[1] | "Structural and spectroscopic studies on some nonlinear crystals", Anuj Kumar, invited talk delivered at 98th Indian science congress(International congress) , 3-7 January 2011, at SRM University Chennai. |
[2] | "Molecular Structure, NBO analysis and Nonlinear Optical Properties study of Semi-organic nonlinear optical material", Sapna Pathak, Anuj Kumar & Poonam Tandon, Presented in National Conference on "Recent Advances in Materials Science & Engineering: A Multidisciplinary Approach" held at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna from 23-24 October, 2010. |
[3] | "Density functional theory study of structure and vibrational spectra of 4-chloro-4'dimethylaminobenzylidene aniline" Sapna Pathak, AnujKumar & Poonam Tandon presented at International Conference & Humboldt Kolleg "Frontiers of Environmental & Health Sciences Useful to Mankind: A Multidisciplinary Approach" 25-27 February, 2010 Organised by University of Lucknow & Humboldt Academy Lucknow. |
[4] | "Theoretical studies of the molecular structure and vibrational spectra of l-lysine monohydrochloride dihydrate using density functional theory" Sapna Pathak, AnujKumar & Poonam Tandon presented at "International Conference on Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy" (ICOPVS-2010) held during Feb. 21-24, 2010 organised by Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University. |
[5] | "Vibrational dynamics and dispersion curves in biodegradable Poly(5-hydroxylevulinic acid)", Sapna Pathak, Anuj kumar presented at 3rd CSI National conference on Education Research(ConfER-2010) held during March 6-7, 2010 organised by Jaypee Institute of Engg. & Technology, Guna. |
[6] | "Spectrosopic studies and phonon dispersion of polyacetylene and its derivatives", Anuj Kumar, Sapna Pathak, presented at National symposium on Advances in Lasers and spectroscopy-2009, held at Dr. Hari singh Gour Vishwavidhyalaya, Sagar during Feb 27-28, 2009. |
[7] | Vibrational frequencies and Phonon dispersion as calculated by a modified Urey-Bradley force field. Poly(2-methylbut-2-enyl thiophene-3-carboxylate), Anuj Kumar, Sapna Pathak, accepted for presentation at an international conference "Frontiers in Polymer Science" sponsored by IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), held at Mains, Germany during 7-9 June 2009. |
[8] | "Vibrational dynamics and dispersion curves in gas permeable poly(4-methyl-2 pentyne)." Anuj Kumar, Sapna Pathak and Poonam Tandon, Presented at " POLYCHAR 16, World Forum on Advanced Materials" , an IUPAC sponsored international conference co-organised by University of Lucknow, University of Delhi, IIT Delhi & IIT Khagarpur during 17-21 February 2008. |
[9] | Anuj Kumar co-chaired one technical session in "National Conference on Communication Systems & Networking" , held at JIET Guna on 15-16 March, 2008. |
[10] | "Phonon dispersion and heat capacity in 13/4 helix poly(α-isobutyl, β-L-aspartate )", Anuj Kumar & Poonam Tandon, Presented at 94th Indian Science Congress held on January 3-7, 2007 at Annamalai University. |
[11] | "Phonon dispersion & heat capacity in w helix poly (α-isobutyl-β-L-aspartate)". Anuj Kumar, Poonam Tandon & V.D Gupta, Presented at international conference , organised by Material Research Society of India(MRSI) held at Lucknow from Feb 13-15, 2006. |
[12] | Anuj kumar chaired one session at the 11th Annual conference of GAMS and National Symposium on " Applicable Mathematics to Engineering and Technology" held on April 22-23, 2006 at JIET, Guna. |
[13] | "Vibrational dynamics of a finite tripeptide, L-prolyl-glycyl-glycine" Anuj Kumar. Proceedings of 3rd National conference on applicable mathematics in wave Mechanics and Vibrations" held at JIET on Oct. 15-17, 2006. |
[14] | Anuj Kumar, chaired a technical session on "wave mechanics and vibrations" in Third National conference on applicable mathematics in wave mechanics and vibrations held at JIET Guna during October 15-17, 2006. |