[1] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. Software Development Rhythms, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2008 (308 pages) ISBN:9780470073865. |
[2] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. Software Development Rhythms, Chinese Version, 2010. |
[3] | Lui, K.M. and Lun Hu, Truth Among Lies: Positive and Negative Cases of Technical Analysis, China Economic Publishing House, (In Chinese) 2011. www.economyph.com. ISBN 9787513603454 |
[4] | Lui, K.M., Chan, K.C.C., and Li, M., Facts and Fictions in Extreme Programming Practices, Electronics Industry Publishing Company, Beijing, China, 2005 (356 pages) (In Chinese). ISBN 7-121-00657-X. |
[5] | Lui, K.M., Chan, K.C.C., and Li, M., CMM: Software Development Process Management and Improvement, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China, 2002. (127 pages) (In Chinese). ISBN 7-302-05739-7. |
[6] | Lui, K.M., Chan, K.C.C., and Li, M., Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (2nd Edition), Electronics Industry Publishing Company, Beijing, China. 2006 (301 pages) (In Chinese). ISBN: 9787121025297. |
[7] | Lui, K.M., Hu, L. and Chan, K.C.C. "Discovering pattern associations in Hang Seng Index constituent stocks," International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol2,no. 2, 2010, pp 43-52. |
[8] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. "Software process fusion by combining pair and solo programming IET Software, Vol 2, Iss 4, 2008, pp.379-390. |
[9] | Lui, K.M., Chan, K.C.C. and Nosek, J. "The Effect of Pairs in Program Design Tasks," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 34, No.2, 2008, pp 197-211. |
[10] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. " Rescuing Troubled Software Projects by Team Transformation: A Case Study with an ERP Project," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 55 No.1, 2008, pp.171-84. |
[11] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. "Pair programming productivity: novice-novice and expert-expert," International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Vol. 64, 2006, pp 915-925. |
[12] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. "Capability maturity model, SAP and universal ERP implementation model," International Journal of Enterprise Information System, Vol. 1, Issue 3, 2005, pp 69-92. |
[13] | Ibrahim, M.E. and Lui, K.M. "Use of Knowledge Discovery Techniques in Management Accounting," International Review of Accounting, Vol. 4, October, 1999, pp 22-38. |
[14] | Lui, K.M., Brink, A.D. and Sears, M, "Curvature Based Analysis of Handwritten Symbols," Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 1, No 3, 1993, pp 173-182. |
[15] | Lui, K.M., Barnes, K.A., Chan, K.C.C. "Pair Programming: Issues and Challenges", Edited by T Dingsøyr, T Dybå, N.B. Moe, Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions. 2010, pp 143-163. |
[16] | Lui, K.M., Chan, K.C.C. and Mark, K.P. "Association between web semantics and geographical locations: evaluate Internet information consistency for marketing research." Edited by M.M. Cruz-Cunha, E.F. Oliveira, A.J. Tavares and L.G. Ferreira, Handbook of Research on Social Dimensions of Semantic Technologies and Web Services, IGI Global, 2009, pp 158-181. |
[17] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. "Inexperienced and global software team," Edited by Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Vol III, Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA, 2005, pp 1446-1451. |
[18] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. "Inexperienced software team and global software team" Edited by A. Gunasekaran, A., Khalil, O. and Syed, M.R., Knowledge and Information Technology Management: Human and Social Perspectives, Idea Group, Hershey, PA, 2003, pp 305-323. |
[19] | Lee, H., Lui, K.M. and Tsui, E., "Facilitating Knowledge Intelligence Using ANTOM with a Case Study of learning Religion," In Proceedings of the 2nd Semantic Technology and Knowledge Engineering Conference (STAKE 2011), Kuching, Malaysia, 2011. |
[20] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C., "Software Process Fusion: Exploring process relationships," Proceedings of ICCI 08, pp 181-184. |
[21] | Lui, K.M., and Chan, K.C.C., "Bringing Open Source Software Development to Your Workplace: eXtreme Programming," Proceedings of the European Software Process Improvement (EuroSPI'2006), Joensuu, Finland, Oct., 11-13, 2006, pp. 9.13-9.20. |
[22] | Lui, K.M., and Chan, K.C.C., "Dealing with a Troubled IT project by Team Transformation" Proceedings of the European Software Process Improvement (EuroSPI'2006), Joensuu, Finland, Oct., 11-13, 2006, pp.11.13-11.20. |
[23] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C., "Programming Task Demands," Proceedings of ICCI 06, July, Beijing, 2006. |
[24] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. "Software process fusion: Uniting pair programming and solo programming processes," Edited by Wang, Q, Pfahl, D., Raffo, D.M. and Wernick, P., International Software Process Workshop and International Workshop on Software Process Simulation and Modeling, Beijing China, 20-21, May, LNCS 3966, Springer-Verlag, 2006. |
[25] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. "A road map for implementing eXtreme programming," Edited by Li, M., Boehm, B. and Osterwell, L.J., Unifying the Software Process Spectrum Software Process Workshop, Beijing China, 25-27, May, LNCS 3840 Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp 474-481. |
[26] | Lui, K.M., and Chan, K.C.C., "A cognitive model for solo programming and pair programming," Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, ICCI04, Vancouver, BC, August 15-17, 2004, pp.94-102. |
[27] | Lui, K.M, and Chan, K.C.C., "Test driven development and software process improvement in china," in M. Marchesi and G. Succi (Eds.), Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering: 5th International Conference, XP2004, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, June 6-10, Proceedings, LNCS 3092, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, pp. 219-222. |
[28] | Lui, K.M, and Chan, K.C.C., "Implementing test-driven development: a china experience," In Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Process Group (AP-SEPG) Conference, Hong Kong, November 11-12, 2003 (on CD-ROM). |
[29] | Lui, K.M, and Chan, K.C.C., "When does a pair outperform two individuals," in M. Marchesi and G. Succi (Eds.), Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering: 4th International Conference, XP2003, Genova, Italy, May, Proceedings, LNCS 2675, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2003, pp 225-233. |
[30] | Lui, K.M, and Chan, K.C.C, "Accelerated CMM for Accelerated SAP in ERP implementation for business process re-engineering," In Proceedings of European Software Process Improvement Conference, EurSPI' 2002, Nuremberg, Germany, Sept., 18-20, 2002, pp. 57-68. |
[31] | Lui, K.M., and Chan, K.C.C., "A Model for Virtual Software Development by Plagiarism-Based Programming," In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications, Paris, France, Dec. 4-6, 2001, pp. 1.6 to 6.6. |
[32] | Lui, K.M, and Chan, K.C.C., "PbP: A programming paradigm for inexperienced software teams," In Proceedings of European Software Process Improvement Conference 2001, EuroSPI' 2001, Limerick, Ireland, July 1-4, 2001, pp. 1.23-1.35. |
[33] | Lui, K.M. and Chan, K.C.C. "Managing design-coding for software development in china," In Proceedings of the 4th Annual IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, Las Vegas, NE, 6-9, Nov., 2000, pp. 256-261. |
[34] | Lui, K.M, and Chan, K.C.C., "Managing Inexperienced Programmers by Better Managing Design-Coding," In Proceedings of EuroSPI'2000 European Software Process Improvement Conference, EuroSPI' 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-9, Nov., 2000, pp. 2.9-2.19. |
[35] | Lui, K.M. "Commonsense-based expert system for grinding control : second generation expert system for an engineering application," In proceedings of the eighth international conference of the association for computer methods and advances in geomechanics, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA, 22-28, May, 1994, pp 471-476. |
[36] | Lui, K.M. "Causality in control systems," In Proceedings of the Third Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer Aided Modeling and Design, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-26, May, 1994, pp 269-276. |
[37] | Lui, K.M. and Wong, K.H. "Model-based expert system for control and fault analysis," In Proceedings of the Third Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer Aided Modeling and Design, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-26, May, 1994, pp 277-284. |
[38] | Lui, K.M., Brink, A.D. and Sears, M. "Curve theory applied to handwritten letters and 3-D object recognition," In Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV'93, Osaka, Japan, 23-25, Nov., 1993, pp 375-378. |
[39] | Lui, K.M. Bradshaw, J.A. and MacLeod, I.M. "Fault diagnosis driven control," In Proceedings of the Eighth National of Masters and Ph.D. Computer Science Students Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 29-30, Jun, 1993, pp 201-205. |
[40] | Lui, K.M. "Categorization and spoilt votes analysis : A geometric view Of pattern recognition," In Proceedings of The Third South Africa Workshop On Pattern Recognition, Pretoria, South Africa, 26, Nov., 1992, pp 89-96. |