[1] | Useh, NM., Nok, AJ., Ambali, SF., and Esievo, KAN. (2004). The inhibition of Clostridium chauvoei (jakari strain) neuraminidase activity by methanolic extracts of the stem barks of Tamarindus indicus and Combretum fragrans. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 19(4): 339-342. Published by Taylor and Francis, UK |
[2] | Ambali, SF., Silas, A., Ayo, JO., Ibrahim, NDG, Obalowu, AA and Salami, SO. (2006). Toxicity studies on the methanolic extract of the leaves of Cassia tora Linn in mice. Nigerian Veterinary Journal 27(1):54-61. Publisher-Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association |
[3] | Ambali, S. Akanbi, D., Igbokwe, N., Shittu, M., Kawu, M and Ayo, J. (2007). Evaluation of subchronic chlorpyrifos poisoning on hematological and serum biochemical changes in mice and protective effect of vitamin C. Journal of Toxicological Sciences 32(2): 111-120. Publisher: Japanese Toxicological Society. Available at: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jts/32/2/_contents |
[4] | Ambali, SF., Mamman, M., Adaudi, A.O., Esievo, KAN., Ayo, JO. and Abubakar, MS (2008). Curative and Protective effects of penicillin G on experimental Chlorophyllum molybdites poisoning in mice. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 3(3): 241-245 Published by Academic Journals Inc, USA. Available at: http://www.docsdrive.com/pdfs/academicjournals/jpt/2008/241-245.pdf |
[5] | Ambali, SF., Mamman, M., Adaudi, AO., Esievo, KAN., Ibrahim, NDG. and Abubakar, MS. (2008). Toxicological screening of lyophilized extract of some Nigerian wild mushrooms in mice. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11(3): 398-403. Published by Asian Network for Scientific Information, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Available at: http://www. docsdrive.com/pdfs/ansinet/pjbs/2008/398-403.pdf |
[6] | Ambali, S.F., Abbas, S.O., Shittu, M., Dzenda, T., Kawu, M.U., Salami, S.O. and Ayo, J.O. (2009). Effects of gestational exposure to chlorpyrifos on implantation and neonatal mice. Journal of Cell and Animal Biology 3 (4): 050-057. Published by Academic Journals. Available at: http://www.academicjournals.org/jcab/PDF/Pdf2009/.../Ambali%20et%20al.pdf |
[7] | Abdulazeez, M.A., Ameh, A.D., Ibrahim, S., Ayo, J.O. and Ambali, S.F. (2009). Effect of fermented seed extract of Carica papaya on litters of female Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). African Journal of Biotechnology 8(5): 854-857. Published by Academic Journals. Available at: http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB/PDF/.../Abdulazeez%20et%20al.pdf |
[8] | Katsayal, U.A., Abdulrahman, E.M., Abubakar, M.S., Musa, K.Y., Ambali, S.F. and Jahun, B.M. (2009). Fungi as potential source of antimalarial agents. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 8(1): 135-142. Published by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Available at: http://www.abu.edu.ng/journals/njps/pdf/54.pdf |
[9] | Abdulazeez, M.A., Ameh, A.D., Ibrahim, S., Ayo, J.O. and Ambali, S.F. (2009). Effect of fermented and unfermented seed extracts of Carica papaya on pre-implantation embryo development in female Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). Scientific Research and Essay 4 (10): 1080-1084. Published by Academic Journals Available at:http://www.academicjournals.org/sre/PDF/pdf2009/.../Mansurah%20et%20al.pdf |
[10] | Ambali, S.F., Imana, H.O., Shittu, M., Kawu. M.U., Salami, S.O. and Ayo, J.O. (2010). Effect of chlorpyrifos on pre-implantation loss in Swiss Albino mice. Journal of Agriculture and Biology of North America 1(2):152-155. Published by ScienceHuβ LLC, Connecticut, USA Available at http://www.scihub.org/ABJNA/PDF/2010/2/1-2-152-155.pdf |
[11] | Ambali, S.F., Abubakar, A.T., Shittu, M., Yaqub, L.S., Anafi, S.B. and Abdullahi, A. (2010). Chlorpyrifos-induced alteration of hematological parameters in Wistar rats: Ameliorative effect of zinc. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology 4(2) 55-66. Published by Academic Journals Inc, USA. Available at: docsdrive.com/pdfs/academicjournals/rjet/0000/17369-17369.pdf |
[12] | Ambali, S.F., Abubakar, A.T., Shittu, M., Yaqub, L.S., Kobo,P.I. and Giwa, A. (2010). Zinc ameliorates chlorpyrifos-induced increased erythrocyte fragility and lipoperoxidative changes in Wistar rats. New York Science Journal 3(5): 117-122. Published by Marsland Press, New York. Available at: http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork/ny0305/19_2659_ny0305_117_122.pdf |
[13] | Ambali, S.F., Ayo, J.O., Ojo, S.A. and Esievo, K.A.N. (2010). Co-administration of vitamins C and E ameliorates chronic chlorpyrifos-induced erythrocyte osmotic fragility in Wistar rats. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science 4(6):1015-1021. Published by INSINET publication, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Available at. http://www.insipub.com/ajbas/2010/1015-1021.pdf |
[14] | Ambali, S.F., Idris, S.B, Onukak, C., Shittu, M. and Ayo, J.O. (2010).Ameliorative effects of vitamin C on short-term sensorimotor and cognitive changes induced by acute chlorpyrifos exposure in Wistar rats. Toxicology and Industrial Health 26(9): 547-558. doi:10.1177/0748233710373086. Published by SAGE publishers. Available at : http://tih.sagepub.com/content/26/9/547 |
[15] | Ambali, S.F., Adeniyi, S.A., Makinde, A.O., Shittu, M. and Yaqub, L.S. (2010). Methanol extract of Phyllanthus niruri attenuates chlorpyrifos-evoked erythrocyte fragility and lipoperoxidative changes in Wistar rats. Archives of Applied Science Research 2(4): 191-198.Published by Scholar Research Library, India. Available at: http://scholarsresearchlibrary.com/aasr-vol2-iss4/AASR-2010-2-4-191-198.pdf |
[16] | Ambali, S.F., Ayo, J.O., Ojo, S.A. and Esievo, K.A.N. (2010). Vitamin E protects rats from chlorpyrifos-induced increased erythrocyte osmotic fragility in Wistar rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology 48: 3477-3480. Published by Elsevier Publishers. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2010.09.026 |
[17] | Alhazzan, A., Mabrouk, MA, Ayo, JO, Ambali, S.F., Shittu, M., Adenkola, AY and Salawu, EO (2010). Effects of co-administration of antioxidants on erythrocyte osmotic fragility of Wistar rats during the hot-dry season. European Journal of Scientific Research 46(1)-073-079. Published by Eurojournals Inc, United Kingdom. Available at: www.eurojournals.com/ejsr_46_1_07.pdf |
[18] | Ambali, S.F., Onukak, C., Idris, S.B., Yaqub, L.S., Shittu, M., Aliyu, H. and Kawu, M.U. (2010). Vitamin C attenuates short-term hematological and biochemical alterations induced by acute chlorpyrifos exposure in Wistar rats. Journal of Medicine and Medical Science 1(10): 465-477.Published by International Research Journals. Available at: www.internationaljournals.org/JMMS/Pdf/2010/.../Ambali%20et%20al.pdf |
[19] | Ambali, S. Akanbi, D., Shittu, M., Giwa, A., Oladipo, O.O., Kawu, M and Ayo, J.O. (2010). Chlorpyrifos-Induced Clinical, Hematological and Biochemical Changes in Swiss Albino Mice-Mitigating effect by co-administration of vitamins C and E. Life Science Journal 7(3): 37-44. Published by Marsland Press, New York. Available at: www.sciencepub.net/life/life0703/05_2651life0703_37_44.pdf |
[20] | Ambali, S.F., Ayo, J.O., Ojo, S.A. and Esievo, K.A.N. (2011). Ameliorative effect of vitamin C on chlorpyrifos-induced increased erythrocyte fragility in Wistar rats. Human and Experimental Toxicology 30(1): 19-24. Published by SAGE Publishers: available at: het.sagepub.com/content/30/1/19.refs |
[21] | 21 Ambali, S.F., Shuaib, K, Edeh, R., Orieji, B.C., Shittu, M. and Akande, M.G. (2010). Hyperglycemia induced by subchronic co-administration of chlorpyrifos and lead in Wistar rats: Role of pancreatic lipoperoxidation and alleviating effect of vitamin C. Biology and Medicine 3(1): 6-14. Published by Marsland Press, New York |
[22] | Ambali, S.F. Akanbi, D.O., Oladipo, O.O., Yaqub, L.S. and Kawu, M.U. (2011). Subchronic Chlorpyrifos-Induced Clinical, Hematological and Biochemical Changes in Swiss Albino Mice: Protective Effect of Vitamin E. International Journal of Biology and Medical Research 2(2): 497-503. BioMedSciDirect Publications. |
[23] | Ambali, S.F., Ayo, J.O., Esievo, K.A.N. and Ojo, S.A. (2011). Hemotoxicity Induced by Chronic Chlorpyrifos Exposure in Wistar Rats-Mitigating Effect of Vitamin C. Veterinary Medicine International Volume 2011, Article I D 945439, 7 pages, doi:10.4061/2011/945439. Published by Sage-Hindawi Access to Research Publishers |
[24] | Ambali, S.F., Angani, M., Shittu, M. and Kawu, MU. (2011). Hematological changes induced by subchronic co-administration of chlorpyrifos and lead in Wistar rats: Alleviating effect of vitamin C. Der Pharmacia Sinica 2(2):276-284. Published by Pelagia Research Library, India. |
[25] | Ambali, S.F., Abubakar, AT, Kawu, M.U., Uchendu, C. and Salami, S.O. (2011). Biochemical alterations induced by subchronic chlorpyrifos exposure in wistar rats: ameliorative effect of zinc. Journal of American Science 7(9):73-81. Marsland Press, New York. |
[26] | Ambali, S.F., Orieji, C., Abubakar, W.O., Shittu, M. and Kawu, M.U. (2011). Ameliorative effect of vitamin C on alterations in thyroid hormones concentrations induced by subchronic co-administration of chlorpyrifos and lead in Wistar rats. Journal of Thyroid Research: Volume 2011, Article ID 214924, 6 pages doi:10.4061/2011/214924. Published by Sage-Hindawi Access to Research Publishers |
[27] | Uchendu, C., Ambali, S.F., Ayo, J.O. and Esievo. K.A.N. (2011) Ameliorative effect of acetyl-carnitine on hematological changes induced by subacute chlorpyrifos exposure in Wistar rats. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 3(2): 292-303. Published by Scholars Research Library, India. |
[28] | Ambali, S.F. and Ayo, J.O. (2011). Sensorimotor performance deficits induced by chronic chlorpyrifos exposure in Wistar rats: mitigative effect of vitamin C. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 93(6): 1212-1226. Published by Taylor and Francis, UK. |
[29] | Ambali, S.F. and Ayo, J.O. (2011). Vitamin C attenuates chronic chlorpyrifos-induced alteration of neurobehavioral parameters in Wistar rats. Toxicology International, In Press. Society of Toxicologist of India. |
[30] | Uchendu, C., Ambali, S.F., Yakub, L.S., Lasisi, I.O., and Umosen, A.J. (2011). Comparative effects of vitamin Cik and acetyl-l-carnitine on subacute chlorpyrifos-induced erythrocyte osmotic fragility in Wistar rats. Advances in Applied Science Research, 2 (5):297-302. Pelagia Research Library, India. |
[31] | Ambali, S.F. and Aliyu, M.B. (2012). Short-term sensorimotor and cognitive changes induced by acute chlorpyrifos exposure in Wistar rats: Ameliorative Effect of vitamin E. Pharmacologia 3(2): 31-38. Published by Science Reuters, UK. |
[32] | Shittu, M., Ayo, J.O., Ambali, S.F., Kawu, M.U. and Salami, S.O. (2011). Vitamin E mitigates chronic chlorpyrifos-induced oxidative changes in the testes and pituitary glands in Wistar rats. American Journal of Applied Science. In Press. Published by Science |
[33] | Shittu, M., Ayo, J.O., Ambali, S.F., Fatihu, M.Y.., Onyeanusi, B.I. and Kawu, M.U. (2011). Chronic chlorpyrifos-induced oxidative changes in the testes and pituitary glands of Wistar rats: Ameliorative effect of vitamin C. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology: Accepted manuscript. Published by Elsevier Publishers |
[34] | Ambali, S.F., Kawu, M.U. and Ari, M.S. (2009).Laboratory Animal Handling and Restraint. In: Animal Handling and Restraint-An Instructive approach (Hassan, A.Z. and Nwannenna, A (Eds), Pandahi Printing Zaria. pp131-142 |
[35] | Ambali, S.F., Ayo, J.O., Shittu, M., Kawu, M.U. and Salami, S.O. (2011). Ameliorative effect of vitamin E on sensorimotor and cognitive changes induced by chronic chlorpyrifos exposure in Wistar rats. In Insecticides 2: In press: Published by InTech Open Acess Publisher, Croatia. |
[36] | Ambali, SF, Mamman, M., Adaudi, AO, Esievo, KAN and Abubakar, MS (2005). Effect of benzylpenicillin sodium on experimental Chlorophyllum molybdites poisoning in mice. Proceedings of the 42nd Congress of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, p 149-150 |
[37] | Kawu, MU., Umosen, AJ, Nok, HE, Ambali, SF and Suleiman, MM (2003). Preliminary observations on the profertility effect of crude methanolic extract of the leaves of Ficus capensis Thumb (Moraceae) in mice. Proceedings of the 42nd Congress of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, p 146-149. |
[38] | Ambali, SF., Mamman, M., Adaudi, AO., Esievo, KAN and Ibrahim, NDG (2006). Toxicological screening of lyophilized extract of some wild mushrooms in mice. Proceedings of 31st Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Bayero University, Kano, p 90-94 |
[39] | Ambali, SF and Adaudi, AO (1998). Neuropoisons in some Nigerian plants. Paper presented at the 4th annual Scientific Conference of Neuroscience Society of Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (March 11-14, 1998). |
[40] | Ambali, SF., Mamman, M.., Adaudi, AO., Esievo, KAN, Ibrahim, NDG and Abubakar, MS (2003). Toxicological screening of lyophilized extract of some mushrooms indigenous to Zaria in mice. Paper presented at the 6th biennial conference of Society of Neuroscientists of Africa, Abuja, Nigeria. (April 27-30, 2003) |
[41] | Ambali, SF., Mamman, M., Adaudi, AO, Esievo, KAN and Abubakar, MS (2003). Curative and protective effects of penicillin G on experimental Chlorophyllum molybdites poisoning in mice. Paper presented at African Society of Toxicological sciences Third Africa Conference, Nicon Noga Hilton, Abuja. (April 22-26, 2003) |
[42] | Ambali, SF., Silas, A., Adaudi, AO, Suleiman, MM., Ayo, JO and Ibrahim, NDG (2003). Acute and subacute toxicity studies of the methanolic extract of the leaves of Cassia tora Linn in mice. Paper presented at African Society of Toxicological sciences Third Africa Conference, Nicon Noga Hilton, Abuja. (April 22-26, 2003) |
[43] | Adaudi, AO., Salawu, OA, Suleiman, MM., Ambali, SF, Dzenda, T and Jegede, OC (2003). An overview of parasiticidal plants that are indigenous to Nigeria and studies on selected species against Nippostrongylus braziliensis infected rats. Paper presented at African Society of Toxicological sciences Third Africa Conference, Nicon Noga Hilton, Abuja. (April 22-26, 2003) |
[44] | Ambali, SF, Ayo, JO., Mamman, M, Useh, NM., and Abubakar, MS (2004). Psilocybin-an overview of a psychedelic from "magic" mushrooms. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Scientific Conference of the neuroscience Society of Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria (November 22-26, 2004) |
[45] | Ambali, SF, Mamman, M, Adaudi, AO, Esievo, KAN and Abubakar, MS. Effects of benzylpenicillin sodium on experimental Chlorophyllum molybdites poisoning in mice. Paper presented at the 42nd Congress of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. (November 14-18, 2005). |
[46] | Kawu, MU., Umosen, AJ, Nok, HE, Ambali, SF. and Suleiman, MM (2005). Preliminary observations on the profertility effect of crude methanolic extract of the leaves of Ficus capensis Thumb (Moraceae) in mice. Paper presented at the 42nd Congress of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. (November 14-18, 2005). |
[47] | Ambali, SF., Akanbi, DO., Shittu, M., Kawu, MU., Dzenda, T., and Ayo, JO (2006). Evaluation of protective effect of ascorbic acid on chlorpyrifos-induced haematological and serum biochemical changes in mice. A paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference of the Neuroscience Society of Nigeria, University of Jos, Nigeria. (August 28-31, 2006). |
[48] | Ambali, SF., Akanbi, DO., Igbokwe, N., Shittu, M., Kawu, MU and Ayo, JO (2006). Evaluation of the ameliorative effect of alpha-tocopherol on chlorpyrifos-induced clinical, haematological and serum biochemical changes in mice. Paper presented at the 43rd Congress of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association , Gidan Matasa, Minna ( November 6-10, 2006). |
[49] | Ambali, SF., Abass, SO, Shittu, M., Kawu, MU and Ayo, JO (2007). Effect of gestational exposure to CPF on im[plantation and neonatal mice. Paper presented at the 44th Congress of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, Petroleum Training Institute , Effurum, Delta State Abstract number 023, p 17 (October 22-26, 2007). |
[50] | Kawu, MU., Adama, OJ., Magaji, GO., Abass, Y., Ambali, SF., Suleiman, MM., Yaqub, LS., Shittu, M., Sinkalu, VO and Abdullahi, A.(2007). Preliminary observation on a possible galactopoietic effect of Launea taraxarafolia (Compositae) in mice. Paper presented at the xxxivth regional annual conference of the West African Society for Pharmacology (WASP)/Societe Quest-Africaine De Pharmacologie (SOAP), Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria (December 10-14, 2007). |
[51] | Ambali, S.F., Shittu, M., Yaqub, L.S., Aliyu, H., Kobo, P., Kawu, m.U., Aluwong, T. and Ayo, J.O. (2009). Adherence to pesticide withdrawal periods on stored products among farmers in nigeria-a case Study of Zaria, Kaduna State. Abstract presented at the International field Toxicology Symposium in Africa at university of Lusaka, Zambia, October 15, 2009. |
[52] | Shittu, M., Ayo, J.O., Fatihu, M.Y., Onyeanusi, B.I., Ambali, S.F., Kawu, M.U., Yaqub, L.S., Shittu, B.R., Aliyu, H and Kobo, P.I. (2009). Chronic chlorpyrifos-induced changes in testosterone concentration in Wistar rats-Ameliorative effects of vitamin C. Abtract presented at the 46th annual conference of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, Emmaus House Complex, Awka, 19th-23rd October, 2009. |
[53] | Lasisi, I.O., Ochigbo, V.I., Ambali, S.F., Shittu, M., Ehizibolo, P.O. and Olajide, F.A. (2009). Ameliorative effects of vitamin C on chronic Diazinon-induced hematological changes in mice. Abstract presented at the 46th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Vetyerinary Medical Association, Emmaus House Complex, Awka, 19th-23rd October, 2009. |
[54] | Ambali, S.F., Ayo, J.O., Ojo, S.A., Esievo, K.A.N. (2010). Effect of vitamin C on sensorimotor and cognitive changes induced by chronic chlorpyrifosadministration in Wistar rats. Abstract presented at the 2nd International field Toxicology Symposium in Africa at university of Lusaka, Zambia, 9th September, 2010.O-8-20 |
[55] | Ambali, S.F. Ayo, J.O., Ojo, S.A., Esievo, K.A.N., Shittu, M. and Ambali, A.G. (2011). Protective effect of vitamin C on hepatotoxicity induced by chronic chlorpyrifos exposure in Wistar rats. Abstract 3rd International Toxicology Symposium in Africa at university of Lusaka, Zambia, 8th September, 2011.O-7-40. |