[1] | C.M. Simonescu, Wastewater Biological Treatment, Matrix Rom Ed. Bucharest, ISBN 978-973-755-473-4, 2009; |
[2] | C. Căpăţînă, C.M. Simonescu, Natural Resources and their using. Industrial Waste Recovery, Matrix Rom Ed., Bucharest, ISBN 978-973-755-549-6, 2009 |
[3] | E. Stîngaciu, C.M. Simonescu, Natural Water Monitoring and Quality Control, Matrix Rom Ed. Bucharest, ISBN 978-973-755-481-9, 2009; |
[4] | C. Căpăţână, C.M. Simonescu, Storage, treatment and recycling of wastes and recoverable materials, Matrix Ed., ISBN (10)973-755-058-7, ISBN (13)978-973-755-058-3, 2006; |
[5] | C.M. Simonescu, Rodica Stănescu-supervision of paper named "The toxicological and ecotoxicological properties of common substances characterization cards"-paper realized by the 4th year students of Environmental Engineering Department 2005-InterMediu Bucharest, JICA/JOCV Romania |
[6] | C.M. Simonescu, R. Stǎnescu, General Notions in Ecology, Printech Ed., ISBN 973-718-242-1, 2005; |
[7] | C. M. Simonescu, R. Stănescu, Lányi Szabolcs, Pollution and Environmental Protection, Printech Ed., ISBN 973-652-655-0, 2002; |
[8] | C.M. Simonescu, Onose Cristian, Ecology and Sustainable Development-Laboratory Works, MatrixRom Ed., Bucharest, ISBN 978-973-755-632-5, 2010, 139 pp; |
[9] | Belcu Mihai, Untea Ion, Turtoi Dumitru, Tudorache Elena, Braşoveanu Dan, Florea Carmen Mihaela, C.M. Simonescu, General Chemical Technology-Laboratory Works, Editura UPB, 1999,165 pp; |
[10] | Simonescu C.M., Dincă O.-R., Oprea O., Căpăţînă C., Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies on Sorption of Copper from Aqueous Solutions onto Thermal Power Plants Ash, Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752 62(2),183-188, 2011. |
[11] | C. Căpăţînă, C.M. Simonescu, Valorization of Waste Produced in the Processes of plating Technologies within a Vitreous Matrix, Revista de Chimie (Bucharest), ISSN 0034-7752, 61(3), pp. 254-258, 5 pg., 2010; |
[12] | C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, Impact of slag deposits in the Gorj County, J. Environ. Prot. Ecol., Book 3, pg. 657-663, 7 pg. 2009, ISSN 1311-5065; |
[13] | C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, Study of air pollution by mining exploitation, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Book 2, pg. 313-319, 7 pg. 2009, ISSN 1311-5065; |
[14] | C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, Management of waste in rural areas of Gorj County, Romania, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, ISSN 1582-9596, vol.7, No.6, pp. 717-723, 7 pg., 2008; |
[15] | G. Lazăr, C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, Evaluation of the heavy metals content in soil around a thermal station, Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752, 59(8), pp. 939-943, 5 pg., 2008; |
[16] | C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, Study regarding the impact of a domestic wastes warehouse on the soil of the city of Tg-Jiu, the Gorj county, ISSN 1311-5065, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol. 9 Book 2, pp. 284-290, 7 pg., 2008; |
[17] | C. Deleanu, C. M. Simonescu, I. Constantinescu, Adsorption Behaviour of Cu(II) Ions from Aqueous Solution on Chitosan, Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752, 59(6), pp. 639-642, 4 pg., 2008; |
[18] | C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, Studies on air pollution with air-floated powders and lead in Tg-Jiu city, Gorj county, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, ISSN 1582-9596, vol.7, No.2, pp. 125-128, 4 pg., 2008; |
[19] | C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, Study regarding Agricultural Use of mud Waste from City Sewage Purification Station, Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752, 58(12), pp. 1212-1215, 4 pg., 2007 |
[20] | C. M. Simonescu, C. Deleanu, C. Căpăţînă, Influence of Competing Agent on Heavy Metal Ions Removal Capacities of Amberlite IRC 748-a Chelating Resin, Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752, 58(11), pg. 1046-1049, 4 pg., 2007 |
[21] | C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, Researches Regarding the Vitrification of a Galvanic Waste, Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752, vol. 58(8), pp. 747-750, 4 pg., 2007 |
[22] | C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, Red glasses without cadmium for auto signaling, Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752, vol. 58(1), pp. 105-106, 2 pg., 2007 |
[23] | C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, Environmental Impact and Strength Variability of Glass, Sci. Tech. Bull. Series: Chem., Food Sci. & Eng., ISSN 1582-1021 ,vol. 11(XII), pp. 207-211, 5 pg., 2006 (national journal indexed CNCSIS B cathegory); |
[24] | C. M. Simonescu, "Processes and technology for ammonium removal from wastewaters", Industrial Ecology-Journal for work and environment protection, year XII, vol. I-II, pg. 60-66, 2005, ISSN 1224-3183; |
[25] | Mihaela Mocioi, C. M. Simonescu, Ana Maria Albu, Carmencita Mateescu, Studies and researches for Cu(II) retain by chelatization on polymeric suports privind reţinerea Cu(II) prin chelatizare pe suporturi polimerice, Industrial Ecology-Journal for work and environment protection, year XII, vol. I-II,, pg. 36-43, 2005, ISSN 1224-3183 |
[26] | C. M. Simonescu, M.V. Bunea, R. M. Chivu, C. Deleanu, D. Nagârdu, Andreea-Iuliana Moise, " A comparative study of copper removal from wastewaters using Amberlite IRC 748-a chelating resin and Lewatite S 100-a strong cation resin", Oradea Universit's Annals-Chemistry-XII, pg. 168-179, 2005, I.S.S.S.N. 1224-7626; |
[27] | C. Capaţina, C. M. Simonescu, „Environmental Impact and Strength Variability of Glass", Sci. Tech. Bull. Series: Chem., Food Sci. & Eng., year XII, vol. 11, pg. 207-211, 2006, ISSN 1582-1021; |
[28] | C.M. Simonescu, M. Stancu, C. Căpăţînă, Kinetics and equilibrium studies for the removal of zinc from aqueous solutions by chitosan, Proceedings of the 16th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (RICCCE XVI), ISBN: 978-606-521-349-4, Ed. Printech, Bucharest 16-20 September 2009, pp. S.V.30-S.V.38, 9 pg., 2009 |
[29] | R. Stanescu., C. M. Simonescu, D. Vaireanu, Impact Assessment of the REACH Regulation (No. 1907/2006) on the Romanian Companies, Proceedindgs of the 16th Romanian International Conference RICCCE, 9-12 Sept.Sinaia, Romania, ISBN 978-606-521-349-4, p. S.V. 2-S.V. 8 |
[30] | C. M. Simonescu, C. Capatina, Use of chitosan for zinc removal from wastewaters, Proceedings of the International Symposium "The Environment and Industry", vol. 1; 28-30 octombrie 2009, pp. 268-274, 7 pp., ISSN 1834-5831, 2009; |
[31] | C. Capatina, E.C. Şchiopu, C.M.Simonescu, The Influence of the Rovinari Exploitation Quarry, District of Gorj, Romania, Over the Water Quality of the River Jiu, Romania, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing-Part II, 4.06-6.06.2009, Ostrava, Czech Republic; ISBN 978-80-248-1995-2, pp. 141-146, 6 pg. 2009; |
[32] | C. Capatina, E.C. Şchiopu, C.M.Simonescu, The Chemical Determinations of the Urban Used Waters, Romania, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing-Part II, 4.06-6.06.2009, Ostrava, Czech Republic; ISBN 978-80-248-1995-2, p. 131-136, 6 pg., 2009; |
[33] | C. Deleanu, C.M.Simonescu, C. Căpăţînă, Adsorption of Ni(II) ions from aqueous solutions onto chitosan, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing-Part I, 5.06-7.06.2008, Ostrava, Czech Republic; ISBN 978-80-248-1775-0, Editori: Fečko Peter, Čablik Vladimir, pp. 41-46, 6 pg., 2008; |
[34] | C. Căpăţînă, C.M.Simonescu, The recycling of wood industrial waste for concretes obtaining, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing-Part I, 5.06-7.06.2008, Ostrava, Czech Republic; ISBN 978-80-248-1775-0, Editori: Fečko Peter, Čablik Vladimir, pp. 145-148, 4 pg., 2008; |
[35] | C. Căpăţînă, C.M.Simonescu, The recycling of glass fibre wastes, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing-Part I, 5.06-7.06.2008, Ostrava, Czech Republic; ISBN 978-80-248-1775-0, Editori: Fečko Peter, Čablik Vladimir, pp. 311-314, 4 pg., 2008; |
[36] | C. Deleanu, C.M.Simonescu, C. Căpăţînă, Comparative study on the adsorption of Cu(II) ions onto chitosan and chemical modified chitosan, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing-Part III, 5.06-7.06.2008, Ostrava, Czech Republic; ISBN 978-80-248-1777-4, Editori: Fečko Peter, Čablik Vladimir, pp. 201-207, 7 pg., 2008; |
[37] | C.M.Simonescu, C. Deleanu, S. Ungureanu, C. Căpăţînă, Copper removal from wastewaters by Amberlite IRC-748-a chelating resin, Simpozion Internaţional Mediul şi Industria, 25-27 octombrie, lucrare publicată în volumul I, Editura Estfalia Bucureşti, ISSN 1843-5831, pp. 175-179, 5 pg., 2007; |
[38] | C. Căpăţînă, C.M.Simonescu, Domestic wastes management, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing-Part II, 31.05-2.06.2008, Ostrava, Czech Republic; ISBN 978-80-248-1278-6, Editori: Fečko Peter, Čablik Vladimir, pp. 143-146, 4 pg., 2007; |
[39] | C. Capatina, C.M.Simonescu, Glasses for immobilization of radioactive wastes, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 22-24.06.2006, Ostrava, Czech Republic; |
[40] | C. M. Simonescu, C. Deleanu, D. Nagârdu, A.-I. Moise, Nickel removal from wastewaters with chelating resin-Amberlite IRC 748-Environment and Industry International Symposium, Bucharest, Romania19-21 October 2005; article published in the supliment of the second volume of Environment and Industry International Symposium, Estfalia Bucharest Ed., ISBN 973-7681-00-2, pg. 62-68; |
[41] | C. M. Simonescu, C. Deleanu, L. Bobirica, A. Melinescu, and M. Giurginca, Bentonite and Na-bentonite used in ammonium removal from wastewaters, The 14th International Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Conference-"Politehnica" University of Bucharest-Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Bucharest, pg. 60-65, September 2005; |
[42] | M. Mocioi, Ana-Maria Albu, C. Mateescu, C. M. Simonescu, E. Rusen, B. Marculescu, N. Iosipenco, Studies on Adsorptive Removal of Chromium using Chelatogenes Polymeric Structures, International Conference Energy-Environment CIEM 2005, Bucharest, Romania, published on CD ISBN 973-86948-5-X Energy Universe Ed; |
[43] | M. Mocioi, A.-M. Albu, C. Mateescu, C. M. Simonescu, E. Rusen, B. Marculescu Synthesis and Characterization a New Metal Chelating Polymers for Cations Complexation, IUPAC Congress-Paris 2004; |
[44] | M. Mocioi, F. Bălăcianu, C. M. Simonescu, Experimental techniques for P-removal and recovery from wastewaters; Proceedings of 5th International Symposium with theme Ecology-Corrosion-Electroplating Research and Education Ministry, pg. 101-109, 1-3 Sibiu, Romania, October 2003; |
[45] | C. M. Simonescu, M. Mocioi, F. Bălăcianu, The methods for volatile organic compounds removal and recovery from wastewaters, Proceedings of 5th International Symposium with theme Ecology-Corrosion-Electroplating Research and Education Ministry, pg. 109-117, Sibiu, Romania, 1-3 October 2003; |
[46] | C. M. Simonescu, M. Mocioi, The use of Clinoptilolite for Ammonium Removal in Water Purification, 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering RICCCE13, vol. 1, pg. 126-131, Bucharest, Romania, September 2003; |
[47] | D. Turtoi, G. Zainescu, El. Tudorache, C. M. Simonescu, M. Belcu, M. Mocioi, The Recovery of Chromium from Tannery Wastewaters, The XIIth International Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Conference-"Politehnica" University of Bucharest-Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, pg. 60-65, September 2001; |
[48] | M. Mocioi, C. M. Simonescu, Nutrients removal from wastewaters using magnesium salts, Sustainable Development National Conference 2003, Bucharest, Romania, pg. 559-566; |
[49] | C.M. Simonescu, C. Deleanu, D. Nagârdu, Copper removal from wastewaters by ionic exchange, Proceedings of 6th National Symposium with theme Ecology-Corrosion-Electroplating Research and Education Ministry, Bucharest, Romania pg. 109-117, 12-14 October 2005, ISBN 973-718-345-2 |
[50] | Simonescu C.M., Căpăţînă C., Teodorescu V.Ş., Florea Ghe., CuS Nanoparticles Obtained in Presence of One Surfactant, Metalurgia International, ISSN 1582-2214, 11, pg. 140-146, 2011; |
[51] | V. Cîrcu, C.M. Simonescu, Smectic phases of liquid crystals based on dinuclear palladium(II) complexes with carboxylato bridge, Cryst. Res. Technol., 45(5) pp. 512-516, 5 pg., 2010)/DOI 10.1002/crat.201000062. |
[52] | C. M. Simonescu, V.S. Teodorescu, C. Căpăţînă, Surfactant involved in Copper Sulfide Nanocrystallites Synthesis, Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752, 59(12), pp. 1327-1329, 3 pg., 2008 |
[53] | C. M. Simonescu, O. Carp, C. Căpăţînă, Synthesis and characterization of Cu7S4 (anilite) obtained from copper:thiosulfate system, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, ISSN 1454-4164,10(10), pp. 2700-2702, 3 pg., 2008 |
[54] | C. Căpăţînă, C. M. Simonescu, The Effect of Crystallization on the Basicity in the System Li2O-2SiO2, Ceramics-Silikaty, ISSN 0862-5468, 52(2), pp. 77-84, 8 pg., 2008 |
[55] | L. Bancu, A. Meghea, C. M. Simonescu, T. Zecheru, Room Temperature Synthesis of CdS Nanocrystallites, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, ISSN: 1542-1406, 483(1), pp. 237-243, 7 pg., 2008 (articol prezentat la 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, 8-12 iulie 2007, Cracovia, Polonia) |
[56] | C. M. Simonescu, V.S. Teodorescu, O. Carp, L. Patron, C. Capatina, Thermal behaviour of copper sulfides obtained from copper:thiosulphate system, J. Therm. Anal. Cal., vol. 88(1), p. 71-76, 2007; |
[57] | C.M. Simonescu, L. Patron, V.S. Teodorescu, C. Capatina, Nucleation and crystal growth mechanism of CuS nanocrystallites obtained from copper(II):thiosulphate system, BIWIC 2006 13th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, 13-15 september 2006, Delft, Olanda, editors: P.J. Jansens, J.H. ter Horst, S. Jiang, ISBN 1-58603-658-0, pg. 299-304; |
[58] | C.M. Simonescu, L. Patron, V.S. Teodorescu, M. Brezeanu, C. Căpăţână, A facile chemical route to copper sulfide CuS nanocrystallites-pH effect of the morphology and the shape of them, J. of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 8(2), pg. 597-600, 2006; |
[59] | C.M. Simonescu, V. S. Teodorescu, M. Brezeanu, and A. Melinescu, Morphology and Shape Evolution of the Copper Monosulfide Nanocrystallites with the Reaction Time, Revista de Chimie (Rev. Chim.), vol. 56(6), pg. 611-614, 2005; |
[60] | C.M. Simonescu, V. S. Teodorescu, L. Patron, M. Giurginca, C. Căpăţână, Nonconventional method used for copper sulfide nanocrystallites obtained, Revista de Chimie (Rev. Chim.), vol. 56(8), pg. 810-812, 2005; |
[61] | C.M. Simonescu, L. Patron, O. Carp, I. Mîndru, G. Marinescu, M. Vasilescu, M. Brezeanu,Thiosulphate Complex Compounds-Raw Materials for CuxS I. Synthesis and characterization of precursors, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, vol. 50(11-12), pg. 865-869, 2005; |
[62] | C.M. Simonescu, L. Patron, O. Carp, I. Mîndru, G. Marinescu, M. Brezeanu, Thiosulfate Complex Compounds-Raw Materials for CuxSy II. CuxSy obtained from thiosulfate complex compounds, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, vol. 50(11-12), 871-878, 2005; |
[63] | C.M. Simonescu, V.S. Teodorescu, O. Carp, L. Patron, Thermal behaviour of copper sulfides obtained from copper:thiosulphate system, ESTAC 9-9th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 27-31 august 2006, Krakow, Poland, ISBN 83-8541-74-2, pg.266 |
[64] | C.M. Simonescu, L. Patron, V.S. Teodorescu, M. Brezeanu, C. Capatina, A facile chemical route to copper sulfide CuS nanocrystallites-pH effect of the morphology and the shape of them, Proceedings of The 4th National Conference "New Research Trends in Material Science ARM-4", Constanta, Romania, vol.1, 2005, pg. 386-392, ISBN-973-718-299-5, 2005; |
[65] | E. Cristurean, R. Olar, C. M. Simonescu, L. Ivan. A. Couture, N. Stanica, "Complexes with amides. Part 1. Synthesis and Spectroscopic, Magnetic and Biological Characterization of Mononuclear Ni(II) and Cu(II) Complexes with N-(pyrid-3-yl)-thiobenzamide and N-(pyrid-3-yl)benzamide" , UPB Sci. Bull, Serie B, Vol. 62, No.3, pg. 55-62, 2000; |
[66] | D. Marinescu, R. Olar, C. M. Simonescu, P. Grandclaudon, L. Ivan, A. Meghea, N. Stănică, "Complexes with amides. Part 2. Synthesis, spectroscopic, magnetic and biological characterization of Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes with polyfunctional amides", Revue Roumaine de Chimie, vol. 47 (5), pg. 437-441, 2002; |