[1] | Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, Ochiai K, Tanaka Y, Delaporte E, Capron A, Kinet J P & Capron M. High affinity IgE receptor on eosinophils is involved in defence against parasites. Nature. 367: 183-186, 1994. |
[2] | Yoichi T, Delaporte E, Dubucquoi S, Soussi Gounni A, Porchet E, Capron A, & Capron M. Interleukin-5 messenger RNA and immunoreactive protein expression by activated eosinophils in lesional atopic dermatitis skin. J. Invest .Dermatol. 103, 589-592, 1994. |
[3] | Capron M, Desreumaux P, Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B & Capron A. L'éosinophile, bénéfique ou néfaste: une cellule à part entière dans la réponse immunitaire. C. R. Soc. Biol., 188, 39-46. 1994 |
[4] | Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, DelaporteE, Dubost A, Kinet JP, Capron A & Capron M. The high affinity IgE receptor on eosinophils: From allergy to parasites or from parasites to allergy? J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol. 94, 1214-1216, 1994. |
[5] | Capron M, Lamkhioued B, Aldebert D, Soussi Gounni A, Dubost A, Delaporte E, & Capron A. Eosinophil functional aspects. Prog. Aller.Clin. Immunol. 3: 26-29, 1994 |
[6] | Lamkhioued B, Soussi Gounni A, Gruart V, Pearce A, Capron A, & Capron M. Human eosinophils express a receptor for secretory component. Role in secretory IgA dependent activation. Eur. J. Immunol. 25, 117-125. 1995. |
[7] | Lamkhioued B, Aldebert D, Soussi Gounni A, Delaporte E, Goldman M, Capron A & Capron M: Synthesis of cytokines by eosinophils and their regulation. Int. Arch. Allergy.Immunol. 107, 122-123, 1995. |
[8] | Capron M, Soussi Gounni A, Morita M, Truong MJ, Prin L, Kinet JP & Capron A. Eosinophils: From low to high affinity IgE receptors. Allergy. 50; 20-23, 1995. |
[9] | Lamkhioued B, Soussi Gounni A, Aldebert D, Delaporte E, Prin L, Capron A, & Capron M. Synthesis of type 1 (IFN gamma) and type 2 (IL-4, IL-5 and IL10) cytokines by human eosinophils. Ann.N.Y Acad. Sci. 31, 203-208, 1996. |
[10] | Morita M, Lamkhioued B, Soussi Gounni A, Aldebert D, Delaporte E, Kinet J.P, Capron A Capron M. Regulatory effects of interferons on eosinophil apoptosis. Eur. Cyt. Net; 48, 152, 1996. |
[11] | Aldebert D, Lamkhioued B, Dessaint C, Soussi Gounni A., Prin L, Capron A & Capron M. Expression of IFN- receptor in human eosinophils. Blood, 18, 167-170, 1996. |
[12] | Nutten S, F Trottein, Soussi Gounni A, J.P Papin, Capron A & Capron M. From allergy to schistosomes: Role of Fc receptors and adhesion molecules in eosinophil effector function. Memor. Oswaldo Cruz, 9-14, 1997 |
[13] | Joseph M, Soussi Gounni A, Kusnierz J. P, Vorng H, Kinet J.P, Capron A & Capron M. High affinity receptor for IgE induces platelet mediated cytotoxicity. Eur. J. Immunol. 27, 2212-2218. 1997. |
[14] | Capron M, Morita M, Woerly G, Lengrand F, Soussi Gounni A, Delaporte E, & Capron A.Differentiation of eosinophils from coord blood cell precursors: Kinetics of Fc epsilon RI and Fc Epsilon RII expression. Int. Arch. Allergy.Immunol.113, 48-50, 1997. |
[15] | Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, Masao M, Aldebert D, Truong MJ, Capron A &Capron M. Molecular characterisation of low affinity receptor FcRII expressed by human eosinophils. Int. Immunol, 10, 395-404, 1998. |
[16] | Nakamura Y, Ghaffar O, Olivensten R, Taha R, Soussi Gounni A, Zhang D.H, Ray A, & Q Hamid. Gene expression of the GATA-3 transcription factor is increased in atopic asthma. J. Allerg. Clin. Immunol.103: 215-222, 1999. |
[17] | Shimbara A, Christodolopoulos P, Soussi Gounni A, Cameron L, Olivenstein R, Wallaert B, Fahy O, LaFitte JJ, Tsicopoulos A, Tonnel A-B, Hazcku A, Holroyd K, Nicolaides N, Levitt R & Q Hamid. Expression Of IL-9 And Its Receptor (IL-9R) In Allergic And Non-Allergic Lung Disease: Increased Expression In Asthma. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol.104:108-115, 1999. |
[18] | Soussi Gounni A, Gregory B, Nutku E, Aris F, Koussih L, Minshall E, Tavernier J, Nicolaides N, Levitt R, D. Robinson & Q Hamid. Interleukin-9 enhances interleukin-5 receptor expression, differentiation, and survival of human eosinophils. Blood. 96: 2163-2173, 2000. |
[19] | Nutku E, Soussi Gounni A, Olivenstein R & Q.Hamid. Evidence for a reduced expression of eosinophil associated IL-12 mRNA and immunoreactivity in bronchial asthma. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol.106, 288-292, 2000. |
[20] | Soussi Gounni A, Nutku E, Koussih L, Aris F, Louahed J, Nicolaides N, R.C Levitt, & Q Hamid. Expression of interlekin-9 by human eosinophils. Regulation by TNF-and IL-1. J. Allergy. Clin.Immunol. 106:460-466, 2000. |
[21] | Soussi Gounni A, Koussih L, Nutku E, Cameron L, Nicolaides N, Levitt R & Q Hamid. Expression Of Functional IL-9 Receptors On Polymononuclear Neutrophils. J Immunol, 166: 2768-74, 2001. |
[22] | Soussi Gounni A, Lamkhioued B, Koussih L, Chiseii R, P Renzi & Qutayba H. Expression of the high affinity receptor for IgE (FcRI) by human neutrophils. Role in asthma. FASEBJ. 15: 940-49, 2001. |
[23] | Soussi Gounni A. IL-9 and allergic diseases. Rev Biol Biotech.Vol, 2- 1, 12-20, 2001 |
[24] | Nutku E, Qiang Li, Soussi Gounni A, Mazer B, Q Hamid. IL-12 R expression on eosinophils: regulation of receptor. J Immunol. 167:2, 2001 |
[25] | Soussi Gounni A., Kontolemos M & Qutayba H. Role of IL-9 in the pathophysiology of allergic diseases. J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol. 107:575-83, 2001 |
[26] | Fiset P., Soussi Gounni A. Antisense Oligonucleotides: problems with use and solutions. Reviews in Biology and Biotechnology 2:27-33, 2001 |
[27] | Soussi Gounni A, Spanel-Borowski K, Palacios M, Heusser C, Moncada S & E. Lobos. Pulmonary inflammation induced by recombinant Brugia malayi gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase homolog: involvement of autoimmune responses. Mol. Med. 7:344, 2001 |
[28] | Lamkhioued B, Soussi Gounni A, Hamid Q, Delespesse G & Renzi P. Eotaxin receptor CCR-3 is expressed in hematopoeitic CD34+ progenitors and is involved in eosinophil differentiation. J. Immunol. 170:537 2003. |
[29] | Fiset PO, Soussi Gounni A, Christodoulopoulos P, Tulic M, Sobol SE, Frenkiel S, Lavigne F, Lamkhioued B, Hamid Q. Modulation of allergic response in nasal mucosa by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides for IL-4. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 111:580, 2003. |
[30] | Cameron L, Soussi Gounni A, Gould H, Vercelli D, & Hamid Q. Regulation of IgE isotype switching in allergic rhinitis. J. Immunol, 171:3816, 2003 |
[31] | Soussi Gounni A., Q Hamid, Sahidur M Rahman, J Hoeck, J Yang, LianYu. Interleukin-9 mediated induction of Eotaxin1/CCL11 in Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cells. J. Immunol. 173:2771, 2004 |
[32] | Muhammad SR, L Shan, J Yang, H Unruh, X Yang, A Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 activation of ASM cells induces CXCL-8/IL-8 expression via a transcriptional mechanism. Clinical Immunology. 115, 268-276, 2005 |
[33] | Soussi Gounni A., V Wellemans, J Yang, F Bellesort, K Kassiri, A J. Halayko, Genounou M, Q Hamid, and B. Lamkhioued. A Critical Role for the High Affinity Receptors for IgE (FceRI) in Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Function. J. Immunol. 175, 2613-2621, 2005 |
[34] | Joubert P, Lajoie-Kadoch S, Labonte I, Soussi Gounni A., Maghni K, Chakir J, Laviolette M Lamkhioued B, Hamid Q. CCR3 expression and function in asthmatic airway smooth muscle cells J. Immunol., 175, 2702-2708, 2005 |
[35] | Lajoie-Kadoch S, Joubert P, Létuvé S, Soussi Gounni A., and Hamid, Q.. TNF-and IFN- inversely modulate IL-25 receptor expression in human airway smooth muscle cells. AJP-Lung.Cell. Mol. Physiol , 290: L1238-L1246, 2006. |
[36] | Gosens R, Stelmack GL, Dueck G, McNeill KD, Yamasaki A, Gerthoffer WT, Unruh H, Soussi Gounni A, Zaagsma J, Halayko AJ. Role of caveolin-1 in p42/p44 MAP kinase activation and proliferation of human airway smooth muscle. AJP-Lung.Cell. Mol. Physiol, 291:L523-34.2006. |
[37] | Soussi Gounni A, The high affinity IgE receptor (FcRI) a critical regulator of airway smooth muscle cells. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 291:L312-21, 2006 |
[38] | Soussi Gounni A, Wellemans V, Agouti M, Genounou M, Hamid Q, Beck L, Lamkhioued B.Increasde expression of TH-2 associated chemokines in Bullous pemhigoid disease. Role of eosinophils in the production and release of these chemokines. Clin Immunol, 120:220-31, 2006 |
[39] | Muhammad SR, Yamasaki, A, Yang J, L Shan, A. Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 induces eotaxin/CCL-11in ASM cells via MAPK (p38, ERK1/2, JNK) pathways. J Immunol, 177:4064-4071, 2006. |
[40] | Saffar S.A, MP Alphonse, L Shan, K. HayGlass, E. Simons, Soussi Gounni A. Monomeric IgE enhanced neutrophil survival: role of mitochondrial pathway. J Immunol, 15;178:2535-41, 2007. |
[41] | Dragon S., Muhammad SR, Yang J, L Shan, A. Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 enhances IL-1 mediated CXCL-8 expression by human airway smooth muscle cells involves MAPKs, NF-kB and AP1. AJP-Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol.292:L1023-9. 2007 |
[42] | Zhang K, L Shan, SR Muhammad, H. Unruh, A. Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. Constitutive and Inducible Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin Expression in Human Airway Smooth Muscle cells: Role in COPD. AJP-Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol, 293:L375-82. Epub 2007 May 18. |
[43] | Fawaz L M, Sharif-Askari E, Hajoui O, Soussi Gounni A., Hamid Q, Mazer BD. Expression of IL-9 receptor alpha chain on human germinal center B cells modulates IgE secretion. J. Aller. Clin. Immunol, 120:1208-15, 2007 |
[44] | Dragon S., Saffar S A, L. Shan, Soussi Gounni A. IL-17 attenuates the anti-apoptotic effects of GM-CSF in human neutrophils. Mol Immunol, June 5, 2007 [Epub ahead of print] |
[45] | Joubert P, Lajoie-Kadoch S, Welman M, Dragon S, Létuvée S, Tolloczko B, Halayko AJ, Soussi Gounni A , Maghni K, Hamid Q. Expression and regulation of CCR1 by airway smooth muscle cells in asthma. J Immunol. 180:1268-75, 2008 |
[46] | Alphonse M; Saffar S A, L Shan, K. HayGlass, E. Simons, Soussi Gounni A. Regulation of the high affinity IgE receptor (Fc epsilonRI) in human neutrophils: role of seasonal allergen exposure and Th-2 cytokines. PLoS ONE. 3(4):e1921, 2008 |
[47] | Saffar SA, S. Dragon, P. Ezzati, L Shan, Soussi Gounni A. PI3K and p38 MAPK regulate induction of Mcl-1 and survival in glucocorticoid treated human neutrophils. J. Aller. Clin. Immunol, Feb , 2008. |
[48] | Xu M, Scott JE, Liu KZ, Bishop HR, Renaud DE, Palmer RM, Soussi Gounni A, Scott DA. The influence of nicotine on granulocytic differentiation-inhibition of the oxidative burst and bacterial killing and increased matrix metalloproteinase-9 release. BMC Cell Biol. Apr 15;9:19. 2008 |
[49] | A. Saleh, L Shan, A. Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. A Critical role of STAT3 in IL-17A mediated inflammatory gene expression in human airway smooth muscle cells. J. Immunology.2009 |
[50] | S. Dragon, M. Takhar, L Shan, K. HayGlass, E. Simons, Soussi Gounni A. Regulation of IL-9 R expressed by human neutrophils. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 26;384(2):167-72. 2009 |
[51] | Saffar S.A, Soussi Gounni A. Neutrophils in Health and diseases. Medlab.1: 18-19, 2009. |
[52] | Redhu NS, Saleh A, Shan L, Gerthoffer WT, Kung SK, Halayko AJ, Lamkhioued B, Gounni AS. Proinflammatory and Th2 cytokines regulate the high affinity IgE receptor (FcepsilonRI) and IgE-dependant activation of human airway smooth muscle cells. PLoS One. 7;4(7):e6153. 2009 |
[53] | Ito I, Fixman ED, Asai K, Yoshida M, Soussi Gounni A, Martin JG, Hamid Q. Platelet-derived growth factor and transforming growth factor-beta modulate the expression of matrix metalloproteinases and migratory function of human airway smooth muscle cells. Clin Exp Allergy. 2009 Jun 11. [Epub ahead of print] |
[54] | Yamasaki A, A. Saleh, L. Koussih, S. Muro A. Halayko, Soussi Gounni A. IL-9 induces CCL11 expression via STAT3 signalling in human airway smooth muscle cells.PLoS One.; 5:e9178. 2010 |
[55] | Shan L, Redhu NS, Saleh A, Halayko AJ, Chakir J, Soussi Gounni A. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin receptor-mediated IL-6 and CC/CXC chemokines expression in human airway smooth muscle cells: role of MAPKs (ERK1/2, p38, and JNK) and STAT3 pathways. J Immunol. 184:7134-43. 2010 |
[56] | Soussi Gounni A. The high affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) and neutrophil survival in allergic asthma. Current Trends in Immunology, 10: 73-77. 2010 |
[57] | Semlali A, Jacques E, Koussih L, Soussi Gounni A, Chakir J. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin-induced human asthmatic airway epithelial cell proliferation through an IL-13-dependent pathway. J Allergy Clin Immunol 125:844-50. 2010 |
[58] | Redhu N, A Saleh, H Lee, A Halayko, S Ziegler, Soussi Gounni A. Essential Role of NF-κB and AP-1 in TNFα-induced Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin (TSLP) Expression in Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cells. AJP-LCMP. 2011 [Epub ahead of print Dec 10. 2010] |
[59] | Saffar AS, H Asdown, Soussi Gounni A. The molecular mechanisms of glucocorticoids-mediated neutrophil survival. Curr Drug Targets. 12(4):556-62. 2011. |
[60] | Mostakim M, S El Abed, M Iraqui, K F Benbrahim, A Houari, A Soussi Gounni, Ibn Souda S. Biocontrol potential of a bacillus subtillis strain against bactrocera oleae. Annals Microbiology. DOI 10.1007/S13213-011-248z |
[61] | Redhu NS, Shan L, Soussi Gounni A. Expression of FcRI in Human Smooth Muscle Cells. AJRCMB, In press.2011 |