[1] | J. Wang, C. Lu, Q. Wang, P. Xiao, F.J. Ke, Y.L. Bai, Y.G. Shen, X.Z. Liao, and H.J. Gao, Understanding large plastic deformation of SiC nanowires at room temperature, Europhysics Letters, 95(6) (2011), 63003. |
[2] | L. Yang, Y.C. Zhou, and C. Lu, Damage evolution and rupture time prediction in thermal barrier coatings subjected to cyclic heating and cooling: an acoustic emission method, Acta Materialia, 59(17) (2011), 6519-6529. |
[3] | Y.L. Huang, X.F. Liu, Y.C. Zhou, Z.S. Ma, and C. Lu, Mathematical analysis on the uniqueness of reverse algorithm for measuring elastic-plastic properties by sharp indentation, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 27(7) (2011), 577-584. |
[4] | C. Lu, Fracture statistics of brittle materials at micro-and nano-scales, International Journal of Materials Research, 102(6) (2011), 627-633. |
[5] | W.G. Mao, Y.G. Shen, and C. Lu, Nanoscale elastic-plastic deformation and stress distributions on the C plane of sapphire single crystal during nanoindentation, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31(10) (2011), 1865-1871. |
[6] | W.G. Mao, Y.G. Shen, and C. Lu, Deformation behaviour and mechanical properties of poly-crystalline and single crystal alumina during nanoindentation, Scripta Materialia, 65(2) (2011), 127-130. |
[7] | L.M. Jiang, J. Peng, Y.G. Liao, Y.C. Zhou, J. Liang, H.X. Hao, and C. Lu, A modified layer removal method for residual stress measurement in electrodeposited nickel films, Thin Solid Films, 519(10) (2011), 3249-3253. |
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[9] | W.G. Mao, J.P. Jiang, Y.C. Zhou, and C. Lu, Effect of substrate curvature radius, deposition temperature and coating thickness on the residual stress field of cylindrical thermal barrier coatings, Surface & Coatings Technology, 205(8-9) (2011), 3093-3102. |
[10] | L.M. Jiang, Y.C. Zhou, H.X. Hao, Y.G. Liao, and C. Lu, Characterization of the interface adhesion of elastic-plastic thin film/rigid substrate systems using a pressurized blister test numerical model, Mechanics of Materials, 42(10) (2010), 908-915. |
[11] | R.M. Lin and C. Lu, Modelling of interfacial friction damping of carbon nanotube-based nanocomposites, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 24(8) (2010), 2996-3012. |
[12] | W.G. Mao, Q. Chen, C.Y. Dai, L. Yang, Y.C. Zhou, and C. Lu, Effects of piezo-spectroscopic coefficients of 8 wt.% Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 on residual stress measurement of thermal barrier coatings by Raman spectroscopy, Surface & Coatings Technology, 204(21-22) (2010), 3573-3577. |
[13] | Q. Chen, W.G. Mao, Y.C. Zhou, and C. Lu, Effect of Young's modulus evolution on residual stress measurement of thermal barrier coatings by X-ray diffraction, Applied Surface Science, 256(23) (2010), 7311-7315. |
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[19] | L. Yang, Y.C. Zhou, W.G. Mao, and C. Lu, Real-time acoustic emission testing based on wavelet transform for the failure process of thermal barrier coatings, Applied Physics Letters, 93(23) (2008), 231906. |
[20] | C. Lu, Y.H. Lu, Y.G. Shen, and Y.-W. Mai, Log-normal nanograin-size distributions in nano-structured composites, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88(11) (2008), 829-836. |
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[22] | C. Lu and Y.-W. Mai, Anomalous electrical conductivity and percolation in carbon nanotube composites, Journal of Materials Science, 43(17) (2008), 6012-6015. |
[23] | C. Lu, Statistical analysis of the tensile strength of carbon nanotubes, Advanced Materials Research, 41-42 (2008), 27-32. |
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[26] | C. Lu and Y.-W. Mai, Permeability modelling of polymer-layered silicate nanocomposites, Composites Science and Technology, 67(14) (2007), 2895-2902. |
[27] | Y.G. Shen, Z.J. Liu, Y.H. Lu, C. Lu, and Y.-W. Mai, Monte Carlo simulation of microstructure and grain growth in nc-Ti(N, B)/a-(TiB2, BN) nanocomposite films, Key Engineering Materials, 312 (2006), 357-362. |
[28] | C. Lu, Y.-W. Mai, and Y.G. Shen, Indentation size effect on hardness of nanostructured thin films, Key Engineering Materials, 312 (2006), 363-368. |
[29] | C. Lu, Y.-W. Mai, and Y.G. Shen, Recent advances on understanding the genesis of superhardness in nanocomposite coatings: a critical review, Journal of Materials Science, 41(3) (2006), 937-950. |
[30] | Y.G. Zheng, C. Lu, Y.-W. Mai, Y.X. Gu, H.W. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Monte Carlo simulation of grain growth in two-phase nanocrystalline materials, Applied Physics Letters, 88(14) (2006), 144103. |
[31] | C. Lu and Y.-W. Mai, Breaking up the whole into parts: the microstructure and barrier properties of polymer-clay nanocomposites, Physics, 35(7) (2006), 550-552. (in Chinese) |
[32] | Y.G. Zheng, C. Lu, Y.-W. Mai, H.W. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Grain growth as a stochastic and curvature-driven process, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 86(12) (2006), 787-794. |
[33] | Y.G. Zheng, C. Lu, Y.-W. Mai, H.W. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Model-based simulation of normal grain growth in a two-phase nanostructured system, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 7(8) (2006), 812-818. |
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