International Journal of Control Science and Engineering

International Journal of Control Science and Engineering seeks to provide an outlet for technical papers on advances in the field of control systems and control technology. It aims at speedy, online publication of original, peer-reviewed papers in all established and newly emerging areas of control theory and applications, encompassing modeling, identification, estimation, analysis, design, implementation of control systems, and in broader and related areas of signal processing and systems and information sciences. The Journal employs a paperless, electronic submission and evaluation system to promote a rapid turnaround in the peer review process.

Fernando Morgado-Dias

Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Control Science and Engineering

Professor, University of Madeira, Portugal

Research Areas

Artificial Neural Networks


Ph.DElectrical Engineering, University of Aveiro, Portugal


2009-presentPro-Rector of the University of Madeira
2006-presentAssistant Professor at the University of Madeira
2007-presentResearcher of the Mathematic Sciences Centre at the University of Madeira

Publications: Journals

[1]  "FTSET-A Software Tool for Fault Tolerance Evaluation and Improvement", Fernando Morgado Dias, Rui Borralho, Pedro Fontes, Ana Antunes, Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 19, Number 5, pp.701-712, 2010.
[2]  "Fault Tolerance of Artificial Neural Networks: an Open Discussion for a Global Model", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Naun, Issue 1, Vol. 4, pp. 9-16, 2010.
[3]  "Test error versus training error in artificial neural networks for systems affected by noise", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, International Journal of System Applications, Engineering and Development, Universitypress, Issue 3, Vol. 2, pp. 83-90, 2008.
[4]  "A high bit resolution FPGA implementation of a FNN with a new algorithm for the activation function", Pedro Ferreira, Pedro Ribeiro, Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado, Neurocomputing, Vol. 71, Issues 1-3, pp. 71-77, 2007.
[5]  "A sliding window solution for the on-line implementation of the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, José Vieira, Alexandre Mota, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, IFAC, Vol. 19/1, pp. 1-7, 2006.
[6]  "Additive Internal Model Control: a new Control Strategy", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, Alexandre Mota, International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, GESTS, Vol. 25/1, pp.1-12, 2005.
[7]  "Fractional dead-time modeling for variable sampling to actuation delay compensation in distributed real-time distributed control systems", Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Mota, International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, GESTS, Vol. 24/1, pp. 9-18, 2005.
[8]  "Artificial Neural Networks: a Review of Commercial Hardware", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, Alexandre Mota, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, IFAC, Vol. 17/8, pp. 945-952, 2004.
[9]  "Artificial neural networks and neuro-fuzzy systems for modelling and controlling real systems: a comparative study", José Vieira, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Mota, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, IFAC, Vol. 17/3, pp. 265-273, 2004.
[10]  "A new hybrid direct/specialized approach for generating inverse neural models", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, Alexandre Mota, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 4, Vol. 3, pp. 1521-1529, 2004.
[11]  "Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: A Survey", José Vieira, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Mota, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 2, Vol. 3, pp. 414-419, 2004.
[12]  "Influence of the sampling period in the performance of a real-time distributed system under jitter conditions", Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Mota, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Issue 1, Vol. 3, pp. 248-253, 2004.

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  "ANGE-Automatic Neural Generator", Leonardo Reis, Luis Aguiar, Darío Baptista, Fernando Morgado Dias, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 2011.
[2]  "Neuron Implementation using System Generator", Luis Aguiar, Leonardo Reis, Fernando Morgado Dias, 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Coimbra, 2010.
[3]  "Hardware Implementation of an Artificial Neural Network with an Embedded Microprocessor in a FPGA", Gisnara Hoelzle, Fernando Morgado Dias, 8th International Conference and Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems", Funchal, 2009.
[4]  "A Matlab Tool for Analyzing and Improving Fault Tolerance of Artificial Neural Networks", Rui Borralho, Pedro Fontes, Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, 2nd IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing, Turkey, Istambul, 2009.
[5]  "Fault Tolerance Improvement through Architecture Change in Artificial Neural Networks", Fernando Morgado Dias e Ana Antunes, 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA 2008) Wuhan, China, Vol. LNCS 5370, pp. 248–257, 2008.
[6]  "A neural network delay compensator for networked control systems", Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Mota, 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Hamburgo, Alemanha, 2008.
[7]  "A neural model for delay correction in a distributed control system", Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Mota, 18th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Praga, República Checa, Vol. LNCS 5164, pp. 11–20, 2008.
[8]  "Fault Tolerance Simulation and Evaluation Tool for Artificial Neural Networks", Pedro Fontes, Rui Borralho, Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, 8th Portuguese Control Conference, Vila Real, 2008.
[9]  "Comparing the delay compensator approach with fractional dead-time modelling in distributed real-time control systems", Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Mota, 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Vila Real, 2008.
[10]  "A global model for fault tolerance of feedforward neural networks", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, 9th International Conference on Automation and Information, Bucareste, Roménia, 2008.
[11]  "An empirical study of the test error versus training error in artificial neural networks", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, 9th International Conference on Automation and Information, Bucareste, Roménia, 2008.
[12]  "Delay Compensator: an approach to reduce the variable sampling to actuation delay effect in distributed real-time control systems", Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, José Vieira, Alexandre Mota, 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Praga, República Checa, 2006.
[13]  "On-line learning of a time-variant system", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, José Vieira, Alexandre Mota, 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Annecy, França, Vol. LNAI-4031, pp. 908-916, 2006.
[14]  "Improving the control performance of a real-time distributed control system under variable sampling to actuation delay", Ana Antunes, Fernando Dias, Alexandre Mota, 25th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, Lanzarote, Espanha, 2006.
[15]  "Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Network-Priori Knowledge Model in Temperature Control of a Gas Water Heater System", José Vieira, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Mota, 5th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2005.
[16]  "Using the Levenberg-Marquardt for on-line training of a variant system", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, José Vieira, Alexandre Manuel Mota, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Varsóvia, Polónia, Vol. LNCS-3697, pp. 359-364, 2005.
[17]  "On-line training of Neural Networks: a sliding window approach for the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, José Vieira, Alexandre Manuel Mota, International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, Las Palmas, Espanha, Vol. LNCS-3562, pp. 577-585, 2005.
[18]  "A High Resolution FPGA Implementation of a Feedforward Neural Network", Pedro Ferreira, Pedro Ribeiro, Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis REC2005, Faro, 2005.
[19]  "Artificial Neural Networks Processor-a Hardware Implementation using a FPGA", Pedro Ferreira, Pedro Ribeiro, Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, Field-Programmable Logic and its Applications, Antuérpia, Bélgica, Vol. LNCS-3203, pp. 1082-1084, 2004.
[20]  "Implementing the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm on-line: a Sliding Window Approach with Early Stopping", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, José Vieira, Alexandre Manuel Mota, 2nd IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy/Neural Control, Oulu, Finlândia, 2004.
[21]  "Influence of the sampling period in the performance of a real-time distributed system under jitter conditions", Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Mota, 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Telecommunications and Informatics (TELE-INFO'04), Cancun, México, 2004.
[22]  "A new hybrid direct/specialized approach for generating inverse neural models", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, Alexandre Mota, 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Algorithms, Scientific Computing, Modelling and Computation (ASCOMS'04), Cancun, México, 2004.
[23]  "Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: A Survey", José Vieira, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Mota, 5th WSEAS NNA International Conference on Neural Networks and Applications, Udine, Italia, 2004.
[24]  "Regularization versus early stopping: a case study with a real system", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, Alexandre Manuel Mota, 2nd IFAC Conference Control Systems Design (CSD'03), Bratislava, República Eslovaca, 2003.
[25]  "Commercial Hardware for Artificial Neural Networks: a Survey", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, Alexandre Manuel Mota, SICICA-5th IFAC International Symposium on Inteligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications, Aveiro, 2003.
[26]  "Comparison between Artificial Neural Networks and Neurofuzzy Systems in Modeling and Control: a Case Study", José António Barros Vieira, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Manuel Mota, SICICA-5th IFAC International Symposium on Inteligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications, Aveiro, 2003.
[27]  "Automating the Construction of Neural Models for Control Purposes using Genetic Algorithms", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, Alexandre Manuel Mota, 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Sevilha, Espanha, 2002.
[28]  "Additive Internal Model Control: an Application with Neural Models in a Kiln", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, Alexandre Manuel Mota, 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Sevilha, Espanha, 2002.
[29]  "Control of a Kiln using Neuro Fuzzy Techniques", José António Barros Vieira, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Manuel Mota, 5th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Aveiro, 2002.
[30]  "CAN-based Real Time Adaptive Distributed Control", Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, Alexandre Manuel Mota, 8th International CAN Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 2002.
[31]  "A Comparison between a PID and Internal Model Control using Neural Networks", Fernando Morgado Dias e Alexandre Manuel Mota, 5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, EUA, Vol. V, pp.268-273, 2001.
[32]  "Comparison between different Control Strategies using Neural Networks", Fernando Morgado Dias e Alexandre Manuel Mota, 9th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Dubrovnik, Croácia, 2001.
[33]  "Additive Feedforward Control of a Kiln Using Neural Networks", Fernando Morgado Dias e Alexandre Mota, IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, 2001.
[34]  "Direct Inverse Control of a Kiln", Fernando Morgado Dias e Alexandre Manuel Mota, 4th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Guimarães, 2000.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  "Implementation of the delay compensator approach", Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, José Vieira, Alexandre Mota, editado por Javier Silvestre-Blanes, InTech, ISBN-9789533070247, pp. 429-444, 2010.
[2]  "Physical implementation of neural networks", Fernando Morgado Dias, Ana Antunes, Advanced Technologies: Research, Development & Applications, edited by Lalic, B., Advanced Robotic System International, ISBN 3-86611-197-5, 2006.