[1] | Soon, J. J. (2011 forthcoming). "Home is where the heart is?: Factors determining international students' destination country upon completion of abroad studies", The Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. |
[2] | Soon, J. J. (August 2010). "A change of heart?: A bivariate probit model of international students' change of return intention", International Journal of Business and Economics, 9(2), 115-129. |
[3] | Soon, J. J. (2010). "The determinants of students' return intentions: A partial proportional odds model", The Journal of Choice Modelling, 3(2), 89-112. |
[4] | Soon, J. J. (2010). When do students intend to return? Determinants of students' return intentions using a multinomial logit model. International Journal of Business and Society, 11(1), 17-32. |
[5] | Soon, J. J. (2010). "Go East, young man!... and stay East?", EcoNZ@Otago Magazine, Issue 25, 1-4. |
[6] | Soon, J. J. (October 2009). A bivariate probit model of international students' return intention. The Empirical Economics Letters, 8(10), ISSN 1681 8997. |
[7] | Soon, J. J., Hassan, A. A. G. & Lim, H. E. (2009). The effectiveness of location incentive: An analytical study of manufacturing SMEs in the Kedah state. International Journal of Management Studies, 16(2), 123-153. |
[8] | Soon, J. J. (June 2009). When do students intend to return? Determinants of students' return intentions using a multinomial logit model. No. 0906, Economics Discussion Papers 2008 Series, Department of Economics, University of Otago. ISSN 1178-2293 (Online). Available at http://www.business.otago.ac.nz/econ/research/discussionpapers/DP_0906.pdf. |
[9] | Soon, J. J. (July 2008). The determinants of international students' return intention. No. 0806, Economics Discussion Papers 2008 Series, Department of Economics, University of Otago. ISSN 0111-1760 (Print), ISSN 1178-2293 (Online). Available at http://www.business.otago.ac.nz/econ/research/discussionpapers/DP_0806.pdf. |
[10] | Lim, H.E. & Soon, J. J. (2006). Job selection criteria and job sector preference of economics students: an analysis of ordered logit model. International Journal of Business and Society, 7(1), p.53-69. |
[11] | Choo, S.Y., Soon, J. J. & Lim, H.E. (2005). The financial difficulty of credit card usage: An analysis of Tobit model. Working Paper, Faculty of Economics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok. |
[12] | Soon, J. J., Choo, S.Y. & Lim, H.E (2005). The pattern of credit card usage in Malaysia: An exploratory study. Working Paper, Faculty of Economics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok. |
[13] | Lim, H.E., Choo, S.Y. & Soon, J. J. (2005). The happiness, income, age, marital status and financial difficulties: Some evidence from Malaysia. Working Paper, Faculty of Economics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok. |
[14] | Choo, S. Y., Soon, J. J. & Lim, H. E. (2005). Demographic factors influencing housing tenure choice: An analysis of two townships in Kedah. Book chapter in Asan Ali Golam Hassan, Mohd Faisol Md Salleh & Maria Abdul Rahman (Eds.), Kedah: Towards a Developed State. Sintok: Penerbit UUM. |
[15] | Choo, S.Y., Soon, J.J & Lim, H.E. (2003). A multinomial logit model of housing tenure choice: The impact of demographic and non-demographic variables. Working Paper, Faculty of Economics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok. |
[16] | Choo, S.Y., Soon, J.J & Lim, H.E. (2003). The housing tenure choice of Changloon-Sintok: Nonlinear impact of age and other selected demographic variables. Working Paper, Faculty of Economics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok. |
[17] | Soon, J.J. (2002). Linkages and Imports of Malaysia: An Input-Output Approach. ANALISIS Jurnal, Vol. 9, No. 1 & 2, pp. 135-155. |
[18] | Lim, H.E. & Soon, J.J. (2005). Job selection criteria of economics student: The case of Universiti Utara Malaysia. International Conference in Economics and Finance (ICEF) 2005 Proceedings, Labuan International Campus UMS, pp. 463-473 (in CD-ROM format). |
[19] | Lim, H.E., Choo, S.Y. & Soon, J.J. (2005). The Malaysian's happiness and its determinants: An exploratory study. International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Applications (ICOQSIA) 2005 Proceedings, (in CD-ROM format). |
[20] | Soon, J.J. & Md. Salleh, F. (2004). Technical efficiency in resource-based industries: A stochastic frontier approach. National Seminar on Decision Science 2004 Proceedings, pp. 343-350. |
[21] | Choo, S.Y., Soon, J.J & Lim, H.E. (2003). A multinomial logit model of housing tenure choice: The impact of demographic and non-demographic variables. Asia-Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference 2004 Proceedings, pp. 1-18. |
[22] | Choo, S.Y., Soon J.J., & Lim, H.E. (2003). Factor that influence housing choice: A multinomial logit analysis of Changloon-Sintok. Kedah Maju 2010 Seminar Proceedings, Faculty of Economics, UUM, pp. 415-430. |