[1] | Karger, J., Pfeifer, H., Walther, P., Dyer, A. & Williams, C.D. 'Intracrystalline Self- Diffusion of Hydrocarbons in Zeolite Sodium X in Equilibrium with Excess Liquid Phase.' Zeolites 8 251-254 1988. |
[2] | Lowe, B.M., Pope, C & Williams, C.D. 'Salt Imbibition by AlPO Molecular Sieves.' J.Chem.Soc., Chem Commun., 1186-1188 1988. |
[3] | Franklin, K.R., Hunt, R.R. & Williams, C.D. 'Sorption of Butan-1-o1 from Aqueous Solution by Silica Molecular Sieves.' Zeolites 8 432-435 1988. |
[4] | Hampson, B., Leach, H.F., Lowe, B.M. & Williams, C.D. 'Degradation of AlPO-5 by Aqueous Salt Solutions. 'Zeolites 9 521-525 1989. |
[5] | Hampson, B., Leach, H.F., Lowe, B.M. & Williams, C.D. 'Synthesis of Catalytically Active AlPO Molecular Sieves.' Zeolites 10 125-128 1990. |
[6] | Hutchings, G.J., Lee, D.F. & Williams, C.D. 'Conversion of Allyl Alcohol over Zeolite ZSM-5'. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm. 1475-1476 1990. |
[7] | Buckles, G.J., Hutchings, G.J. & Williams, C.D. 'Propane Conversion Over Zeolite Catalysts'. Cat. Letts. 8 115-124 1991. |
[8] | Buckles, G.J., Hutchings, G.J. and Williams, C.D. ‘Aromatization of Propane over Ga/H-ZSM-5’. Cat. Letts. 11 89-94 1991. |
[9] | Hutchings, G.J., Lee, D.F. and Williams, C.D. 'Conversion of Allyl Alcohol to Oxygenated Products over Zeolite Catalysts'. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 69, 389-395 1991. |
[10] | Dyer,A., Enamy, H., Williams, C.D. and Wilson, O.M. Stellerite from Todhead Point, Grampian Region, Scotland. Min. Mag. 57 540-542 1993. |
[11] | Hutchings, G.J., Johnson, P., Lee, D.F and Williams, C.D. 'Acetone Conversion to Isobutene in High Selectivity using Beta Catalyst'. Cat. Lett. 21 49-53 1993 |
[12] | Abbot, P.H., Adams, M.J., and Williams, C.D. 'Automated Identification of X-Ray Fluorescence Spectra' Analytical Proceedings 31 31 1994. |
[13] | Edmunds, M.P.W., Hill, S.J., Latham, K. and Williams, C.D. 'Synthesis of Zeolite * in mixed solvent systems'. Zeolites 14 529-532 1994. |
[14] | Banersee, S.P., Dyer, A., Enamy, H. and Williams, C.D. 'Beryllium (II)-13Z Zeolite Derivatives for the Purpose of Environmental Control'. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 1 254-257 1994. |
[15] | Duke, C.V.A., Hill, S.J. and Williams, C.D. 'Synthesis of MnAPO-20 and CoAPO-20 using Tetrahedral Metal Species'. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2633-2634 1994. |
[16] | Hutchings,G.J., Johnson, P., Lee, D.F., Warwick, A., Williams, C.D. and Wilkinson, M. 'The Conversion of Methanol and other O-compounds to Hydrocarbons over Zeolite *'. J.Catal. 147 (1) 177-185 1994. |
[17] | Latham,K., Duke,C.V.A and Williams, C.D. 'Isomorphous Substitution of Fe3+ in LTL Framework using Potassium Ferrate (VI). Zeolites 15 213 - 218 1995. |
[18] | Duke, C.V.A., Hill S. J., and Williams, C. D. 'Synthesis of MnAPO-20, NiAPO-20 and CuAPO-20 Using Tetrahedral Tetrahalometallates' Zeolites 15, 413 - 420 1995. |
[19] | Hill, S.J., Williams, C.D. & Duke, C.V.A. 'The Synthesis of high Cobalt Containing CoAPO-34'. Zeolites 17, 291-297 1996. |
[20] | Latham, K., Williams, C.D. & Duke, C.V.A. ' The Synthesis of Iron Cancrinite using Tetrahedral Iron Species'. Zeolites 17, 513-517 1996 |
[21] | Dyer,A., Wilson,O.M., Williams, C.D., and Smethurst, J. 'Zeolite Occurrences in Basaltic Dykes on the Western Isles of Scotland'. Journal of the Russell Society 6 (2) 89-92 1996 |
[22] | Round, C.I., Hill, S.J., Latham, K. & Williams, C.D. 'The Crystal Morphology of Zeolite A. The Effects of the Source of the Reagents'. Microporous Materials 11 213-225 1997 |
[23] | Round, C.I., Williams, C.D. & Duke, C.V.A. 'Co-ZSM-5 & Mn-ZSM-5 Synthesised Directly from Aqueous Fluoride Gels'. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1849-1850 1997 |
[24] | Williams, C.D. 'The Synthesis of Pure Clinoptilolite without the use of Seed Crystals’. J.Chem. Commun. 2113-2114 1997 |
[25] | Round, C.I., Williams, C.D. & Duke, C.V.A. ‘Thermogravimetric Evidence of Cobalt or Manganese Isomorphously Substituted into a Zeolite’. The Journal of Thermal Analysis 54 901-911 1998 |
[26] | Dyer, A., Morgan, S., Wells, P. & Williams C.D. ‘The Use of Zeolites as Slow Release Agents for Anthelmintic Drugs’ Journal of Helminthology 74 2 137-143 2000 |
[27] | Wan, Y., Williams, C.D., Cox, J.J. & Duke, C.V.A. ‘Synthetic studies on stoichiometric reaction gels of AlPO4-5 for the purpose of minimising solvent waste’ Green Chemistry June Issue 169-171 1999 |
[28] | C.D. Williams (ed.), R.M. Barrer 1910-1996, ‘Founding Father of Zeolite Science’, British Zeolite Association, University of Wolverhampton, 1999. |
[29] | Latham, K., Williams C.D., Round, C.I. & Thompsett, D. ‘ Studies on the Isomorphous Substitution of Ruthenium into MFI Frameworks’ Journal Materials Chemistry, Volume 10, Issue 05 1235-1240 2000 |
[30] | Latham, K., Round C. I. & Williams C. D., Synthesis, Further Characterisation and Catalytic Activity of Iron-Substituted Zeolite LTL, Prepared Using Tetrahedral Oxo-Anion Species. Mircoporous and Mesoporous Materials 38 2/3 333-343 2000 |
[31] | Wan, Y., Williams, C.D., Duke, C.V.A. and Cox, J.J, ‘Systematic studies on the effect of water content on the synthesis, crystallization, conversion and morphology of AlPO4-5 molecular sieve’ Journal of Materials Chemistry Vol 10 No.12 2857-2862 2000 |
[32] | Williams, C.D., "Inorganic Ion Exhange Materials" Chapter in Encylopedia of Separation Science, Academic Press 2000 ISBN: 0-12-226770-2 |
[33] | Round, C. I., Williams C. D., Latham, K., and Duke, C. V. A., Ni-ZSM-5 and Cu-ZSM-5 synthesised directly from aqueous fluoride gels. Chemistry of Materials 13 (2) 468-472 2001 |
[34] | Round, C. I., Williams, C. D., Latham, K., and Duke, C. V. A., ‘Thermogravimetric Evidence of Nickel and Copper Isomorphously Substituted into a Zeolite’. Journal of Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry 63 329-338 2001 |
[35] | Wan, Y., Williams, C.D., Duke, C.V.A., and Cox, J.J., ‘Zeolite L Synthesis using Different Molar Gel Compositions for the Purpose of Minimising Reagent Water’ Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 47 (1) 79-84 2001 |
[36] | Han, X.S., Williams, C.D., Lee, D.F. & Round, C.I. ‘Synthesis of high silicon content SAPO4-5 using anionic surfactants in a hexanol/aqueous two phase media’ J.Chem. Commun. 166-167 2002 |
[37] | Cox, J.J., Gibbons, M.N.N., Hudson, I.D., & Williams, C.D. ‘A Novel Method for Cleaning Reaction Vessels'. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 9 50-53 2002 |
[38] | Williams C.D. ‘Shape selective catalysis using zeolites’. Chimica Oggi 20 (9) 74-80 2002 |
[39] | Guest, J & Williams C.D. "Efficient methane/nitrogen separation with low-sodium clinoptilolite". J. Chem. Commun. (23) 2870-2871 2002 |
[40] | Shilton, V.F., Giess, P., Mitchell, D & Williams, C.D. "The characterisation of settled dust by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis" Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 2 237-246 2002 |
[41] | Shilton, V.F., Giess, P., Mitchell, D., & Williams, C.D. "The relationships between indoor and outdoor respirable particulate matter: Meteorology, chemistry and personal exposure" Indoor and Built Environment 11 (5): 266-274 SEP-OCT 2002 |
[42] | Williams, C.D., "Zeolite" Chapter in The Molecular World, RSC Press 2002 ISBN: 0-854046704 |
[43] | Cox, J.J., Gibbons, M.N.N., & Williams, C.D. 'The Influence of Water in the synthesis of AlPO4-5 & Zeolite *'. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 10 48-52 2003 |
[44] | Dyer, A., Waughman, R. & Williams, C.D. ‘Pyramdal analcime from Ayrshire’. Journal of the Russell Society 8 (1) 26-29 2003. |
[45] | Williams, C.D., "Shape selective catalysis" Cheminform 34 (7) 227-235 2003 |
[46] | Williams, C.D., "Zeolite Materials" Chapter in Encylopedia of Inorganic Chemistry, Academic Press 2004 |
[47] | Shilton, V.F., Booth, C.A., Giess, G., Mitchell, D.J. & Williams, C.D. " Magnetic properties of urban street dust and its releationship to organic matter content in the west midlands UK". Atmospheric Environment (2005) 3651-3659 |
[48] | Chmielewska, E., Bogdanchikova, N. and Williams, C.D. "Study of some inorganic oxyanion-loaded ODA and Ag Clinoptilolite-rich tuff by HR TEM, SEM and XRD spectral analytical techniques". Environment Protection Engineering 30 (1-2) 31-40 2004 |
[49] | Farzaneh F, Zamanifar E, and Williams C.D. "V-MCM-41 as selective catalyst for epoxidation of olefins and trans-2-hexene-1-ol" JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 218 (2): 203-209 AUG 24 2004 |
[50] | Brigden, C.T., Thompsett, D. and Williams, C.D. "Synthesis of Sc-ZSM-5 from Fluoride Media" Dalton Trans., 2004, 2829 - 2830 |
[51] | Dyer, A., Green, D.I., Taylor, B. and Williams, C.D. ‘A tin lead alloy found in a zeolitic amygdale at Carsaig Bay on the hebridean isle of Mull’. Journal of the Russell Society 8 (2) 113-114 2005 |
[52] | Dyer, A., Chimedtsogzol, A., Campbell, L. and Williams. C. D. "Uptake of caesium and strontium radioisotopes by natural zeolites from Mongolia". Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 95 172-175 2006 |
[53] | Jakkula V.S., Williams C.D., Hocking T.J. and Fullen, M.A. "High selectivity and affinity of Linde type F towards ammonium ions on application as a soil amenndment for maize growth". Microporous and mesoprous materials 88 1-2 pp101-104 2006 |
[54] | Dyer, A., Green, D. I., Tindle, A. G. and Williams, C. D. "Clinoptilolite and Heulandite from Wheal Hazard, St Just, Cornwall" J. of the Russell Society 9 68-72 2006 |
[55] | Rios, C.A, Williams, C.D and Castellanos, O.M. "Synthesis and charaterisation of zeolites by activation of kaolinitr and industrial by-products in alkaline solutions" Bistua 4 60-71 2006 |
[56] | Rios, C.A., Williams, C.D and Maple M.J. " Synthesis of zeolites and zeotypes by hydrothermal transformation of kaolinite and metakaolinite" Bistua 5 15-26 2007 |
[57] | Brigden, C. T. and Williams, C. D. "The synthesis and charaterisation of Ai=Beta and all silica beta formed in fluoride and caustic media" Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 100 118-127 2007 |
[58] | Verlinden, R.A.J., Hill, D.J., Kenward, M.A, Williams, C.D and Radecka, I "Bacterial synthesis of biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoates" Journal of Applied Microbiology 102 (2007) 1437-1449 |
[59] | Brigden, C.T., Williams, C.D. and Apperley, D. "A study of the chemistry of isomorphous substitution and characterisation of Al-ZSM-5 and Sc-ZSM-5 synthesised in fluoride media" Russian Journal of Inorganic Materials 43 No7 1-12 2007 |
[60] | Maple, M.J. and Williams, C.D. "Synthesis and characterisation of aluminophosphate-based zeotype materials prepared with α,ω-bis(N-methylpyrrolidinium) alkane cations as structure directing agents" Dalton Transactions 4175-4181 2007 |
[61] | Catherine Duke & Craig Williams "Chemistry for Environmental & Earth Sciences" Tayor & Francis (CRC Press) 2007 ISBN 9780849339349 |
[62] | Kwakye-Awuah, B, Williams, C. D, Kenward, MA, Hill, D & Radecka I. "Antimicrobial action and efficiency of silver-loaded zeolite X" JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 104 Issue: 5 Pages: 1516-1524 Published: 2008 |
[63] | Kwakye-Awuah, B, Williams, C.D., Kenward, M.A. & Radecka, I " Production of siliver loaded analcime by isomorphous substitution technologies" Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology Volume 88, 1255-1260 2008 |
[64] | Wilson, O, Dyer, A, Holyer, V.A.D. & Williams, C.D. "Scolecite from Cornwall, the first occurrences in Englans" Journal of the Russell Society 11 87 2008 |
[65] | Removal of heavy metals from acid mine drainage (AMD) using coal fly ash, natural clinker and synthetic zeolites, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 156, Issues 1-3, 15 August 2008, Pages 23-35, C.A. Ríos, C.D. Williams, C.L. Roberts |
[66] | Synthesis of zeolitic materials from natural clinker: A new alternative for recycling coal combustion by-products, Fuel, Volume 87, Issue 12, September 2008, Pages 2482-2492, C.A. Ríos, C.D. Williams |
[67] | Synthesis and characterization of zeotype ANA framework by hydrothermal reaction of natural clinker, Fuel, Volume 88, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 272-281, M.V. Sandoval, J.A. Henao, C.A. Ríos, C.D. Williams, D.C. Apperley |
[68] | Nucleation and growth history of zeolite LTA synthesized from kaolinite by two different methods, Applied Clay Science, Volume 42, Issues 3-4, January 2009, Pages 446-454, C.A. Ríos, C.D. Williams, M.A. Fullen |
[69] | Hydrothermal synthesis of hydrogarnet and tobermorite at 175 °C from kaolinite and metakaolinite in the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O system: A comparative study, Applied Clay Science, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 4 October 2008, Carlos A. Ríos, Craig D. Williams, Michael A. Fullen |
[70] | A comparative study of two methods for the synthesis of fly ash based sodium and potassium type zeolites Fuel, Volume 88, 2009 Pages 1403-1416 Carlos A. Rios R., Craig D. Williams, Clive L. Roberts |
[71] | Rios, C.A., Williams, C.D. and Roberts, C.L. "Zeolitization of geological and waste materials at low temperature in KOH solutions" Geological Engineering 11 (2) 117-125 2009 |
[72] | Rios, C.A. and Williams, C.D. "Hydrothermal transformation of kaolinite in the system K2O-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O" Dyna 163 55-63 2010 |
[73] | Rios, C.A., Williams, C.D. and Castellanos, O.M. "Synthesis of zeolite LTA from thermally treated kaolinite" Rev. Fac. Ing. Univ. Antioquia 53 30-44 2010 |
[74] | Rios, C.A., Williams C.D and Roberts, C.L. " UK fly ash-based zeolites as adsorbents for removal of heavy metals and ammonium from artificially polluted solutions" Geological Engineering 12 (1) 57-71 2010 |