Marine Science

Marine Science publishes articles, short communications, and critical reviews that contribute to our scientific understanding of marine systems and the impact of human activities. The Journal serves as a foundation for scientific advice across the broad spectrum of management and conservation issues related to the marine environment. Oceanography, marine habitats, living resources, ecology and related management topics constitute the key elements of papers eligible for publication. Integrated studies that bridge gaps between traditional disciplines are particularly welcome. The scope of the journal also includes economic, social, and public administration studies to the extent that they are directly related to management of the seas and are of general interest to marine scientists. Papers of both fundamental and applied approaches are accepted.

Vladislav Polnikov

Editorial Board Member of Marine Science

Professor, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of RAS, Russia

Research Areas

Surface Waves, Wind Waves Theory and Numerical Modeling, Nonlinear Properties of Wind Waves, Surface Interface


1971-1974Ph.DMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  Numerical modeling of wind waves (with V. Efimov). 1991. Kiev, "Naukova Dumka" publishing House. 240 p.(in Russian)
[2]  Nonlinear theory of a stochastic wind wave field 2007. Moscow. "Lenand" publishing house. 408p (in Russian)
[3]  Calculation of nonlinear energy transfer through the surface gravity waves spectrum' (1989). Izvestiya Ac. Sci. of USSR, Atmospheric and oceanic Phys., v. 25, N11, p.896-904 (English translation).
[4]  A third generation spectral model for wind waves'(1991). Ibid., v. 27, N8, p. 615-623 (English transl.).
[5]  Testing of differential schemes for numerical solution of transport equation for wind waves spectral density' (1991). Soviet J. of Phys. Oceanogr., v. 2, N4, p. 299-307 (English transl.).
[6]  On a description of wind wave energy dissipation function' (1993). A symposium on the air-sea interface. Marseilles. Book of abstracts. P.79-80.
[7]  Numerical solution of the kinetic equation for surface gravity waves' (1990). Izvestiya Ac. Sci. of USSR, Atmospheric and oceanic Phys., v. 26, N2, p. 118-123 (English transl.)
[8]  Numerical modelling of flux spectra formation for surface gravity waves' (1994). J Fluid Mech., v.278, p. 289-296.
[9]  Nonlinear energy transfer through the spectrum for the finite depth case' (1997) "J. Physical Oceanography", v.27 no. 8, p.1481-1491.
[10]  Three-wave quasi-kinetic approximation in the problem of wave spectra evolution of nonlinear gravity waves in the case of finite depth water(1998). Izvestiya Ac. Sci. of USSR, Atmospheric and oceanic Phys., v. 34, #5, p. 609-616 (English transl.)(with M. Zaslavskii)
[11]  Validation of the three-wave quasi-kinetic approximation for the spectral evolution in shallow water.' (2003) Ocean Engineering, V. 30, # 5, 579-599 (with R. Piscopia, P. DeGirolamo, S. Magnaldi)
[12]  On the problem of optimal approximation of the four-wave kinetic integral' (2002). Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, v.9, #5/6, 497-512 (with Leandro Farina).
[13]  Wind wave model with the optimized source function' (2005). Izvestiya RAS, Atmospheric and oceanic Phys., v. 41, N5, p.594-610 (English translation).
[14]  Influence of the wind-waves dissipation processes on dynamics in the water upper layer' (2006). Ocean Modelling, v. 11, p. 193-213 (with P. Tkalich)
[15]  Testing and Verification of the Wind Wave Model With the Optimized Source Function (2008). Oceanology. 48, #1, pp7-14 (5 coathors)
[16]  Comparative study performance of wind wave model: WAVEWATCH-modified by the new source function (2009). Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 2009, V3, #1, pp42-55 (with V. Innocentini)