[1] | Ohan Oumoudian and Ramzi A. Haraty. MI: Mobile Intelligence-A Decision Support System for Decision Makers. Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS 2011). Bali, Indonesia. November 2011. |
[2] | Bassam Zantout and Ramzi A. Haraty. I2P Data Communication System. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Networks (ICN 2011). St. Maarten,The Netherlands Antilles. January 2011. |
[3] | Hasan Sahily and Ramzi A. Haraty. A Comparative Study of Software Engineering Process Models for Middle East Airlines. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Advances in Management Science and Risk Assessment. Phuket, Thailand. November 2010. |
[4] | Mohammad Beydoun and Ramzi A. Haraty. Directed Graph Representation and Traversal in Relational Databases. Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2010), Prague, Czech Republic. July 2010. |
[5] | Aline Zeitunlian and Ramzi A. Haraty. An Efficient Cache Replacement Strategy for the Hybrid Cache Consistency Approach in a Mobile Environment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering (ICCESSE 2010). Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. March 2010. |
[6] | Ahmad Hammoud and Ramzi A. Haraty. Best Practices to Protect Databases behind RDBMS-Powered Web Applications. Proceedings of the 12th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. June 2009. |
[7] | Jad F. Abbass and Ramzi A. Haraty. Bit-Level Locking for Concurrency Control. Proceedings ofthe Seventh ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2009)-Sponsored by IEEE. Rabat, Morocco. May 2009. |
[8] | Samer Younes and Ramzi A. Haraty. An Improved Quorum Selection Algorithm. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service (CTRQ 2008)-Sponsored by IEEE. Bucharest, Romania. June 2008. |
[9] | Amer Chahine and Ramzi A. Haraty. A Synchronous/Asynchronous Multi-master Replication Method. Proceedings of the. International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA-2008). Cancun, Mexico. April 2008. |
[10] | Samah Rifai and Ramzi A. Haraty. Online Recruitment-An Intelligent Recruitment System. Proceedings of the. International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA-2008). Cancun, Mexico. April 2008. |
[11] | Ramzi A. Haraty, Rabie Sadek and Ilhyun Lee. BIRP: Bank Intra Routing Protocol. Proceedings of the IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference. Chicago, USA. May 2007. |
[12] | Safaa J. Kasbah, Ramzi A. Haraty and Issam W. Damaj. The Successive Over Relaxation Method in Reconfigurable Hardware. Proceedings of the IAENG International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists. Hong Kong, China. March 2007. |
[13] | Safaa J. Kasbah, Issam Damaj and Ramzi Haraty. Accurate High-Performance Multigrid Solvers in Reconfigurable Hardware. Book of Abstract of the Society of Applied Mathematics Conference on Computational Science and Engineering. Costa Mesa, USA. February 2007. |
[14] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Walid El Horr. Securing Wireless Networks with Enhanced WEP. Proceedings of the ISCA 19th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering. Las Vegas, USA. November 2006. |
[15] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Lana Turk. A Comparative Study of Replacement Algorithms used in the Scalable Asynchronous Cache Consistency Scheme. Proceedings of the ISCA 19th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering. Las Vegas, USA. November 2006. |
[16] | Hamzeh K. Al Shaar and Ramzi A. Haraty. A Three Poled Model for Web Applications. Proceedings of the ISCA 19th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering. Las Vegas, USA. November 2006. |
[17] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Wael Kdouh. SDDSR: Sequence Driven Dynamic Source Routing for Ad Hoc Mobile Networks. Proceedings of the World Automation Congress-International Symposium on Soft Computing for Industry.Budapest, Hungary. July 2006. |
[18] | Hadi Otrok, Ramzi A. Haraty and Abdul Nasser El-Kassar. Improving the Secure Socket Layer by Modifying its Authentication Function. World Automation Congress-International Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing. Budapest, Hungary. July 2006. |
[19] | Ramzi A. Haraty, Abdul Nasser El-Kassar and Bilal M. Shebaro. A Comparative Study of El Gamal Based Digital Signature Algorithms. World Automation Congress-International Symposium on Intelligent Automation and Control.Budapest, Hungary. July 2006. |
[20] | Haifa Elsidani Elariss, Souheil Khaddaj and Ramzi Haraty. An Evaluation of a Visual Query Language for Information Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems(ICEIS 2006) Conference. Paphos, Cyprus. May 2006. |
[21] | Haifa Elsidani Elariss, Souheil Khaddaj and Ramzi Haraty. Towards a New Visual Language for GIS. Proceedings of the IASTED Database Applications (DBA 2006) Conference. Innsbruck, Austria. February 2006. |
[22] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Omar El Ariss. Lebanese Colloquial Arabic Speech Recognition. Proceedings of the ISCA 18th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2005). Hawaii, USA. November 2005. |
[23] | Abdul Nasser El-Kassar, Ramzi Haraty, Y. A. Awad and N. C. Debnath. Modified RSA in the Domains of Gaussian Integers and Polynomials Over Finite Fields. Proceedings of the ISCA 18th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2005). Hawaii, USA. November 2005. |
[24] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Wissam Chehab. Regression Testing for Trusted Database Applications. Proceedings of the IBIMA 2005 Conference on Information Management in Modern Enterprise. Lisbon, Portugal. July 2005. |
[25] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Natalie Bekai. Towards a Temporal Multilevel Secure Relational Database Model.Proceedings of the IBIMA 2005 Conference on Information Management in Modern Enterprise. Lisbon, Portugal. July 2005. |
[26] | Ramzi A. Haraty, Hadi Otrok and Abdul Nasser El-Kassar.Attacking El Gamal Based Cryptographic Algorithms Using Pollard's Rho Algorithm. Proceedings of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2005). Cairo, Egypt. January 2005. |
[27] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Samer A. Khatib. TREX: A Temporal Reference Extractor for Arabic Texts. Proceedings of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2005). Cairo, Egypt. January 2005. |
[28] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Samer A. Khatib. Al-Monakkeb-A Superior Indexer for Arabic Texts. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, e-Business, and Applications (CSITeA'04). Cairo, Egypt. December 2004. |
[29] | Abdul Nasser El-Kassar, Ramzi Haraty and Y. A. Awad. Modified RSA in the Domain of Gaussian Integers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, e-Business, and Applications (CSITeA'04). Cairo, Egypt. December 2004. |
[30] | Abdul Nasser El-Kassar, Ramzi Haraty, and Y. A. Awad. Rabin Public Key Cryptosystem in Rings of Polynomials over Finite Fields. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, e-Business, and Applications (CSITeA'04). Cairo, Egypt. December 2004. |
[31] | Ali Massoud Haidar, Ali Ahmad El Moussaoui, Ramzi Haraty, Hiroyuki Shirahamaand Masahiro Sakomoto. Ternary and Quaternary Decision Diagrams. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, e-Business, and Applications (CSITeA'04). Cairo, Egypt. December 2004. |
[32] | Ramzi A. Haraty, Abdul Nasser El-Kassar and Hadi Otrok. A Comparative Study of RSA Based Cryptographic Algorithms. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent and Adaptive Systems and Software Engineering (IASSE-2004). Nice, France. July 2004. |
[33] | Abdul Nasser El-Kassar and Ramzi A. Haraty. ElGamal Public-key Cryptosystem Using Reducible Polynomials over a Finite Field. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent & Adaptive Systems and Software Engineering (IASSE-2004). Nice, France. July 2004. |
[34] | Ramzi A. Haraty, Hadi Otrok andAbdul Nasser El-Kassar. A Comparative Study of ElGamal Based Cryptographic Algorithms. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2004). Porto, Portugal. April 2004. |
[35] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Arda Zeitunlian. BVA+-A Bit Vectors Algorithm for Accelerating Queries in Multilevel Secure Databases. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2004). Porto, Portugal. April 2004. |
[36] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Ralph Varjabedian. ADD: Arabic Duplicate Detector-A Duplicate Detection Data Cleansing Tool. Proceedings of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2003). Tunisia, Tunisia. July 2003. |
[37] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Catherine Ghaddar. Neuro-Classification for Handwritten Arabic Text. Proceedings of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2003). Tunisia, Tunisia. July 2003. |
[38] | Ramzi A. Haraty, Nashat Mansour and Walid Daher. An Arabic Auto-Indexing System for Arabic Information Retrieval. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics (AI 2003). Innsbruck, Austria. February 2003. |
[39] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Hisham El-Zabadani. ABJAD: An Off-Line Arabic Handwritten Recognition System. Proceedings of the 2002 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2002). Doha, Qatar. December 2002. |
[40] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Alaa Hamid. Segmenting Handwritten Arabic Text. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, e-Business, and Applications (CSITeA'02). Foz do Iguazu, Brazil. June 2002. |
[41] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Imad Rahal. A Bit Vectors Algorithm for Accelerating Queries in Multilevel Secure Databases. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, e-Business, and Applications (CSITeA'02). Foz do Iguazu, Brazil. June 2002. |
[42] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Mazen Hamdoun. Iterative Querying in Web-Based Database Applications. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2002). Madrid, Spain. March 2002. |
[43] | Alaa Hamid and Ramzi Haraty. A Neuro-Heuristic Approach for Segmenting Handwritten Arabic Text. Proceedings of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2001). Beirut, Lebanon. June 2001. |
[44] | Ramzi A. Haraty, Nash'at Mansour and Bassel Daou. Regression Testing of Database Applications. Proceedings of the 16th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2001). Las Vegas, USA. March 2001. |
[45] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Roula C. Fany. Transaction Acceleration in Secure Database Systems. Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2000). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. November 2000. |
[46] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Roula C. Fany. Accelerating Queries in Multilevel Secure Database Systems. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computing and Information ICCI '2000, Kuwait, November 18-21, 2000. |
[47] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Roula Fany. A PERF Solution for Distributed Query Optimization. Proceedings of the ISCA 15th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications. Louisiana, USA. March 2000. |
[48] | Sana Abiad, Ramzi A. Haraty and Nash'at Mansour. Database Software Metrics for Small Database Applications. Proceedings of the 15th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Como, Italy. March 2000. |
[49] | Ramzi A. Haraty andRoula Fany.Distributed Query Optimization Using PERF Joins. Proceedings of the 15thACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Como, Italy. March 2000. |
[50] | Ramzi A. Haraty. A Security Policy Manager for Multilevel Secure Object Oriented Database Management Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation. Cairns-Queensland, Australia. September 1999. |
[51] | Ramzi A. Haraty. C2 Secure Database Management Systems-A Comparative Study. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. San Antonio, Texas. March 1999. |
[52] | William Perrizo, Hossein Hakimzadeh, Ramzi A. Haraty and Brajendrea Panda. A Concurrency Control Model for Multilevel Secure Object-Oriented Databases. Proceedings of the Mid-Content Conference on Information and Database Systems. Fargo, ND. May 1994. |
[53] | Brajendra Panda, William Perrizo and Ramzi A. Haraty. Secure Transaction Management and Query Processing in Multilevel Secure Database Systems. Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing. Phoenix, AZ. April 1994. |
[54] | William Perrizo and Ramzi A. Haraty. Transaction Processing in Multilevel Secure Replicated Databases. Proceedings of the Mid-Continent Information Systems Conference. Fargo, ND. May 1993. |
[55] | William Perrizo, Jim Gustafson, Hussein Hakimzadeh and Ramzi A. Haraty. OOHYDRO:A Heterogeneous Distributed Database System for Object-Base andDatabase Interoperability. Proceedings of the Mid-Continent Information Systems Conference. Fargo, ND. May 1993. |
[56] | Noureddine Boudriga and Ramzi A. Haraty. Multilevel Security in Multidatabase Systems. Proceedings of the SmallCollege Computing Symposium. Cedar Rapids, IA. April 1993. |
[57] | William Perrizo and Ramzi A. Haraty. Integrating Knowledge Based Systems in Heterogeneous Distributed Databases. Proceeding of the International Conference on Computer Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis. Washington, DC. March 1993. |
[58] | William Perrizo and Ramzi A. Haraty.Transaction Management in Multilevel Secure Database Management Systems. International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing in Science and Technology. College Park, MD. April 1993. |
[59] | William Perrizo and Ramzi A. HaratyConcurrency Control and Recovery in Multilevel Secure Replicated Databases (short paper). AAAI-IEEE-ACM-ISMM-International Conference of Information and Knowledge Management. Baltimore, MD. November 1992. |
[60] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Sami M. Souki. Eye2See: A Mobile Surveillance System for Pocket PCs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research Trends in Science and Technology. Beirut, Lebanon. March 2005. |
[61] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Youssef O. Kaddoura. GISMO: A Geographical Information System for a Municipality Office.Proceedings of the International Conference on Research Trends in Science and Technology. Beirut, Lebanon. March 2002. |
[62] | Ramzi A. Haraty, Omar El-Ariss and Peter Attallah. MLS/ERD: A Tool for Building Multilevel Secure Entity Relationship Diagrams. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research Trends in Science and Technology. Beirut, Lebanon. March 2002. |
[63] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Youssef O. Kaddoura. Factory Simulation. Proceedings of the 14th Science Meeting (Book of Abstracts)-2000-organized by the National Council for Scientific Research and the Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Science. Beirut, Lebanon. November 2000. |
[64] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Fadi Yamout. Routing Journal Operations on Disk using Striping with Parity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research Trends in Science and Technology (RTST). LebaneseAmericanUniversity. Beirut, Lebanon. March 2000. |
[65] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Roula Fany. Query Optimization in Distributed Databases. Proceedings of the 13th Science Meeting (Book of Abstracts)-1999-organized by the National Council for Scientific Research and the Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Science. Beirut, Lebanon. November 1999. |
[66] | Ramzi A. Haraty and Fadi Osman. Using WebSQL to Query the World Wide Web. Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific Computations-Beirut, Lebanon. March 1999. |