[1] | Ivanina, T., Varon, D., Peleg, S., Rishal, I., Porozov, Y., Dessauer, C.W., Keren-Raifman, T., Dascal, N. Gi1 and Gi3 differentially interact with, and regulate, the G protein-activated K+ channel. J. Biol. Chem., 2004, Vol. 279, Issue 17, 17260-17268. |
[2] | Rishal I., Porozov Yu., Yakubovich D., Varon D., Dascal N. Gβγ-dependent and Gβγ-independent basal activity of G protein-activated K+ channels. J. Biol. Chem. 2005, 278 (6), 3840-3845. |
[3] | Zoppé M., Porozov Yu., Andrei R., Cianchetta S., Zini M. F., Loni T., Caudai C., Callieri M. Using Blender for molecular animation and scientific representation. Proc. "Blender Conference 2008", October 24-26, 2008, Amsterdam, 6 p. |
[4] | Krass A.L., Akishev I.R., Dakhin O.A., Gnilomedov I.I. and Nikolenko S.I., Porozov Yu.B., Stepanov E.O. Computation of optimal trajectory of transition between conformations of protein molecules based on transport theory. Proc. Of Conference "Integrated models, soft computing, probabilistic systems and program systems in artificial intelligent-IMMVII-2009", 26-27 May, 2009, Kolomna, Russia. Vol.2, P. 156-170 (in Russian). |
[5] | Zini M.F., Porozov Yu., Andrei R. M., Loni T., Caudai C., Zoppè M. BioBlender: Fast and Efficient All Atom Morphing of Proteins Using Blender Game Engine. Sep. 2009, 15 pp, Electronic journal arXiv.org. Cornell University. http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.4801v1. |
[6] | Scherbakov A., Porozov Yu. Using wavelet-transform to detecting of origin of replication in human DNA. Math. Biol. Bioinformatics (Online). 2011, Vol. 6, № 2, http://www.matbio.org/article.php?journ_id=12&id=79 . |
[7] | Porozov Yu.B. Bioinformatics and tools for computational analysis and visualization of macromolecules. Saratov journal of medical scientific research. 2010, Vol. 6, № 2, p. 273-276. (in Russian) |
[8] | Andrei R., Porozov Yu. and Zoppè M. 3D visualization of biomolecules: representation of surface properties. ISCB ECCB-07, Vienna, July 2007. |
[9] | Porozov Yu., Andrei R. and Zoppè M. Visualization of moving biomolecules: a new approach based on professional 3D animation software. NETTAB 2007, "A Semantic Web for Bioinformatics: Goals, Tools, Systems, Applications", June 12-15, 2007, University of Pisa, Italy. |
[10] | Zoppè M., Porozov Yu., and Andrei R. Visualization of biological processes using 3D animation. Gordon Research Conference "Visualization in Science and Education", July 1-6, 2007, Bryant University, Smithfield, RI. |
[11] | Stepanov E., Nikolenko S. and Porozov Yu. The problem of NMR model`s ordering. A physical mass-energy transfer model. ISCB ECCB-09, June 28-July 3, Stockholm, 2009. |
[12] | Porozov Yu., Andrei R. and Zoppè M. Visualization and modeling of protein motion. Autodesk Maya as a reliable and fast instrument for macromolecular dynamic representation. ISCB ECCB-09, June 28-July 3, Stockholm, 2009. |
[13] | Krass A., Nikolenko S., Stepanov E. and Porozov Yu. Modeling of Protein Conformational Movements Based on Principle of Average Action. July 15-19, ISCB-ECCB 2011, Vienna, 2011. |
[14] | Ssherbakov A. and Porozov Yu. Application of wavelet transform to the origin of replication detection in human DNA. July 15-19, ISCB-ECCB 2011, Vienna, 2011. |
[15] | Gorbinova A. and Porozov Yu. Structural modeling of BCR-ABL drug resistance mutations. Proc. Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (MCCMB`11). July 21-24, Moscow, 2011, p. 291-292. |
[16] | Zini M.F., Porozov Yu., Andrei R., Loni T., Caudai C., Zoppè M. Elaboration of protein motion using Blender Game Engine. Proc. BITS annual meeting 2011, June 20-22, Pisa, Italy. |