[1] | Electronic and molecular properties of an adsorbed protein monolayer probed by two-color sum-frequency generation spectroscopy, in Langmuir, Laurent DREESEN, Christophe HUMBERT, Yannick SARTENAER, Yves CAUDANO, Cédric VOLCKE, Alaa Addin MANI, André PEREMANS, Paul THIRY, Sophie HANIQUE, Jean-Marie FRÈRE 2004, Vol. 20, issue 17, pp 7201-7207. |
[2] | STM tip functionalisation : A route to chemical contrast imaging, in Physicalia Magazine, Cédric VOLCKE, Priscilla SIMONIS, François DURANT, Paul THIRY, Philippe LAMBIN, Christine CULOT, Christophe HUMBERT 2005, Vol. 27, issue 4, pp 415-422. |
[3] | Thiocyanate and thiol self-assembling process on platinum investigated by means of sum-frequency generation, in Physicalia Magazine, Yannick SARTENAER, Gérard TOURILLON, Pierre LOUETTE, Cédric VOLCKE, Christophe HUMBERT, André PEREMANS, Paul A. THIRY, Laurent DREESEN, 2005, Vol. 27, issue 4, pp 405-413. |
[4] | Use of specific functionalised tips with STM: A new identification method of ester groups and their molecular structure in self-assembled overlayers, in Chemistry: A European Journal, Cédric VOLCKE, Priscilla SIMONIS, François DURANT, Paul THIRY, Philippe LAMBIN, Christine CULOT, Christophe HUMBERT 2005, Vol. 11, issue 14, pp 4185-4190. |
[5] | Highlighting functional groups in self-assembled overlayers with specific functionalised scanning tunnelling microscopy tips, in Nanotechnology, Cédric VOLCKE, Priscilla SIMONIS, Paul THIRY, Philippe LAMBIN, Christine CULOT, Christophe HUMBERT 2005, Vol. 16, issue 11, pp. 2596-2600. |
[6] | A low-temperature aqueous solution route to large-scale growth of ZnO nanowire arrays, in Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Fen XU, Zhing-Yon YUAN, Gao-Hui DU, Tie-Zhen REN, Cédric VOLCKE, Paul A. THIRY, Bao-Lian SU 2006, Vol. 352, issue 23-25, pp. 2569-2574. |
[7] | Influence of DNA condensation state on transfection efficiency in DNA/polymer complexes : an AFM and DLS comparative study, in Journal of Biotechnology, Cédric VOLCKE, Sabine PIROTTON, Christian GRANDFILS, Christophe HUMBERT, Paul A. THIRY, Martine RAES, Isabelle YDENS, Philippe DUBOIS, 2006, Vol. 125, issue 1, pp. 11-21. |
[8] | Comparative study of decyl thiocyanate and decanethiol self-assembled monolayers on gold substrates, in Surface Science, Laurent DREESEN, Cédric VOLCKE, Yannick SARTENAER, André PEREMANS, Paul THIRY, Christophe HUMBERT, Jérôme GRUGIER, Jacqueline MARCHAND-BRYNAERT 2006, Vol. 600, issue 18, pp. 4052-4057. |
[9] | Molecular conformation and electronic properties of Protoporphyrin-IX self assembled monolayers adsorbed on a Pt(111) surface, in Surface Science, Christophe HUMBERT, Cédric VOLCKE, Yannick SARTENAER, André PEREMANS, Paul THIRY, Laurent DREESEN 2006, Vol. 600, issue 18, pp. 3702-3709. |
[10] | Adsorption properties of decyl thiocyanate and decanthiol on platinum substrates studied by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy, in Surface Science, Yannick SARTENAER, Christophe HUMBERT, Cédric VOLCKE, Gérard TOURILLON, Pierre LOUETTE, André PEREMANS, Paul A. THIRY and Laurent DREESEN 2007, Vol. 601, pp. 1259-1264. |
[11] | Special features in self-assembled monolayers, in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Cédric VOLCKE and Paul A. THIRY (2007) Vol 61, pp 1236-1240. |
[12] | Adsorption properties of the penicillin derivative DTPA on gold substrates, in ChemPhysChem, Laurent DREESEN, Christophe SILIEN, Cédric VOLCKE, Yannick SARTENAER, Paul A. THIRY, André PEREMANS, Jerome GRUGIER, Jacqueline MARCHAND-BRYNAERT, Alain BRANS, Stana GRUBISIC and Bernard JORIS 2007, Vol 8, pp 1071-1076. |
[13] | On functional groups in STM images of self-assembled monolayers, in Physical and Chemical News, Cédric VOLCKE, Priscilla SIMONIS, Christophe HUMBERT, Philippe LAMBIN, Christine CULOT, Paul THIRY 2007, Vol. 36, pp. 34-38. |
[14] | Oriented transfer of proteins for biosensor applications, in European Cells and Materials, Cédric VOLCKE, Ram Prasad GANDHIRAMAN, Lourdes BASABE-DESMONTS, Asif RIAZ, Attilio A. CAFOLLA and Brian D. McCRAITH 2007, Vol. 14 issue Suppl. 3, pp 42-42. |
[15] | Total Internal Reflection Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy and Gold nanoparticles close-packed array: A route for probing adsorbed molecules, in Nanotechnology, Gérard TOURILLON, Laurent DREESEN, Cedric VOLCKE, Yannick SARTENAER, Paul A. THIRY and André PEREMANS 2007, Vol. 18, 415301 (7pp). |
[16] | Morphological characterization of polystyrene films deposited in a new inductively coupled rf-plasma reactor, in Journal of Microscopy, Marie HAÏDOPOULOS, Frédéric MIRABELLA, Matthieu HORGNIES, Cédric VOLCKE, Paul A. THIRY, Paul ROUXHET and Jean-Jacques PIREAUX 2007, Vol. 228 Pt 2, pp 227-239. |
[17] | Development of an antibody immobilisation method for sandwich immunoassay on cyclic olefin copolymer surfaces, in Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Jog RAJ, Grégoire HERZOG, Mary MANNING, Cedric VOLCKE, Brian D. McCRAITH, Scott BALLANTYNE, Michael THOMPSON and Damian W.M. ARRIGAN 2009, Vol 24, pp 2654-2658. |
[18] | Molecular functionalization of tantalum oxide surface towards development of bone growth, in Applied Surface Science, Cedric VOLCKE, Danielle AUBRY, Paul A. THIRY, Joseph DELHALLE and Zineb MEKHALIF 2009, Vol 255, pp 4765-4772. |
[19] | Titanium modified with layer-by-layer sol-gel tantalum oxide and organobiphosphonic acid: A stand for hydroxiapatite growth, in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Christelle ARNOULD, Cedric VOLCKE, Celine LAMARQUE, Paul A. THIRY, Joseph DELHALLE and Zineb MEKHALIF 2009, Vol. 336, pp 497-503. |
[20] | Plasma surface modification of Cyclo-olefin polymers and its application to lateral flow bioassays, in Langmuir, Magdalena D. DUDEK, Ram Prasad GANDHIRAMAN, Cedric VOLCKE, Attilio A. CAFOLLA, Stephen DANIELS and Anthony J. KILLARD 2009, Vol. 25, pp 11155-11161. |
[21] | Evaluation of a range of surface modifications for the enhancement of lateral flow assays on Cyclic polyolefin micropillar devices, in Plasma Processes & Polymers, Magdalena D. DUDEK, Ram Prasad GANDHIRAMAN, Cedric VOLCKE, Stephen DANIELS and Anthony J. KILLARD 2009, Vol 6, pp 620-630. |
[22] | Close-packed array of gold nanoparticles and sum-frequency generation spectroscopy in total internal reflection: A platform for studying biomolecules and biosensors, in Journal of Materials Science, Gérard TOURILLON, Laurent DREESEN, Cedric VOLCKE, Yannick SARTENAER, Paul A. THIRY and André PEREMANS 2009, Vol. 44, pp 6805-6810. |
[23] | Protein pattern transfer for biosensor application, in Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Cédric VOLCKE, Ram Prasad GANDHIRAMAN, Lourdes BASABE-DESMONTS, Marcello IACONO, Vladimir GUBALA, Francesca CECCHET, Attilio A. CAFOLLA and David E. WILLIAMS 2010, Vol. 25, pp 1295-1300. |
[24] | Impact of the anchoring groups X (-SH,-S-S-,-SeH,-Se-Se-) of C12H15X molecules self-assembled on polycrystalline copper investigated by spectroscopic and elecrochemical techniques, in Electrochimica Acta, Gregory FONDER, Cédric VOLCKE, B. CSOKA, Joseph DELHALLE and Zineb MEKHALIF 2010, Vol 55, pp 1557-1567. |
[25] | Reactive amine surfaces for biosensor applications, prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour modification of polyolefin materials, in Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Cedric VOLCKE, Ram Prasad GANDHIRAMAN, Vladimir GUBALA, Jog RAJ, Thomas CUMMINS, Gregory FONDER, Robert I. NOONEY, Zineb MEKHALIF, Gregoire HERZOG, Stephen DANIELS, Damian W.M. ARRIGAN, Attilio A. CAFOLLA and David E. WILLIAMS 2010, Vol 25, pp 1875-1880. |
[26] | Deposition of chemically reactive and repellent sites on biosensor chips for reduced non-specific binding, in Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces, Ram Prasad GANDHIRAMAN, Vladimir GUBALA, Le Cao Hoai NAM, Cedric VOLCKE, Colin DOYLE, Bryony JAMES, Stephen DANIELS and David E. WILLIAMS 2010, Vol 79, pp 270-275. |
[27] | Interaction of plasma deposited HMDSO based coatings with fibrinogen and human blood plasma: the correlation between bulk plasma, surface characteristics and biomolecule interaction, in Plasma Processes & Polymers, Ram Prasad GANDHIRAMAN, Mohan Kumar MUNIYAPPA, Magdalena DUDEK, Connor COYLE, Cedric VOLCKE, Paul BURHAM, Stephen DANIELS, Niall BARRON, Martin CLYNES and David CAMERON 2010, Vol 77, pp 411-421. |
[28] | High efficiency amine functionalization of cycloolefin polymer surfaces for biodiagnostics, in Journal of Materials Chemistry, Ram Prasad GANDHIRAMAN, Cedric VOLCKE, Vladimir GUBALA, Colin DOYLE, Lourdes BASABE-DESMONTS, Christian DOTZLER, Michael F. TONEY, Marcello IACONO, Robert I. NOONEY, Stephen DANIELS, Bryony JAMES and David E. WILLIAMS 2010, Vol 20, pp 4116-4127. |
[29] | Functionalization of cyclo olefin polymer surfaces by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition: Comprehensive characterization and analysis of the contact surface and the bulk of aminosiloxane coatings, in Analyst, Vladimir GUBALA, Ram Prasad GANDHIRAMAN, Cedric VOLCKE, Colin DOYLE, Connor COYLE, Bryony JAMES, Stephen DANIELS, David E. WILLIAMS 2010, Vol 135, pp 1375-1381. |
[30] | Plasma functionalization of AFM probes for measurements of chemical interactions, in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Cedric VOLCKE, Ram Prasad GANDHIRAMAN, Vladimir GUBALA, Colin DOYLE, Paul A. THIRY, Attilio A. CAFOLLA, Stephen DANIELS and David E. WILLIAMS 2010, Vol. 348, pp 322-328. |
[31] | Anchoring of alkylphosphonic derivatives molecules on copper oxide surfaces, in Applied Surface Science, Grégory FONDER, Isabelle MINET, Cédric VOLCKE, Sebastien DEVILLERS, Jospeh DELHALLE and Zineb MEHALIF 2011, Vol. 257, pp 6300-6307. |