[1] | Mithilesh Singh, L.P. Singh Akmal Husain "Nonstandard analysis of shock wave in a non-ideal magnetogasdynamics" published in International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 4(1), 75-82, in 2009. |
[2] | Mithilesh Singh, L. P. Singh Akmal Husain "Self similar solution of strong cylindrical shock wave in magnetogasdynamics: Lagrangian description" International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational. 4, 194-204, 2009. |
[3] | L. P. Singh, Akmal Husain and Mithilesh Singh, "An analytical study of strong non planer shock waves in magnetogasdynamics" published in Advance in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 3(6), 291-297, 2010. (Hikari). |
[4] | L. P. Singh, Akmal Husain and Mithilesh Singh, "An analytical solution of imploding strong shock in a non-ideal gas through lie group analysis", Chinese Physics Letter, 27(1), 2010, Impact Factor (1.077). (IOP). |
[5] | L. P. Singh, Akmal Husain and Mithilesh Singh, "A self-similar solution of exponential shock wave in non-ideal magnetogasdynamics", Meccanica, 46(2), 437-445, 2010, Impact Factor (1.056). (Springer Science). |
[6] | Mithilesh Singh, L. P. Singh and Akmal Husain, "Propagation of nonlinear traveling waves in Darcy-type porous media" Acta Astronautica, 67(9-10), 1053-1058, 2010, , Impact Factor (0.609) (Science Direct). |
[7] | L. P. Singh, Mithilesh Singh and B. D. Pandey* "Analytical solution of converging shock wave in magnetogasdynamics"American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 48(11), 2523-2528, Nov. 2010, Impact Factor (1.147). |
[8] | L. P. Singh, Mithilesh Singh and Akmal Husain, "Similarity solutions of imploding shocks in non-ideal magnetogasdynamics", Astrophysics and Space Science, 331, 597-603, 2011 Impact Factor (1.437). (Springer Science). |
[9] | L. P. Singh, Akmal Husain and Mithilesh Singh, "On the evolution of weak discontinuities in non-ideal gas with radiative heat transfer", Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16(2), 690-697, Impact Factor (2.679), 2011. (Science Direct). |
[10] | P. K. Gupta and Mithilesh Singh, "Homotopy perturbation method for fractional Fornberg-Whitham equation", Computers Mathematics with Applications, 61, 250-254, 2011, Impact Factor (1.472). (Science Direct). |
[11] | L. P. Singh, Akmal Husain and Mithilesh Singh, "On the evolution of weak discontinuities in radiative magnetogasdynamics", Acta Astronautica, Vol. 68, Issues 1-2, 16-21, 2011, Impact Factor (0.609), 2011, (Science Direct). |
[12] | L. P. Singh, Mithilesh Singh and Akmal Husain "Nonstandard analysis of converging shock wave in non-ideal gas" Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermo physics, 84(1), 4-12, Impact Factor (0.209), 2011, (Springer Science). |
[13] | Mithilesh Singh, L. P. Singh and Akmal Husain, Landau-Stanyukovich rule and the similarity parameter of converging shock waves in magnetogasdynamics, Chinese Physics Letter, 2011, Impact Factor (1.077), (IOP). |
[14] | Mithilesh Singh and A. Yildrim, "Homotopy perturbation method for time-fractional of coupled nonlinear equations", World Applied Sciences Journal., (accepted) 2011. |
[15] | Mithilesh Singh and P. K. Gupta, "Homotopy perturbation method for time-fractional shock wave equation", Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, (accepted) 2011 (Global Science). |