[1] | M. M. Rahman, S. Zainuddin, M. V. Hosur, A. Kumar, J. Trovillion, S. Jeelani, "Effect of enhanced crosslink density on interfacial strength of E-glass/epoxy composites modified by amino-functionalized MWCNTs", ICME, Dhaka-Bangladesh, Dec. 18-20, 2011. |
[2] | M.B.A. Salam , M. V. Hosur, S. Zainuddin, S. Jeelani , "Characterization of NH2-MWCNT/ epoxy nanocomposites using two different curing cycles, " ICME, Dhaka-Bangladesh, Dec. 18- 20, 2011. |
[3] | Nusrat Jahan, Mahesh V. Hosur, Shaik Zainuddin, Shaik Jeelani, "Mechanical and thermal characterization of COOH-functionalized MWCNT infused epon 862 nanocomposites", ICME, Dhaka-Bangladesh, Dec. 18-20, 2011. |
[4] | M.B.A. Salam, S. Zainuddin, M. V. Hosur, M. M. Rahman, J. Holly Jr., S. Jeelani, "Mechanical and thermal investigation of NH2 functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube epoxy nanocomposite", SAMPE TECH, Fort Worth, TX, Oct. 17-20, 2011. |
[5] | M. M. Rahman, S. Zainuddin, M. V. Hosur, C. J. Robertson, M.B.A. Salam, Ashok Kumar, S. Jeelani, "Experimental investigation of E-glass/epoxy composites modified using NH2 functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes through sonication and calendaring methods", SAMPE TECH, Fort Worth, TX, Oct. 17-20, 2011. |
[6] | Shaik Zainuddin, Mahesh Hosur, Harish Rao, Rajib Barua, Shaik Jeelani, Ashok Kumar, Jonathan Trovillion, "Influence of Non-Functionalized and Functionalized MWCNTs on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Epoxy Composites", International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2010, Vancouver, Canada, 12-18 November, 2010. |
[7] | Alfred Tcherbi-Narteh, Mahesh V. Hosur, Shaik Zainuddin, Shaik Jeelani, "Compression and Flexural Response of Carbon/Epoxy-Nanoclay Nanocomposites Subjected to UV Radiation and Condensation", International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2010, Vancouver, Canada, 12-18 November, 2010. |
[8] | Amir Usher, Mahesh Hosur, Gregory Strawder, Shaik Zainuddin, Shaik Jeelani, "Studies on the thermal and mechanical behavior for low density polyurethane foam nanocomposites", International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2010, Vancouver, Canada, November 12-18, 2010. (presentation) |
[9] | Alfred Tcherbi-Narteh, Mahesh Hosur, Shaik Zainuddin, Shaik Jeelani, "Static and High Strain Rate Compression Response of Carbon/Epoxy-Nanoclay Composites Subjected to Synergistic Effect of UV Radiation and Condensation" , 7th Asian Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, ACCM-7, Taipei, Taiwan, 15-18 November, 2010. |
[10] | S. Zainuddin, M. V. Hosur, R. Barua, H. Rao and S. Jeelani, "Influence of amino functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforcement on the mechanical and thermal properties of SC-15 epoxy nanocomposite", ‘nano Future’, for the 21st Century, International conference on "Nanotechnology – Materials and Composites for Frontier Applications", Pune, India, 14-15 October, 2010. |
[11] | Alfred Tcherbi-Narteh, Mahesh Hosur, Shaik Zainuddin, Shaik Jeelani "Compression and Flexural Response of Carbon/Epoxy-Nanoclay Nanocomposites Subjected to UV Radiation and Condensation" , SAMPE Fall Conference 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, 11-14 October, 2010. |
[12] | Mahesh Hosur, Rajib Barua, Shaik Zainuddin, Shaik Jeelani, "Processing and Characterization of VGCNF Infused Epoxy Nanocomposites Using Three Different Techniques", SAMPE Fall Conference 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, 11-14 October, 2010. |
[13] | Mahesh V. Hosur, Rajib Barua, Shaik Zainuddin, Shaik Jeelani, Ashok Kumar, Jonathan Trovillion, "Processing Optimization and Characterization of MWCNT infused Epoxy Nanocomposites Using Three Different Techniques", proceedings of the American Society for Composites, Dayton, OH, 19-21 September, 2010. |
[14] | M.V. Hosur, A. Agubra, S. Zainuddin, S. Jeelani, "Effect of Processing Methods on the Mechanical Behavior of Nanoclay infused Epoxy/ Glass Nanocomposites", 16th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Conference, Penn state, PA, June 27-July 2, 2010. (presentation) |
[15] | Mahesh Hosur, Rajib Barua, Shaik Zainuddin, Shaik Jeelani, Ashok Kumar, Jonathan Trovillion, Yadira Perez, "Processing and Characterization of Epoxy Nanocomposites with MWCNTs/CNFs Using Thinky and 3-Roll Shear Mixing Techniques", 1st TMS-ABM International Materials Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July, 2010. |
[16] | S. Zainuddin, M. V. Hosur, R. Barua, and A. V. Anafo, Ashok Kumar and S. Jeelani, "Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation and Condensation on Static and High Strain Rate Behavior of Nanophased Glass/ Epoxy Composites", The 1st joint American- Canadian International Conference on Composites, Delaware, DE, September, 2009. |
[17] | S. Zainuddin, M.V. Hosur, A. Kumar, S. Jeelani, "Durability Studies of Nanophased FRP Composites under synergistic exposure conditions", International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM-17, Edinburgh, UK, July, 2009. |
[18] | S. Zainuddin, M. V. Hosur, A. Tcherbi-Narteh, Ashok Kumar and S. Jeelani, "Dynamic Compression Response of Nanophased Composites Subjected to UV Radiation", Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), Albuquerque, NM, June, 2009. |
[19] | S. Zainuddin, M. V. Hosur, Y. Zhou, Ashok Kumar and S. Jeelani, "Characterization of neat and nanophased epoxy polymers subjected to accelerated aging conditions", American Society for Composites, Memphis, TN, September, 2008. |
[20] | S. Zainuddin, M. V. Hosur, Y. Zhou, Ashok Kumar and S. Jeelani, "Durability Study of Neat/ Nanophased GFRP Composites Under Different Environmental Conditioning", American Society for Composites, Memphis, TN, September, 2008. |
[21] | M. R. Parker, Y. Dwivedi, T. Al- Saadi, S. Zainuddin, H. Mahfuz, V. K. Rangari, S. Jeelani, " Enhancement of mechanical properties of epoxy- based nanocomposites using high magnetic fields", ICM Conference, Scotland, 2006. |
[22] | H. Mahfuz, S. Zainuddin, M. F. Uddin, V.K. Rangari, S. Jeelani, M. R. Parker, T. Al- Saadi, "Response of magnetically flocculated nanophased composites under dynamic loading", American Society for Composites, Philadelphia, PA, 2005. |
[23] | H. Mahfuz, S. Zainuddin, M. R. Parker, T. Al-Saadi, "Improvements in high specific strength epoxy-based composites using high magnetic fields", Nanotech, Anaheim, CA, 2005. |
[24] | H. Mahfuz, S. Zainuddin, V. K. Rangari, S. Jeelani, M. R. Parker, T. Al-Saadi, "Infusion of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers into SC-15 epoxy; An investigation of the influence of high magnetic fields", SAMPE, Anaheim, CA, 2005. |
[25] | Mohammed Farid Uddin, Hassan Mahfuz, Shaik Zainuddin, Shaik Jeelani, "Anisotropic behavior of rigid polyurethane foam with acicular nanoparticles infusion under high strain rate", American Society of Composites, Philadelphia, PA, 2005. |
[26] | M. F. Uddin, H. Mahfuz, S. Zainuddin, S. Jeelani, "Infusion of spherical and acicular nanoparticles into polyurethane foam and their influences on dynamic performances", Society of Experimental Mechanics, Portland, OR, 2005. |