[1] | S. Atalay, H.Í. Adigüzel, F.E. Atalay, "Infrared Absorbtion Study of Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2", Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 304-306, 796 (2001). |
[2] | F.E. Atalay, S. Atalay, "An Alternative Measurement Method For Magneto-Impedance Effect In Amorphous Alloys", Sensor and Actuators A. Vol 94, 39 (2001). |
[3] | V.S. Kolat, H. Turkdemir, H.I. Adigüzel, F.E. Atalay, S. Atalay, P. Sovak, "Effect of Hydrogen Charging on the Magnetic Properties of Fe-M-Nb-Si-B, M=Cu, Pt, Pd, Ag, Mn Alloys", Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), Vol 189(3), 817 (2002). |
[4] | F.E. Atalay and S. Atalay, "A Position Sensor Based on Magneto-Impedance Effect", Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), Vol 189(2), 311 (2002). |
[5] | F.E. Atalay, "Symmetry and Bonding Interactions in [Cu2Cl6]-Complexes", Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), Vol 189(3), 913 (2002). |
[6] | F.E. Atalay, "The Effect of Nickel Electrodeposition on Magnetic Properties of CoFeSiB Amorphous Wire", J. Mag. Mag. Mat, 272-279, 2415 (2004). |
[7] | F.E. Atalay, N. Bayri, A.R. Bahadir and S. Atalay , "Torsional Stress Impedance Effect in Fe71Cr7Si9B13 Amorphous Wire", Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 1, No.12, 3328 (2004). |
[8] | F.E. Atalay and S. Atalay, "Giant magnetoimpedance effect in NiFe/Cu plated wire with various plating thicknesses", J. Alloys and Comp., 392, 322 (2005). |
[9] | N. Bayri, V. S. Kolat, F.E. Atalay and S. Atalay, "The effect of furnace annealing and surface crystallization on the anisotropy, ΔE and magnetoimpedance effects in Fe71Cr7Si9B13 amorphous wires", J. Phys.D:Appl. Phys., 37, 3067 (2004). |
[10] | F.E. Atalay , S. Atalay, "Influence of Hydrogen Charging on Magnetic and Magnetoimpedance Properties of FeSiB and CoFeSiB Amorphous Wires", J. Alloys and Comp., 396, 69 (2005). |
[11] | F.E. Atalay, S. Atalay, H. Kaya, A.R. Bahadir, "Magnetoimpedance Effect in Electrochemically Etched CoFeSiB Amorphous Wires", Physica B, 364, 294 (2005). |
[12] | F.E. Atalay, H. Kaya and S. Atalay, "Effect of pH on the magnetoimpedance properties of electrodeposited CoNiFe microtubes", Physica B, 371, 327 (2006). |
[13] | F.E. Atalay, H. Kaya and S. Atalay, "Magnetoimpedance effect in electroplated NiFeRu/Cu wire", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 39, 431 (2006). |
[14] | F.E. Atalay, H. Kaya and S. Atalay, "Giant magnetoimpedance effect in electroplated CoNiFe/Cu wires with varying Ni, Fe and Co content", J. Alloys and Comp., 420 (2006) 9-14. |
[15] | F.E. Atalay, H. Kaya, S.Atalay, Unusual grain growth in electrodeposited CoNiFe/Cu wires and their magnetoimpedance properties, Mater. Sci. Eng B, 131(2006) 242-247. |
[16] | S. Atalay F.E. Atalay, H. Kaya, "Field-Dependent Young' s Modulus and magnetoimpedance in electrodeposited NiFe and NiFeCo microtubes", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 316 (2007) e805-e808. |
[17] | F.E. Atalay, H. Kaya, and S. Atalay, "Magnetic and Magnetoimpedance Properties of NiFe and CoNiFe Films Produced by Electrodeposition Technique", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 21 (2007) 3869-3876. |
[18] | P. Ripka, M. Butta, M. Malatek, S. Atalay and F.E. Atalay "Characterisation of magnetic wires for fluxgate cores ", Sensors and Actuators, 145-146 (2008) 23-28. |
[19] | F.E. Atalay, H. Kaya, S. Atalayi, "Magnetoimpedance effect of current-CoNiFe/Cu microtubes", Physica B: Condensed matter, 403 (2008) 2917-2923. |
[20] | F.E. Atalay, H. Kaya, S. Atalay and S. Tari, "Influences of Deposition Time and pH on Magnetic NiFe Nanowires Fabrication", J. Alloys and Comp., 469 (2009)458-463. |
[21] | M.Butta, P. Ripka, S. Atalay, F. E. Atalay, X.P. Li "Fluxgate effect in twisted magnetic wire", J. Magn. and Magn. Mater., 32 (2008) e974-e978. |
[22] | N. Bayri , V.S. Kolat , H. Kaya H, F.E. Atalay, T. Izgi "Effect of tensile stress on magnetoimpedance properties of CoNiFe/Cu wire" Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics, 42 (2009) 17. |
[23] | F.E. Atalay, H. Kaya, V. Yagmur, S. Tari , S. Atalay, D. Avsar "The effect of back electrode on the formation of electrodeposited CoNiFe magnetic nanotubes and nanowires ", Applied Suface Scienc, 256 (2010) 2414. |
[24] | V.S. Kolat, N. Bayri, Š. Michalik, T. Izgi, P. Sovak, F.E. Atalay, H. Gencer, S. Atalay "Magnetic and magnetoimpedance properties of Mn-doped FINEMET", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355 (2009) 2562. |
[25] | F.E. Atalay, H. Kaya, V. Yagmur, S. Tari , S. Atalay, D. Avsar "The synthesis of ferromagnetic La0.75Ca0.25MnO3 nanowires by a sol-gel method", Journal Of Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials 12 (2010) 392. |
[26] | S. Atalay, N. Bayri , T. Izgi , F.E. Atalay, V.S. Kolat, "Coil-less fluxgate effect in amorphous wires", Sensors and Actuators A, 158 (2010) 37. |
[27] | S. Atalay, N. Bayri , T. Izgi , Yagmur V, F.E. Atalay, V.S. Kolat, "Influence of the wire length on the of coil-less fluxgate properties of amorphous (Co0.94Fe0.06)(72.5)Si12.5B15 wire", Sensors and Actuators A, 163 (2010) 122. |
[28] | F. E. Atalay, D. Avsar, H. Kaya, V. Yagmur, S. Atalay, and T. Seckin, "Nanowires of Lead-Free Solder Alloy SnCuAg", Journal of Nanomaterials, 2011, doi:10.1155/2011/919853. |
[29] | S. Atalay, V. Yagmur, F.E. Atalay, N. Bayri, "Coil-less fluxgate effect in CoNiFe/Cu wire electrodeposited under torsion", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 323 (2011) 2818. |