[1] | K.R. Lombardi, T. Portillo, R. Hassfurther, & R.P. Hunter (in press) Pharmacokinetics of tilmicosin in beef cattle following intravenous and subcutaneous administration. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. R.P. Hunter, T.R. Shryock, B.R. Cox, R.M. Butler, & J.E. Hammelman (2011) Overview of the Animal Health Drug Development and Registration Process: An Industry Perspective. Future Med. Chem., 3, 881-886. |
[2] | M.N. Martinez, R.P. Hunter, R. Baynes, E. Bermingham, R. Claxton, C. Cole, J. Robinson, J. del Castillo, R. Gehring, C. Lainesse, S. Modric, A. Lucas, & K. Harshman (2011) The 2010 AAVPT/EAVPT/ECVPT bioequivalence workshop. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 34, 105-107. |
[3] | M.N. Martinez & R.P. Hunter (2010) Current Challenges Facing the Determination of Product Bioequivalence in Veterinary Medicine. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 33, 418-433. |
[4] | L. Tana, R. Isaza, D.E. Koch, & R.P. Hunter (2010) Pharmacokinetics and intramuscular bioavailability of butorphanol in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). J. Zoo Wild. Med., 41, 418-425. |
[5] | J.W. Carpenter, C.G. Pollock, D.E. Koch, & R.P. Hunter (2009) Multiple-dose pharmacokinetics of meloxicam after ten days of oral administration to the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). J. Zoo Wildl. Med., 40, 601-606. |
[6] | R.P. Hunter, T.J. Burnett, & S.A. Simjee (2009) Letter to the Editor. Br. Poul. Sci., 50, 544-545. 8. M. Martinez, I. Mahmood, & R.P. Hunter (2009) Allometric scaling of clearance in dogs. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 32, 411-416. |
[7] | A. Bhandari, F. Xu , D.E. Koch, & R.P. Hunter (2009) Peroxidase-mediated polymerization of 1-naphthol: Impact of solution pH and ionic strength. J. Environ. Qual., 38, 2034-2040. 10. J.W. Carpenter, C.G. Pollock, D.E. Koch, & R.P. Hunter (2009) Single and multiple-dose pharmacokinetics of marbofloxacin after oral administration to rabbits. Am. J. Vet. Res., 70, 522-526. |
[8] | R.P. Hunter & R. Isaza (2008) Concepts and issues with interspecies scaling in zoological medicine. J. Zoo Wild. Med., 39, 517-526. 12. A. Bhandari, L.I. Close, W. Kim, R.P. Hunter, D.E. Koch, & R.Y. Surampalli (2008) Occurrence of ciprofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, and azithromycin in municipal wastewater treatment plants. Pract. Periodical Haz. Toxic. Radioactive Waste Mgmt., 12, 275-281. |
[9] | R.P. Hunter, I. Mahmood, & M.N. Martinez (2008) Prediction of xenobiotic clearance in avian species using mammalian or avian data: How accurate is the prediction? J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 31, 281-284. |
[10] | C.G. Pollock, J.W. Carpenter, D.E. Koch, & R.P. Hunter (2008) Single and multiple-dose pharmacokinetics of tepoxalin and its active metabolite after oral administration to rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 31, 171-174. |
[11] | M. Herrera, H. Ding, R. McClanahan, J.G. Owens, & R.P. Hunter (2007) Quantitative determination of tilmicosin in canine serum by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J. Chrom. B, 857, 9-14. |
[12] | R.P. Hunter, C.R. Short, M.J. Myers, D.E. Farrell, J.R. McClure, C.E. Koch, & M.L. Keowen (2007) The effect of cimetidine and aminoguanidine on pro-inflammatory cytokines in the horse. J. Equine Vet. Sci., 27, 306-311. |
[13] | R.P. Hunter, D.E. Koch, R.L. Coke, J.W. Carpenter, & R. Isaza (2007) Identification and comparison of marbofloxacin metabolites from the plasma of Ball Pythons (Python regius) and Blue and Gold Macaws (Ara ararauna). J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 30, 257-262. |
[14] | L.C. Freeman, D.F. Narvaez, A. McCoy, F.B. von Stein, S. Young, K. Silver, S. Ganta, D. Koch, R. Hunter, R.F. Gilmour, & J.D. Lillich (2007) Depolarization and decreased surface expression of K+ channels contribute to NSAID-inhibition of intestinal restitution. Biochem. Pharmacol., 74, 74-85. |
[15] | A. Cole, A. Mutlow, R. Isaza, J.W. Carpenter, D.E. Koch, R.P. Hunter, & B.L. Dresser (2006) Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of carfentanil and naltrexone in female common eland (Taurotragus oryx). J. Zoo Wild. Med., 37, 318-326. |
[16] | M. Martinez, I. Mahmood, & R.P. Hunter (2006) Interspecies allometric scaling: prediction of clearance in large animal species: Part II: mathematical considerations. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 29, 425-432. |
[17] | I. Mahmood, M. Martinez, & R.P. Hunter (2006) Interspecies allometric scaling. Part I: prediction of clearance in large animals. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 29, 415-423. |
[18] | J.W. Carpenter, R.P. Hunter, J.H. Olsen, H. Henry, R. Isaza, & D.E. Koch (2006) Pharmacokinetics of marbofloxacin in blue and gold macaws (Ara ararauna). Am. J. Vet. Res., 67, 947-950. |
[19] | R.L. Coke, R. Isaza, D.E. Koch, M.A. Pellerin, & R.P. Hunter (2006) Preliminary single-dose pharmacokinetics of marbofloxacin in ball pythons (Python regius). J. Zoo Wild. Med., 37, 6-10. |
[20] | J.W. Carpenter, J.H. Olsen, M. Randle-Port, D.E. Koch, R. Isaza, & R.P. Hunter (2005) Pharmacokinetics of azithromycin in the blue and bold macaw (Ara ararauna) after intravenous and oral administration. J. Zoo Wild. Med., 36, 606-609. |
[21] | E.M. Rush, R.P. Hunter, M. Papich, B.L. Raphael, P.P. Calle, T.L. Clippinger, & R.A. Cook (2005) Pharmacokinetics and safety of acyclovir in tragopans (Tragopan sp.). J. Avian Med. Surg., 19, 271-276. |
[22] | M. Martinez, J. Clark, B. Dunham, R.P. Hunter, C. Langston, A. Lucas, & D. Jordan (2005) American academy of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics 14th biennial symposium. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 28, 495-498. |
[23] | H.L. Heeb, R. Chun, D.E. Koch, L. Moore, M. Radlinsky, M. Corse, M.A. Pellerin, L. Garrett, & R.P. Hunter (2005) Multiple dose pharmacokinetics and acute safety of piroxicam and cimetidine in the cat. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 28, 447-452. |
[24] | G. Dumonceaux, R. Isaza, D.E. Koch, & R.P. Hunter (2005) Pharmacokinetics and i.m. bioavailability of ceftiofur in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 28, 441-446. |
[25] | R.P. Hunter, M. Radlinsky, D.E. Koch, M. Corse, M.A. Pellerin, & J. Halstead (2005) Plasma pharmacokinetics and synovial fluid concentrations after oral administration of single and multiple doses of celecoxib in Greyhounds. Am. J. Vet. Res., 66, 1441-1445. |
[26] | F. Xu, D.E. Koch, I.C. Kong, R.P. Hunter, & A. Bhandari (2005) Peroxidase-mediated oxidative coupling of 1-naphthol: Characterization of polymerization products. Water Res., 39, 2358-2368. |
[27] | C.A. Manire, R.P. Hunter, D.E. Koch, L. Byrd, & H.L. Rhinehart (2005) Pharmacokinetics of ticarcillin in the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) after single intravenous and intramuscular injections. J. Zoo Wild. Med., 36, 44-53. |
[28] | D.E. Koch, A. Bhandari, L. Close, & R.P. Hunter (2005) Azithromycin extraction from municipal wastewater and quantitation using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. J. Chrom. A, 1074, 17-22. |
[29] | A. Mutlow, R. Isaza, J.W. Carpenter, D.E. Koch, & R.P. Hunter (2004) Pharmacokinetics of carfentanil and naltrexone in domestic goats (Capra hircus). J. Zoo Wild. Med., 35, 489-496. |
[30] | R. Isaza, G.A. Andrews, R.L. Coke, & R.P. Hunter (2004) Assessment of multiple cardiocentesis in ball pythons (Python regius). Contemp. Top. Lab. Anim. Sci., 43, 35-38. |
[31] | R.P. Hunter, R. Isaza, J.W. Carpenter, & D.E. Koch (2004) Clinical effects and plasma concentrations of fentanyl after transmucosal administration in three species of great ape. J. Zoo Wild. Med., 35, 162-166. |
[32] | R. Isaza & R.P. Hunter (2004) Drug delivery to captive Asian elephants-treating goliath. Curr. Drug Del., 1, 291-298. |
[33] | R.P. Hunter, R. Isaza, D.E. Koch, C.C. Dodd, & M.A. Goatley (2004) The pharmacokinetics of topical doramectin in llamas (Lama glama) and alpacas (Lama pacos). J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 27, 187-189. |
[34] | R.P. Hunter, R. Isaza, D.E. Koch, C.C. Dodd, & M.A. Goatley (2004) Moxidectin plasma concentrations following topical administration to llamas (Lama glama) and alpacas (Lama pacos). Sm. Rumin. Res., 52, 275-279. |
[35] | D.E. Koch, R. Isaza, J.W. Carpenter, & R.P. Hunter (2004) Simultaneous extraction and quantitation of fentanyl and norfentanyl from primate plasma with LC/MS detection. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 34, 577-584. |
[36] | R.P. Hunter, D.E. Koch, A. Mutlow, & R. Isaza (2003) Extraction and quantitation of carfentanil and naltrexone in goat plasma with liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. J. Chrom. B, 793, 351-355. |
[37] | H.L. Heeb, R. Chun, D.E. Koch, M.A. Goatley, & R.P. Hunter (2003) Single dose pharmacokinetics of piroxicam in cats. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 26, 259-263. |
[38] | C.A. Manire, H.L. Rhinehart, G.J. Pennick, D.A. Sutton, R.P. Hunter, & M.G. Rinaldi (2003) Steady-state plasma concentrations of itraconazole following oral administration in Kemp's Ridley sea turtles, Lepidochelys kempi. J. Zoo Wild. Med., 34, 171-178. |
[39] | R.P. Hunter, D.E. Koch, R.L. Coke, M.A. Goatley, & R. Isaza (2003) Azithromycin metabolite identification in plasma, bile and tissues of the ball python (Python regius). J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 26, 117-121. |
[40] | R.L. Coke, R.P. Hunter, R. Isaza, D.E. Koch, M.A. Goatley, & J.W. Carpenter (2003) Pharmacokinetics and tissue concentrations of azithromycin in ball pythons (Python regius). Am. J. Vet. Res., 64, 225-228. |
[41] | R.P. Hunter, R. Isaza, & D.E. Koch (2003) Oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetic characteristics of ketoprofen enantiomers after oral and intravenous administration in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Am. J. Vet. Res., 64, 109-114. |
[42] | R.P. Hunter (2002) Nitric oxide, inducible nitric oxide synthase and inflammation in veterinary medicine. Anim. Health Res. Rev., 3, 119-133. |
[43] | R.P. Hunter & R. Isaza (2002) Zoological pharmacology-current status, issues, and potential. Adv. Drug Del. Rev., 54, 787-793. |
[44] | R.P. Hunter, C.R. Short, & A.A. Dees (2001) Interaction of cimetidine with equine hemoglobin. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 24, 299-302. |
[45] | J.C. Daigle, G. Hosgood, C.S. Foil, & R.P. Hunter (2001) Effect of cimetidine on pharmacokinetics of orally administered cyclosporine in healthy dogs. Am. J. Vet. Res., 62, 1046-1050. |
[46] | R.P. Hunter, C.R. Short, J.R. McClure, C.E. Koch, M.L. Keowen, J.L. VanSteenhouse, & A.A. Dees (1999) Cimetidine inhibits nitric oxide associated nitrate production in a soft-tissue inflammation model in the horse. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 22, 136-147. |
[47] | L. Putcha, K.J. Tietze, D.W.A. Bourne, C.M. Parise, R.P. Hunter, & N.M. Cintrón (1996) Bioavailability of intranasal scopolamine in normal subjects. J. Pharm. Sci., 85, 899-902. |
[48] | R.P. Hunter, P.C. Canning, & R. Hassfurther (1996) Plasma analysis and pharmacokinetics of zaltidine, an H2-antagonist, in cattle after intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, and oral administration. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 19, 326-328. |
[49] | M.A. Nowakowski, M.J. Lynch, D.G. Smith, N.B. Logan, D.E. Mouzin, J. Lukaszewicz, N.I. Ryan, R.P. Hunter, & R.M. Jones (1995) Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of parenterally administered doramectin in cattle. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 18, 290-298; 394-395. |
[50] | R.P. Hunter, M.J. Lynch, J.F. Ericson, W.J. Millas, A.M. Fletcher, N.I. Ryan, & J.A. Olson (1995) Pharmacokinetics, oral bioavailability and tissue distribution of azithromycin in cats. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 18, 38-46. |
[51] | R.P. Hunter, S. Anthony Brown, J.K. Rollins, & D.F. Nelligan (1991) The effects of experimentally induced bronchopneumonia on the pharmacokinetics and tissue depletion of gentamicin in healthy and pneumonic calves. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 14, 276-292. |
[52] | S.A. Brown, D.R. Newkirk, R.P. Hunter, G.G. Smith, & K. Sugimoto (1990) Extraction methods for quantitation of gentamicin residues from tissues using fluorescence polarization immunoassay. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 73, 479-483. |
[53] | S.A. Brown, M.J. Zaya, T.M. Dieringer, R.P. Hunter, J.L. Nappier, G.A. Hoffman, R.E. Hornish, & F.S. Yein (1990) Tissue concentrations of clindamycin after multiple oral doses in normal cats. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 13, 270-277. |
[54] | S.A. Brown, T.M. Dieringer, R.P. Hunter, & M.J. Zaya (1989) Oral clindamycin disposition after single and multiple doses in normal cats. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap., 12, 209-216. |