International Journal of Control Science and Engineering

International Journal of Control Science and Engineering seeks to provide an outlet for technical papers on advances in the field of control systems and control technology. It aims at speedy, online publication of original, peer-reviewed papers in all established and newly emerging areas of control theory and applications, encompassing modeling, identification, estimation, analysis, design, implementation of control systems, and in broader and related areas of signal processing and systems and information sciences. The Journal employs a paperless, electronic submission and evaluation system to promote a rapid turnaround in the peer review process.

Maide Bucolo

Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Control Science and Engineering

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Electronic and Informatic Eng.-University of Catania, Italy

Research Areas

Nonlinear Systems Modelling and Identification , Computational Neuroscience, Microfluidics


2001Ph.D.Electronic and Control Engineering, at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e dei Sistemi (DIEES), Universita' degli Studi di Catania
1997MasterComputer Engineering, Universita' degli Studi di Catania


2008-presentContract Professor at Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Catania
2007-presentContract Professor at the Specialization School in Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Catania
2006-presentFaculty of Engineering of the University of Catania

Academic Achievement

(2011-2013) Two years grant awarded to develop the research project entitled "Integration of Strategies for an Innovative Control of Microfluidics Systems and Applicative Validity" supported by MIUR, Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale (Bando PRIN
(2010-2011) Two years grant awarded to develop the research project entitled "Graph-Theory Approach for the Identification of Large Scale Dynamical Networks in Neuro-Cognitive Processes" supported by Ateneo Italo-Tedesco, Programma Vigoni (Bando 2010). Ro
(2010) Funding to have access to the "Integrated Nano-Microelectronics Clean Room" (ICTS) to develop the project "Microfluidic Control System based Micro-Bubble Logic and Optical Actuation ", in the program "GICSERV" supported by Consejo Superior De Inves
(2009) Funding to have access to the "Integrated Nano-Microelectronics Clean Room" (ICTS) to develop the project "A Polymeric Device for Distributed Detection and Control in Microfluidics", in the program "GICSERV" supported by Consejo Superior De Investi
(2008) Research Project "Polymeric electro-optic device for the control of microfluidic processes" in the funding scheme ‘Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo (PRA). Role: Principal Investigator
(2008) One year grant awarded to develop the research project entitled "A platform for the support to diagnostic based by bio-potential" supported by Presidenza Segreteria Generale-Regione Sicilia. Role: Principal Investigator
(2008) One year grant awarded to develop the research project entitled "Smart Home Healthcare systems for the elderly" supported by British Council and MIUR in the programme "British-Italian partnership programme for young researcher" (British 2008). Role
(2007) Funding to have access in the "Integrated Nano-Microelectronics Clean Room" (ICTS) to develop micro-optic device in relation to the project "Monitoring and Control Systems for Microcirculatory Networks", in the program "GICSERV" supported by Consej
(2007) One year grant awarded to develop the research project entitled "Monitoring and control systems in microcirculation-Part II" supported by the University of Catania. Role: Principal Investigator
(2007) Grant awarded to support a period at the University of Portsmouth studying on the research project entitled "Economic network and game theory" supported by the University of Catania. Role: Principal Investigator
(2007) Grant awarded by the University of Catania to support for four month a MS Degree Student working at the University of Exeter, UK, to develop the research project entitled "Computational methodologies for Evoked Potentials spatio-temporal analysis i
(2006) One year grant awarded to develop the research project entitled "Monitoring and control systems in microcirculation-Part I" supported by the University of Catania. Role: Principal Investigator
(From 2001 to 2002) Two years grant awarded to develop the research project entitled "Innovative Analysis Technique in Neuro-Engineering" supported by the University of Catania. Role: Principal Investigator
(24-26 June 2002) IV International Workshop on Bio-Signal Interpretation 2002, Como, Italy. Awards as best poster for the paper entitled: ‘A Nonlinear Circuit Architecture for Magnetoencephalographic Signals Analysis'
(26-30 March 2001) Grant awarded to attend The European School on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2001), Palermo, Italy
(27 June-11 July 1999) Grant awarded to attend The 4th International Summer School/Conference ‘Let's Face Chaos through Nonlinear Dynamics', Centre for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (CAMPT) University of Maribor, Slovenia

Publications: Journals

[1]  F. Schembri, F. Sapuppo and M. Bucolo, 'Experimental classification of nonlinear dynamics in microfluidic bubbles' flow, Nonlinear Dynamics (2011), (DOI: 10.1007/s11071-011-0190-4 Online First), ISSN: 0924-090X
[2]  F. Sapuppo, F. Schembri, L. Fortuna, A. Llobera and M. Bucolo, 'A polymeric micro-optical system for the spatial monitoring in two-phase microfluidics' Microfluidics and NanoFluidics (2011), DOI: 10.1007/s10404-011-0860-z, Online First), ISSN: 1613-4982
[3]  F. Schembri, M. Bucolo, 'Periodic input flows tuning nonlinear two-phase dynamics in a snake microchannel', Microfluidics and NanoFluidics (2011), Vol. 11 (2); pp. 189-197, ISSN: 1613-4982
[4]  F. Sapuppo, A. Llobera, F. Schembri, M. Intaglietta, V. J. Cadarso, M. Bucolo 'A Polymeric Micro-Optical Interface for Flow Monitoring In Bio-Microfluidics', Biomicrofluidics (2010), Vol. 4 (1); pp. 1-13, ISSN: 1932-1058.
[5]  F. Sapuppo, F. Schembri, L. Fortuna, M. Bucolo, 'Microfluidics Circuits and Systems', IEEE Circuit and System Magazine, Third Quarter (2009), Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp.6-19.
[6]  F. Di Grazia, F. Sapuppo, D. Shannahoff-Khalsa, M. Bucolo, 'Network Parameters for Studying Functional Connectivity in Brain MEG Data', International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism (2009), Vol. 11, Issue 4, pp.161-169.
[7]  F. Sapuppo, M. Intaglietta, M. Bucolo, 'Microfluidics Real-Time Monitoring using CNN Technology' Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Transactions on (2008), Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp.78-87-IEEE.
[8]  M. Bucolo, A. Buscarino, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, 'From Dynamical Emerging Patterns to Patterns in Visual Art', International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos (January 2008), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 51-81-World Scientific.
[9]  M. Bucolo, F. Di Grazia, M. Frasca, L. Fortuna, F. Sapuppo, 'An Environment for Complex Behaviour Detection in Biopotential Experiments', Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (April 2008), Vol.5, No. 2, pp. 261-276.
[10]  F. Sapuppo, M. Bucolo, M. Intaglietta, P. C. Johnson, L. Fortuna and P. Arena, "An Improved Instrument for Real-Time Measurement of Blood Velocity in Microvessels", Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on (Dec. 2007), Volume 56, Issue 6, pp.2663-2671.
[11]  F. Sapuppo, E. Umana, M. Frasca, M. La Rosa, D. Shannafoff-Khalsa, L. Fortuna, M. Bucolo, 'Complex spatio-temporal features in MEG data' Mathematical Bioscience and Engineering (2006) Vol. 3, pp. 697-716 ISSN: 1547-1063.
[12]  F. Sapuppo, M. Bucolo, M. Intaglietta, L. Fortuna, P. Arena, 'Cellular Non-linear Networks for microcirculation applications', International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (2006), Vol. 34, pp. 461-488 ISSN: 0098-9886.
[13]  F. Sapuppo, M. Bucolo, M. Intaglietta, L. Fortuna and P. Arena, 'Cellular Nonlinear Network: Real-Time Technology for the Analysis of Microfluidic Phenomena in Blood Vessels', Nanotechnology-Institute of Physics Publishing (2006), No.17, pp. S54-S63.
[14]  F. Sapuppo, M. Bucolo, M. Intaglietta, L. Fortuna and P. Arena, 'Cellular Nonlinear Network in microcirculation characterization', Journal FDE-Special Issue on CNN: Theory and Applications (2006), Vol. 13, No.1, Special Issue on Neural Networks, pp. 23-42.
[15]  M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, S. Giudice, 'From Local Activity Lemma Beyond the Wave Computation Reaction Diffusion CNN based Networks', International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos (2006), Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 411-418-World Scientific.
[16]  M. Bucolo, F. Caizzone, L. Fichera, L. Fortuna, G. Tomarchio, 'Decision Support System based on Clusters of Nonlinear Models', Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, -Education and Upbringing Publishers, National Academy of Science Belarus and Belarusian State University (2005), Vol. 8, No.2, pp. 186-192.
[17]  P. Arena, M. Bucolo, S. Fazzino, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, 'The CNN Paradigm: Shapes and Complexity', International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos (2005), Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 2063-2090-World Scientific.
[18]  M. Bucolo, A. Basile, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, 'CNN-based Trajectory Analysis of Flagellar Bacteria for Nanoscale Control', Int. J. Circuit Theory and Application (2004), No. 32, pp. 439-446-John Wiley & Sons.
[19]  M. Bucolo, M. La Rosa, L. Fortuna, 'Complex Dynamics through Fuzzy Chains', Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (2004), Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 289-295-IEEE.
[20]  M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, M. La Rosa, D. Shannahoff-Khalsa, M. C. Virzì, 'A Nonlinear Circuit Architecture for Magnetoencephalographic Signals Analysis', Special Issue of Methods of Information in Medicine-Schattauer GmbH, Corporate Institutional Member of the International Medical Informatics Association (2004), Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 89-93.
[21]  P. Arena, A. Basile, M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, A. Virzi 'A Bio-Inspired Visual Feedback Locomontion Control based on CNN Universal Machine', Journal of Circuits and Systems and Computers (2003), Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 805-823-World Scientific.
[22]  P. Arena, A. Basile, M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, 'An Object Oriented Segmentation on Analog CNN Chip', Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications (2003), Vol. 50, No 7, pp. 837-846-IEEE.
[23]  Bonasera, M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, A. Rizzo, 'A New Characterization of Chaotic Dynamics: the d-infinite Parameter' (2003), Non linear Phenomena in Complex Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 779-786-Education and Upbringing Publishers, National Academy of Science Belarus and Belarusian State University.
[24]  M. Bucolo, F. Caizzone, L. Fortuna, G. Tomarchio, 'Nonlinear Models for Semiconductor Market Forecast' (2003), Non linear Phenomena in Complex Systems, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.669-677-Education and Upbringing Publishers, National Academy of Science Belarus and Belarusian State University.
[25]  P. Arena, A. Basile, M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, 'Image Processing for Medical Diagnosis using CNN', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A (2003), No. 497, pp. 174-178-Elsevier.
[26]  M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, M. la Rosa, 'Small-Worlds Network of Fuzzy Chaotic Oscillators', Chaos Solitons and Fractals (2003), No. 17, pp. 557-565-Pergamon.
[27]  M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, M. la Rosa, 'Network Self-Organization through "Small-Worlds" Topologies', Chaos Solitons and Fractals (2002), No. 14, pp. 1059-1064-Pergamon.
[28]  M. Bucolo, R. Caponetto, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, A.Rizzo, 'Does Chaos Work Better Than Noise', Circuits and Systems Magazine (2002), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 4-19-IEEE.
[29]  P. Arena, M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, L. Occhipinti, 'Cellular Neural Network for Real-Time DNA Microarray Analysis', Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine (2002), Vol. 21, No 2, pp. 17-25-IEEE.
[30]  M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, M. Nelke, A Rizzo, T. Sciacca, 'Prediction Model for the Corrosion Phenomena in Pulp & Paper Plant', Control Engineering Practice (2002), No.10, pp. 227-237-Pergamon.
[31]  M. Bucolo, L.Fortuna, M. Frasca, M.G. Xibilia, 'A Generalized Chua Cell for Realizing any Continuous n-Segment Piecewise-Linear Function', Journal on Bifurcation and Chaos (2001), Vol. 11, No 9, pp. 2517-2527-World Scientific.
[32]  M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, 'Spatial Disorder in Complex Neuro-Fuzzy Dynamics', Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. (2000), No.139, pp. 445-452.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  F. Sapuppo, M. Intaglietta, M. Bucolo, 'Advanced Technologies for Real-Time Monitoring and Control in Biomicrofluidics', as a chapter of the book "CMOS Biomicrosystems: where electronics meet biology", Wiley, Editor Kris Iniewski. (ISBN: 978-1-118-01649-7)
[2]  F. Sapuppo, F. Schembri, M. Bucolo, 'Experimental Investigation on Parameters for the Control of Droplet Dynamics', as a chapter of the book "From Physics to Control through an Emergent View" (2010), Vol.14, pp. 151-156, World Scientific-Editors: Luigi Fortuna, Alexander Fradkov and Mattia Frasca.
[3]  M. Bucolo, L. Fortuna, M. La Rosa, 'Complex Fuzzy Systems and Their Collective Behavior', as a chapter of the book "Integration of fuzzy logic and chaos theoy", Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft-Computing (2006), Vol. 187, pp. 415-437, Springer-Verlag-Editors: Z. Li, W. Halang, G. Chen.
[4]  M. Bucolo, M. C. Cutuli, L. Fortuna, A. Rizzo, 'Spatial Diversity in Reaction Diffusion Fuzzy Cellular Networks', Vol. School on Soft Computing at Salerno University-Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing-School (2000), pp. 43-55-Springer-Verlag-Editors: A. Di Nola, G. Gerla.