American Journal of Chemistry

American Journal of Chemistry is a peer-reviewed chemistry journal. It is aimed to publish all the latest and outstanding research articles, reviews and letters in all areas of Chemistry.

Abd-El-Hamid Bensafi

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Chemistry

Associate Professor, Abou Bekr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, Algeria

Research Areas

Chemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Thermodynamics, Chemical Thermodynamics, Polymer Physics, Environmental Sciences, Chemical Physics, Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials Science, Condensed Matter Physics, Life Sciences,

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Benmouna, M.; Fischer, E. W.; Bensafi, A.; Khaldi, S. J. Polym. Sci.: Part B: Polym. Phys. 1996, 34, 1629-1636.
[2]  Benmouna, M.; Benoît, H.; Khaldi, S.; Bensafi, A. Macromolecules 1996, 29, 8101-8108.
[3]  Benmouna, M.; Khaldi, S.; Bensafi, A.; Maschke, U. Macromolecules 1997, 30, 1168-1172.
[4]  Benmouna, M.; Khaldi, S.; Bensafi, A. J. Polym. Sci.: Part B: Polym. Phys. 1997, 34, 1191-1200.
[5]  Benmouna, M.; Bensafi, A.; Vilgis, T.A. ; Maschke, U. and Ewen, B. Recent Res. Dev. Polym. Sci. 1997, 1, 175-204.
[6]  Bensafi, A.; Maschke, U.; Benmouna, M. Polym. Int 2000, 49, 175-183.
[7]  Bensafi, A.; Benahmed, H.; Kodad, H.; Maschke, U.; Benmouna, M.; Rev. Mar. Sci. Phys. 2002, 2(1), 59-69.
[8]  Benmouna, M.; Vilgis, T. A.; Bensafi, A.; Larabi, L. Rev. Mar. Sci. Phys. 2002, 2(1), 127-148.
[9]  Benhamou, M.; Bensafi, A.; Benmouna, M. J. Mol. Liq. 2003, 107/1-3, 263-276.
[10]  Bouzina, L.; Bensafi, A.; Benhamou, M.; Khaldi, S.; Boussaid, A. Courrier du Savoir 2003, N°3, 71-74.
[11]  Bensafi, A.; Benhamou, M.; Bouzina, L.; Khaldi, S.; Boussaid, A. Courrier du Savoir 2003, N°3, 93—98.
[12]  Bensafi, A.; Khaldi, S.; Bouzina, L.; Benmouna, M. Courrier du Savoir 2003, N°3, 103—107.
[13]  Kodad, H.; Bensafi, A.; Unanue, A. Phys. Chem. News 2004, 17, 136-138.
[14]  Khaldi, S.; Hamouni, M.; Morsli, M.; Bensafi, A. Phys. Chem. News 2004 , 18, 58-67.
[15]  Belmiloud, S.; Bensafi, A.; Benmouna, M. M. J. Condensed Matter 2006, 7(1), 62-65.
[16]  Belmiloud, S.; Bensafi, A.; Benmouna, M. Phys. Chem. News 2008, 41, 77-84.
[17]  Bensafi, A.; Benhamou, M.; Khaldi, S.; Benahmed, H.; Mansouri, S.; Bouzina, L.; Abdellaoui, I. and Yakoubi, L. Chinese Journal of Physics 2008, 46(5), 578-592.
[18]  Benahmed, H.; Bensafi, A.; Benhamou, M.; Boussaid, A. International Journal of Academic Research 2010, 2(4), 80-92.
[19]  Bensafi, A.; Benhamou, M.; Benahmed, H.; Boussaid, A. 2010, Accepted in the Chinese Journal of Physics.
[20]  Benhamou, M.; Senoudi, A. R.; Lallam, F.; Boussaid, A.; Bensafi, A. Nano Science & Nano Technology: an Indian Journal 2010, 4(2).