[1] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Szolcsányi J, Barthó L., Mózsik Gy. Sensory nerve-mediated mechanisms, gastric mucosal damage and its protection: A critical overview. Gastroprotection 1994; 2:4-12. |
[2] | Karádi O., BódisB., Király á, Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Süto G., Vincze á, Mózsik Gy. Surgical vagotomy enhances the indomethacin-induced gastrointestinal mucosal damage in rats. Inflammopharmacology 1994; 2: 389-349. |
[3] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Bódis B., Karádi O., Nagy L., Szolcsányi J., Mózsik Gy. Stimulation of capsaicin-sensitive sensory peripheral nerves with topically applied resiniferatoxin decreases salicylate-induced gastric H+ back-diffusion in the rat. Inflammopharmacology 1995; 3: 121-133. |
[4] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Bódis B., Karádi O., Szolcsányi J., Mózsik Gy. Modification of aspirin and ethanol-induced mucosal damage in rats by intragastric application of resiniferatoxin. Inflammopharmacology 1995; 3: 135-147. |
[5] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Szolcsányi J., Mózsik Gy. Effect of resiniferatoxin on stimulated gastric acid secretory responses in the rat. J. Physiol (Paris) 1995; 88:353-358. |
[6] | Abdel Salam O.M.E., Szolcsányi J., Mózsik Gy. Capsaicin and its analogue resiniferatoxin inhibit gastric acid secretion in pylorus-ligated rats. Pharmacol. Res. 1995; 31; 341-345. |
[7] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Bódis B., Karádi O., Szolcsányi J., Mózsik Gy. Nature of gastric H+ backdiffusion approached by cimetidine, vagotomy, RTX and sucralfate. Ceská A Slovenská Gastroenterologie 1995; 49; 175-182. |
[8] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Mózsik Gy., Szolcsányi J. Studies on the effect of intragastric capsaicin on gastric ulcer and on the prostacyclin-induced cytoprotection in rats. Pharmacol. Res. 1995; 32: 209-215. |
[9] | Káradi O., Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Bódis B., Mózsik Gy. Preventive effect of atropine on indomethacin-induced gastrointestinal mucosal and vascular damage in rats. Pharmacology 1996; 52; 46-55. |
[10] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Szolcsányi J., Porszász R., Mózsik Gy. Effect of capsaicin and resiniferatoxin on gastrointestinal blood flow in rats. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1996; 305: 127-136. |
[11] | Mózsik Gy., Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Bódis B., Karádi O., Nagy L., Szolcsányi J. Role of vagal nerve in defense mechanisms against NSAIDs-induced gastrointestinal mucosal damage. Inflammopharmacology 1996; 4: 151-172. |
[12] | Mózsik Gy., Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Bódis B., Káradi O., Király á., Süt_ G., Rumi Gy., Szabó I., Vincze á. Gastric Mucosal protective effects of prostacyclin and-carotene, and their biochemical backgrounds in rats treated with ethanol and HCl in dependence of their doses and of their time after administration of necrotizing agents. Inflammopharmacology 1996; 4: 361-378. |
[13] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Szolcsányi J., Mózsik Gy. Differences in action of topical and systemic cysteamine on gastric blood flow, gastric acid secretion and gastric ulceration in the rat. J. Physiol (Paris) 1996; 90: 63-73. |
[14] | Bódis B., Karádi O., Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Faludi R, Nagy L., Mózsik Gy: Organoprotection and cytoprotection of histamine differ in rats. Inflammopharmacology 1997;5 ;29-41. |
[15] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Szolcsányi J., Mózsik Gy. The indomethacin-induced gastric mucosal damage in rats. Effect of gastric acid, acid inhibition, capsaicin-type agents and prostacyclin. J. Physiol (Paris) 1997; 91:7-19. |
[16] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., Szolcsányi J., Mózsik Gy. Capsaicin and the stomach. A review of experimental and clinical data. J. Physiol (Paris) 1997; 91: 151-171. |
[17] | Gy. Mózsik, A. Debreceni, Abdel-Salam O.M.E., I. Szabo, M. Figler, A. Ludany, I. Juricskay, J. Szolcsányi. Small doses of capsaicin given intragastrically inhibit gastric basal acid secretion in healthy human subjects. J of Physiol (Paris) 1999; 93: 433-436. |
[18] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., A. Debreceni, Gy. Mózsik, J. Szolcsányi Capsaicin-sensitive afferent sensory nerves in modulating gastric mucosal defense against noxious agents. J Physiol (Paris) 1999; 93: 443-454. |
[19] | A. Debreceni, Abdel-Salam O.M.E., M. Figler, I. Juricskay, J. Szolcsányi, Gy. Mózsik. Capsaicin increases gastric emptying rate in healthy human subjects measured by 13C-labeled octanoic acid breath test. J Physiol (Paris) 1999; 93: 455-460. |
[20] | Abdel-Salam O.M.E., A. Debreceni, J. Szolcsányi, Gy. Mózsik Capsaicin inhibits the pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion in anaesthetized rats with acute gastric fistula. J Physiol (Paris) 1999; 93: 461-466. |
[21] | Pakodi F., Abdel-Salam O.M.E., A. Debreceni, Gy. Mózsik Helicobacter pylori. One bacterium and a broad spectrum of human disease! An overview. J Physiol (Paris) 2000; 94: 139-152. |
[22] | O.M.E. Abdel-Salam, A. Debreceni, J. Szolcsányi, Gy. Mózsik. Gastric mcosal damage and its prevention. Role of gastric mucosal blood flow. An overview. J Physiol (Paris) 2001; 95: 105–127. |
[23] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Siham El-Shenawy, Seham El-Batran and Mahmoud S. The effect of a selective COX-2 inhibitor on the gastric mucosa in the diabetic and steroid-treated rat. J. Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2001; 20: 653-681. |
[24] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Siham El-Shenawy, Seham El-Batran and Mahmoud S. The effect of etodolac on bile salt and histamine-mediated gastric mucosal injury in the rat. Arbid. J Physiol (Paris) 2001; 95: 43-49. |
[25] | Omar Mohamed Abdel Salam, Seham El-Batran, Siham El-Shenawy, Mahmoud S. Arbid. The effect of tolmetin on the rat gastric mucosa. J. Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2001; 20: 505-530. |
[26] | Siham El-Batran, Somaia A. Nada, Omar M. Abdel Salam, Nabila S. Hassan and Mahmoud S. Arbid. Alhagi graecorum extract modulate hepato-nephrotoxic effect induced by paracetamol in rat.J Egypt Ger Soc Zool. 2001; 36: 459-477. |
[27] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Seham El-Batran, Siham El-Shenawy, and Mahmoud S. Arbid. Protective Effect for Panax Ginseng in the Rat Stomach. J Ginseng Res 2001; 25: 141-149. |
[28] | Ameen A, Abdel Salam OM, El Shenawy S. Ulcerogenic effect of some newer antihypertensive drugs in rats. J. Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2002; 21: 119-144. |
[29] | Ameen A, Abdel Salam OM, El Shenawy S. The influence of melatonin on gastric acid secretion and indomethacin-induced gastric ulcers in rats. J. Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2002; 21: 229-248. |
[30] | Abdel Salam OME. Modulation of inflammatory paw oedema by cysteamine in the rat. Pharmacol Res 2002; 45: 275-284. |
[31] | Abdel Salam OME, Nada SA, Arbid MS. The effect of ginseng on bile-pancreatic secretion in the rat. increase in proteins and inhibition of total lipids and cholersterol secretion. Pharmacol Res 2002; 45: 349-353. |
[32] | El-Shenawy S, Abdel Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, El-Batran SA, Arbid MS. Studies on the anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects of melatonin in the rat. Pharmacol Res 2002; 46: 235-243. |
[33] | Abdel-Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, El-Shenawy SM, Arbid MS. The anti-inflammatory effects of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor pentoxifylline in the rat. Pharmacol Res 2003; 47: 331–340. |
[34] | Abdel-Salam OME, Nofal SM, El-Shenawy SM. Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects of different antidepressants in the rat. Pharmacol Res 2003; 48: 157–165. |
[35] | Abdel Salam OME, Hadajat I, Bayomy AR, El-Shinawy S, Arbid MS. Early alterations in bile secretion after exposure to whole body irradiation in the rat. J. Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.2004; 24: 95-109. |
[36] | Abdel-Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, Arbid MS. Studies on the anti-inflammatory effect of fluoxetine in the rat. Pharmacol Res. 2004; 49: 119-131. |
[37] | Abdel-Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, El-Batran S, Arbid MS. Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory, anti-nociceptive and gastric effects of ginkgo biloba in the rat. Pharmacol Res 2004; 49: 133-142. |
[38] | Abdel-Salam OME. Fluoxetine and sertraline stimulate gastric acid secretion via a vagal pathway in anaesthetised rats. Pharmacol Res 2004; 50:309–316. |
[39] | Abdel-Salam OM, Nofal SM, Baiuomy AR, El-Shenawy SM. Evaluation of the gastric mucosal effects of different antidepressant drugs in the rat. J Egypt Soc Toxicol. 2004; 30: 35-43. |
[40] | Abdel-Salam OME, El-Shenawy SM, Baiuomy AR, Nofal S. The gastric mucosal protective effects of pentoxifylline in the rat. J Egypt Soc Toxicol. 2004; 30: 29-34. |
[41] | Nofal S, El-Shenawy S, Baiuomy AR, Abdel-Salam OM, El-Eraky W. Evalulation of the potential therapeutic benefit and side effects of the cyclo-oxygenase-2 selective inhibitors rofecoxib and celecoxib as compared with the non-selective cox inhibitors indomethacin and ibuprofen in rats. Egypt Med. J. N.R.C. 2004; 4: 237-262. |
[42] | El-Batran SA, El-Shenawy SM, Nofal SM, Abdel-Salam OME, Arbid MS. Studies on the glycemic and lipidemic effect of monopril and losartan in normal and diabetic rats. Pharmacol Res. 2004; 50: 131–136. |
[43] | Abdel Salam OM, Hadajat I, Bayomy AR, El-Shinawy S, Arbid MS. Acute effect of gamma irradiation on gastric acid secretion and gastric mucosal integrity in the rat. Scientific World Journal. 2005; 5: 195-204. |
[44] | Abdel-Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, Ameen A, Hassan NA. A study of unfractionated and low molecular weight heparins in a model of cholestatic liver injury in the rat. Pharmacol Res. 2005; 51; 59-67. |
[45] | Abdel Salam OME, Heikal OA, El-Shenawy SM. Effect of capsaicin on bile secretion in the rat. Pharmacology 2005; 73: 121-126. |
[46] | Hedayat I, Abdel Salam OME, Baiuomy AR. Effect of ginkgo biloba extract on carrageenan-induced acute local inflammation in gamma-irradiation and rats. Di Pharmazie 2005; 60: 614-619. |
[47] | Abdel Salam OM, Baiuomy AR, El-Shenawy SM. The effect of cysteamine on bile secretion in the rat. Pharmacol Rep.2005; 57:345-351. |
[48] | Abdel Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, El-Shenawy SM, Hassan NS. Effect of pentoxifylline on hepatic injury caused in the rat by the administration of carbon tetrachloride or acetaminophen. Pharmacol Rep. 2005; 57:596-603. |
[49] | Abdel Salam OM, Hadajat I, Bayomy AR, El-Shinawy S, Arbid MS. Acute effect of gamma irradiation on gastric acid secretion and gastric mucosal integrity in the rat. The Scientific World JOURNAL 2005; 5: 195-204. |
[50] | Abdel-Salam OME, El-Batran S. Pharmacological investigation of trimetazidine in models of inflammation, pain and gastric injury in rodents. Pharmacology 2005;75:122-132. |
[51] | Abdel-Salam OME. Anti-inflammatory, anti-nociceptive and gastric effects of Hypericum Perforatum in rats. The Scientific World JOURNAL 2005; 5: 585–596. |
[52] | Elbatran SA, Abdel-Salam OME, Abdel shfeek KA, Nazif NM, Ismail SI, Hammouda FM. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Investigations on Moringa peregrina (Forssk) Fiori. Natural Product Sciences 2005; 11: 199-206. |
[53] | Abdel Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, Sleem AA, Ellithy M. Studies on the effect of the opioid receptor agonist trimebutine on inflammation, pain and gastric ulceration in the rat. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2005; 30: 433-446. |
[54] | Abdel Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, Sleem AA, Ellithy M. Investigation of the effect of unfractionated and low molecular weight heparins on inflammation and gastrointestinal mucosal injury in rats. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2005; 30: 419-431. |
[55] | Abdel Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, Sleem AA. Comparison of the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and gastric effects of vinpocetine and piracetam in rats. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2005; 30: 575-585. |
[56] | Abdel-Salam OME, Sleem AA, Baiuomy AR, Morsy F. Effect of the novel anti-ischaemic drug trimetazidine on hepatic injury caused by carbon tetrachloride in the rat. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2005; 30: 587-599. |
[57] | Abdel-Salam OME, Sleem AA, Baiuomy AR, Morsy F. Effect of trimebutine on hepatic injury caused by carbon tetrachloride in the rat. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2006; 31: 21-36. |
[58] | Abdel Salam OME, Sleem AA, Baiuomy AR. An experimental studies of the anti-inflammatory and gastric effects of ribavirin in rats. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2006; 31: 37-48. |
[59] | Abdel Salam OME, El-Shenway SM, Hassan NS. Effect of silymarin mixed with biphenyldimethyl-dicarboxylate versus silymarin alone in liver of rats treated with carbon tetrachloride. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2006; 31: 121-133. |
[60] | Abdel-Salam OME, Hassan NS. Evaluation of the hepatoprotective effect of ginkgo biloba extract and its comparison with silymarin on acute hepatic injury caused in rats by the administration of carbon tetrachlride. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2006; 31: 197-209. |
[61] | Abdel-Salam OME, Oraby FHS, Hassan NS. Vinpocetine prevents acute hepatic damage caused by administration of carbon tetrachloride in rats. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2006; 31: 211-221. |
[62] | Abdel-Salam OME, Sleem AA. Effect of alpha-2-adrenoceptor blockage on analgesia induced by different antidepressant drugs in mice. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2006; 31: 223-234. |
[63] | El-Batran SA, Abdel-Salam OME, Noval SM, Baiuomy AR. Effect of rosiglitazone and nateglinide on serum glucose and lipid profile alone or in combination with the biguanide metformin in diabetic rats. Pharmacol. Res. 2006; 53: 69–74. |
[64] | Abdel-Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, Sleem AA. Inhibition of gastric acid secretion by unfractionated and low molecular weight heparins in the rat. The Scientific World JOURNAL. 2006; 6: 221–230. |
[65] | Abdel-Salam OME, El-Batran SA, Baiuomy AR. Noradrenergic and dopaminergic modulation of melatonin visceral antinociception in mice. J Pharmacol Toxicol. 2006; 1: 234-244. |
[66] | Abdel-Salam OME. Modulation of visceral nociception by capsaicin in mice. J Pharmacol Toxicol. 2006; 1: 493-504. |
[67] | Abdel Salam OME, Sleem AA, Shaffie NM. Effect of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic damage in rats. J Pharmacol Toxicol. 2006; 1: 395-406. |
[68] | Abdel-Salam OME. Antinociceptive and behavioral effects of ribavirin in mice. Pharmacol Bioch Behav. 2006; 83: 230–238. |
[69] | Abdel Salam OME. Vinpocetine and piracetam exert antinociceptive effect in visceral pain model in mice. Pharmacol. Rep.58; 680-691, 2006. |
[70] | Abdel-Salam OME, Sleem AA, Hassan NS, Sharaf HA, Mózsik Gy. Capsaicin ameliorates hepatic injury caused by carbon tetrachloride in the rat. J Pharmacol Toxicol. 2006;1: 147-156. |
[71] | Abdel Salam OM, Hadajat I, Bayomy AR, El-Shinawy S, Arbid MS. Exposure of rats to whole body gamma rays induces early alterations in biliary secretion. Turk J Med Sci. 2006; 36: 263-269. |
[72] | Abdel-Salam OME, Nofal SM, El-Shafee N. Effect of taurine alone or in combination with either silymarin or melatonin on acute hepatic damage caused by administration of acetaminophen in rats. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2006; 31: 575-591. |
[73] | Abdel Salam OME, Oraby FS, El-Shenawy SM. The effect of non-selective and selective cox-2 inhibitors on bile secretion in the rat. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2006; 31: 557-574. |
[74] | Laz N, AbdelSalam O, Saym M, Elkhaiat H. Gastroesophageal reflux in asthma patiets without reflux symptoms. Egypt. J. Chest. Dis. Tub. 2006; 55: 16-23. |
[75] | Abdel-Salam OME, Sleem AA, Shaffie NM. Effect of calcitonin on acute hepatic damage in rats in vivo. J Pharmacol Toxicol. 2007; 2: 330-339. |
[76] | Abdel Salam OME, El-Shenawy SM, Hassan NS. Effect of taurine and its combination with melatonin on acute hepatic damage in rats. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2007; 32: 101-111. |
[77] | Abdel Salam OME, Sleem AA, Omara EA, Hassan NS. Effect of ribavirin alone or combined with silymarin on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic damage in rats. Drug Target Insights 2007; 1: 19-27. |
[78] | Abdel-Salam OME. Modulation of visceral nociception, inflammation and gastric mucosal injury by cinnarizine. Drug Target Insights 2007: 2 29–38. |
[79] | Abdel Salam OME, EL-Shenawy S, Nofal SM, Mózsik Gy. Piperine inhibitis visceral pain caused by acetic acid in mice. J Pharmacol Toxicol. 2: 456-464; 2007. |
[80] | Abdel Salam OME, Hassan NS, Baiuomy AR, Karam SH. The effect of amlodipine, diltiazem and enalapril on hepatic injury caused in rats by the administration of CCl4. J Pharmacol Toxicol. 2 (7): 610-620, 2007. |
[81] | Abdel Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, Hassan NS, El-Shenawy SM, Nofal S, Arbid MS. Hepatoprotective effects of low doses of melatonin on carbon tetrachloride-and acetaminophen-induced liver damage in the rat. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2007; 32: 303-315. |
[82] | Abdel Salam OME, EL-Shenawy S, Nofal SM. Effect of hypoglycaemia induced by different agents on thermal nociception in mice. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2007; 32(4): 377-392. |
[83] | Abdel Salam OME, EL-Shenawy S, El-Shaffie NM. In vivo effect of cinnarizine on acute hepatic damage in mice. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2007; 32(4): 393-404. |
[84] | Abdel Salam OME, Baiuomy AR, El-Shaffie N. Effects of glycine alone or glycine combined with silymarin in two models of liver fibrosis in rats. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 2007; 32: 243-264. |
[85] | Abdel-Salam OME, Sleem AA, Morsy FA. Effects of biphenyldimethyl-dicarboxylate administration alone or combined with silymarin in the CCl4 model of liver fibrosis in rats. TheScientificWorld Journal, (2007) 7, 1242–1255. |
[86] | Elmegeed GA, Baiuomy AR, Abdel-Salam OM. Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activities of novel synthesized melatonin analogues. Eur J Med Chem. 42; 1285-1292, 2007. |
[87] | Mózsik G, Domotor A, Abdel-Salam OM.. Molecular pharmacological approach to drug actions on the afferent and efferent fibres of the vagal nerve involved in gastric mucosal protection in rats. Inflammopharmacology 14; 1–7: 2006. |
[88] | Abdel Salam OME, EL-Shenawy S, Nofal SM. The effect of calcium channel blockers amlodipine, lacidipine and deltiazem on thermal and visceral pain in mice. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 32; 571-694, 2007. |
[89] | Abdel Salam OME, EL-Shenawy S, Nofal SM. Effect of ramipril, valsartan, candesartan and lacidipine on inflammation and gastric ulcer in rats. Bull. N.R.C. Egypt. 32; 473-483, 2007. |
[90] | Abdel Salam OME, EL-Shenawy S, Nofal SM. Effect of ramipril, valsartan and candesartan on thermal and visceral pain in mice. J Pharmacol Toxicol 2; 533-541; 2007. |
[91] | Abdel Salam OME. Oraby FH, Hssan NS. Vinpocetine ameliorates acute hepatic damage caused by dministration of carbon tetrachloride in rats. Acta Biologica Hungarica 58 (4), pp. 411–419 (2007). |
[92] | Abdel-Salam OM, Baiuomy AR. Effect of different drugs influencing monoamine neurotransmission on haloperidol-induced catalepsy in mice. Turk J Med Sci 2007; 37 (6): 333-338. |
[93] | Mostafa RE, Sleem AA, Abdel-Salam OME, Ismail MAH, Khalifa AE. A Laser Doppler study of the effect of 2-alkylthio-4-ethyl-4-methyl-4, 5 dihydro-1H-imidazolin-5-one oxime (oxime) on the ischaemic rat lower limb. Inflammopharmacology 16 (2008) 1–6. |
[94] | Omar M.E. Abdel-Salam, Ayman R. Baiuomy. Citric acid strongly inhibits visceral pain response in mice. EXCLI Journal 2008;7:93-103-ISSN 1611-2156 |
[95] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam: Effect of buspirone on inflammation, pain and gastric injury in mice: The Internet Journal of Pharmacology. 2008; 6 (1). |
[96] | Wagnat W. WardakhaN. Omar M. E. Abdel-Salam. Gamal A. Elmegeed. Screening for antidepressant, sedative and analgesic activities of novel fused thiophene derivatives Acta Pharm. 58 (2008) 1–14. |
[97] | Ebtehal El-Demerdash, Omar M Abdel Salam, Seham A El-Batran, Heba MI Abdallah and Nermeen M Shaffie. Inhibition of renin-angiotensin system attenuates development of liver fibrosis and oxidative stress in rats. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (2008) 35, 159–167 |
[98] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Salwa M. Nofal, Siham M. El-Shenawy & Nermeen M. Shaffie: Effect of piperine on liver damage and bone changes caused by bile duct ligation in rats: The Internet Journal of Pharmacology. 2008; 5, (2). |
[99] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Salwa M. Nofal, Siham M. El-Shenawy & Nermeen M. Shaffie: The effect of interferon alone or combined with silymarin on liver and bone parameters in bile duct ligated rats: The Internet Journal of Pharmacology. 2008;6 (1). |
[100] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Amany A. Sleem, Fatama Morsy. Effect of biphenyldimethyl-dicarboxylate (DDB) administration on liver damage in rats subjected to bile duct ligation. Current Topics In Pharmacology, vol 12, 2, 2008. |
[101] | Omar M.E. Abdel-Salam. Drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease, present status and future directions. CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets", 2008, Volume 7, No. 4. |
[102] | Issa M.I. Fakhr a, Mohamed A.A. Radwan, Seham El-Batran, Omar M.E. Abd El-Salam, Siham M. El-Shenawy .Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of 2-substituted benzo[b]thiophenes as anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. Eur J Med Chem. 44 (2009) 1718-1725 |
[103] | G. Mozsik, T. Past, O.M.E. Abdel Salam, M. Kuzma and P. Perjesi. Interdisciplinary review for correlation between the plant origin capsaicinoids, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, gastrointestinal mucosal damage and prevention in animals and human beings. Inflammopharmacology 17 (2009) 1–36 |
[104] | El-Nezhawy AO, Gaballah ST, Radwan MA, Baiuomy AR, Abdel-Salam OM. Structure-based Design of Benzimidazole Sugar Conjugates: Synthesis, SAR and in vivo Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Activities. Med Chem. 2009 Nov 1. [Epub ahead of print]. |
[105] | El-Nezhawy AOH, El-Naem SI, Galal SA, El-Diwani HI, Abdel Salam OME, Baiomy, AR. Synthesis and analgesic activity of (2, 3-diphenyl-1H-indol-5-YL)piperazin-1-yl methanone derivatives. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. Volume 43, Number 1/January, 2009. |
[106] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Amany A. Sleem, Enayat A. Omara, Nabila S. Hassan. Hepatoprotective effects of misoprostol and silymarin on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 23 (2009) 179–188. |
[107] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Amany A. Sleem, Nermeen M. Shaffie. Hepatoprotective effects of citric acid and aspartame on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats. EXCLI Journal 2009;8:41-49. |
[108] | Omar M.E. Abdel-Salam, Ayman R. Baiuomy, Somaia A. Nada. Effect of spironolactone on pain responses in mice. EXCLI Journal 2010;9:46-57 |
[109] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Amany A. Sleem, Nermeen Shafee. Hepatoprotective effects of the nitric oxide donor isosorbide-5-mononitrate alone and in combination with the natural hepatoprotectant, silymarin, on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury in rats. Inflammopharmacol (2010) 18:87–94. |
[110] | Omar Mohamed Abdel Salam, Amany Ameen Sleem, Nermeen M. Shaffie. Effect of Viscum album on acute hepatic damage caused by carbon tetrachloride in rats. Turk J Med Sci 2010; 40 (3): 421-426. |
[111] | Omar M. E. Abdel Salam, Amany A. Sleem, Nermeen Shafee.. Effect of trazodone and nefazodone on hepatic injury induced by carbon tetrachloride. Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics. 2010; 4(4):285-297. |
[112] | Omar M.E. Abdel Salam, Amany A. Sleem, Nermeen Shafee. The effect of serotonin reuptake inhibitors on hepatic injury induced by crbon tetrachloride. J Comp Pathol. DOI: 10.1007/s00580-010-1067-5Online First. |
[113] | Somaia A. Nada, Enayat A. Omara, Omar M.E. Abdel-Salam, Hanan G. Zahran. Mushroom insoluble polysaccharides prevent carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rat. Food and Chemical Toxicology 48 (2010) 3184–3188. |
[114] | Omar M.E. Abdel-Salam, Somaia A. Nada. Effect of piracetam, vinpocetine and ginkgo biloba on antipsychotic-induced impairment of learning and memory. Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie, 74 (1), pp. 29-35. |
[115] | Omar M.E. Abdel-Salam, Somaia A. Nada. Piracetam reverses the haloperidol induced catalepsy in mice. Turk J Med Sci 2011; 41(4): 693-699. |
[116] | Abdel-Salam, O.M.E., Khadrawy, Y.A., Salem, N.A., Sleem, A.A. |
[117] | Oxidative stress in a model of toxic demyelination in rat brain: The effect of piracetam and vinpocetine (2011) Neurochemical Research, 36 (6), pp. 1062-1072. |
[118] | Abdel-Salam, O.M.E. Stem cell therapy for Alzheimer's disease (2011) CNS and Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets, 10 (4), pp. 459-485. |
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