[1] | Tserpes, K.I. Strength prediction of composite materials from nano-to macro-scale. Invited contribution in: Advances in Composite Materials for Medicine and Nanotechnology, Book Edited by Brahim Attaf, Intech Publishing, ISBN: 978-953-307-235-7, April 2011. |
[2] | Tserpes, K.I., Papanikos, P., Kermanidis, Th. (2001) A three-dimensional progressive damage model for bolted joints in composite laminates subjected to tensile loading. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 24(10), 663-675. |
[3] | Tserpes, K.I., Papanikos, P., Labeas, G., Kermanidis, Th. (2002) Strength prediction of bolted joints in graphite/epoxy composite laminates. Composites Part B: Engineering 33, 521-529. |
[4] | Papanikos, P., Tserpes, K.I., Pantelakis, Sp. (2003) Modelling of fatigue damage progression and life of CFRP laminates. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures 26(1), 37-47. |
[5] | Tserpes, K.I., Papanikos, P., Labeas, G., Pantelakis, Sp. (2003) Fatigue damage accumulation and residual strength assessment of CFRP laminates. Composite Structures 63(2), 219-230. |
[6] | Papanikos, P., Tserpes, K.I., Labeas, G. (2004) Progressive damage modelling of bonded composite repairs. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 43(2), 189-198. |
[7] | Tserpes, K.I., Papanikos, P. (2005) Finite element modeling of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Composites Part B: Engineering 36(5), 468-477. 110 citations (Scopus) Most cited paper for the journal Composites Part B since 2005. |
[8] | Tserpes, K.I., Papanikos, P., Tsirkas, S.A. (2006) A progressive fracture model for carbon nanotubes. Composites Part B: Engineering 37(7-8), 662-669. 110 citations (Scopus) |
[9] | Tserpes, K.I., Papanikos, P. (2007) The effect of Stone-Wales defect on the tensile behavior and fracture of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Composite Structures 79(4), 581-589. 23 citations (Scopus) |
[10] | Tserpes, K.I. (2007) Role of intertube spacing in the pullout forces of double-walled carbon nanotubes. Materials and Design 28(7), 2197-2201. |
[11] | Papanikos, P., Tserpes, K.I., Pantelakis, Sp. (2007) Initiation and progression of composite patch debonding in adhesively repaired cracked metallic sheets. Composite Structures 81(2), 303-311. |
[12] | Tserpes, K.I., Papanikos, P., Labeas, G.N, Pantelakis, Sp.G. (2007) Multi-scale modeling of tensile behavior of carbon nanotube-reinforced composites. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 49, 51-60. 17 citations (Scopus) |
[13] | Papanikos, P., Nikolopoulos, D.D., Tserpes, K.I. (2008) Equivalent beams for carbon nanotubes. Computational Materials Science 43(2), 345-352. 7 citations (Scopus) |
[14] | Tserpes, K.I., Labeas, G.N. (2009) Mesomechanical analysis of non-crimp fabric composite structural parts. Composite Structures 87, 358-369. |
[15] | Tserpes, K.I., Labeas, G.N. (2009) Progressive fracture analysis of planar lattices and shape-morphing Kagome-structure. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 51, 41-47. |
[16] | Tserpes, K.I., Papanikos, P. (2009) Continuum modeling of carbon nanotube-based super-structures. Composite Structures 91, 131-137. |
[17] | Sp.G. Pantelakis, Ch.V. Katsiropoulos, K.I. Tserpes, Th. Felgeyrolles. (2009) Effect of water absorption on strength of the aeronautical composite material Fiberdux HTA/6376. Key Engineering Materials 417-418, 457-460. |
[18] | Ll. Llopart P., Tserpes, K.I., Labeas, G.N. (2010) Experimental and theoretical investigation of the influence of imperfect bonding on the strength of NCF double-lap shears joints. Composite Structures 92, 1673-1682. |
[19] | Tserpes, K.I., Pantelakis, Sp. Kappatos, V. (2011) The effect of imperfect bonding on the pull-out behavior of non-crimp fabric Pi-shaped joints. Computational Materials Science 50, 1372-1380. |
[20] | Tserpes, K.I., Cinquin, J., Pantelakis, Sp. (2011) On the mechanical performance of H-shaped non-crimp fabric adhesively bonded joints. Journal of Composite Materials. doi:10.1177/0021998310385590. |
[21] | Tserpes, K.I., Labeas, G.N., Pantelakis, Sp. (2011) Multi-scale modeling of the mechanical response of plain weave composites and cellular solids. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 54(3), 172-179. |
[22] | Stamatelos, D.G., Labeas, G.N., Tserpes, K.I. (2011) Analytical calculation of local buckling and post-buckling behavior of isotropic and orthotropic stiffened panels. Thin-Walled Structures 40, 422-430. |
[23] | Tserpes, K.I., Ruzek, R., Pantelakis, Sp. (2011) Strength of Pi-shaped non-crimp fabric adhesively bonded joints. Plastics, Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering, in press. |
[24] | Labeas, G.N., Belesis, S., Diamantakos, I., Tserpes, K.I. (2011) Adaptive progressive damage modeling for composite large-scale structures. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, in press. |
[25] | Tserpes, K.I., Ruzek, R., Mezihorak, R., Labeas, G.N., Pantelakis, Sp. (2011) The structural integrity of a novel composite adhesively bonded flap-track beam. Composite Structures, in press. |
[26] | Kermanidis, Th., Labeas, G., Tserpes, K.I., Pantelakis, Sp. Finite element modeling of damage accumulation in bolted composite joints under incremental tensile loading. In: CD-ROM PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD ECCOMAS CONGRESS (September 11-14, Barcelona, Spain, 2000). |
[27] | Kermanidis, Al.Th., Mitropoulos, I.A., Diamantoudis, A.Th., Tserpes, K.I. The effect of trapped hydrogen on the mechanical properties of 2024 aircraft aluminium alloy. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 'RECENT ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING' CONFERENCE, ASME International, Greek Section (Patras, September 17-20, Greece, 2001). |
[28] | Κermanidis, Τh., Tserpes, Κ.Ι., Papanikos, P. Progressive fatigue damage modelling of CFRP laminates at the meso-scale level. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF MULTISCALING MECHANICS (2-6 September, Messini, Greece, 2002). |
[29] | Κermanidis, Τh., Τserpes, Κ.Ι., Papanikos, P., Pantelakis, Sp. Fatigue damage accumulation and residual strength assessment of composite laminates through progressive damage modelling. In: 'COMPUTATIONAL MESOMECHANICS ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT AND FABRICATION OF USE-SPECIFIC MATERIALS', PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH MESOMECHANICS CONFERENCE (26-28 August,Tokyo, Japan, 2003), pp. 167-174. |
[30] | Papanikos, P., Tserpes, K.I., Labeas, G., Pantelakis, Sp. Progressive damage modelling of bonded composite repairs. In: 'MULTISCALING IN APPLIED SCIENCE AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES', PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH MESOMECHANICS CONFERENCE (May 31-June 4, Patras, Greece, 2004), Edited by G.C. Sih, Th. Kermanidis and Sp. Pantelakis, pp. 452-458. |
[31] | Tserpes, K.I., Papanikos, P., Labeas, G.N., Pantelakis, Sp.G. Multi-scale modeling of tensile behavior of carbon nanotube-reinforced composites. In: 'PARTICLE AND CONTINUUM ASPECTS OF MESOMECHANICS', In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE MESOMECHANICS 2007 CONFERENCE (Presquile de Giens, May, 2007, France), Edited by G.C. Sih, M. Nait-Abdelaziz and T. Vu-Kahn. |
[32] | Tserpes, K.I., Papanikos, P., Pantelakis, Sp. Continuum modeling of interfacial load transfer in carbon nanotube/polymer composites subjected to tension and bending. In: 'MULTISCALING AND MESOMECHANICS IN RELATION TO SUSTAINABILITY, SAFETY AND ECONOMY OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES: ADVANCED AND SMART', PROCEEDINGS OF THE MESOMECHANICS 2008 CONFERENCE (Jan 28th-Feb 1st, 2008, Cairo, Egypt). |
[33] | Tserpes, K.I. Progressive fracture analysis of planar lattices and shape-morphing Kagome-structure. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ENGINEERING AGAINST FRACTURE (May 28TH-29TH, 2008, Patras, Greece), Edited by Sp. Pantelakis and Ch. Rodopoulos, Springer, 2009. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-9402-6. |
[34] | Tserpes, K.I., Labeas, G.N. (2009). Numerical failure analysis of a flap-track beam made of novel non-crimp fabric composites. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMPOSITES2009 CONFERENCE (1-3 April 2009, London, UK), Edited by S. Pinho. |
[35] | Pantelakis, Sp., Katsiropoulos, Ch.V., Tserpes, K.I., Felgeyrolles, Th. (2009). Effect of water absorption on strength of the aeronautical composite material Fiberdux HTA/6376. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FRACTURE AND DAMAGE MECHANICS (8-10 September 2009, Malta), Edited by F. Aliabadi, S. Abela and H-S Lee. |
[36] | Pantelakis, Sp., Tserpes, K.I., Kappatos, V. (2009). Ultrasonic inspection of imperfect bonding and its effects on the mechanical behavior of NCF Pi-shaped joints. Presented in: EUROMAT 2009 CONFERENCE (7-10 September 2009, Glascow, UK). |
[37] | Pantelakis, Sp., Tserpes, K.I., Kappatos, V. (2009). The effect of imperfect bonding on the mechanical performance of non-crimp fabric Pi-shaped joints: A numerical study based on ultrasonic C-scan data. Presented in: IWCMM19 CONFERENCE (1-4 September 2009, Constanta, Romania). |
[38] | Tserpes, K.I., Pantelakis, Sp. (2009). Size effects in the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN SCATTERING THEORY AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING (Patras, Greece 9-11 October 2009). |
[39] | Pantelakis, Sp., Tserpes, K.I., Labeas, G. (2010). A study on the mechanical behavior of textile composites and hybrid materials using a multi-scale damage model and experiments. In PROC. OF THE MESOMECHANICS 2010 CONFERENCE ON MULTISCALING OF SYNTHETIC AND NATURAL SYSTEMS WITH SELF-ADAPTIVE CAPABILITY (21-25 June 2010, Taipei, Taiwan). |
[40] | Tserpes, K.I. and Kermanidis, Th. (2010). Progressive damage modeling: A scale-independent strength prediction method. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH HSTAM CONFERENCE ON MECHANICS (13-15 July 2010, Limassol, Cyprus) |
[41] | Efthimiou, F.S. P., Papanikos, P., Tserpes, K.I. and Pantelakis, Sp. (2010). Continuum simulation of bending and torsional rigidities of multi-walled carbon nanotubes. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH HSTAM CONFERENCE ON MECHANICS (13-15 July 2010, Limassol, Cyprus) |