Public Health Research

Public Health Research is an essential peer-reviewed journal that energetically engages with key public health issues that have come to the fore in the global environment — mounting inequalities between rich and poor; the globalization of trade; new patterns of travel and migration; epidemics of newly-emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases; the HIV/AIDS pandemic; the increase in chronic illnesses; escalating pressure on public health infrastructures around the world; and the growing range and scale of conflict situations, terrorist threats, environmental pressures, natural and human-made disasters.

Sadeer Al-Kindi

Staff Scientist, Case Western Reserve University – Internal Medicine Department, USA

Research Areas

"General internal medicine / medical education, Palliative Care ,Cardiovascular system modeling, Computer-aided diagnosis


2009 –2013M.D.Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar
2007 - 2009B.S.Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar


2012 –Presenttutor medical students at Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar.
Aug-Dec 2011a peer reviewer for the International Conference on BiomedicalEngineering, Malaysia
Jan 2010 –Student member of the American College of Physicians
Feb - May 2010Member of Committee on Admission for incoming premedical students at WeillCornell Medical College in Qatar.
Aug - Dec 2008Peer tutor for premedical students in Math, Chemistry, and Physics at Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar

Academic Achievement

Biomedical Research Award(2013)
Academic Excellence Award in Internal Medicine(2013)
Pierre Fabre Médicament Prize for 2nd Best Oral Research Presentation(2012)
Student Summer Research Internship(2010)
Howard Hughes Undergraduate Scholar(2009)


Member of house staff, department of Internal Medicine, University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio.,2013 – Present

Publications: Journals

[1]  Al-Kindi SG, Tafreshi R. Real-time detection of myocardial infarction by evaluation of ST segment in digital ECG. J Med. Imaging Health Inf. 2011, 1:225-230.
[2]  Al-Kindi SG, Al-Juhaishi T, Al-Saffar AJ. Community attitudes towards people with Down syndrome: a sample from Iraq. Pub Hlth Res. 2012, 2(4):102-105.
[3]  Al-Juhaishi T, Al-Kindi SG*, Gehani AA. Khat: A widely used drug of abuse in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Qatar Medical Journal 2013 (In Press).