[1] | Synthesis, characterization and ac-conductivity measurements of fly-ash and clinker doped polyaniline composites Himanshu Narayan, Angela M. Montaño, Monica L. Hernández, July A. Hernández, Claudia P. González and César A. Ortiz, Communicated to Bull. Mater. Sci. |
[2] | Visible light photocatalysis with rare earth ions doped TiO2 nanocomposites Himanshu Narayan, Hailemichael Alemu, Lijeloang Setofolo and Lebohang Macheli, Communicated to Nanotechnology. |
[3] | Role of particle size in visible light photocatalysis of Congo red using TiO2.[ZnFe2O4]x nanocomposites Himanshu Narayan, Hailemichael Alemu, Lebohang Macheli, Mantoa Sekota, Madhavi Thakurdesai and T. K. Gundu Rao, Bull. Mater. Sci. 32 (5) (2009) 499. [Cited 1 times; Journal Impact Factor 2008: 0.858] |
[4] | Synthesis and characterization Y3+ doped TiO2 nanocomposites for photocatalytic applications Himanshu Narayan, Hailemichael Alemu, Lebohang Macheli, Madhavi Thakurdesai, and T. K. Gundu Rao, Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 255601. [Cited 3 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 3.137] |
[5] | Hopping photoconductivity and the effectiveness of phonon detection in GaAs:Zn bolometers B.M. Taele, Himanshu Narayan and R. Mukaro, Solid State Elec. 52 (5) (2008) 782. [Cited 1 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 1.494] |
[6] | Swift heavy ion irradiation of MgB2 thin films: A comparison between gold and silver ions irradiations Himanshu Narayan, Ravindra K. Bhatt, H.M. Agrawal, R.P.S. Kushwaha and H. Kishan, J. Phys.: Condens. Matters. 19 (2007) 136209. [Cited 1 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 1.964] |
[7] | Synthesis, characterization and conductivity measurements of polyaniline and polyaniline/fly-ash composites Himanshu Narayan, Hailemichael Alemu and Emmanuel Iwuoha, Phys. Stat. Solidi (a) 203 (15) (2006) 3665. [Cited 3 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 1.228] |
[8] | Phase formation and superconductivity of Fe-tube encapsulated and vacuum annealed MgB2 K.P. Singh, V.P.S. Awana, Md. Shahabuddin, M. Husain, R.B. Saxena, Rashmi Nigam, M.A. Ansari, Anurag Gupta, Himanshu Narayan, S.K. Halder and H. Kishan, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 20 (27) (2006) 1763. [Cited 6 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 0.512] |
[9] | Study of microstructural changes in MgB2 thin film superconductors irradiated with 200 MeV 107Ag ions H. Narayan, Anurag Gupta, A.V. Narlikar, K.N. Sood, Ram Kishore and D. Kanjilal, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 17 (2004) 1072. [Cited 3 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 2.694] |
[10] | Variation of electrical resistance in metallic glasses subjected to 130 MeV 28Si ions irradiation H. Narayan, H.M. Agrawal, R.P.S. Kushwaha, V. Ganeshan and D. Kanjilal, Phys. Stat. Solidi (a) 201 (3) (2004) 536. [Cited 0 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 1.228] |
[11] | Study of magnetization and pinning mechanisms in MgB2 thin film superconductors: effect of heavy ion irradiation Anurag Gupta, H. Narayan, D. Astill, D. Kanjilal, C. Ferdeghini, M. Paranthaman and A.V. Narlikar, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 16 (2003) 951. [Cited 13 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 2.694] |
[12] | A detailed investigation of surface modification in metallic glasses subjected to 130 MeV 28Si ions irradiation H. Narayan, S.B. Samanta, H.M. Agrawal, R.P.S. Kushwaha, A. Gupta, S.K. Sharma, A.V. Narlikar and D. Kanjilal, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B196 (1-2) (2002) 89. [Cited 5 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 1.156] |
[13] | SEM and STM/STS investigation of superconducting magnesium diboride MgB2 H. Narayan, S.B. Samanta, A. Gupta, A.V. Narlikar, R. Kishore, K.N. Sood, D. Kanjilal, T. Muranaka and J. Akimitsu, Physica C 377 (1-2) (2002) 1. [Cited 12 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 0.723] |
[14] | Grain boundaries as weak links: the case of MgB2 with reference to YNi2B2C S.B. Samanta, H. Narayan, A. Gupta, A.V. Narlikar, T. Muranaka and J. Akimitsu, Phys. Rev. B 65 (9) (2002) 092510. [Cited 33 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 3.475] |
[15] | Surface smoothing of metallic glasses by swift heavy ion irradiation H. Narayan, H.M. Agrawal, R.P.S. Kushwaha, D. Kanjilal and S.K. Sharma; Nucl. Instrum. Methods B156 (1999) 217. [Cited 3 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 1.156] |
[16] | An SEM and STM investigation of surface smoothing in 130 MeV Si irradiated metglass MG2705M H. Narayan, S.B. Samanta, H.M. Agrawal, R.P.S. Kushwaha, D. Kanjilal, S.K. Sharma and A.V. Narlikar; J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 11 (1999) 2679. [Cited 4 times; Journal Impact Factor 2009: 1.964] |
[17] | Titanium Dioxide Mediated Visible Light Photocatalysis: Effects of Particle Size and Doping Himanshu Narayan and Hailemichael Alemu; in: Advances in Nanotechnology, Chapter 7, Vol.: 4, Ed.: Zacharie Bartul and Jérôme Trenor, Nova Science Publishers, New York (2010), ISBN: 978-1-61668-618-5, 205-219. |
[18] | Fly Ash Composites with Polyaniline: Synthesis, Characterization and Conductivity Measurements Himanshu Narayan, Hailemichael Alemu, Vernon S. Somerset, Emmanuel Iwuoha, Monica L. Hernández, July A. Hernández, Angela M. Montaño and José A. Henao; in: Fly Ash: Reuse, Environmental Problems, and Exposure Issues, Chapter 5, Ed.: Peter H. Telone, Nova Science Publishers, New York (2009), ISBN: 978-1-60741-632-6, 111-136. |
[19] | AFM, STM and STS Studies of Grain Boundaries and Ion-Beam Induced Defects in MgB2 A.V. Narlikar, P.S.P. Herrmann, S.B. Samanta, H. Narayan, Anurag Gupta, D. Kanjilal, R. Vijayaraghavan, T. Muranaka and J. Akimitsu; in: Studies of High Temperature Super-conductors (book-series), Chapter: 25, Vol. 38, Ed.: Anant Narlikar, Nova Science Publishers, New York (2001), ISBN: 1-59033-131-1, pp. 443-455. |
[20] | Visible light photocatalysis with rare earth ions doped TiO2 nanocomposites Himanshu Narayan and Hailemichael Alemu; Accepted in 35th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC2011), to be held during January 23-28, 2011 at the Hilton Daytona Beach Resort and Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. |
[21] | Renewable energy potentials and progress in Lesotho B.M. Taele, H. Narayan and L. Mokhutšoane; Renewable Energy & Climate Change Workshop held at National University of Lesotho, Roma Campus, Lesotho during January 6th-7th, 2010. |
[22] | Visible light photocatalysis of Congo Red: A comparison between Zn2+/Fe3+ and Y3+ doped TiO2 nanocomposites Himanshu Narayan and Hailemichael Alemu; Accepted in International School on Environmental Nano-Technology (ISENT2009), Organized jointly by Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) and The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), during September 27th-October 1st, 2009, at IUT, Isfahan, Iran: Event postponed! |
[23] | 200 MeV 107Ag ions irradiation of MgB2 superconductor thin films H. Narayan, Anurag Gupta and D. Kanjilal; 49th Annual Conference of the South African Institutes of Physics (SAIP 2004), held at University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa during June 28th-July 2nd, 2004. |
[24] | Surface smoothing of metallic glasses by swift heavy ion irradiation H. Narayan, H.M. Agrawal, R.P.S. Kushwaha, D. Kanjilal and S.K. Sharma; International Conference on Swift Heavy Ion in Material Engineering and Characterization (SHIMEC'98), organized by NSC, New Delhi, India during October 20th-22nd,1998. |