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[45] | Synthesis and Thermal Behavior of Novel Pillared Ө-Type Zirconium Phosphate 1,10-Phenanthroline Zn(II), Cd(II), Cr(III), Fe(III) and La(III) Materials Sadek Shakshooki*, Bashir Elnageh Ali , Samia El-Rais, Mahmood El- Rais, American Journal of Chemistry, 4(1) (2014) 22-28. |
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[47] | S. K. Shakshooki a, F. A. El-Akari b, S. M. El-Fituri and S. S. El-Fituri, Fibrous Cerium(iv) Hydrogen Phosphate Membrane Self Supported Benzimidazole Polymerization Agent, Advanced Materials ,856 (2014) 3-8. |
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[50] | Shakchooki, S.K., El-Akari, F.A., El-Fituri, M.S. and El-Fituri, S.S., Fibrous cerium(iv) hydrogen phosphate membrane self supported benzimidazole polymerization agent, Adv. Mater. Res., 856 (2014) 3. |
[51] | S. K. Shakshooki, F. A. Elakari, Aisha M. Shaabani, Exfoliated Zirconium Phosphate-Fibrous Cerium Phosphate Nanocomposite Membrane Self Supported Indole, Its Co-Aniline and Co-Pyrrole Polymerization Agent , American Journal of Chemistry, 5(4)(2015) 115-123. |
[52] | S,.K.Shakshooki*, M. A. Abuain, Amani M. El-Aouzi , Nano Fibrous Cerium (IV) Hydrogen Phosphate Membrane Self Supported Aniline Polymerization Agent American Journal of Chemistry , 5(3)( 2015) 67-74. |
[53] | S. K. Shakshooki, F.A,. El-Akari, A. A. Jangher, A. M. Hamasi , Facile Synthesis of γ-Zirconium Phosphate-Fibrous Cerium Phosphate / Emeraldine Salt Nanocomposite Membrane American Journal of Chemistry , 5(3) (2015) 75-85. |
[54] | S. K. Shakshooki, A. A. Elejmi, Hanan, A. Emmsalem Synthesis and Characterization of Glassy Tin Phosphate/Polyindole, Polyaniline, Polypyrrole, Polyindole-co-Polyaniline, Polyindole-co-Polypyrrole Composites Via In-Situ Oxidative Polymerization, American Journal of Chemistry 6(4) (2016) 87-94. |
[55] | S.K.Shakshooki , F.A.Elakari, A.M. EL-Hamady, S. M. Elfituri and R. Elghariani Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Pellicular γ-Zirconium Phosphate-Phosphite/Fibrous Cerium Phosphate Nanocomposite Membranes J. Pharm. Appl. Chem., 31 (2016) 27-31. |
[56] | S.K. Shakshooki, F.A. El-Akari, Salima M. El-Hamroni , R.H.Idris and Amani M.El-Aouzi, Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Highly Crystalline Layered Zirconium-, Hafnium-, Titanium Tellurates From Their Parent Glassy Sodium Forms Via HF solution, J. Pharm. Appl. Chem., 2( 2016) 205-210. |
[57] | S. K. Shakshooki, F. A. El-Akari, R. H. Idris, A. M. Hamassi, M. R. Eltalbi, Rabiea A. Elmabrouk, Amira A. Elfaki, Novel Nanosized Mixed γ-Zirconium - Titanium Phosphates, American Journal of Chemistry, 6(2016) 104-110. |
[58] | S. K. Shakshooki, N. Greesh, R. Alghazeer, F. Hebail, A. Elhamadi, A. Elouzi, W. Elharari and A. Shebani, Synthesis of Fibrous Cerium Phosphate-Silver-Polyethylene Nanocomposites for Antibacterial Application ,Academic Journal of Chemistry, 2 (2017) 65-73. |
[59] | S.K.Shakshooki, E.A.Arafa andE. Etwire, Studies on the Uptake of Some lanthanide Metal Ions on 1, 10-Phenanthroloine, and 4, 4-Bipyridine Intercalated Products of Zirconium Phosphate by Radio Tracer Technique , Academic Journal of Chemistry, 2(2017) 16-20. |
[60] | S. K. Shakshooki*, M. B. Hassan, Ibtihal M. Abdullah, Synthesis and Characterization of Novel GlassyTitanium-,Zirconium Tellurates-Fibrous Cerium Phosphate/Polyaniline, Polyindole, Polypyrrole, Polyaniline-co-Polyindole, Polyaniline-co-Polypyrrole Nanocomposite Membranes. American Journal of Chemistry , 8(3)(2018) 72-83. |
[61] | Shakshooki, S.K, Elakari, F.A. , Alahemmer, A.A, Glassy-, α-Zirconium-Tin Phosphates / Fibrous Cerium(iv)Phosphate-Nanocomposite Membranes Self Supported Aniline, its Co-Pyrrole and co-Indole Polymerization Agent,The 4th International conference Theories and Application Basic and Biosciences, J.Faculty of Science University of Misurata,(2020) pp335-354. |
[62] | S.K.Shakshoooki, F,A.El-Akari and Aisha A.Abozaid ,Pellicular α-Zirconium PhosphatePhosphite-Fibrous Cerium Phosphate / Polybenzimidazole Its -co-Polyaniline/ -co-Polypyrrole, -co-Polyindole Nanocomposite Membrane, International Conference on Applied Chemistry July 01-03, 2021 Munich, Germany. |