César de Sá, R. Delgado, et al. (Editors), Porto, p. 352, 13-15 June, 2007. |
[64] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Formulação de um Elemento Finito Baseado na Teoria Generalizada de Vigas para a Análise de Estabilidade Local e Global de Pórticos Metálicos", Métodos Numéricos e Computacionais em Engenharia (CMNE 2007 + XXVIII CILAMCE), J. César de Sá, R. Delgado, et al. (Editores), Porto, p. 205, 13-15 June, 2007. |
[65] | Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.; Basaglia, C.; Bebiano, R.-"GBT-Based Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Members with Non-Standard Support Conditions", Proceedings of Thin-Walled Structures (Retiral Conference of Prof. Jim Rhodes), Glasgow, Session 2-Paper 2 (20 pages), 26-27 June, 2007. |
[66] | Bebiano, R.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Local and Global Vibration Behaviour of U-Section Cantilevers Subjected to Compression and Bending", Proceedings of EUROMECH 483-Geometrically Non-Linear Vibrations of Structures, P. Ribeiro, M. Amabili (Editors), Porto, pp. 57-60, 9-11 July, 2007. |
[67] | Ádány, S.; Silvestre, N.; Schafer, B.W.; Camotim, D.-"On the Identification and Characterisation of Local, Distortional and Global Buckling Modes in Thin-Walled Members Using the cFSM and GBT Approaches", Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Steel & Aluminium Structures (ICSAS'07), R. Beale (Editor), Oxford, pp. 760-767, 24-27 July, 2007. |
[68] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.; Dinis, P.B.-"DSM Design of Fixed Lipped Channel Columns Against Local-Plate/Distortional Interactive Buckling", Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Steel & Aluminium Structures (ICSAS'07), R. Beale (Editor), Oxford, pp. 752-759, 24-27 July, 2007. |
[69] | Silvestre, N.-"Generalised Beam Theory for Circular Hollow Section Members", Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Steel & Aluminium Structures (ICSAS'07), R. Beale (Editor), Oxford, pp. 744-751, 24-27 July, 2007. |
[70] | Silvestre, N.-"Buckling Behaviour of Circular Hollow Section Members", Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Steel & Aluminium Structures (ICSAS'07), R. Beale (Editor), Oxford, pp. 712-727, 24-27 July, 2007. |
[71] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.; Young, B.-"Numerical Analysis of the Non-Linear Behaviour of CFRP-Strengthened Cold-Formed Steel Columns", Steel and Composite Structures (ICSCS'07), Y.C. Wang, C.K. Choi (Editors), Taylor & Francis, Manchester, pp. 969-975, 30 July to 1 August, 2007. |
[72] | Bebiano, R.; Dinis, P.B.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"On the Application of the Direct Strength Method to Cold-Formed Steel Beams Subjected to Non-Uniform Bending", Proceedings of Fifh International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS 2007), J.Y.R. Liew, Y.S. Choo (Editors), Singapore, pp. 322-327 (vol. III), 5-7 December, 2007. |
[73] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"GBT-Based Analysis of the Local and Global Buckling Behaviour of Thin-Walled Steel Frames Subjected to Arbitrary Loadings", Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS 2007), J.Y.R. Liew, Y.S. Choo (Editors), Singapore, pp. 309-315 (vol. III), 5-7 December, 2007. |
[74] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.; Young, B.-"On the Use of the EC3 and AISI Specifications to Estimate the Ultimate Load of CFRP-Strengthened Cold-Formed Steel Columns", Proceedings of First Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS 2007), S.T. Smith (Editor), Hong Kong, pp. 1005-1010 (vol. II), 12-14 December, 2007. |
[75] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"GBT-Based Post-Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Steel Membes and Frames", Proceedings of Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 2008 Annual Stability Conference, Nashville, pp. 215-237, 2-5 April, 2008. |
[76] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Flambagem de Pórticos com Carregamento Arbitrário", Memorias en CD-ROM das XXXIII Jornadas Sudamericanas de Ingenieria Estructural, Santiago, Chile, 26-30 May, 2008. |
[77] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Comportamento de Pós-Flambagem de Barras e Pórticos de Aço: Aplicação da Teoria Generalizada de Vigas (GBT)", Memorias en CD-ROM das XXXIII Jornadas Sudamericanas de Ingenieria Estructural, Santiago do Chile, 26-30 May, 2008. |
[78] | Silvestre, N.; Dinis, P.B.; Camotim, D.-"Direct Strength Design of Fixed Lipped Channel Columns Against Multiple-Wave Local/Distortional Interactive Buckling", Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures (ICTWS 2008), M. Mahendran (Editor), Brisbane, Vol. 1, pp. 281-288, 18-20 June, 2008. |
[79] | Silva, N.F.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"GBT Cross-Section Analysis of Thin-Walled Members with Arbitrary Cross-Sections: A Novel Approach", Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures (ICTWS 2008), M. Mahendran (Editor), Brisbane, Vol. 2, pp. 1161-1171, 18-20 June, 2008. |
[80] | Silva, N.F.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Non-Linear Behaviour and Failure Analysis of Laminated FRP Composite Thin-Walled Members", Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures (ICTWS 2008), M. Mahendran (Editor), Brisbane, Vol. 2, pp. 1189-1196, 18-20 June, 2008. |
[81] | Bebiano, R.; Pina, P.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBTUL-A GBT-Based Code for Thin-Walled Member Analysis", Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures (ICTWS 2008), M. Mahendran (Editor), Brisbane, Vol. 2, pp. 1173-1180, 18-20 June, 2008. |
[82] | Bebiano, R.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT-Based Dynamic Analysis of Thin-Walled Members", Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures (ICTWS 2008), M. Mahendran (Editor), Brisbane, Vol. 2, pp. 1197-1210, 18-20 June, 2008. |
[83] | Camotim, D.; Dinis, P.B.; Silvestre, N.-"Local/Distortional Mode Interaction in Lipped Channel Steel Columns: Post-Buckling Behaviour, Strength and DSM Design", Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures (ICTWS 2008), M. Mahendran (Editor), Brisbane, Vol. 1, pp. 99-114, 18-20 June, 2008. |
[84] | Silvestre, N.-"On the Buckling Behaviour of Elliptical Section Columns", Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures (ICTWS 2008), M. Mahendran (Editor), Brisbane, Vol. 2, pp. 1105-1112, 18-20 June, 2008. |
[85] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"GBT-Based Post-Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Lipped I-Section Steel Columns", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures (CIMS 2008), K. Rasmussen, T. Wilkinson (Editors), Sydney, pp. 241-248, 23-25 June, 2008. |
[86] | Dinis, P.B.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"On the Local and Global Buckling Behaviour of Angle, T-Section and Cruciform Thin-Walled Columns and Beams", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures (CIMS 2008), K. Rasmussen, T. Wilkinson (Editors), Sydney, pp. 281-290, 23-25 June, 2008. |
[87] | Silvestre, N.; Dinis, P.B.; Camotim, D.-"DSM Design of Simply Supported Rack-Section Columns Against Local/Distortional Interactive Buckling", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures (CIMS 2008), K. Rasmussen, T. Wilkinson (Editors), Sydney, pp. 417-424, 23-25 June, 2008. |
[88] | Ádány, S.; Silvestre, N.; Schafer, B.W.; Camotim, D.-"Buckling Mode Identification of Thin-Walled Members: a Comparison Between cFSM and GBT Approaches", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures (CIMS 2008), K. Rasmussen, T. Wilkinson (Editors), Sydney, pp. 249-256, 23-25 June, 2008. |
[89] | Camotim, D.; Basaglia, C.; Silvestre, N.-"GBT Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Steel Frames", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures (CIMS 2008), K. Rasmussen, T. Wilkinson (Editors), Sydney, pp. 1-18, 23-25 June, 2008. |
[90] | Silvestre, N.-"An Analytical Model to Study Flange Curling in Wide Flange Panels", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures (CIMS 2008), K. Rasmussen, T. Wilkinson (Editors), Sydney, pp. 91-100, 23-25 June, 2008. |
[91] | Camotim, D.; Basaglia, C.; Silvestre, N.; Batista, E.-"Distortionally Restrained Lipped Channel Beams: on the Determination of the Optimal Batten Plate Bracing", Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2008), R. Offner, D. Beg, J. Fink, R. Greiner, H. Unterweger (Editors), Graz, Vol. B, pp. 1563-1568, September 3-5, 2008. |
[92] | Silvestre, N.; Dinis, P.B.; Camotim, D.-"DSM Design Against Local/Distortiomal Interactive Buckling: Fixed Rack-Section Columns Experiencing Multiple Wave Mode Interaction", Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2008), R. Offner, D. Beg, J. Fink, R. Greiner, H. Unterweger (Editors), Graz, Vol. B, pp. 1569-1574, 3-5 September, 2008. |
[93] | Silvestre, N.-"Non-Linear Curling in Cold-Formed Steel Panels", Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2008), R. Offner, D. Beg, J. Fink, R. Greiner, H. Unterweger (Editors), Graz, Vol. A, pp. 105-110, 3-5 September, 2008. |
[94] | Silva, N.F.; Degenhardt, R.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"On the Use of Generalised Beam Theory to Assess the Buckling and Post-Buckling Behaviour of Laminated CFRP Cylindrical Stiffened Panels", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Buckling and Post-Buckling Behaviour of Composite Laminated Shell Structures, Braunschweig, 3-5 September, 2008. |
[95] | Silva, N.F.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Generalized Beam Theory Formulation Able to Capture Load Application and Localized Web Buckling Effects", Proceedings of 19th International Specialty Conference on Recent Research and Developments in Cold-Formed Steel Design and Construction, R. LaBoube, W.-W. Yu (Editors), St. Louis, pp. 33-59, 14-15 October, 2008. |
[96] | Bebiano, R.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBTUL-A Code for the Buckling Analysis of Cold-Formed Steel Members", Proceedings of 19th International Specialty Conference on Recent Research and Developments in Cold-Formed Steel Design and Construction, R. LaBoube, W.-W. Yu (Editors), St. Louis, pp. 61-79, 14-15 October, 2008. |
[97] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Latest Developments on the GBT-Based Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Steel Frames", Proceedings of Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) 2009 Annual Stability Conference, Phoenix, pp. 325-344, April 1-4, 2009. |
[98] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Stability of Compressed Carbon Nanotubes Using Shell Models", Nanotechnology in Contruction 3 (NICOM 3), Z. Bittnar et al. (eds.), Prague, pp. 357-363, May 31 to June 2, 2009. |
[99] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Bending Instabilities of Carbon Nanotubes", Nanotechnology in Contruction 3 (NICOM 3), Z. Bittnar et al. (eds.), Prague, pp. 365-370, May 31 to June 2, 2009. |
[100] | Dinis, P.B.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"On the Relevance of Local/Distortional Interaction in the Post-Buckling Behaviour and Strength of Cold-Formed Steel Lipped Channel Columns", Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC 2009), B. Topping. L.C. Neves, R.C. Barros (Eds.), Civil-Comp Press (Stirling), Funchal, paper 22, September 1-4, 2009. (full paper in CD-ROM Proceedings). |
[101] | Bebiano, R.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBT-based Local and Global Dynamic Analysis of High-Speed Railway Bridge Decks", Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC 2009), B. Topping. L.C. Neves, R.C. Barros (Eds.), Civil-Comp Press (Stirling), Funchal, paper 12, September 1-4, 2009. (full paper in CD-ROM Proceedings). |
[102] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Non-Linear GBT Formulation for Open-Section Thin-Walled Members with Arbitrary Support Conditions", Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC 2009), B. Topping. L.C. Neves, R.C. Barros (Eds.), Civil-Comp Press (Stirling), Funchal, paper 21, September 1-4, 2009. (full paper in CD-ROM Proceedings). |
[103] | Correia, J.R.; Branco, F.A.; Silva, N.F., Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"First-Order, Buckling and Post-Buckling Behaviour of Pultruded GFRP Beams-Part 1: Experimental Study", Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC 2009), B. Topping. L.C. Neves, R.C. Barros (Eds.), Civil-Comp Press (Stirling), Funchal, paper 31, September 1-4, 2009. (full paper in CD-ROM Proceedings). |
[104] | Silva, N.F., Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.; Correia, J.R..; Branco, F.A.-"First-Order, Buckling and Post-Buckling Behaviour of Pultruded GFRP Beams-Part 2: Numerical Simulation", Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC 2009), B. Topping. L.C. Neves, R.C. Barros (Eds.), Civil-Comp Press (Stirling), Funchal, paper 32, September 1-4, 2009. (full paper in CD-ROM Proceedings). |
[105] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Buckling Behaviour of Locally and Globally Braced Thin-Walled Frames", Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS'09), S.L. Chan (Ed.), Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction (Hong Kong), Hong Kong, pp. 891-890 (vol. II), December 16-18, 2009. |
[106] | Young, B.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Ultimate Strength and Design of Lipped Channel Columns Experiencing Local/Distortional Mode Interaction-Part I: Experimental Investigation", Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS'09), S.L. Chan (Ed.), Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction (Hong Kong), Hong Kong, pp. 460-469 (vol. I), December 16-18, 2009. |
[107] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.; Young, B.-"Ultimate Strength and Design of Lipped Channel Columns Experiencing Local/Distortional Mode Interaction-Part II: DSM Design Appraoch", Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS'09), S.L. Chan (Ed.), Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction (Hong Kong), Hong Kong, pp. 470-479 (vol. I), December 16-18, 2009. |
[108] | Gomes, J.P.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"On the Use of GBT to Analyse the Global and Local Buckling Behaviour of Arches", Proceedings of IJSSD Symposium on Progress in Structural Stability and Dynamics, H. Rasheed (Ed.), Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction (Hong Kong), Hong Kong, pp. 26-35, December 16-18, 2009. |
[109] | Neves, I.C.; Rodrigues, J.; Valente, J.; Silvestre, N.-"Influência da Percentagem de Aço na Evolução de Temperaturas em Secções de Betão Armado e Mistas Sujeitas a Incêndio", Actas do Encontro Nacional de Betão Estrutural, Porto, pp. 29-39, 1994. |
[110] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Estabilidade e Efeitos de 2ª Ordem em Pórticos Metálicos de Travessas Inclinadas", Construção Metálica e Mista, A.Lamas, P.Cruz, L. Calado (Editors), Porto, pp. 713-722, 1997. |
[111] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Estabilidade de Pórticos Metálicos de Travessas Inclinadas: Análise Exacta e Fórmulas Aproximadas", Actas das Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas (JPEE 98), Lisbon, pp. 281-290, 1998. |
[112] | Camotim, D.; Vinagre, J.; Silvestre, N.-"Estabilidade de Estruturas de Betão, Aço e Mistas-Análise Comparativa das Disposições dos Eurocódigos 2, 3 e 4", Construção Metálica e Mista 2, A. Lamas, L. Simões da Silva, P. Cruz (Editors), Coimbra, pp. 389-400, 18-19 November, 1999. |
[113] | Barreto, V.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Dimensionamento Plástico de Pórticos Metálicos de Acordo com o Eurocódigo 3", Construção Metálica e Mista 2, A. Lamas, L. Simões da Silva, P. Cruz (Editors), Coimbra, pp. 505-516, 18-19 November, 1999. |
[114] | Nogueiro, P.; Simões da Silva, L.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Influência do Comportamento Real das Ligações em Pórticos Metálicos de Travessas Inclinadas", Construção Metálica e Mista 2, A. Lamas, L. Simões da Silva, P. Cruz (Editors), Coimbra, pp. 457-466, 18-19 November, 1999. |
[115] | Silvestre, N.; Simão, P.; Camotim, D.; Silva, L.-"Aplicação da Teoria Generalizada de Vigas (GBT) à Análise de Estabilidade de Perfis de Aço Enformados a Frio", Construção Metálica e Mista 3, A. Lamas, P. Vila Real, L. Simões da Silva (Editors), Aveiro, pp. 617-626, 6-7 December, 2001. |
[116] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Análise de Pós-Encurvadura de Pórticos Metálicos", Construção Metálica e Mista 3, A. Lamas, P. Vila Real, L. Simões da Silva (Editors), Aveiro, pp. 605-616, 6-7 December, 2001. |
[117] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Aplicação da Teoria Generalizada de Vigas (GBT) à Análise de Pós-Encurvadura de Perfis de Aço Enformados A Frio", Actas do VII Congresso de Mecânica Aplicada e Computacional (vol. I), J. Infante Barbosa (Editor), Évora, pp. 185-197, 14-16 April, 2003. |
[118] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Estabilidade e Vibração de Perfis de Aço Enformados a Frio: Estudo Comparativo", Actas do IV Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, A. Lamas, L. Calado, J. Ferreira, P. Vila Real (Editors), Lisbon, pp. 355-365, 4-5 December, 2003. |
[119] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Comportamento de Pós-Encurvadura Local e Global de Colunas e Vigas de Aço Enformadas a Frio com Secção em Z", Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia (CMCE), C.M. Soares et al. (Editors), Lisbon, p. 178, 31 May to 2 June, 2004. |
[120] | Dinis, P.B.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Aplicação da Teoria Generalizada de Vigas ao Estudo da Estabilidade de Colunas e Vigas de Aço com Secção em I", Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia (CMCE), C.M. Soares et al. (Editors), Lisboa, p. 179, 31 May to 2 June, 2004. |
[121] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Análise Tri-Dimensional de Estruturas Metálicas no Contexto da Teoria Generalizada de Vigas", Actas do V Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, A. Lamas, C. Martins, T. Abecasis, L. Calado (Editors), Lisbon, pp. 327-340, 24-25 November, 2005. |
[122] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.; Dinis, P.B.-"O Método da Resistência Directa: Fundamentos, Aplicações e Desenvolvimentos Recentes", Actas do V Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, A. Lamas, C. Martins, T. Abecasis, L. Calado (Editors), Lisboa, pp. 425-435, 24-25 November, 2005. |
[123] | Bebiano, R.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Influência da Variação Longitudinal dos Momentos Flectores na Instabilidade Local e Global de Vigas de Aço com Secção de Parede Fina em I", Actas do V Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, A. Lamas, C. Martins, T. Abecasis, L. Calado (Editors), Lisbon, pp. 471-483, 24-25 November, 2005. |
[124] | Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Comportamento de Estruturas de Aço Enformadas a Frio e Dimensionamento de Acordo com o EC3-1-3", Actas da Jornada Técnica LSK: Utilização de Produtos em Aço Enformados a Frio na Construção, CONCRETA 2006), Porto, pp. 33-53, 27 October, 2006. |
[125] | Bebiano, R.; Pina, P.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"GBTUL-Um Programa para a Análise de Barras de Parede Fina", Actas do VI Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, L.S. Silva, E. Caetano, P. Piloto, C. Martins, T. Abecasis (Editors), Porto, pp. II-413-II-423, 22-23 November, 2007. |
[126] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.; Batista, E.-"Estabilidade de Vigas de Aço Enformadas a Frio com Secção em C e Contraventamento Parcial à Distorção", Actas do VI Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, L.S. Silva, E. Caetano, P. Piloto, C. Martins, T. Abecasis (Editors), Porto, pp. II-305-II-315, 22-23 November, 2007. |
[127] | Silva, N.F.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Utilização da GBT para Estudar Fenómenos de Instabilidade da Alma em Vigas de Aço com Secção em I", Actas do VI Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, L.S. Silva, E. Caetano, P. Piloto, C. Martins, T. Abecasis (Editors), Porto, pp. II-369-II-379, 22-23 November, 2007. |
[128] | Silva, N.F.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Incorporação do Efeito do Ponto de Aplicação da Carga em Análises de Estabilidade Efectuadas Através da GBT", Actas do VI Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, L.S. Silva, E. Caetano, P. Piloto, C. Martins, T. Abecasis (Editores), Porto, pp. II-357-II-368, 22-23 November, 2007. |
[129] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Estabilidade de Pórticos Metálicos Tri-Dimensionais: Utilização de Modelos Numéricos baseados na Teoria Generalizada de Vigas (GBT)", Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia (CMNI 2009), A.Huerta et al. (Eds.), Barcelona, p. 144, 29 June to 2 July, 2009. |
[130] | Bebiano, R.; Calçada, R.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Análise do comportamento dinâmico local e global de uma ponte ferroviária de alta velocidade no contexto da Teoria Generalizada de Vigas (GBT)", Actas do Primeiro Congresso Nacional em Segurança e Conservação de Pontes (Lisboa, 1-3/7), Cruz P. et al. (eds.), ASCP-Associação Portuguesa para a Segurança e Conservação de Pontes, II-199-II-207, 2009. |
[131] | Basaglia, C.; Camotim, D.; Silvestre, N.-"Estabilidade de Pórticos Metálicos Contraventados", Actas do VII Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista (CMM VII), L.S. Silva, J.A. Fernandes, A. Baptista, E. Caetano, P. Piloto (Eds.), Lisbon, pp. II-259-II-268, 18-19 November, 2009. |
[132] | Encarnação, R.; Silvestre, N.-"Resistência ao Esmagamento de Alma de Perfis de Aço Enformados a Frio", Actas do VII Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista (CMM VII), L.S. Silva, J.A. Fernandes, A. Baptista, E. Caetano, P. Piloto (Eds.), Lisbon, pp. II-244-II-252, 18-19 November, 2009. |
[133] | Silvestre, N.; Gardner, L-"Post-Buckling Behaviour of Elliptical Tubes", Actas do VII Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista (CMM VII), L.S. Silva, J.A. Fernandes, A. Baptista, E. Caetano, P. Piloto (Eds.), Lisbon, pp. II-312-II-320, 18-19 November, 2009. |
[134] | Dinis, P.B.; Silvestre, N.; Camotim, D.-"Estabilidade e Pós-Encurvadura de Cantoneiras", Actas do VII Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista (CMM VII), L.S. Silva, J.A. Fernandes, A. Baptista, E. Caetano, P. Piloto (Eds.), Lisbon, pp. II-269-II-278, 18-19 November, 2009. |